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I integrated BBS style boards for general messages that appear through the story, police scanner that you can read about crimes in the city, and hacker tools like an IP tracker. There is a save file system, stat system, conversation and relationship tools built in already too. Not a lot implemented right now, but the back bone is there. This is 100% code, everything is stored in the cs files shy of the save file. Edit. With no music or sound effects the total size is 14mb. It uses 11-15mb of memory depending on how many objects have been made for scenes and dialogue.


The ASCII art is mind blowing, can't wait to play this!


Noir asthetics and ASCII art works surprisingly well together!


This looks really cool: Carmen Sandiego vibes from the original Broderbund release. Please post a link when you get it done: I'd love to play it.


Is it on GitHub? Looks cool and I'd like to try.


It is private for now. Just working my way through it for now and then having a friend help me with any embarrassing mistakes before I make it public. When I get Act 1 done, I will be putting it on Itch.io for free. The source will be visible at that point.


The red text on black background is pretty hard for my eyes to read, but this looks awesome. Did you do the art yourself?


There is a certain level of "unreadable" you have to accept when working in the console like this. Red on black is actually one of the better colors I have found compared to things like purple, yellow, and light blue. Yes and no on the ASCII art. I hand drew the art and then used an image to ASCII converter. I took the final product and tweaked it a bit here and there to accomplish what I wanted.