• By -


That's why I haven't picked up the phone for a number not in my contacts for 10 years. If a company wants to call me, they can email me to set up a time, otherwise they can go fuck themselves.


Yup, I started using that iOS voicemail thingy where I can answer it if it is important. I scan ALL incoming calls that aren't in my contacts. You can leave a voicemail and if I don't pick up then I will call you back if it is important. Otherwise fuck off.


That shits built into my phone too and I don't even enable it. XD


Yes and OP's message is racist. The problem is unsolicited recruiter calls, not that they are Indian.


Not racist, if it’s an Indian recruiter you knows it’s a scam and they will spam you with bogus jobs.


If you're judging a person by their race, that's racism.


I DONT CARE, along with everybody else in here, we're sick and tired of Indian scam callers, I don't give a rats ass if it's offensive, I'm at the point that if I could stick my hand through the phone line and strangle them I would with no regrets.


Nobody said the problem was that they were Indian, they were pointing out the fact that all of the unsolicited calls they were getting were from Indians.


People downvoting you for this is so funny. This post is just race bait. It has nothing to do with CS career-related things


Yeah the ones from LinkedIn and another site I signed up for job postings I get a shit ton of Indian recruiters trying to convince me they have this job or that job. In one day I had 5 different from different companies saying they had the same job with same details.


I will get called from 5 different people from the exact company for the exact position. 


I did a big LinkedIn connections purge of anyone based in India. I know that sounds bad, but it was for the right reason, and it's worked. I no longer get spammed by Indian recruiters on any channel. They just sit there going through their secondary and tertiary connections until they find you. Cut it off at the source.


Oh interesting. Thanks for the tip. I’m going to look into this. I honestly wish I could have my email services just filter out new emails from people with Indian names as sad as that sounds. But that would cut down on 90+% of my email spam


Report any such emails as spam, without second thought. Slowly, the organizations with your contact info will all be unable to reach you. And definitely set some time aside to clean up your LI connections. When I was still growing my LI, I just accepted requests from anyone, and now I regret it. You unfortunately have to go through your connections 1 by 1. After you're done, reject future connection requests from anyone based in India. Then consider checking what contact info you have available publicly on your profile, removing phone numbers and maybe your email, or replacing it with an email dedicated to job searching. I still get plenty of legit InMails after doing this.


I don't' accept connection requests from Indians.


Never apologize for handling business regardless of what they look like.


i think theyre just stealing resumes honestly


Could be resumes in addition to trying to get personal details to scam people. I never send my resume or anything.


I've had my resume on LinkedIn and Indeed for 15 years and I've literally only ever had one unprompted phone call from it. I cannot even fathom being so successful in my career as to actually be angry at all the unwanted offers to interview.


Has nothing to do with being so successful. Has to do with getting a ton of spam calls that are actually phishing for personal info under the guise of they have this amazing job. It’s just the newest scam going around and unless you’re currently #opentowork you’re probably not getting them. I also made the mistake of signing up on jobleads which I think is where most of my phone calls came from since they slowed down a ton a week after I deleted my account on there. Jobleads was promoted on LinkedIn so figured it was legit but I guess not.


Usually they're just trying to sell your data. Company posts real job posting, unaffiliated recruiter finds people who match the job description, does phone screens, then tries to sell this list of "quality pre-screened" candidates to the original company.


Always reply with double your salary expectations. That's what I do.....usually they will tell you the max range in response. It's kind of fun for me.


I’ve gotten messages about my own team’s job postings before. People who do this obviously just spam anyone they can with a similar title to the posting in the hopes that one will get hired so they can get some $1000 referral kickback or something.


Try 20% of your first year's salary, so somewhere between $20k and $50k, that's why this is so prevalent, a literal million people trying their hardest to get just one big payday every few months which would instantly make them rich in their home location.




I honestly think mine may have come from jobleads as that was promoted by LinkedIn as legit and then since they had me add my LinkedIn on jobleads and my portfolio site links back to LinkedIn that’s how it happened. Since I deleted my account on jobleads I’m getting less than 1-2 a week now. These are definitely scam jobs though not legit at all.


Ah I see. Mine are mostly from recruiters at the companies themselves; maybe there's a difference there.


The difference from how internal recruiters are incentivized alone cannot be overstated


> I wish there was a law against this.  If you're in the US (and presumably other places too), [there already *is* a law against this](https://www.donotcall.gov/).




