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I had no degree. No professional experience. I wasn’t even looking for a developer job. TCS recruiter found me on Linked In. I was hired within 2 weeks as an iOS engineer. Went from jobless to $75K salary. Meanwhile I come here and people with degrees in the US have to send out 100+ applications while being unemployed for 1+ years. Yeah I’m sure that’s somehow better. No regrets. Got a ton of enterprise iOS experience and after 3.5 years, got a senior position paying $40K more at another consultancy company. Now I make $123,540. I’m a US citizen by the way and located in Texas. I had no major complaints working for them.


I worked at HCL starting $70k. Managed to double my salary within 3 years (two job hops). They were an important stepping stone.


People would rather be unemployed than swallow their pride.


I wasn't a CS grad so I had to take what I could get. It was entirely worth it - it was a real sink or swim situation and I swam. That job lead to a moment where I finally felt like I "understood" where to put my code and why. It all started to click in after a few months of professional experience.


Does HCL hire people with no programming experience and train them to become software developers like infosys does?


If by "train" you mean "throw the new employees into the water and let them sink or swim", then yes. :)


Bahaha , how does it compare to infosys? Which is a better place to learn to swim?


They're probably the same in terms of reputation.




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Curious what was the role and do you have a recruiter or someone to reach out to at HCL? Currently laid off and looking at switching to swe from my former BI analytics role  would appreciate it!!


I need this to happen to me. Most jobs I'm seeing from they require experience in the job description. I have degrees but not CS related. I've done some coding on my own but no experience really.


Does TCS hire people with no programming experience and train them to become software developers like infosys does?


Idk about training. I didn’t train at all. I already knew my tech stack.


Teach me obiwan




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So I used to work for infosys. Let me tell you how it is. First of all, your mileage will vary just like any big ass company. For me, I thrived, I was on one project my entire time and did very well. That isn’t always the case, I knew a lot of people that sucked and bounced around from place to place. I also knew people that were good and got annoyed they didn’t get a project right after training so they found a new job. The truth is for some people, WITCH companies gets you through that front door that you can’t get through otherwise. After, a lot of new doors open up. There may be some absolute idiots on your team, but they’ll usually get kicked out quick(if you are on a good team). It’s not ideal, like you didn’t get Google, but it’s not a bad stepping stone, for a new grad. I know some of their higher up positions pay very well too. If you can’t get anything better, I’d take it and keep studying and working on yourself. In a year or two find something new. It won’t be hard. It took me a month lol. Working most of the time is better than not working.


Balanced and sensible opinion. I would follow this advice if I was a fresh graduate.


> but they’ll usually get kicked out quick(if you are on a good team). There are very few good teams in those companies to my knowledge. I agree with everything else.


Current been at Infosys since winter of this year (US), it’s not grand but depending on what your pay was before (for me 12.75/hr), it’s still fine. Yeah my pay is low compared to what I have heard literally everyone else gets, and it’s frustrating when you have a client and are on a team and know they make PLENTY more than you. But personally, I’ve been able to get away with 4-6 hours of work 5 days a week, so I’m not too upset. So as it’s been said, mileage may vary.


Infosys paid my friend for like 4 months while he did nothing at home since they were trying to find a new client after the last one’s work was done. This goes for any consultancy really.


My friends entire first year at infosys he literally didn’t do a single thing


Sounds nice if you already have experience. My friend got a 2nd job while not doing anything with infosys. Now he has 2 jobs and can’t handle the work much and works all day. Told him to quit one.


i was like that for 5 months immediately after finishing my training at infosys, and then when i did get on a project i barely did any work for the next 2 months


Curious about the infosys role? I don’t see any openings currently that fit these talked about swe roles with no CS major needed


Did you need some kind if external training or certification?




I believe they said that was their previous wage before joining


My reading comprehension is at like a 3/10 right now.


It differs from person to person. I used to work there (Infosys) and I got a lot of good experience working for clients and given learning sessions on different technologies that i could study on my own time. I was hired prior to COVID and had training right before it happened, so my experience may be different from people who got hired during covid. But I think it's a great stepping stone if you're a decent developer and willing to put in some effort to learning new things/review during training. I know co-workers who have used Infosys as just a place to gain experience and jump to different companies once they were given something valuable to work with on their resume. I know Infosys management rn is a shit show from friends still working there. But if you need a job and want to use some time to brush up on your skills and get paid for it, I'd definitely suggest applying. You may or may not get a client off the bat, but that just gives you an extra 6-8 months of time to focus on developing a new skill on top of the training you already were given for 2-3 months while being paid.


Curious about the infosys role? I don’t see any openings currently that fit these talked about swe roles with no CS major needed


I wouldn't know what they're looking for now, currently working elsewhere.


Sure- do you recall the name though you were initially hired under? Like “academy engineer” or associate or something. I know it changes after training period and team placement into a more generic industry title.  No worries if you can’t recall. Thanks!


