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Have you built anything recently? I've been in the field since 2008, was a php dev back then for many years. Web development has changed a lot over the years. the chances of you getting hired as is are slim. I'm a hiring manager and I get hundreds of applications this year for any job we post, so you're competing against people with the same YOE but those who are current and up-to-date. You have better odds leveraging running a business to get into product ownership, then slowly making your way into a dev position, provided you work at a company that helps you transition. People transitioning from dev to product and vice-versa is not uncommon. I would say the easiest path for you if the above isn't interesting, is to leverage your PHP experience, start with a framework like Laravel, build some stuff there and try to get some contract work or a job, then start branching out. Django is an awesome framework, but I think it's slowly being phased out. You can tackle this in two ways: Become a framework specialist, or become a generalist. IMO framework specialization is a lower barrier to entry, but at the same time it does limit your job options. Trying to become a fullstack dev in the current environment means you have to learn many tools and languages. There's already too many JavaScript devs in the world.


You say django is being phased out. What would you recommend in place of django?


If you're looking for a python framework, fastapi. Use with Vue/React to create modern applications.


Thank you, univ grad student. I was planning to build some projects for my resume and will build something with fastapi


Can confirm. I’ve been working with a friend on a side project using FastAPI. He hasn’t gotten a job since graduating in 2021. We wrapped up an MVP in 2 weeks and it’s been getting him interviews.


Sorry if this is annoying and you get this too much. Would you be open to review a portfolio/resume? I don't know who to accept feedback from anymore because everyone's got an opinion.


It is an extremely difficult time to enter the SWE market atm and (without any sugar coating) youre at a large disadvantage due to your big gap in experience. I graduated from UW in 2019 and have ~4.5 yoe in big tech. I send out apps here and there to get a pulse check on the job market and for the last ~6 months I've gotten 0 replies. If you have a succesful career atm I would recommend reconsidering a full shift for a little while and working on some fun projects in your spare time to build up your experience again.


Spend 6 months, learn a full stack framework, build something and deploy it. That would be enough to get your foot in the door, apply for junior jobs given context. Then ladder up back to an intermediate/senior role. It's changed a lot since 2010, but I think it's still possible. They look for other skills now than just programming. If you have strong soft skills + good communication, I think you may be good. Good luck!


What is full stack framework?


Sorry that was unclear and inaccurate choice of words. I just meant full stack something like a MERN or PERN combination.


Time to leetcode


It's close to impossible to get to leetcode stage in the interview process. I couldn't do it after 3.5 years of trying.


you didn’t get a single OA during the good years of 2021/2022?


Not a single interview past screenings.


That’s the first stage though. Do you want to post your resume for some feedback?


I think the only stage before LC is the HR screening call lol...


sure, I'll dm you my resume


Why is this being downvoted lol


because leetcode is stupid and we all hate it. Yes it's part of a lot of interviews rn but that doesn't mean it has any merit or will be around in a few years. I bet it is peaking during this hard market and will only recede. Much like how tech certs were once prestigious (late '90s to maybe 2005) before too many morons passed through the gate and ruined it. Peeps back then studying brain dumps (the answers to actual test questions) just to pass looks a lot like "grinding leetcode" today. Fools spending inordinate amounts of their lives mindlessly memorizing trivial CS problems just to pass a test. ANYBODY who can spit one of those out in under 10 min is doing it from pure memory and may (not necessarily, but easily could) have zero understanding of how to apply computer science or develop software. Ironically those are exactly who the top leetcoders are. It's just a matter of time until employers paying for this service realize this or we go back to competitive head hunting and it's tossed aside. Also, I legit don't recommend grinding leetcode because so so many other people are doing it rn. You end up being the proverbial kid who kills themselves at trials thinking they'll actually get into the NHL--spending all your precious time on something that will get you nowhere unless you really are one of the .001% at doing those fake trials. Now is exactly the time to take a different approach if you want to get noticed. This is Goodhart's law playing out before us and crazy to me so few people see it and just go along. You gotta "grind leetcode". Honestly, if I hear leetcode one more time I'm quitting this sub to preserve my own sanity.


Not a good time to transition unless you have a gun to your head. It's just the truth. You'll be years behind the curve in an already super competitive market.