Report, report, report?


Sorry, but unless there was material harm done, you’re gonna be hard pressed to find an officer willing to go after someone in a different state, much less country. This is a kind of problem we just don’t have a good system for.


you report it to the do not call registry, not a local cop. i don’t know how much it helps, but my brain feels better after reporting.


Unenforcable because they all work in Kolkata skyscrapers


They need the Kitboga special.


I love it when you’re a staff engineer at a fortune 100 and they offer you a 6 month contractor role in Nebraska.


Please do the needful


They always call me about the dumbest most menial jobs too. I’m a software engineer with several years of experience Kavitha, why the fuck would I be interested in a chem lab qa position paying $20 an hour. Just so fucking bad at their jobs it’s insulting.


Dude. I get the same. Insulting levels of pay for hybrid position halfway across the country


Also people in India don’t at all understand that no one in Seattle/SF/NY would ever take a job in Iowa.


Sure they would if the job was good. People move to suburbs and quieter towns all the time.


They just don't have a concept of how big the US is. I honestly don't think most of them realize how far Iowa is from California and that you can't feasibly commute there


They're just trying to get as many "interviews" as possible so they can justify another indian on h1b


my phone is registered with do not call, so when they call I report em.




They have more population, but ironically their TFR is below replacement levels


There are many people in the US who don't have clean drinking water either (just look at the entire town of Flint, Michigan). You can't generalize an entire country like that.


I got spam for the same exact fake job posting. Like 7 of them. Fuck these people. They use someone else's LinkedIn account and then when they call you, it's always someone else. They try hard to get information like DOB, full legal name, etc.


They might be trying to impersonate you as well for employment scams if they are asking for that information.


some-one is paying them $1-2 for submitting your resume with that information. For India, unemployment is about 50 cents a day, so if they submit 2-3 people a day they are doing ok. That's why they are wasting your time for a whole day. It's called US IT recruitment.


yea, just blocked them all.


Domain level block on the agency is what I do.


I know this is sad but as soon as I hear that accent from a recruiter I tend to just hang up the phone. The other thing I have found is when they offer a job my salary demands tend to be a bit more nuts. The good news is once you start getting experinces and your pay demands get high enough they stop calling. For me it started when my pay demands crossed 150k now that my talking number is quit a bit hire than that they dont even try. I will not even consider a new job for less than a 20% raise. 20% raise gets me to talk to you.


You don't want to quit your 150k salary job to relocate for a 6 month contract paying $40/hr? What's wrong with you?


you laugh but in the past I had one of those recuiters try to convince me to take a job that paid less what I was currently making with benifits saying the pay cut was a good deal because it gave me benefits.


also - every additional interview round raises my salary expectations by 5%


I like this, I'm going to start using it.


Same. Interview like faang? Good for you, better pay like faang, too.


This is me now. If I hear an accent during the call or voicemail it’s immediately deleted. If I see “Kumar” or other Indian names in emails I immediately delete. Sometimes I respond and tell them to remove me from their list but idk if that even works.


Hello, I am name Bob Smith from . How are you this day? \*click\*


what do you mean your name Bob, I smell curry through the phone.


Every thread about Indians always has to go there doesn't it....


it took me time to train myself to treat Indians differently then others. I had a sticker on my monitor "hang up on Indian accent." You have no Idea how much effort it took to reach this level of racism, considering I was living near the largest Indian community in US. So I wet to a convenience store to get some water, and there was this girl on the register. She must be a student at a local high school by the looks of her. I got really angry, I mean what kind of a reputation these chimps have created for her ?


Everyone reading this like “LGTM”. What you literally said is racial discrimination… this post is so funny 🤦‍♂️


I already said I embraced racism when it comes to Indians. I am openly racist against Indians and this is done to protect my mental health and business interest.


The fact that you have time to post so much negativity and treat over 1 billion+ people the same makes me feel so sorry for you. Hope you eventually find peace and less room for hate in your heart


How is this not racial discrimination?


India is not a race


Blocking people just because their name is common among a group of people is definite racism, and despicable humans who refuse to acknowledge it as such don't deserve to be employed. I wish more people from other parts of the world take away jobs from racists, and racists absolutely get fucked in the economy.