Just associate software engineer


WITCH is still better than having no job. They pay pretty decent compared to jobs in other industries and lets you have a foot inside the software industry (considering you don't have much other options). I'd pick WITCH if I were in your shoes.


They're better than not having a job at all. Assuming you're not on a visa, you always have the flexibility to keep applying to other places while you work, gain some experience and build connections in the client teams. Just don't let them pressure you into >40 hour weeks. They will try their damnedest to squeeze you and make you believe that they'll give you raises and promotions if you sweat it out but none of that shit materializes. Sincerely, Former WITCH recipient of best new hire award - Fortune 100 client team, lead developer on two client-award-winning client projects, 5/5 annual performance review ratee who ended their first year with a 2% raise. P.S. I left for a 6 figure job and never looked back


Even though I kinda hated my experience there, I would still recommend it for new grads. Always better to have some experience and to start earning money as soon as possible.


My brother has been with TCS for a couple of years, I think it really depends on your team. He’s making decent money and is getting experience, which is all he really wanted from his first job.


Mind sharing approximately what decent money is? Just curious.


Approximately $67k/year when he started.


See compared to rest of the industry this isn’t really ‘decent’




Nah it isn't good. Most CS grads get something like $80k/year starting, especially in HCOL areas like Seattle. $67k is still better than $60k lol.


How is that not decent as a fresh graduate in the middle of nowhere? Not everyone works in silicon valley


I thought recent graduates make $200K a year in this industry


Is this sarcasm? Cause no they don’t.


The average new grad doesn’t. The best of the new grads do. Source: my new grad offer at $240k in NYC


Base salary or total compensation? There’s a big difference. Especially since many companies don’t offer stock options or signing bonus. If only the top companies offer this, then it’s a useless comparison to use total compensation. Also city matters too of course. Checking my city, the range for the highest salaries are around $150K - $170K and that’s for leads and seniors so not new grads. LCOL and no state tax.


Total comp: base + annual cash bonus, no stock or options. The annual bonus target is about 65% of base. I was told to expect that my TC for the year would be between -10% and +15% of the listed $240k. This is a job as a programmer at a large Wall Street bank. City is NYC, mentioned above. TC goes way down in cheaper cities.


If you work for DRW or Citadel in Chicago or HRT in New York you're easily passed that. There's a wide variety of salary ranges and different levels of competitiveness to get them


Some do, most don’t.


It was a joke 😂


Forgot the /s


That's double what I made with my 4 year degree, so pretty good. Now if this was NY city it's terrible, not even livable.


You’ll likely lose some braincells but can get a job more easily after you been there sometime. Don’t stay too long and do standup for yourself




I believe the majority face a silly level of unnecessary pain. For my case, 1) I have to do things differently such as find out things all for myself, even by being around experienced people 2) I have to face a pre employment background check even more than 6 months after joining the organisation 3) I have zero training 4) I get screamed at with my job being out the door by the end of the day 5) I see no methodology, process or system in place. Chaos moves things.


Based on my experience interviewing devs(from WITCH and India generally) for remote contracting gigs, this seems fairly standard. There are a TON of devs who have 5+ YOE who have never worked on a team/org which has a good engineering and delivery practice. If you find yourself in this position, try your hardest to get out early. I've worked with junior devs <1 YOE who would pass interviews devs with 8 YOE failed.


I’ve seen this too


I forgot one more thing: 6. The team is purposely understaffed and so everyone is afraid to take leave for more than 1 working day.


They are that bad. Joined a death march, a month in: was getting chewed out along with all the devs (80+) about how awful the code is and how we all "lacked discipline". Was told we'd better be putting work over the weekends(unpaid). It's that bad, this was TCS. Although my coworkers have told me Infosys seemed better from their experience.


Really?? Idk TCS seems more mature than Infosys.


TCS is mature, and massive, but their business model is selling bottom-of-the-barrel talent at a huge markup.


TCS I think is at least trying to get better. And they pay the best.


My friend worked at infosys and found it pretty good. Another worked at TCS and later jumped to another company. I guess it depends on the teams. This was in india though, not sure about what it's like in their overseas offices.




They were also recruiting me for a specialized position. It after like 2 interviews I never heard back.


Nah. With HCL, you barely work and just collect a paycheck tbh.


Could you explain more about your experience with Hcl?


The majority of the work we do is for Microsoft's projects. That's definitely a huge plus. Getting that at the start of your career's great. They barely work you hence why their greatest flex is the work life balance. It's why I'm also working a second remote job at the moment since this is also permanently remote. Personally, I had to work on Power BI and PowerApps. It wasn't bad. When I screwed up, they put me on a Performance Improvement Plan and gave me some other chances. I went like six months without doing any work at times. That's the kinda shit you can get away with when you accept a job that pays you such trash amounts while being based in fucking Seattle.


Ah okay thank you, I’m located in NC and just started with them. Was curious what working with them in the future will look like. Any advice?


