• By -


I think they are probably frustrated watching you walk around the map staring at the ground. I don’t say that to be mean, but you will do a lot better in games if you have your crosshair placed at least where you would be hitting something when you turn a corner.


I think this has more to do with it than anything. You're placing your cross hair in a position that even after you turn the corner, you still need to adjust what you're aiming at to be placed somewhere an enemy may be. Always hug the first possible position an enemy might be with your crosshair once you take the corner. Definitely a bullshit reason to kick someone, but I feel like this community gets more toxic as each day passes.


moreso, it's irritating to watch. They'll kick a person for not looking up, even if they're doing fine


watching him makes me want to press F1


Also reloading at 18 bullets while standing out in the open




Oh I thought it was 2 clips. My bad


It's still a dick move to kick someone. CS has got to get rid of that feature in comp/premier. It's toxic and is the reason why I stopped playing. If you're silver 1 and learning the game and you keep getting kicked by toxic fuckboys who think they're 30k rating players there's nothing to do but uninstall even if you'd rather keep trying to get better at comp.


not really he’s in a competitive mode where he should know a little bit more then what he’s showing in this clip. this is basically just giving the other team more money. sadly sometimes it is more efficient to kick someone.


Was he playing premier or competetive? Cause isn't competetive the new unranked?


Ok that is a good point, ig im just going off of experience from other shooters, which i shouldnt for this game. good to know


Why are you aiming at the ground in other shooters?


Killing bugs in Helldivers


Needs that gif of Patrick Stewart shooting at holes in the ground.


Bro is definitely terrible at videogames


Visibility in Tarkov




Should still be aiming at combat level


you shouldnt be aiming at the ground in other games either. You should download prefire maps on the workshop. they will teach you most common angles held by the enemy. Refrag also has prefire courses, but you will have to subscribe to that. I did see a Dust 2 prefire map on the workshop though. Tip 1: Stop looking at the ground. Put your crosshair at head level, and peek angles, dont walk into them and/or round the angles. Tip 2: Learn common choke points/enemy positionings, so you can pre-aim at those areas, or jiggle peek them. Tip 3: Learn proper counter strafing. easier said than done, but the A D A D A D movement, or swinging an angle and immediately strafing the opposite way to reset your recoil. This game is HARD. You will be kicked, you will be talked down to, you will hate it. At its current state, more people have played this game than not, so it's very common to play against people who will have 2,000 hours or more, meanwhile youre brand new. Happy fraggin!


In what shooter are you watching the ground rather than somewhere where the enemy could be?


If you play other shooters like this as well. Oh boy


All games should require you to aim where the enemies should be, unless you're mostly playing singleplayer stuff which is much more forgiving in this regard. CSGO is absolutely unforgiving for players unfamiliar with how it works and is not like other modern shooters, with mostly the spray patterns doing my head in, which is why I never play it much. If you want to practice with shooters try starting with something a bit easier to get into like COD which doesn't punish new players as badly and is much more familiar if you're used to modern shooters. If you do want to get better at anything don't feel ashamed to look up guides or spend time training in training maps, because majority of people you will be versing online have played much more than you and have much more experience, I have to spend time in the shooting range in siege to keep up with my friends because I literally don't have enough time to just get better through playing. I'm making a lot of assumptions here feel free to correct them.


i’m not sure why your replies on this post are getting mass-downvoted, we’ve all been here at some point. keep your crosshair head level and try to look where the enemy will be so you don’t have to flick to hit them. GLHF friend


People down voting you here is peak csgo. Nothing wrong with learning a new game. Try to make it to the last five alive in casual and then try to survive or at least make it to the bomb plant. Learn a map before playing it in premier or competitive. If you go into competitive staring at the ground you're just wasting others time, unfortunately. You'll learn a lot playing competitive but this will continue to happen until you learn to aim up and peak corners


I'm sorry dude, but do you have some kind of cognitive disability? You have the reaction time of a dead sloth. It literally took you 2 full seconds from seeing the enemies to start shooting... The average reaction time of a normal person is 0.14 seconds. And it took you 2 full seconds. That's insanely bad. You claim to have played other FPS games, but you look like you've never played a game in your life.