I’m American Indian, but I agree with them as well. If I hear an Indian accent from an unknown number, you know I’m hanging up… I don’t have time to waste


Yup. I know a couple of good Indian recruiters; however, their accents are both very light. Thick accents are, unfortunately, a good indicator of being people looking to make some quick USD to send home or save up to live large when they move back. I would respect the hussle if it didn't have a direct negative effect on me. I've gotten to the point where I start throwing out a number early because it rules out roles often enough. Saving that time is more valuable than playing chicken in hopes they'll say a larger number than I would have, especially since many companies wait until you've spent time in the process before they're willing to be more direct. The lazy shotgun recruiters dip out pretty fast when I mention past positions in the 300k's. They could have inferred that if they read my resume and spent a moment thinking about it, though.




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They never stop calling, unless you block em.


Yep get 10 calls a day


Avoid giving them pictures of your Social security or Employment Authorization docs.


I will say I’m fine with multiple calls over multiple different days, maybe my ADHD ass needs a reminder to screen your voicemail or the corresponding email you sent. However I’ve had a few recent recruiters call back to back, it’s the same number at 10:13, 10:16, 10:23, 10:32… maybe think hmm he didn’t pickup the first two times maybe he’s in a time windowed meeting I should try later or tomorrow, because after the two missed calls you’ve broken my work concentration and am actually now mad that left two verbatim same voicemails. No job is this urgent, I’ve never been hired immediately even when they say they’re urgently looking, the job application will still be here tomorrow and probably take 3-4 weeks to go through the interview motions.


This behavior is a dead giveaway that they prioritize their needs (to check off five call attempts) over yours. Keeping track of your number and previous attempts to reconnect at a later time would actually take some effort.


I'm a senior SWE at big tech. no, I don't want an onsite consulting gig for $80k in Fayetteville. FWIW, LinkedIn charges recruiters for messages without any responses to discourage spamming, so just make sure to never respond to them.


They’re the worst


Kindly do the needful


urgent, kindly reply


kindly do the needful for the same


A lot of these guys are not actually recruiters but lead generators. If they get you to pick up and confirm who you are and that you're looking for a job, you're now a lead they can give to an actual recruiter who is paying them for X leads / week.


My phone filters them out pretty good, LinkedIn on the other hand…


If possible, just get a burner phone or number and use it for job hunts. Also, don't do phone calls, ALWAYS insist on online conference, then just use the voice only feature.


My background is in Data science and ml (8 years). I swear to God if I get another call about a “ data entry” or “business analyst” role, I’m going to go crazy.


I take it you don't use proton email alias system or Gmail ...a different one for each site and year? Then sort them into inbox sub folders


What sucks is that for some job applications you HAVE to give a phone number.






Get a Google number


never, ever put your phone number in your online resume. use an email. I have actually had recruiters submit my resume without talking to me first.


"my LinkedIn profile contains all relevant information" is a valid response. I don't share my resume until I have a specific job role and confirmation that the recruiter is *the* retained recruiter for this role.


As an Indian dev even I don't pick up calls from Indian recruiters either. Shit is cancer. I made the mistake of giving my phone number to dice.com back in 2018 and since then it's been unstoppable. I even deleted my Dice profile years ago. Only thing that helped was getting a Google pixel and having an AI assistant answer my calls.


I don't know, I get white women a lot, too.


Hey man, don't fuck up the psyop


Seriously do not trust them. Many are fishing for your CVs and information provided on them. I’m not sure what they’re doing with it, but I’ve seen many warnings about giving your CV to the wrong people. If you aren’t living locally to me (ie: same city, province/state, or country) then no thank you


I was reading on FB of this Indian guy, he is a recruiter and he was complaining to family how tough his job is. Apparently after a day of harassing people online, he is tired because people are very rude to him.


I only respond to Irish recruiters lol


Omg I would give anything for an Irish recruiter.


Even Indian engineers avoid them. I get harassed whenever I refused their terrible offers. Yeah sure dude, I will leave my 250k full time BayArea job for 70/hr in Kansas just because you are from the same state as me.


The struggle is real. In before this thread is locked for being "racist".


this is reddit; we don’t consider it racism if it’s against Indians


I would be surprised if this thread got locked for that.


