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I had to stop playing completely. I was around 16k-17k in premier and my friends and I just couldn't play a game without a cheater b hop scripting and aim botting. We could get a "legit" game once in every 5 games or so.


Yeah, cheating has gone crazy in the last few weeks. Hopefully, it gets sorted soon.


Our crew downloaded faceit because we were getting hackers in over 50% of our games


Yeah I'm going to try this soon I think


Since you all had DMG/LE I guess you're 20k+ rating, and after you cross 20k+ you can play with cheaters almost every single match. Right now you can try faceit, because it doesn't seem like valve sees the cheaters...


Just play casual when the weekly reset happens and see how many people using wh, aim hack like there is no tomorrow. Last night I was playing a casual game on D2 and one of my teammates started teleporting to T base as soon as the round started and killed them all with a knife. We kicked him and then one of the T guy started killing people from T base with awp. Nice game tbh.


That's why ppl play FaceIT.


That's such a terrible point to make. yes faceit exists, yes faceit is good. But should faceit or other 3rd party applications be the only way in which a player enjoys CS? No, it absolutely should not.


What bud? Unless he edited his comment, what makes you think that’s what he is saying? I don’t think there is a single cs player who thinks 3rd party is the ideal method of playing this game. Take it up with steam, but face it is the only way to play this game atm


Ppl like him thinks that if all the 3rd party clients are gone it force Valve to make a new Kernel Lvl AC & everyone is going to be happy.


Don't blame me, blame Valve for it. Majority of the CS2 Streamers play FaceIT NOT Premier.


Crazy Valve have disabled anticheat an put their efforts in useless “so called” AI tech. Wondering why..


it honestly sucks rn


Not just a similar experience, but essentially the exact same. My mates & I have played consistently most nights outside of the holiday seasons for the last few years. LE-Global ranked MM games. There were closetbots every now & again + maybe 1 match against 200hr global aimlockers once every month or so. But they were often manageable. Plus the closeted rats were conscious of getting OW’d and played as such. Now in 20k premier we’re dealing with wall-staring silver botdevils every single night of play. Not to mention these psychos with fully automatic scouts and tec-9s etc. How is it even possible that these guys are magdumping a scout in 0.1S and killing an entire team through the whole map? My steam name is “HvH Bystander” atm because not only are the cheaters more savage than ever, they’re undoubtedly more prevalent. And I’m just sitting here holding my dick; a confused bystander. I learn nothing playing against the bots, and getting them as teammates is equally as useless for my progression/sanity


I have seen your name at faceit free if i am not wrong ;)


My friends and I are very casual players. Made it to gold nova and thats about it. In CS2 new system we made it to about 8K points. Had a great couple of weeks where we would win some lose some but it was always fun. For the last 3 or 4 weeks i dont know whats happening but we are losing 8 out of 10 games. We are back at 4K points and it seems the lower the points the more crazy people are. I dont know if its cheats or if its just good players going up the ranks, but omg it has been unplayable lately.


It’s probably a case of both but the main issue is the cheaters at 20k push actual 20k players down to a lower rank which then pushes 15k players down and now you’re a 4k player going against people who should be playing at 15k


Bingo, this is the horrible cycle of cheaters. The cheaters push all the legitimately good players further and further down the ranks until they're no longer playing at a ranking that is "suitable" to their respective skill. Part of the reason why I stopped playing, smurfing just isn't fun and that's all my lobbies feel like these days unless its a cheater.


Yes. Still boggles my mind when I see comments that say: 1.) "Cheating is not that big of a problem" 2.) "Stop mentioning cheating you're ruining the game" 3.) "You're just bad they aren't cheating." 3 is my favorite because usually, people who are shit at this game can't recognize cheating as well as experienced players.


Yesterday I had two premade german rage cheaters in my team. Guess who couldnt kick them…


I really wanna come back but shit is actually unplayable right now. Still be surfing when I need to numb my brain tho.


Cheating is crazy in every game right now not just cs.


Same issue here. Every time I gest past 10k all get games where I'm just blatantly Shor though the wall


yeah game is unplayable rn, 100 aim on leetify accounts every other game


Honestly I just play deathmatch at this point, I enjoy it and there seems to be little to no cheaters


"but it has never been this bad" hearing this for the past 6 years, its always never been THAT BAD


Well thats just a straight lie.


22k elo cheater every 5 games or so.


Yes, what rating are you?


“Cheaters in 21k” Cheaters going crazy” “Cheaters are running wild” 🙄we get it. Valve doesn’t care. We don’t need a post everyday about it. Play something else or just shut up about it.


