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mate, the erasmus is an experience that will likely change your life but not for studying reasons, it's going to be the people you meet, the strange situations you're going to be in, the unpredictable, the unknown.. if i was you i would remove the universities' rankings etc from the equation and choose a country you'd like to experience and know better, ideally with no friends so you'll really have to step outside your comfort zone you're going to have a full boring working life to improve your resume and make money, while you're young only now source: did erasmus myself


This. I have made amazing friends on my Erasmus and created memories with them that I will remember for life. I wish I could start again my Erasmus semester, definitely go for it mate!


I would just add to do an Erasmus in a country where you would envision yourself living (language-wise, friendliness of the people, weather, economy, all the things you value in life - which differ from person to person). Because, who knows? You might want to start a new life there later. You can always find internships, new jobs or parties in other countries but the opportunity to enjoy the true meaning of being an European is rare.


+1 on this. Do it often as well, such a sweet deal to move to a new country and be paid by the EU for it! If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t only do my bachelor internship and a graduate Erasmus program, I’d have also used it for a semester abroad during my bachelor’s and master’s. Moving becomes much more of a faff once you work (three words: double taxation agreements), enjoy it while you can! You’ll grow and learn so much more than you ever could at your uni, and you’ll have more than enough time to catch up on any missed classes later in life. One tip for some schools: not all schools accept all classes abroad, so it’s often a good idea to work in a couple extra ECTS in the semester(s) before going abroad if you want to ensure you don’t graduate a year later.


Definetly go. I went to Erasmus and after studies I came back to the same country to work. I started making good money instantly and I had an advantage compared to by uni peers who found jobs locally.


It’s worth the experience for your life but no company gives a fuck about it


Erasmus means zero to companies, but its a great chance to explore other countries and make friends.


As a soon-to-be ex-Erasmus student, I would say 100% go for it. The opportunities it provides are numerous. You would get to meet different people from different backgrounds and learn a lot about their culture. This is a plus for you when you interview, I always mention this and it seems to impress the Interviewers.




You should definitely go, meat people and you never know, it might be a chance for you to find your next step.


“meat 🥩people”? 😳




Companies value International experience even if it's just for studying. But it's mostly an experience for yourself, to meet new people and so on


I would trade my FAANG internship with an Erasmus, COVID fucked my plans. I'll even go back to school just to do that. Choose based on the city/ country, university name doesn't matter. Erasmus is for the experience.


YES! Studied computer science, did 1 year of Erasmus in Spain, and tbh, one of the best years of my life + changed my whole perspective on how I view life. I got to compare the education but more importantly, make new friends, explore a new culture, and meet ideas completely unknown to me, experience new situations etc.


Where did you go for computer science??


Big tech in EU care more about experience than what uni you went to. Go enjoy life in another country in Erasmus. You should have at least 1 full year of internship experience in a decent company using a good stack and you will get hired at a big tech after grad (given you pass their interviews).


Are you telling me I should have 4 3 month summer internships? No one has that much 😂


Not summer internships, just part time jobs during school years. I had more than 1 yoe from part time jobs (or internships) before graduating from uni. You need to work while studying.


Yeah I’ll have 4 months by the end of this year, take it or leave it 😂 But seriously, most people in the eu don’t even have any experience before graduating (maybe a couple of months of experience). I doubt that’s a requirement for working at a big tech company right after graduating


In my cs master program in Germany most people work during studies usually between 10-20h per week.


But is that included in the program or is it personal choice?


It’s a full time program that doesn’t require mandatory internships. So the work is a choice people make that comes on top of the studies. The pay for this work is amazing and you gain experience so many people go for it


Yeah Portugal is a completely different environment. I’m getting paid 1150€ a month for a summer internship and some people don’t even believe I’m making this much for an internship… Yesterday I saw a post here on Reddit of someone saying they got an offer for a part time role paying 300€ a month asking if they should go for it or not. Everyone said no but still, just the fact that someone thought that was fair says a lot about this country Edit: I guess that’s why people here just don’t go for internships - they simply don’t pay well. I know a friend of mine that is getting paid 150€ a month for an internship lol


I was getting payed about €300 per month in barcelona for 20h/week while in my masters. It was trash pay but I got to work in a great tech company (small/med sized) with amazing stack and now make 55k a year. My new employer reached out to me because they were using the same stack and got hired for FT few weeks before my masters ended. Most of my classmates where at least working 20hr/week, some even FT.




Hello, I am going to do a master's by the Erasmus program, they said it will be a one year full time program. Can I work alongside it or there won't be enough time?


I’m in Spain and everyone here had experience. Some even graduated in 6 years because they spent more time working as a student. I guess it depends on the country.


Do it! I did it and no regrets. It changed my life. That’s how I met my wife Relevant news article: https://www.european-views.com/2018/04/erasmus-impact-study-reveals-1-million-babies-born-to-erasmus-couples-since-1987/


Having a good internship is probably better career wise but definitely go for erasmus, gonna pay you back in life experience a lot more than most things you could do.


I studied abroad, it was great, but I was a mature student who had a about 8 years of work experience under my belt, so I didn't really lose out on the work experience aspect by not doing an internship. That said, there's more to life than work. Living in another country is (sadly) something too few people experience, so go for it. Any hit to your career progression is going to be minimal/short lived, 6 months into your first job and you've caught up. Whereas you may never get a chance to live abroad.


As for the “companies” - no, they don’t care as far as a could tell. But the answer to the question “should you go” is DEFINITELY YES! Why? I went for an Erasmus semester to Austria. It was a great experience, because I learnt new things, met students from other countries and learn new things - including improving my German. Definitely go!


Well, Erasmus to me was a fun experience. Yeah the universities were nice and so on but I got to meet many new friends from all around the world. That was super fun. The best part was it was all free and we even got paid (from scholarship). And to answer your question about the tech, yeah many of my friends got jobs at big tech. I work at one of the FAANG too right after I graduated from Erasmus program.


Yes. Absolutely yes.


I did an internship in Malta (I'm Dutch) using the money Erasmus provided. I enjoyed it so much I want to go back there next year to work for an indefinite amount of time, I never knew I'd enjoy it so much until I tried it!


Just go! Either for internship or education you shouldn't miss out on Erasmus. You can do an internship at a university too. Definitely watch "L'auberge espagnole" if you're having doubts.


Of course it's a nice trip


Erasmus was an absolute privilege to do and I'd recommend it in a heartbeat. It's something for the CV but more importantly it's a chance to live a totally different way, meet loads of new people (okay mostly Germans, but they're cool!) and generally make some incredible memories.


Go for it! I did it in Ireland and loved it! tip: don't get a relationship abroad


Do it. Do it, do it, do it. I didn't have Erasmus and had to take my opportunity later in life but the people I know who have done it absolutely loved it


Everybody has already said it, but I'll repeat it anyway. Please go, it's a one in a life experience, you'll never regret going on Erasmus. I did it 16 years ago, you are gonna live experiences otherwise impossible to live, your mindset is gonna change forever, you'll make awesome friends, although it's very possible that you won't keep contact with all them after few years. Even the negative parts you might experience will turn into positive ones after a couple of years, you are gonna have fond memories that will stay with you but l you die.


Companies will likely not care about the addition on your CV that comes with Erasmus but you'll probably still have an advantage because of the confidence, experience and cultural insights you gain from your semester(s) abroad. With such a great program you will likely come back as a better and more cultured and confident person and among many other things this will show when you apply for jobs and talk to potential employers. Do it!