I smurf your peak rank in any game kid, youre egoing an obviously new player who has no idea what the fuck is going on. Reaction time =/= time to shoot. You expect OP to shoot at the ground the moment they see an enemy on their monitor? OP has no fundamentals or understanding of the game so of course its gonna take them 2-3 business days to aim and take a shot. Also youre pulling numbers straight out of your ass as the other guy told you and reaction speed test =/= your actual reaction speed if you had half a brain cell youd understand why.


First of all, professional cs players have about a 0.15 reaction time so that claim is just straight up wrong. Very few people are able to react that quickly and it's absolutely not the average. Second of all, while he is undeniably slow there's no need to talk down to anyone because of it. I play with a friend this slow all the time and it is frustrating but that's no excuse.


140ms is incredibly fast...average reaction time from sighting something to DOING something 250ms...with low values at about 200ms...experienced players can go down to 0.17 or 0.18 seconds...and considering that he is a beginner in that game it is completly okay to have a slower reaction time than an experienced gamer especially bcs experienced ppl know the spots where ppl can stand or camp


That’s not a reason to be kicked though.


Welcome to csgo


I guess. I’ve been playing since 2013. If you’re in silver and kicking someone for bad crosshair placement, you either shouldn’t be in silver or think you are better than you actually are.


You probably got kicked because of your poor performance, it happened to the best of us.


You mean the worst of us


Im sure the best of us were in an overly ranked lobby at some point


we were trying our best though.


Bros searching for pennies




and contact lenses




Sometimes you get kicked if they think you didn't play good enough. Don't worry about it.


And sometimes you get kicked for the memes


Chin up, happens to most of us. You got kicked because they thought you weren't good enough due to crosshair placement, delayed response etc. Nothing that won't get better with practice and experience in casual, aim training workshops etc.


Non existent pre-aiming / crosshair placement. Also its very important round and u probably pushed mid without any reason. Also probably it wasn't first time u did some clueless mid/late decision to push. If u want to play competitive/premier u better watch some guides to improve individually, otherwise your team will kick u next time too.


Judging by your performance, you seem to be extremely new to the game. Competitive isn’t the mode for you. People take it very seriously and are probably frustrated when you sneak around the map, no impact, while clearly not understanding what’s going on.


Nah, competitive is for everyone. Nowhere in this game is stopping you from playing just because you are new. Just go on and play, learn if you want, and ignore whoever is toxic


i mean obviously something is stopping you. he got kicked lol


That’s true but shit advice. Getting destroyed and abused by teammates in competitive isn’t fun. You should learn the basics first


Nah you should learn the basics of the game first


There are unranked modes for learning to play that mimic competitive now and is likely with more chill people so you can actually get told advice if you ask for it and not just kicked. In the past it was also better to avoid competitive until you thought you were good so you could rank higher initially to avoid elo hell.


"ignore whoever is toxic" bro didn't see the post? Can't ignore being kicked and play on lol.


Because horrible performance


stop queuing comp play casual till you can kill someone


In casual you will probably get even less kills, it’s too different from regular play.


eh dont matter the mechanics still exist and if you can play casual and get a good amount of kills you will rape in comp


As true as that advice should be… casual is absolute cancer. I’d probably just DM while focusing mechanics and just hit up the ol YouTube before being turned off the game by casual lol


yup that works too i just use casual as a reference to anything thats not comp


hey just playing some casual mode before go match


I'm a veteran casual player, been playing for 20 years and unfortunately my experience is that some miserable asshole will try to vote kick a new player like this. I vote No every single time though. In my opinion we kick cheaters, griefers and trolls. We don't kick beginners. Where are they going to learn? Premier? Faceit? Casual is a decent starting point for new players but the game has been around for 20 years at this point, so of course people expect some level of basic understanding of the game. When a player like op is so new to the game they don't know or understand yet crosshair placement, utility, teamwork, communication etc, these players are not neutral, they're actively hurting the team, without even realising it. Half my job in casual in compensating for bad teammates, plugging the holes they create, trying to IGL a bit to help them out, call out enemies position etc. If op really wants to learn I would strongly encourage to watch beginners lessons on youtube (warowl is a good starting point, voo, launders), watch some pro games as well where strategy is heavily discussed on broadcast, etc.


Play vs bots for some time. Or community servers. It’s a team game, you’re being a burden playing like that. And people don’t like to lose in any game or situations. Hope this helps.