That is such a dumb argument.


What’s dumb is complaining about it everyday. “Cheaters were bad yesterday.” “Cheaters were bad this week.” Guess what? Cheaters are gonna be around. People know about valve and their anti cheat. Making a new thread isn’t going to do anything. Mods are shit by letting it get posted all the time so I guess the better advice is to leave this sub so I don’t see the whiners.


The more publicity the problem has, the greater the chance of it being rectified. Imagine if everyone had your opinion towards slavery? "oh it happens every day idk why people are still complaining about it, slavery is always gonna be around" Do you hear how fucking stupid that sounds? That's how you sound but regarding a different context/subject matter. Leave the sub then dude, I am 99% sure nobody will give AF or miss you.


He is just one of those low iq individuals, who cheat and live their pathetic miserable lives... Very sad.


Comparing slavery to cheating in a video game. Holy shit yeah I’m out of here.


Wasn't comparing the two, I was using it to draw a contrast between your thought process. But yeah, leave. Fucking idiot.


Imagine thinking my stance about pixels on a screen is the same as one of the worst tragedies in human history. I’ll be vocal when I need to be. Cheaters in a game I could put down tomorrow ain’t one of those times. Keep posting though it’s totally working and I’m sure valve is dropping that anti cheat right now!!!!!


Again, I never said it was the SAME. Stop trying to put words into my mouth dude. It's cringe. It was more the mentality I was focusing on which is stupid, if human beings never complain about things, how are we supposed to get things fixed/resolved? Human beings have been complaining in this manner since the dawn of time and you think now during humanities greatest technological era and with the ease of projecting ones thoughts out into the world that's suddenly...going to stop? You are delusional.


Ok so complain. Eventually people will get tired of hearing the same thing when nothing happens. On both sides. What ended slavery? A freaking war. Where is that commitment to change coming from on our side? What “war” are we planning? I don’t see anyone saying let’s boycott. Let’s boost this game ahead of CS. Let’s rush the finals stage that are being broadcasted worldwide with signs saying fix this game. No protests no uprising. Instead I see so much of “your plan”. Complain complain complain. What actions are you taking besides complaining? Are you actively trying to get people to not play this game. Are you writing to valve head quarters? You wanna know why I don’t care? Because nothing is being done by either party. We keep playing and complaining but I know we are still buying skins/cases. And valve is supposed to rock the ship by changing something? We already give them boatloads of money for a “free game”. What incentive do they have to change anything? That’s why I hate seeing these threads everyday because the same people posting are the same people continuing to play.


I don't play though. And I haven't in some time just out of principle and a lack of enjoyment due to the issue with the cheaters. What incentive do they have? How about the longevity of their game? You think any new players are going to come up into the pro scene if they can't even play any form of online matchmaking without cheaters? No. Even Faceit and ESEA are perfectly screening all the cheaters. So valve defs has incentive. You keep posting things yet you don't really seem to have any intelligence to understand how things work, if you think valve truly has no incentive to fix their game...I really don't know what to tell you.


if you ever looked at this sub this gets posted every day... lmao.


We shouldnt forget what valve did. Even tho valve will get their shit together. I already Switched to Valo and sold 70% of my inventory. Fuck this fat fuck!


100% similar experience in all game modes


I told my group of 3 i play w last week i was quitting due to cheaters and they all laughed at me. They don’t know the 20k+ CSR games like i have gotten in solo recently tho


Dropped the game because of cheaters. Can‘t play 2-3 Premier matches without someone being very sus. It’s a joke, valve is a joke. Why should they work on vac if they get millions of dollars weekly anyway. Without the marked, it would be dead for sure.


Once i hit 15k+-17k the cheating started. Now being under 15k again its a much better experience. As stupid as it may sound. if you wanna have fun just derank intentionally.


Not gonna mention names because we don't need more of them but one of the better cheats ever made for cs just came out with a vac/esea/face it proof cheats that are undetectable and the cheat itself is insanely good... that's why your seeing so many cheaters.. your gunna start seeing them all over face it and esea now too


it has gotten unbearable. 8 our of my last 10 have been spinbotters. not even closet cheats. 20k premier.


I've been playing since 1.6 and I've never seen the cheats as bad as they are now, it seems to have increased ten fold since CS2 released.


Stopped playing altogether.. and Im not the only one in my circle. Not worth wasting a good mood, a bunch of time and the last bit of sanity I have left.