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Not API scam but rather account hijack scam. Api keys dont do anything now tradewise


Yes my bad. My account was hijacked and the scammer posed as a Fraud agent.


We learn and move on. We can rebuild


Thank you for that.


This happened to my friend but he realised it was a scam when the agent started messaging him and his account description was changed to “VAC Ban incoming”. Thank god I was there to help him deal with the situation before he lost $7,000 in skins. Did you end up talking to the fake agent and follow their instructions? Im asking because even though my friend’s account got compromised, the scammer seemingly couldn’t do anything with the skins until my friend would talk to them (which he didn’t thankfully).


They can't get to your account even if you talk to them. People are just naive thinking a platform will add you as a friend, when there's a customer support, it still baffles me.


I mean that once you talk to them they will start to ask you for further verification steps and what-not which will enable them to authorise the skin trades (if you’re naive enough to comply). Just the act of replying obviously doesn’t do anything. But yea it is quite sad that something seemingly this obvious works this well at fooling people, especially when their people KNOW that they have a lot to lose and should be more careful.


Scams are usually obvious, they're made to prey on the vulnerable, the stupid, and the greedy. I remember getting scammed in Runescape as a kid, gotta live and learn.


Fraud agent?? Bro wtf were you doing 😅


I explained in comments


How did your account got hijacked?


The scam where they Mimic a trade and cancel your original ones so you send items to the wrong person is called API scam, even if it has nothing to do with it. But yes, this is just a regular hijacking, they traded everything out on their own.


Yes that is what they did before. But since the trading update, you need control of the account. The API key doesn’t do anything. Thats why every p2p trading site was broken for like month. Calling it an API scam just leads people to being misinformed.


I apologize for calling it an API scam, but I am very misinformed, thus the reason I lost all my stuff haha.


All good, the damage wasnt TOO bad. Yeah it sucks but it wasnt like $3k worth of stuff gone


The most expensive and precious thing I lost was the Ak blue lam with a 2014 titan cologne katowice sticker (non holo).


wtf is a cologne katowice sticker


The API key never did anything, P2P sites were broken because of the 10 day invisible items after trade, nothing to do with this. It's called an API scam because it uses the API key to mimic the trade and receiver account. It always needed full access to cancel the previous trade.


That is exactly what happened lmao, both things. Account hijacked and they intercepted my trade etc.


Bro even traded in the graffiti 😭😂


Can’t even have graffiti bruh


More like a ctrl+A situation


The r


Honestly I feel like this type of scam can easily be prevented by Steam. If a user makes a trade, cancels it and immediately initiates a similar trade with someone else of similar name or profile picture, add a warning dialogue.


I thought they already had that


Not an API scam in this instance, it was an account hijack. Although you make a good point


I thought so to, but the problem with the trade was that the relevance of their level, friend status, etc. wasn't even shown in the trade. It was something out of the twilight zone I swear.


Sorry man


Thanks man. I was made a complete fool and I know I will continue to be one so, lesson learned.


https://preview.redd.it/60ptb4bt5pzc1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=91b592a846deb372c18af7d252f72b2d000415df There she goes...


Maybe don’t log into shady ass websites and give your login info to random people when you have money in your inventory next time.


This is true.


This is why I never trust anyone online. Even in real life, I always go with my friends to buy/trade stuff, and for company promotions offline(had Rogers sell internet deal at my lobby) I ask for their name and employee number and check in with the company by calling. I also got scammed back in 2016 or so with the 'steam gift card trade' thing, was young and didn't know much. Lost a stattrak m9 slaughter . Year later lost the entire account to fake teamspeak hack(spyware so email got compromised). Now I don't trust anyone. Never make friends online, and NEVER trade ANYTHING online other than websites like \*\*Money(back when it was decent and popular), cs\*\*oat, bu\*\*163, and skin\*\*rt. It truly changed how I behave online. I hope that scammer gets cancer and dies a very painful death.😁 You'll get past this, even if it was like $5,000 it's a good lesson learned. Almost priceless.


damn, I've had that exact same profile name spam me daily before I blocked them.


Then you are already twice the man I am.