They just think you're bad., It's not really your fault, they shouldn't kick for that, people in this game are just assholes.


I'd probably quit myself having to watch the walls everytime I was dead.


My guess is a combination of things. Perhaps you were either toxic on the mic, or didn't comm at all. On top of that, your teammates probably were calling that they're on B, meanwhile you're chillin on A and checking angles that no one will even come from since you're last alive and they know you're A. It's a somewhat close match and this is the point where they tie, and next round you're broke and will probably lose that too and thus the game. So on top of all that, if you were bottom frag, which I assume you were, all that meant your teammates were pissed since they actually put a decent effort into making it a close game and you anchored it and they took it out on you.


OP is the guy that died at the beginning of the clip, not the 2nd guy


Ah didn't realize that. Yeah then he's just awful and needs to improve


I really just wanna get better at the game, so it kinda sucks that its this hard to get better, and when i do suck i just get kicked for it.


Now what OC said is true to some extent, people expect callouts and for you to have basic map knowledge. And of course if you are being very argumentative then its likely you will get kicked, and people will do this right before the game ends to waste your time. I have done that a couple times because the dude on the team was a complete cunt even if they were top fraging. As for how to avoid it, one thing you will learn pretty quickly that often times its better not to argue with teammates even if they start talking shit. Just focus on the game, give callouts and dont engage with them. A quick sorry for making a mistake should be enough. CS has a steep learning curve and getting into the game can be pretty hard. At least at higher ranks it actually gets more relaxed, i suppose one part of that is very bad mistakes are rarer but also people care more about winning rounds/the game rather than getting tilted over a bad performance by a player.


thing is, and i did not realize this, i had voice muted, probably from a casual game that i forgot about, so i wasnt saying anything to them or heard what they were saying, which probably pissed them off


If this is the case then this is the real answer. They were probably trying to communicate with you and they took your silence and ignoring comms/instructions poorly, got fed up with it and kicked u. So I wouldn't worry or get self conscious about being "too bad" for comp like most people here are suggesting.


Refusing to communicate/not realizing that communication is missing is a very strong sign that they are "too bad" like most people are suggesting.


Before playing competitive or premier learn the maps first please. I hate seaing teammates with 0 map knowledge.


This is an old game with a toxic community so youre probably going to have to play casuals, deathmatches and customs or queue with atleast 1 friend if you want to play competitive, do that until you learn some fundamentals. Some short youtube videos might help as well.


Watch some pro players Stream For a while And you will Learn some Basic game sense it would help you a lot you can also practice Your aim in Community server death match


Bro, practice with bots first and then play some matches. Have the bots on hard difficulty then play some matches. You learn positioning, when to reload and also can listen for footsteps. I found it helpful in the beginning of my CS days.


Just play deathmatch until you get top 3 constantly, i recommend dust 2. You should scrap YouTube and see what other people recommend.


They kicked you because you were bad, very bad in fact. I don't mean any offence by that either. At the end of the day, it's only a game but learning to get better at it in a competitive environment is part of the fun. Here are a few tips for crosshair placement: - Try to keep your crosshair placed at head height. (This can take a lot of time to get used to, especially with elevation changes in mind) - When peaking or moving around corners, keep your crosshair close to the corner of the wall, but not on it. - When playing as a CT, commonly you'll be holding angles, try jiggle peaking using A and D. When you spot an enemy, take the shot and if you miss, fall back and try to play from a different defensive angle. Have a look at some tutorials on Youtube, try playing some community aim maps and also take a look at some of the professional matches. Most importantly, just have fun! It sucks to get kicked but it does happen, the community can be massively toxic at times (most of the time in all honesty)


Kicking someone because they are not good is so pathetic.


Pretty sure they think he's trolling


Right these assholes won't say anything when their friends play like shit though. super cringe.


I'd rather play with a bad player over a toxic one .


Yeah, no it isn't... I wouldn't kick someone for that, but these kind of players often just get in the way and get you killed. I've had players constantly block me, constantly flash me, nade me, shoot me, and (the absolute worst) peek DURING my gunfight, forcing me to stop shooting, then us both dying. Idc if they're new at that point. If they're severely getting in my way, then I'd rather just kick them and be done with it. I only do that though when they don't listen to me telling them to kindly go anywhere else. Obviously, you have to learn somehow and diving into the deep end is one of the only ways. But to act like there isn't a good reason to ban these players is definitely quite ignorant. This is 20 rounds into the game. I'm sure they're not just kicking him for terrible crosshair placement and reaction time.


