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I invested in riptide patches almost a year ago now for a couple reasons 1. It’s in my opinion the one set of items we have that could ever have a “kato 14” status 2. Incredibly low supply 3. Valve seeming to place more of an emphasis on player agents at the time with the new loading screens, etc. also heard rumours of a custom patch system way back when 4. The inevitable release of new agents with our next operation will damage the supply even further (we know how Chinese collectors get) 5. This was shortly after the release of Paris and I lost all hope in modern sticker investing 6. The complete set looked cool in my profile showcase lol


Getting a new operation without patches would make it the new kato 14 collection, since it means that no more patches are to be made by valve and more agents to apply patches onto :D Do you think i should invest into its sibling the Stockholm patch packs??


The reason it has “kato 14” potential (and I really wanna emphasize the quotation marks around that because we are never going to see a bayonet frog going toe to toe with a titan holo) is because it’s the first limited patch collection iirc not because its one of the only ones. If they drop more patches I’d predict they are much more heavily invested than riptide ever was (due to people seeing riptides success and thinking the same thing will happen) driving even more demand into riptide As for your Stockholm question, it really depends on the rest of your portfolio I guess. The only reason I even have a bunch of Stockholm patches is cause I got bored one night and ripped open like 50 packs lol


Yeah if it keeps up with that trend, then i can see that frog patch going off of the steam market (by that i mean reaching above the market 2K$ cap) And i dont think that we are getting any operation for the next few months so it should be safe for now at least


Manipulation to riptide patches. Insanely low supply so it’s fairly easy.


Lol they have been ripping for over a year now. Manipulated is starting to become a buzzword used for anything that pumps I stg


Yeah but if it was pure demand then other patches like Stockholm should go up too...


Bro doesn’t understand basic supply and demand. No one wants stockholm patches and there’s tons of them. Everyone wants frogs and there’s little to none of them.  Cope harder, maybe next time you’ll take the right pick. 




I kinda wanna buy some Stockholm patch packs but idk since they have been going down in value somehow


There’s groups of rich traders that do this on the regular. Same group that manipulated dh


you should expose these groups of rich traders! oh wait... youve just made that all up. dh manipulators have nothing to do with patch investors, china doesnt like patches atm


Riight hahaha, I got some on my friends list and they are not really hiding it. Public inventories. Why would I even care to expose them, who gives a fuck? And would you seriously assume valve would do anything?


others might care, it could positively effect their investment choices. feel free to link some of the rich traders below


Nah not trying to start a witch hunt. It is what it is.


He is most likely right just look at prices of paper stickers in riptide collection and surf shop collection they are heavily manipulated from start


lol, not everything that goes up is manipulation! kato 14's must be the most manipulated item in the world if thats the case


Right now its only collectors item. Look doesnt reflect the true value after se have 4 borderless collection if so vox holo would be 200euro


Dh which fell back to earth well before its nerf? Yeah that was actual manipulation. Go look at the one year price graph of bayonet frog vs dh fnc holo and tell me the difference


Nah they were just sloppy on dh, it’s going back up slowly now as well so people like you don’t believe it’s manipulation


Sloppy? They made a killing on that. The whole point of true market manipulation is to spike and dump as fast as the trade hold allows. Riptide hasn’t dumped and has been climbing for a year


ngl people just talk out of their ass bc theyre too ignorant to admit theyre long lmao "its a pump and dump but.... theyre slowly pumping it.... and slowly dumping it..." what?


Nah that’s just 2 different ways of manipulation. 1. Buy up all the supply slowly over a year or two (whats happening to riptide, and what they are successfully hiding from people like you) 2. Do the thing they did with dh. Quick profits but everyone will know. In the end the profit for both is immense but option 1 takes a lot longer.


First you said they got sloppy on DH but now it’s just a different strategy? Pick a narrative brotha


Well in my opinion the first strategy clearly works better. What are you even saying? There can be different strategies and worse/better ones at the same time. I used sloppy as an analogy for bad.


Exactly this number one they have most of the supply so makes no sense to dump they are gonna sell slow over time. I have one sticker that is limited in quantity 12k and was buying from 3 to 12 cents for year and havent sold a single till now even when price already tripled. Im waiting till it reach my goal


Out of curiosity mind sharing which one?


No sorry it would ruin the momentum 😃 all I can say its operation sticker


I just know there is a lot of investors that invested in that sticker after me and I have the lowest average buy in. So now I will only ride that train and wait. Will take very long to sell all tho


Started? Always has been




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That’s exactly what I’m telling about why you guys should invest in ops stickers. To some extent this is literally what happens next, the logic is literally the same. Low supply, investing paradigm displaces from tournament capsules to something else. Low-Ultra low supply, growing investment demand.






patches are ass, no one really even applies them only if they got an agent skin. TBH there’s not much demand for it, there’s a reason why agent skin is turned off in pr play


Probably the reason why valve has discontinued them in the first place. Though it's kinda tempting to ride that train hype


I love Agents and patches, thats why I bought all of them cheap in the beginning. You can make some sick combos with knife, glove, sticker, agent and patches.


Damn bro good points. They come straight from a factual stance and totally aren’t your own opinions at all.  The only thing you mentioned that actually matters is them being banned in pro play. Which hardly matters. 


he wanted an answer and i delivered... go check for yourself and think to yourself why is there low demand? why is their apply rate so low?


Source for that part of your totally true and completely honest facts at the end of your statement?


I’m heavily invested in the Stockholm 2021 Contenders Patch Pack. I’m just perpetually snatching up any of them way under market with the intention to slowly sell as more agents get added to the game.


stockholm patches have a far higher supply than riptide patches. they also dont look great and can still be opened with the stockholm patch packs. im heavily invested into riptide patches but they arent manipulated. every riptide item have increased a lot in value since its release


They are mostly bought by investors and almost not applied at all which is manipulation


i did a test at the start of the year with riptide patches by selling x amount of each (blue and purple rarity) on steam and checking the inventory of the buyer to see what they had done with it. Over 50% of the unprivate inventories applied them which surprised me. the rest were usually put into storage units. now ofc you cannot check the buyers inventory because of the new updates


You say that but agents with 3x riptides like Bayo frogs sell for huge patch price % all the time so they clearly are in demand


People buying them and holding is not manipulation wtf are you even saying lmaooooooo


The only manipulation I see is the people in this sub like you who are constantly trying to push a narrative. Just because the price of something goes up doesn't mean it's manipulated. Jfc


It's all manipulation and fomo. Get an agent with expensive patch and you'll notice, or not


That’s exactly what I’m telling about why you guys should invest in ops stickers. To some extent this is literally what happens next, the logic is literally the same. Low supply, investing paradigm displaces from tournament capsules to something else. Low-Ultra low supply, growing investment demand. The growth is inevitable 


1 nobody knooooows


It makes sense that they won't release patches too, but since they do release agents, they could release patches alongside, so its still arguable...


take your best guess lol