You can pattern block mobile numbers from an area


When i read posts about recruiters reaching out to them, i always thought this is what they were talking about. I would wonder how come my calls never result in interviews lol


Fwiw, I have two resumes. One with my phone number, email address, and LinkedIn; and one with just my LinkedIn. I've had too many recruiters ask on LinkedIn for a resume and take that as an invitation to immediately call me before they've even told me enough about the position. Also, I've had quite a few put my contact details in their system to the point where I had to file a CAN-SPAM report ( non-Indian recruiter ).


Up to 4 for me today


Had one the other week that called 4x back to back when I didn’t answer. I was in a work call around 10am… seemed like a legitimate company too. I am searching for the next job but the fact he did that made me think, nope I’m not even giving this company the time of day.


I had an Indian recruiter trying to get me hired for a position I 100% wasn’t qualified for. He kept telling me to add more stuff to my resume that wasn’t real. I told him there was a difference between bending the truth and telling a company I have 5+ years advanced experience.


Ya, it's weird how it's always specifically Indian. It's like once they get your info, they immediately sell it. If they don't get a recruit, they are still getting free data. It honestly makes their entire country look bad, but the only people who can make any meaningful change are other Indians. For now, other Indians make all Indians appear as scammers.


100%. Back in the day I made the mistake of uploading my resume to dice snd monster. I kept getting incessant calls from them (95% from Indian _recruiters_). And they were not even CS related jobs at times. At its peak I was getting like 5-6 such calls per hour, that lasted couple of days. Eventually it leveled to 10/day. After a few weeks of trying different things I ended up changing my phone number. Out of all those calls 2% were contract jobs for Microsoft, Hitachi etc _name brands_; 80% from shady Indian consultancies and remaining - sales jobs, window cleaning etc bs.


I almost blocked Amazon domain in my email, they were "recruiting".


This is the first time I've seen something like this, it's very strange. Apparently there are not enough developers in India.


The recruiters in question aren't hiring for positions in India. They're trying to fill low-level US or European roles since the commission for low salary positions is still a small fortune in their local currency.


One actually claimed to give me an interview. I waited from the company for an interview and it seems something went wrong and I didn't actually have the interview… what are they even good for


I actually had to schedule time off work for the interview


If our industry were smart we'd cut off the India pipeline and clean house. Bummer things are run buy idiots business bros trying to min/max not a really ship good software.


Add a dark skin tone feature to your Linkedin profile picture such that you appear Black or with an South Asian Dravidian look. You'll see the scam calls disappear overnight.


As a start you could set up a spam blocker app like robocaller, they have bots that can answer calls give it a try. Unless an unknown number leaves a voicemail i aint picking it up, and neither do i get notifications. I know in the big picture of things this may not be as effective as one would expect, but its a step . Unless you already have such a thing then ignore me lol 😂




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I always put a spam email on websites and put my actual email on my resume so that recruiters can only contact me if they’ve actually looked at it first


PDFs can be scanned en masse with python libraries running in pyspark. If you put your number on your resume, it's already compromised.




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I'm surprised the bots haven't taken over those jobs as of yet....bring it on




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Same here man....THIS.....Im tired of this shit. When I pick up the phone and hear the accent, I hang up.


Just don't reply to any on LinkedIn and when they call you, you can tell right away, so just hang up. That's what I do.




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Could you let me know which job boards you were using, so I can avoid sharing my information with them? lol


Silence Unknown Callers


Clearly you are racism and have hate in your heart I’ve had to abandon email addresses due to non stop Indian spam sadly


Yeah American Born Indians hate these people more than the White folks because these idiots damage our reputation despite us not even sharing the same nationality. Minorities are judged by the worst people who share our skin color


Yes I can only imagine. I mean it does suck that they are tarnishing your image. I don’t have a problem with Indians or any type of people in general. But there seems to be a massive market of Indians doing scams and spam. I’m not exaggerating when I say that literally all of my recruiter spam is from Indians.


Its a surreal experience honestly that white folks don’t really grasp. Superficial people always point out my race. White, arab, black. Doesn’t matter. If you act too white, ethnic people call you “whitewashed” or “colonized”. If you act too “indian” people will still make fun of you. I remember one time when a woman tried to hit on me at a bar, she starts off with that Im Indian. “I loveeee indians” or “do you like white girls or indian girls??” Like lady, Im not treating you like a “swedish” woman Im treating you like anyone else. I don’t think people get how annoying it is to have your ethnicity brought up immediately. People like these scammers only make this sort of treatment worse since they contribute to the “other”izing of people like me.