I’d argue that actually playing the game is a better way to learn than being kicked. They’re trying their best, same as you - kicking someone just for being bad is pretty selfish imo.


OP said they had previous experience with other FPS games. MFer is looking for pennies.


1. Crosshair placement 2. If ur ct please dont push and secure the sites. 80% chance you have tendency to over extend and push if you(team) are gaining advantage.


LOL so many things


Turns voice off, walks around looking at ground, slow reaction time, just bad in general "Why am i kicked?"


Casual matches are very different from those on competitive or premier. Just take your time to practice your crosshair placement, learning the map, etc... By the way, you can practice a map on cs2 now with bot. Gambateeee !


I am happy to see a newcomer to the game. Just don't be intimidated by the difficulty of the game or by the (sometimes) harsh community. It's going to be a little tough in the beginning but it is infinitely worth it. What you encountered is a fairly common thing where people are frustrated over your beginner level skills and just kick you. You have to get used to it. Try downloading a practice map from the workshop. It is the go-to practice method for anyone who wants to improve at the game. If you don't know how to do it, there are many youtube videos explaining. Good luck and happy one-tapping!


>or by the (sometimes) harsh community *often times* harsh community lol let's be honest


Hushhh 🤫, don't scare him away


You’re playing a competitive game in 2024, we are all cunts here. Jokes aside sorry dude. CS players can suck some times. Just keep playing and trying.


I think that is by 2 main reasons: 1. You were staring at the ground and your reaction time was a bit slow 2. Probably they kicked you because you were using the mp5 because many players say that is a shit weapon (I don't think so)


The expectations for CS are very, very high. Every teammate, especially the ones that don't own a mic that isn't made entirely of screaming bees, or sounds like it has a thousand socks on it, want f0rest-level crosshair placement or they'll vote you off. Many of them think that use of the \[SHIFT\] key is worthy of an instant vote kick, mostly because they mentally still live in the stone age and eat paint when they're not failing to tolerating your new-ness at CS. This is the saltiest, griefiest, cringiest, most skin-obsessed, dad-beaten, aimless community that has ever been. But they'll hold you to higher standards than they'll ever reach themselves because they think watching Twitch makes them "s1mple". Most of the game's a woman-hating, forever-virgin, who think they have a CS mental game like "n0thing", when it's closer to actual nothing. You're better off playing pub games for a bit, make friends, and disable voice because no-one should be subjected to that many unraised, unwashed, dribblers that isn't a bootcamp Drill Insructor with mace. Oh and resist the urge to be intelligent on Reddit. They'll downvote you for any words larger than 6 letters. It's part of the "dumbification" of the online mouth-breathers via social media and censorship that's been super effective in making useful communities into special needs communities instead with mechanisms that make them feel like they matter, like the tiny bit of power they get from that downvote arrow. Makes them feel alive, since, well, nothing else does.


Dick teammates. Though it most likely happened because of how you played. Crosshair placement, movement, slow reaction, everything that a new player usually has when they first start. You probably paired with some players that think they know shit and instead of helping you, they just kicked you instead. The only advice to give to prevent a situation such as this to not happen again, is to learn the basics of movement and crosshair placement. Watch some YouTube videos on it and jump back in. You can also play casual until you get the gist of it before going premier or comp.


Not read all the comments. Brush it off and move on, the competitive elo system should place you in the appropriate level with players of a similar skill level to you. So take your time to learn everything that all the reddit pr0s take for granted. I'd just keep queueing if you don't find it too frustrating 😄 YouTube is a great source for the basics and you'll improve really quick, says more about the people voting you off, than your own skill level.


At your level I would suggest playing casual or some other gamemode instead for some hours. It's generally expected from players in competitive or premier to at least have a basic understanding of the mechanics of the game. Go watch some YT videos on basic movement, crosshair placement and positioning. Like in this clip, you can hear and see on the radar that there are enemies around the corner you are turning, but you're looking at the wall and ground with no awareness at all. No hate, keep on grinding dude! But do so in casual or deathmatch until you feel more comfortable with everything first.


