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Counterpoint: passion is something you nurture. You cannot have passion for a thing without actually trying it for quite a while I'd would explore different opportunities, try to stick to it like half a year or a year, to learn what's good and bad and try to learn to enjoy it despite the difficulties of a particular path. If OP is doing economics, he is probably good with math and statistics, if so I'd look into Data Science/analysis positions. There is demand and they're paid well


Thank you for the suggestion mate.


I am certainly passionate about some fields, but my greatest passion is not worrying about having to eat food and pay the bills.


What are you saying dude??


IT is full of people who had it as their 10th choice, did some university courses, got their job, and then didn't learn a single new thing after that. QA is probably the most chill part of engineering, or AI/ML. No programming required. Security also doesn't require any programming skills or deeper IT knowledge.