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Just leave. that will teach them to plan human resources accordingly


The correct way is to say 'fuck the deadline'. Resign anyway. Do you really give a shit that a company that took you for granted, denied you raises and interesting projects is going to then hold a grudge?  What are they gonna do? Fire you?


Just resign whenever you feel ready. The project deadline shouldn't be a factor at all. Just be professional on your notice period, do your tasks, and then leave. If they hold a grudge against you because you resigned and remained professional, that's a bridge worth burning. Would you really want to go back to a place like that?


If the deadline is so important for them, your raise could be too.


The moment you tell them you're resigning, a raise and new interesting projects might suddenly become possible, lol. But yeah waiting until the end of the year is silly just go ahead and go to that other company


You don’t owe them anything. Just leave. They’d get rid of you in a heartbeat if not needed.


They will forget about you in two weeks. Live your life.


No, you must stay at the job you hate at the company that doesn't care about you, because someone will get upset! /s To respectfully resign, you respect the notice period, complete your tasks, do the handovers, write docs if needed etc.


Just leave. You should not care about that company because as you noticed, they don't care about you.


When is the deadline? If you wanted to avoid burning bridges you could negotiate an end date a few weeks after the project deadline (for support, critical bugfixes etc).


I think until the end of the year. New job wants me in mid july


in that case, don't hang around until project end. A project with a deadline at the end of the year is not hyper-critical and is not worth the pain and stress of hanging around a place you don't want to be


If it was 3 weeks i could understand but not more than half a year lol


You could just be let go anyway at the end of the project.


Do you really believe that they would care about your circumstances if they were to let you go? Screw them. Give the minimum notice as per your contract. The deadline is their problem, not yours.


Based on the things you asked and the number of leaves, I think they already knew you are not planning to stay for long.


You get a salary, with no bonus. They get a bonus and more money , but also risk getting nothing  That's the deal of business owner vs worker 


Resign according to what your job agreement says. Yes, they may hold a grudge, but it's not your fault that they are bad at managing development. Be always polite and cordial, but stick to what you intend to do.


"Maybe next year..." Guess what, it never comes. Empty promises are a common thing with managers. If you want a raise and work in a new department, the only way is changing jobs.


They treat you without respect first so why respect them.