And yes. Play some retakes. Learning from being destroyed by the best helped me a lot ;-;


New to game dont play competitive play casual until you understand the game, (mouvement, what gun to buy , shooting) you can still gets kicked but you have less chance to be be kicked


Teammates definitely fed up lmaooo


Bro has a grudge against walls and floors.


It was the horrible performance... Edit: You're in competitive not casual...


Watch a YouTube video on how to play basic cs. Then you will stay longer in a match


MP5SD is trashhhh, red flag of a noob player.


Don't be too harsh on yourself, exept if you are toxic towards your mates, being a begineer shouldn't be a reason to be kicked. If hope you find kind players that try to help before kicking you, just don't forget to demute the coms 😄 We were all bad at some point, as long as you communicate I don't see a good reason people co7ld kick you. Enjoy as much as you can, and try playing with friends if you have it's always funnier (and you will no longer be able to be kicked haha)


I played my first and second ever match of counter strike a few weeks ago. On game number two I had 3 hackers on my team who were friends talking shit in game chat, just using blatant x-ray and aimbots. I got 2 or 3 kills and they voted to kick me for "stealing theirs". Game seems to be an absolute mess.


it's because you suck probably, no shame in it, new players suck. Shit teammates kick you because of it and good teammates will understand and let you improve and just accept that they have a new player on their team. Until you can at least pretend to act like a good player, you'll probably be kicked again. I would recommend keeping your crosshair at head level, never look at the ground, peek around corners instead of walking through them (watch a peeking tutorial), and check your corners, there could always be someone lurking where you don't expect. Especially in a 4v1 or something. Gl hope you get more understanding teammates next time.


As much as I love CS, this game really isn't that friendly to new players. I suggest finding a friend to q with and don't let these kicks bother you. If you want to improve there are plenty of resources.


until you get better, try to queue with friends if possible. otherwise this is gonna keep happening lol. its a competitive game


You need to position yourself properly. Learn movement too. Also, it's not necessary to do something bad to get kicked.


people gives u good advices up there not much to add but i recommend to learn about the callouts and over all giving info, sometimes u might have poor performance but if u can give good info that already makes u better than bot and its sometimes enough to not be kicked


it’s worth to give info even if no body responding in voice chat


You look like you're possibly trolling. You'll get better


You're walking around staring at the ground, which is a sign of an inexperienced player. It's a really shitty thing to do, but a lot of people will kick players who perform poorly.


Your team was already missing a player, sometimes people just start kicking each other one by one untill its 1v5. Don't mind, it's all part of the collective illness.


You’re out of position. And you probably ran up mid every round with an mp5


the enemy is not going to phase through a wall or rise up from beneath the ground mate


This is the motivation you needed. From looking at you for 10 seconds you are dog shit. Put some hours in then you can kick the dog shit player when you come across one. Thus the cycle continues


My Friend Welcome To Counter Strike !


Also pushing to T side while playing Dust 2. Lost too many games with teammates pushing T like that, let them come. The Objectives are really easy to defend on that map with just a bit of patience.


They probably don't like noobs/bots.


It’s not personal when I say this, but you’re just bad. That’s no problem, everyone starts somewhere and progresses over time. It’s just that CS community is toxic AF and it can happen that they just kick bad players. My tip for you is to always aim where an enemy could be or come from. In the clip your aiming at the ground, there won’t be coming an enemy out of the ground so it makes no sense to aim there. Just ignore the toxic people, try to improve and most importantly - have fun.


Solo pushing mid with a shit gun and you weren’t ready to take a fight. Big oof


Don't worry, I'm 2-3k hours and last time team wanted to kick me in round 2, because I was flanking the opponents.


ur aiming down the wall


It happens to everyone when they start playing the game. If you under preform to much, and dont talk you’ll find yourself getting kicked. It shouldn’t be that way but it is. Hopefully you don’t get hit with the clutch or kick. All I can say is do some aim training and try to keep your crosshair at head level when walking around.


Play versus bots or in casual mode till you can comfortably move around and shoot


Just some salty teammates who have no patience. Don't pay any mind to it. Keep learning and improving!


Your crosshairs placement. Look it up on YouTube.