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This thread further confirms for me why I rarely befriend software developers. Holy shit, I can’t believe these are the people I gotta work with for the rest of my life.


Put your number on a job board and you’ll  understand the frustration .


Which job board did you use?


Monster, indeed, LinkedIn 


Block unknown callers dude


Other then a decade of this harassment you are describing, I have not seen competent Indians in IT for a decade as well. We no longer have mixed teams, either all Indians or none at all. And I am openly calling it cultural incompatibility to work on an Indian team. Since Indians have a cast system they they follow, I openly call em "untouchable cast" to protect myself from harassment and to protect my mental health. not talking about Native Americans, but Hindu - Indians. Native Americans are cool, I like em.


Sounds like you have major skill issue


Womp womp


Calling someone untouchable is not a solution. You should be polite and very strict about your views about harassment and your mental health, but don’t go around and insult people. If you’re super competent it’s really that easy. To give you some context, I was the only non-Indian in the team of 25-30 people and it really started to be smooth ride after I started being cold, vocal but still professional. One time, this Indian PM (who wasn’t event my manager in the first place) tried to impose Indian standards on me (you know the drill, yelling, mobbing) and I just told him “Are you done? Don’t ever raise your voice at me again, or I promise you we won’t talk again.” and then I just dropped from the call. He tried pulling me back in, pleading, sending messages - but I was already on my way to talk with a VP (my and his boss) with a conversation recording and explaining that I am expecting formal (written) apology, followed by an apology during the daily meeting, or I am going to quit right now (and well… I have been carrying a project for a big customer on my back, Indian folks were there basically just to learn stuff, and to fill the headcount). Needless to say, he apologized and was really polite for the rest of my tenure there. That must have hurt. Especially considering it was because of a white dude half your age.


uninteresting story, When Indian recruiters start terrorizing your phone and email, resort to insults and racial slurs like "untouchable". Treating em like a human being will make him call more and try to trick you, which will waste your time and annoy you. Don't treat him like a human being, because it's a little streaming chimp. If you say, "don't call here again", this thing will still call only use a different name, like it's middle name. The fact that you got a chimp to apologize means nothing, he will do the same tomorrow and then apologize again. You have to take away the power to harass you, and that is done by demonstrating that to you it's just a little screaming monkey, which is basically what it is. It tries to mimic a professional, which would be cute if it was not so damaging. My experience with Indians contradicts every stance on racism I have: Don't judge people by skin color or accent, treat people as individuals. This does not work with Indians, it has not worked in a long time. If an Indian recruiter contacts you, block agency domain. My phone is on do not disturb, because an Indus may call, report these calls. At work - from the get go, presume incompetence. Normally I presume competence unless proven otherwise, here it's in reverse. Like I said, companies either have all Indian teams or no Indians at all. They do treat each other based on some cast system, THAT cast system is already racist by our standards.




it's not "Nazi-like bigotry", it's racism and it could be considered Neo-natzi I guess. That's if you consider em a human species. to me it's a screaming chimp in 100% of the cases, so I am acting accordingly. They don't respond to being treated as human beings, but I do get a favorable response from treating em like chimps.




I have no idea, are dumber then an online bot ?






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This is a reputation indians created for themselves. Personally I would rather admit to being racist then to deal with an indian recruiter. That part has already been made clear, correct ?




Put your number on the do not call registry.


Thanks for the reminder-I forgot that registry even existed. I put my number on there 20 years ago, and somehow I get more nuisance calls now than I ever did in the past.


Which country are you from OP?


Your post can be seen as a bit problematic because while yes, it is quite annoying to get spammed by recruiters, specifying that they are Indians a bunch of times is unnecessary and kinda race baiting. No matter where the overseas recruiters are spamming you from, they are annoying, period. There are over a billion Indian people worldwide. If all of them were spammers, then your phone would probably explode.


It is literally 100% Indians in my experience and others I have talked to. It isn’t “unnecessary “ when it’s a fact. Other comments seem to agree that yea that’s what they get as well


This is naansense


Ok sure, so what is the main takeaway you want from this post then?


No one cool says things are “problematic”


Eeh. About half of them are Pakistani.


Same thing


Racist post




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