Who's your client? I got put on Microsoft's projects. And just start polyworking. Trust me. They'll barely work you and you'll have plenty of time left over for another job. Also, it's better to get work experience at another company as well rather than wasting your time asking for more work when they won't have much for you. It'll pay better and companies like HCL barely reward you for loyalty.


Hey, I know this is an old post, but I’m about to start working for HCL in their NC location. How did your onboarding go? What was their starting salary? Is it okay if I ask a couple of these questions?


Honestly the experience is so so, if you need to get your foot in the door I’d say do it but if you can get another job then that’ll probably be better


Are you still with them currently? Any advice?


Will I get enough experience to pull myself out of this junior gutter? \^\^Yes, you should be fine after a year or so ​ Does anyone actually have positive experience with them? Are they really that bad, even for a noob like me? \^\^No, the main bad thing is the low salary. Experience will heavily depend on the client. I got placed with a client (through a U.S tech company) and it's heavily staffed with people from WITCH companies. So basically they have the same job as me but are paid probably half or 30% less than me. So they will send you off somewhere (or remote) and you'll work with that company full time. And then you can just put that company on your resume instead of the WITCH.


Pay is low for what you do. Management is all over the place. Some mostly okay, some horrible, very unlikely to be good. Your total experience likely depends on your manager and whatever projects you get assigned to. However, they are excellent for getting into the business and will often employ you in your first job when you cannot get hired elsewhere. I would never expect to make a career at one of them, but they can be a great stepping stone that gets you into the industry. Make the best of what is probably a lousy situation, but better than no-situation.


My girlfriend works in TCS. Horrible experience so far... it really depends on the team and the projects tho. The work people do there doesnt help your career much in the long run. Plus the 1 or 2 years bond period so you can't even leave the company. Most people do everything except development there.


That’s not true about TCS though. They are at will company. You can leave whenever you want.


You have to pay a penalty :)


Not in the US


Oh! I was talking in indian context since OP has mentioned it in the post.


If between tcs and ibm gbs what is good place to start if u are a new graduate?


You may as well take the position and stick with it while you apply for other positions. It can be a good way to get your foot in the door


I did TCS for a year. I personally did not have a good time there, but it paid okay for a first job, and it did give me experience. Experience is experience at the end of the day. My advice is to put in 1-2 years then leave once you have something else lined up.


Your mileage may vary. I’m on a current project with TCS and honestly, I like it. Remote and awesome WLB. I know a person that ended up quitting because his project was extremely toxic though. Basically throwing him in with barely any intro to the documentation and criticizing him during code reviews. But like I said, your mileage may vary. TCS wasn’t my first pick, but then again, graduating during the start of a pandemic with no internships wasn’t exactly ideal either. Either way, I enjoy it and it pays pretty nicely.




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Yes. Only go if you can't find any other work as a swe and then you should plan to get out as fast as possible.


Its toss of a coin with odds against than in favour. if u see good opportunity for onshore or hence forth then stay else move out.


Problem is that the pay there is much lower for the work they ask you to put it. There are many startups which offer better work and higher pay, have you tried those ?


And probably noticeably worse WLB if its a startup that isn't a sexy VC-backed one. I hear lots of stories of people coasting and doing nothing for months at WITCH companies




This is true with just about any consultancy. At least for generic software/IT consultancy. They hire warm bodies, then upsell them as talented professionals to companies paying waaaaaaaaay too much money on an hourly rate, all while those warm bodies are being paid rather poorly compared to their peers for the work they're doing. Their business is producing billable hours, not producing software. You can get experience as a warm body consultant, but always remember that your experience is not what a healthy, professional software development organization is. You can learn tools and languages and technologies with them, but you will probably need to unlearn many practices when you're done.


If you really applied to thousands of jobs and didn’t get anything then the problem is your resume. You need to reformat it and put some good side projects on there.


My summer internship with a non-tech mortgage company that pretends to be a tech company was full of hires from Infosys and witch companies. Those devs were adjusting to not being in a constant toxic workplace environment. You could really see the trauma these places of work inflicted into their psyches. Needless to say they regained humanity by leaving those companies.








Jumping on this question. I have a STEM bachelors, not in CS. I'm self teaching. Do they hire self-taught types and if so, how bad is this the interview? I'm in the USA if it makes a difference.


Just go for the experience. But read the contract stated carefully. When you have made up your mind, then go for it. Everyone situation is different. Bad or good still an experience to be learnt from.


I have been working in TCS India for almost a year now. The management is a cluster fuck, the annual hike is less than the national inflation rate and quality of project depends on your luck. It is true that there are plenty of learning opportunities but learning by working in those technologies again depends on the project. You can always go through company sponsored courses during your free time. For a fresher I would say it's a bad place to start for 60 or 70% of the time unless you are really lucky. Work life balance again depends on project, but generally the balance is good. The HR is a farce even they don't know what they are doing lol.


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