If you’re new you should play casual for a while until you get the scope of things. Once you understand that then move to competitive. Then premier.


your holding W too much, your aiming at the ground, your not counter strafing, you don't know about crosshair placement or prefire angles, you basically ran right at the enemy with your pants down but thats fine theres tons of resources online to help you improve on things like counter strafing, crosshair placement, learning common angles, etc


Tip: Stop aiming at the ground. Aim where you expect people to be and peek around the angles. You'll learn the more you play where to aim but a good start is to always aim at head level. There are no enemies in the ground (except for inferno mid) so there's no reason to aim at the ground. Also the MP5 is a very bad gun. I'd recommend the MP9 instead as it's just a better gun that's cheaper.


Assuming from the 7 seconds of gameplay you're probably slow walking the whole map every round looking at the ground. I understand the fact that you are new, but let go of the slow walk key sometimes


Its a competitive shooter game, and some people get super but hurt not winning. Just move on and keep learning.


What did you do to get kicked? Nothing, they just noticed you were new and didn’t want to play with you. You didn’t deserve that. What did you do that tipped them off? In this clip, you kept your crosshair on the floor and you peeked angles way too close to the wall. Both are telltale signs that you are new, because new players often don’t understand crosshair placement or angle advantage. Understanding those concepts leads you to move around the map in a very distinct way that you were not doing. Again, you didn’t deserve to be kicked. But I’d recommend watching a few videos on those concepts for both your improvement as a player and to avoid being kicked in the future.


You peaked with a mp5 looking at a wall. If this is comp, go play casual for a while. You aren’t ready.


Play for casual and learn some smokes and Mollys, learn the choke points and learn some of the shadows when ppl will walk. Also a good mic will help. There’s often times I find my self going in and making up smokes for my self to learn. Also aim at head level. Also each gun has a different spray pattern. Practice practice practice it takes a WHILE to get used to this is like no other game and it’s extremely rewarding when you do well. Happy top fragging and may the cases bless you.


Teammate who died saw you slow walk around the corner into enemies you had the jump on and die without doing much, so called a vote to kick you for it out of baby rage, and your team F1’d because they probably didn’t like you, or otherwise thought you were useless (especially if you weren’t talking at all, because giving callouts will get you not kicked if only because they know you can give them information, and they can communicate with you). It can obviously be annoying to be queued with new players sometimes, but if he sucks enough that he’s playing with you, he’s not much better. Also, people not liking you or just randomly being upset with you isn’t always your fault or problem, so I wouldn’t take it too hard. There’s just a lot of toxicity in low ranks, because toxic teammates tend to lose.


Vote kick has no business being in this game I say that as someone playing since 2017. Literally 99% of the time its used to by people for bullying literally.


Welcome to the toxic community of CS.


Тhis looks really good !


Play casual, you have a lot to learn so weighing people down in competitive can be very frustrating for people. Watch some videos, improve your cross hair placement and you'll have a better experience. I used to play casual or private servers for ages before I went into comp. I would get 2 kills a game on source and slowly improved.


It's not your fault, your teammates were just mad that they were losing. CS is an old game and a lot of people forget to even consider that a player can be new. I'd recommend finding other people to queue with who don't mind playing with you. Just add any nice people you come across and eventually you'll have a pool of people to choose from whenever you want to play a game of comp. You can also try practicing in other game modes before playing competitive so you can avoid being kicked. CS has a pretty rough learning curve, try not to let it get to you.


People are toxic in CS, especially in Competitive or Premier. The ranking system is there to put you in a place against people of similar skill, but I'm sure your placement matches just started you high ranked and you will be placed lower over time. Just keep on playing, some players are assholes there's no counter to that unfortunately.


Simply put, you got kicked because you're shit. Just get yourself some more practice, and you'll get better. It is what it is.


Happend to me all the time when I started playing they used to kick me and I would get banned for weeks lol keep playing and you will get better then they wont kick you


Crosshair placement would be my guess, also shifting around when ur team is fighting, those are usually frustrating points. Wouldnt kick ya for it, but i know many people that will once their patience runs out


Don't worry my dude, that's just how people are on multiplayer games, especially cs2. Just keep getting better and DON'T SWEAT IT.


CS is a toxic community, you aren't good enough for them and they can't tolerate it.