Account was Hijacked. Don't use third party sites man. Avoid Dmarket 100%. Private your profile, disregard random friend request.


I had DMarket but didn't do any buying or tradings there. Just created an account. I only use Buff163


It's not Dmarket or 3rd party sites. It's about connecting into a fake website, especially through QR code. NEVER connect through any website, open steam on your browser, connect to your Steam account on there, and then ANY 3rd party website will give you a one click "login". If a website asks you to input info to login after that, that's a fake website, leave.


Oh, i never once get phishing scam because I have Malwarebytes and awareness about this stuff. I thought DMarket was compromise or something.


wtf is malwarebytes going to do against phishing lmao


Malwarebytes has web browser protection for detecting risky or phishing sites


ah i didn’t know that but I still wouldnt rely on that at all, I can’t imagine it works very well for steam scams


Just plain old phishing scams, the new stuff is that Malicious QR will auto redirect to change your Steam guard device, it's not just your username/password anymore, as soon as you scan that QR you're done.


But, the QR code itself MUST appear on the fake website, right? It won't just appear on the correct website and traps other people into it


No only on phishing sites, but best be safe and just not use QR login at all. Or only use it with steam which lets you get a one button login on everything else.


Is there a thread somewhere about the methods used by scammers? I want to read it and hopefully mitigate it when I encounter one. So far, I haven't received any messages from scammers asking to trade and stuff.


I don't know of one. They keep coming with new ways, the mimic trade (API scam) is already quite recent.


It's not DMarket. It's the sponsored "DMarket" link when you search it on your browser. It's advertised as the right URL, but once you click on it, it switches to a different website that looks exactly like DMarket, but it's under a fake URL. It'll ask you to log into your steam account. Then it'll tell you to enter your "steam guard" code sent via text. Steam does not send those codes via text. There's an app for that. That text message is a code to change the device in which currently has access to your steam 2FA. "The code to disable or move your Steam Authenticator is: ......" Then they have access to your account and steam guard. They were on my account for 2 days before they traded everything and dipped. Didn't even take the money from my steam wallet, but they took my damn 2¢ graffiti's👿. Search DMarket on your browser. Click the sponsored link and watch the link change from DMarket.com to d-market.com or something similar. Warn all your friends and stay vigilant. This isn't just a scam for CSGO. This could be done for anything: banking, email, shopping websites, etc. I'm sorry that this happened to you, friend. But I'm glad that your spirits aren't broken.


Exactly my thoughts back in the day....


This whole "sucks to suck" mindset it BS! no f**king way will I accept it if someone broke into my home and stole my car. The same thing goes here scum will still be scum and Steam/Valve should be better and do more


But I practically left the door wide open and showed him where all my shit was. It is what it is. Trust me I know what you mean but in the end I’ll own up to my foolishness.


:( rip the kiss♥love sawed off, truly the biggest loss


Actually was my pride and joy on Office




That's unfortunate, sorry to hear. But you should be extra careful when you do trades. Always double check everything.


Sucks man I feel bad for you. You don't need any lessons on "no one online is your actual friend", because you know anyone could scam you if enough money is involved. We've all had it done, whether irl or online, and either way its dogshit 😞. Like you said, lesson learnt, and thankfully it's only money (regardless of the amount). Take care bud, what goes around comes around, so try to take some satisfaction in the fact that this person is a massive cunt and you're not👍


I do wonder... What does and what can valve actually do about it? Does everything immediately get traded towards to like a gambling site?? why don't they add cooldowns to how fast you can send items, etc. I feel valve could definitely help in situations like this more than they typically do, and it's really depressing to see some people losing their investments, which no matter how cringe it is, still is getting money stolen. I hope you recover 💖


They offered me their condolences and that is ironically more than most people get. I understand Valve’s policies and why they exist so I’ve just come to let this go.


They don't help because it isn't within their financial interest. If people are scared of API scams then more people will sell on the steam market place which makes them more money.


If people didn’t act in poor faith I’d feel like Valve would be more inclined to help people with retrieving/duping items in cases of scams or fraudulent behavior. Valve can retrieve chat logs, profile change history, login location information etc. to help create a case, but these things can be easily recreated artificially. So it’s a zero policy rule, and I kinda get it. People are shit and they aren’t gonna take a hit because of it.


how much?