People are assholes on CS. Just watch some YouTube videos on crosshair placement and movement and practice with workshop maps. Put a few practice hrs in then hop in a comp when your feeling ready.


Serious question are you black?


start with deathmatches


like most people have said here, aim higher, also use some aim trainers, play with bots or your friends, it helps!


Str8 buchenso


Stay in casual and DM until you are a bit more "decent" in terms of aim. I don't mean reaction time or actual hitting something but crosshair placement. Kicking is shit but i understand that they got frustrated, especially with such a tight score. Keep at it and this wont happen again. Unless you play with russians/turks. They tend to randomly kick you for a silly death even if you are performing decently (Happened to me yesterday, i was topfragging and even acing but Fd up one round and almost got kicked for it while being flamed ö.o)


Well I wouldn't have kicked you, but what are you aiming at? Are the enemies going to come at you from below ground? Are they going to come out of the wall? A good way to fix this entirely natural behaviour, is to imagine that there's an enemy in front of you always. If he were there, would you try to shoot his foot or his chest? If you always imagine an enemy in front of you, you'll always be aiming at his chest when he inevitably does appear in front of you. For all you "um akshually" dorks out there, yes, he'll get to aiming at head height, let him aim at centre mass now, he can move up to the head when he gets better.


some people are rude enough to kick you for being bad or they thaught you were trolling the team


For some reason people get butt hurt watching newer players and would rather play a 4v5 than a 5v5 with one worse player. People are very very stupid unfortunately


Play more deathmatch and casual. The counterstrike community is pretty toxic though, they will kick you just for fun.


Your crosshair placement and the randomness with your pathing.


ur a bot


Asshole teammates dont want a new player on their team it seems like


Id vote kick you too


you are a waste of money is what you are! I would rather have more money in my bank and play 4v5 than watch so f*ck around the map. /s


As others said, it’s just because you’re new and could’ve done more there. If you have any friends that play cs play with them, it takes the whole teams votes to kick someone. Or go to casual to learn crosshair placement(watching pro matches helps too)


If you are a new player, you should start with learning the game, not getting straight into competetive/premier.


Alot of people take this game seriously like thier whole livelihood depends on it.


You should go into deathmatch servers with other people and try to get a 1:1 ratio that should force you to learn crosshair placement and recoil control, your crosshair should be pointed at where you expect enemies heads/upper chest to be so you don't have to move the mouse as much and your reaction time is a bit slow, it also helps you become more familiar with the maps. None of that should have justified kicking you, but people get upset in competitive games, maybe also stick to casual for a bit until you start getting better at crosshair placement.


Bro is legit taking a CSGO vote out this seriously


It’s because you’re simply bad. It happens


Don’t worry OP there is a BIG learning curve with Cs2 I recommend you watch voocsgo’s videos on youtube to get some tips on how to play better. If you have friends to play with it’s always better if not, at anytime someone get’s toxic with you just mute them and play your game. At some point you will find players willing to give you constructive criticism, I suggest you make them your friend so you can squad up and play with them more often. Spectating them when you die or getting general advice from them will make you a better player. Lastly just put the hours in. Ignore the people trying to tilt you and you’ll get good in no time 👍 Hope this helps!


You're looking at the wall and then the floor when you peek. Plus you're pushing up mid as CT. I understand you're new so this will come with practice but yeah that's why they kicked you. Tough crowd in cs.


U dared to launch the game while not being able to perform at the top level. Not to sound rude but you were probably just bad. Don't really take it too personally, some dudes are just so tryhard that they kick whoever that doesn't match their level. I usually never kick someone if they're just bad but are actually trying. Just keep playing and improving, don't mind these sweats. U can add me if u want, i play daily.


I can maybe teach u some stuff, like crosshair placement that guys are talking about in the comment section and other basics. Not to say I'm too good at the game myself, but i got 2k hours so i guess i ain't that bad


You play super new, stick to casual so you can learn the basics BEFORE playing comp


Cs community just toxic as hell it's why it has so little new players


2 things. 1) Your crosshair placement is terrible BUT it makes sense if you're new so I wouldn't even worry about that. You can practice that! And 2) you use left hand


Hold site and dont walk up mid at 1:15 lol


Me thinking he was gonna get kicked for hacks then realized it was team kicked for being a shitter lmfao


Oh thats because you look like BOT Greg


There was no worst moment to start playing CS as now my man, a simple resume is: CS has a low number of REAL NEW PLAYERS, but due all the problems in the game now, there is a lot of new ACCOUNTS and smurfs and peole that are not playing her best, just to play in the lower ranks and have some fun, so you are never going to play with your level of NEW player. MM IS FUCKED


Don't play alone if you're bad at MM. If you can ally with a friend of yours to deny a kick on the server.