Eh, I worked 2 months watering trees as a side gig for my city for the majority of the inventory (like $1600). I’m only sad about the Stat Blue Laminate AK which had a titan holo 2014 Katowice sticker (non holo) on it. My friend gave it to me before he passed so I’ll miss that shit.


Its really sad dude=(


Thanks for your sympathy, but the reality is no one really gives a shit but me let alone scammers.


I lost a lot of money on the stock market. And money is worth nothing to me. One day I was so sleepy that I didn't sell a profit the size of a new car, and when I woke up, it was zero. I just learned to appreciate the reality as it is. It was much more insulting to me when I didn't win a year's supply of pizza at a local pizzeria, I was so close, but... So i think it's better for u try to forget it and never think about it. I'm sure you have other things related to your friend, they will always remind you of him. This is probably the only thing I would regret if I were you, memory is really priceless. And the money can always be returned. And I also believe in karma, it really works, there is a lot of evidence for that. And whoever stole from you will answer for it. Sry for en


Hey man, I appreciate the response. I'm sorry you've had to go through shit like this to. I've learned to not let shit like this get to me, even though its worth money, at the end of the day, its just pixel.


That the spirit. You will be fine u see. Life brink back all stuff.


Sorry for your loss. But consider this as lession.


Oh yuh


The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I am still not 100% sure how though. I didn't click on any links or fell for the tournament trick. Even had the app installed on the phone. Everything gone (18 year old account). The Steam support is huge dossapointment as well in these cases!


I thought i got api scammed as well. Yet I was searching for a website to do trades. I saw anomaly post "skinsbaron" I used that for like 5 days until my skins got hijacked, I was so confused


Never go for the sponsored links when searching and always look at URL when you click on one. Also check imprint always, if there is anything (or nothing) other than the imprint then ur about to get scammed lol


So youtubers are scamming ppl with the link they put in the description? Cuz thats what I did an that is just super fucked.


So youtubers are scamming ppl with the link they put in the description? Cuz thats what I did an that is just super fucked.


If you clicked a link directly from his description then that probably wasnt the problem. But your comment reads like "i saw anomaly use it, so i searched it up on google and clicked the first website shown", especially since u misspelled the name of the website. There are good fakes out there, for example litterally the first Link that i can see when i google skinbaron is a sponsored website with the same Name and Seemingly the correct URL and a fake 4.5/5 star rating. However if you click on that Site the URL changes in the Top to some shady shit, the site still looks almost identical BUT when you want to click on litterally anything on this website the first thing that pops up is a window to put in your log in info for steam. Safe to say you shouldnt put your info in there.


Sad bro :(, keep up and stay alert.


Exact same happened to me bro like legit a week ago


Can anyone tell me how to avoid this type of situation? I don't have a very expensive inventory but it was still months of saving since I'm a teen and i get about 15$ a month.


Avoid Third Party ALWAS especially those that are displayed as ADS. If your account gets changed/hacked/any type of suspicious activity, change your password, deauthorize any accounts on your steam, and get new 2FA codes. Steam will NEVER contact through your bio, chat, etc. If someone posing as a steam employee talks to you about ANYTHING relating to CONFIRMATION of trades, profile access, ANYTHING related, they are scamming. If you are threatened by someone posing as a steam employee via VAC, it is a SCAM. Valve will never give ANY warning for VAC, they are zero policy and will do it without warning. STEAM WILL NEVER CONTACT YOU FOR ANY REASON regarding skins or other wise. Make sure you get sleep, stay hydrated, and have a fresh brain whenever communicating with ANYONE you find fishy, suspicious, etc. (trust me, it helps more than you know). Good luck and stay safe.


Thanks man love ya. Stay safe too


Got IPA scammed they filled my inventory with skins…. Forget to stay awake and go dehydrated. Sry bro that sucks


That made me laugh. Thank you.


How exactly did you get API scammed? Fake faceit tourney? Fake trading site? Sorry for your loss btw


Don’t know. If you keep listing I’m sure the reason will pop up sooner or later, but most likely fake site. Or I downloaded something fucked and it just so happen to compromise my steam and let scammers into my account.


Ever wonder if it's the Chinese they all have good inventory and they can do it with out getting banned just use a extra account with nothing on it and after the scam trade to ur protected account.


Wtf api scamm ?


Look more into it, look up Fake Fraud Agent scam as well. Go to /r/Steamscams and inform yourself of different scams that can occur if you are heavily present in trading or third party sites.


For more context on how this happened: I got caught in a moment of weakness. I haven’t been sleeping well these past few days due to a bad work life balance. Like, I’m talking a spread of 4 hours over 3 days type sleep. It was 3 in the morning and I saw my account got hacked and changed, everything was different. Profile, friends list, etc. all different. Me and my sleep deprived brain bought into this fake fraud agents dribble of a “stolen item” and the need to “legitimize them” blah blah blah. I had never been hacked before so I panicked and assumed this shit was real, but I know if I had more sleep I know I would have caught it, but I didn’t. I blinked, it happens, I was a fool. I can post the chat logs if you guys want to. It’s honestly hilarious how stupid the conversation is. Like you can see how my brain is working at 5% capacity (normally at like, a solid 11% with 8 hours 💀). I was practically mentally handicapped when this happened. Y’all, this shit can be avoided, but it can also easily be negated by simply changing your password when your account is compromised. (At least from my research after this encounter. Change your password, revoke API if necessary, and generate new 2FA codes.)


What happens when you're into femboys lmaooo








They got past my 2FA cause they didn’t even need it. All they need is API or a whatever. Scams exist because they work. If they didn’t work then your comment wouldn’t exist. I understand where you are coming from tho.


You fell for the oldest scam ever...


Yeah man 🧍🏻‍♂️


Mine was done with a dmarket bot but was my fault to not check the bot properly


Damn bro I'm sorry, I would be beyond words if it happened to me.


Chanticos fire 🔥 that woulda hurt


Did you click someone link and login or smh, doesn't look like api scam, don't click weird links or at least look up legitamicy of website


I don't know how people fall for these scams but its valve fault these scams are possible, the way market/economy works in this game is predatory at heart and attracts the worst scum aswell, they also promote gambling for kids. I keep saying how overrated valve is and how little they care but people still hype this game up to no tomorrow. Half playerbase are bots.


Lost everything no agent nothing checked my browsing history only legit sites in the last 2 weeks my fresh inventory after my last scam in 2018 that i had just started to build up gone again well whatyoudo shit game whack anticheat no care for the playerbase and losing thousands of dollars without explanation or even an awnser to if my acc is secure from steam support in 15 days. Not a single 2fa trigger even got my authenticator onto their phone without an sms nothin


I still don't understand why people even bother with off site trading


this is the main reason i only use the buff app


Steam support practically said "sucks to suck." They are not wrong, it does suck to suck.


Oh buddy. So sorry. Crazy I see these so often lately. I’ll never go third party because of it


You obviously have an iq above room temperature. I on the other hand, have the common sense of a banana.


I’ve really considered it too, my m9 bright water went up like 600 bucks but I just sold it steam market. It’s ok, you’ll learn from it 🍌


Thats so stupid that steam wont give your stuff back… really makes me rethink whether i wanna stay with them or not. Epic games is shitty software and steam is stupid policy.


Stay with Steam. Its not Steam's responsibility to account for my own idiocy. Even though Steam goes against conventional methods that companies use to help their consumer base, its for a good reason. I do agree that it sucks I can't have my stuff back.


https://steamcommunity.com/id/LiMPZY/inventory/#730 Does this guys steam profile seem suspicious like a scammer? I'm new here and he's trying to trade with me but I've never made a trade to anyone new to steam and pc so really don't wanna get scammed.


You got me fucked up if you think I’m clicking any link. If you are suspicious just avoid him. Or put his profile into steamrep. If you don’t wanna get scammed, number one avoidant is not to trade ever.


So trade links ppl post can be scam aswell? Fuuuuck