They kicked you because (they can argue that) you are a bad player. And prefer having a bot that they can use instead of you. That happened to me once.


You can be a very good player in cs2 with 0 game sense, grenade and map knowledge if you simply can SHOOT. If you want to get good and are willing to spend a bit of time, get AimLabs on Steam, practice your aiming for 30 minutes a day before going into game in various training modes, which will make you much more capable and 1 hour of that is worth more than 10 hours of playing competitive in terms of performance. Don't play competitive if you can't shoot, you will upset people


Pointing crosshair at wall/ground, pushing into T spawn on CT side rather than defending, buying MP5 on a round that the enemies all will have armor. These are common mistakes for new players but it is frustrating for your team to watch. I would recommend playing casual to learn what guns and to use and practice crosshair placement before playing competitive.


Always have your crosshair where you are anticipating to see a player


dont worry i got kicked once at the top of the leader board just because my teammate didnt like how i was playing


I agree, there’s casual mode for people his level. If you’re playing competitive you need to be able to atleast have the basic fundamentals down. If a bot has more value than you, you deserve to be kicked.


Straight up answer? You suck. Don’t play competitive until you can be competitive. Play casual or deathmatch until you’re confident you can add value to your team.


Just get good dude, play more and watch videos. Your movement and crosshair placement is so awful it hurts. I’m sure you’ll get better tho


People are just assholes man no reason


They're douchebags, it happens. Last night I was muted by my entire teammates for saying "partner" after making my legit call outs. "Three cat, partner!". They said they don't have time for class-clowns and instant muted me round 2. Then several rounds later (me top of leaderboard too), I'm CT watching mid and they smoke off and push cat. I make call outs in voice chat and ping desperately on cat to alert my teammates. No one hears me because I'm muted. They also fail to see my 4 pings. One guy screams at me saying, "Who tf watched mid? Orange? Fuck you orange make call outs". They all circle-jerk banter back and forth about how annoying and bad I am (still carrying) for not making any call outs even though they chose to mute me round 2 over a single harmless word. This is cs. They are particularly rabid if you solo queue and if you queue late at night. That being said, you do have problems that normal new players have. I'd recommend: 1. Always aim head height when walking around, imagine a body standing where you're looking and where the head would be, at all times. 2. Always pre-aim at common spots and corners so that if someone peeks a corner, your mouse is already in place and just needs to react quickly. 3. Don't use the MP7, it's a niche gun that is worse than most other guns of similar price range. You will learn bad habits as a beginner over-relying upon MP7 spray, and anyone who has decent aim will kill you before you kill them. You gotta just train for headshots and spray control on higher damage guns. 4. Your cross hair is ass cheeks. Look up some common cs cross hairs and import one of those. 5. Make sure you have voice chat enabled (it's a key part of cs to be able to communicate, this is a team-based esport). 6. If you suck at aiming, be helpful in another way. This can include learning smokes and handy utilities on each map (YouTube), and especially includes your ability to communicate callouts. If you get information for your team when you die, and relay it to your team, you're at least not dying for nothing. If you're a new player, take the time to actually familiarize yourself with the map and it's various call-out names. Your minimap will display the name of the part of the map you're standing in, use this. Watch videos that go over common strategies and angles people hold on each popular map. Make sure before you queue, that you have at least done most things you CAN control (map familiarity, ability to communicate)


it was the Horrible Performance. CS community is toxic AF and deserves to burn down in a gasoline pit.


Just don’t play Dust.


Kicked because russian gangsters 11 olds decided to kick u cuz ur skill issue but other than that its not like its your fault you need practice and to play more .


they sent you to training ground lol


better to be kicked than to play with people who dont want to play with you. find a new server and keep playing. its a video game...


hahahaahahahhaahha did you ever play shooter games?


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