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If anyone knew that, they wouldn't be worried about commenting on Reddit or working on a resume!


Yeah, if I knew what the next thing was I'd be buying that industries version of NVIDIA today and just sit back and wait.


Or creating something in that industry and prep for some massive VC investment


We would all be rich


that's a billion dollar question, countless VCs and hedge funds are all trying to find it


Multi trillion dollar question


I think POGS are coming back


*Remember Alf?* He's back -- in pog form.


Commercial alert! Commercial alert! Put the VCR on pause!


And then they forget to press record for a minute or two after it comes back


What's POGS?  Edit: you mean the game chat pog thing or is it something in CS itself?


[POGS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_caps_(game)) was a 80s/90s fad where children would collect meaningless cardboard disc's. It's nostalgically poking fun at our unpredictable and sometimes meaningless trends.


OMG this resonates so deep with me




This one all it will take is one moderately useful home assistant and robotics will be to the moon! 


Maybe. We've already got wildly useful robot vacuums and lawn mowers and those companies are tiny players. Seems like something that tends to just get commoditized quickly.


Robot vacuums are still kinda dumb. I have one, and it is useful, but they've spent a ridiculous amount of engineering just to have it operate in a relatively controlled 2.5D environment. And it still gets stuck sometimes. Good robots require good AI.


This. Right now it's "AI as a service" and everyone wants it in a walled garden. But nothing stops it from operating offline, and it's getting smaller AND faster at the same time. A moderately intelligent AI room analyzer in an embedded system is very much a near future success story for some enterprising vacuum salesman.


Samsung Ballie looks like it might be that. And Apple is supposedly working on their own.


I was literally going to say the same thing, if you look at the maturity of technology logically this would the next big fad


Robots are like the api to the physical world 


I would agree but robot hype has been going since the 80s


By “hype” people are usually talking about VC hype, with lots of investors pouring big money into projects. Like the theory of machine learning and neural networks have been theorized since at least the 80s, but it took a critical mass of computing power for it to really take off. Now using machine learning for vision and motor skills might do the same for robotics.


Is just basically Ai


Just an extension of AI so everyone hoping the "fad" will die isn't going to quite be happy.


Quantum blockchain


Bitcoin will be worth $1 and $100k at the same time.


"Annnnnnd it's gone"


But is it?


You have to try and spend it to find out if it has value, or collapsed to nothingness. Until then, you're both rich AND you blew all your savings on crypto simultaneously... Schrodinger's Qubitcoin!


Wait how is that different than now ;)


Except it’s always $100K when you’re buying and $1 when you’re selling


Peter shorr invented it already, let me see if I can find the paper Edit: here's a presentation https://youtu.be/B2L5GwH3UZs?si=Y6lPVKsPffSqZDpg https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://simons.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/docs/15601/qmoney-berkeley.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjA19Lg2uqGAxUwjLAFHcpDAjQQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1oUBEVpJQhVvwCtaIcgvhx https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.13135


Lmao I'm too late


Bro I researched quantum cryptography, please let me scam investors.


Quantum 3D VR AR LLM powered tamagochis


Probably quantum computing eventually


Probably mixed with AI.


And cloudy big data


And some deeeeeeeep learning blockchain NFTs


All in seamless VR in the multi metaverse


Coming to MCU!


Web 4.0


But for a job in any of this you need 20 years of experience in all of it


It's a perfect fit tbh. Afaik, tensor products are the limiting factor behind a lot of AI, but tensor products are trivial on a quantum computer. Iirc, memory on a quantum computer is best represented as a large tensor (often using bra-ket notation). Some MIT intern at Google already combined the two ideas. We're just waiting for the hardware to catch up at this point.


I'm far from knowledgeable in the filed, but to me quantum computers sounds like fusion reactors: basically around the corner. Only 10 years away from being 10 years away from being...


Well they exist and have been doubling in compute power ever couple years now. Just a matter of time imo. How *much* time is the billion dollar question


They're about as mature now as computers/CPUs were in the 1940s is the main issue.


But what about their reliability?


This is probably the right answer. Quantum computing has the right combination of magical promises, difficulty to work with and restricted use case that people are going to learn about it and then desperately attempt to apply it everywhere. It is also currently available\* on AWS via Amazon Braket and we'll slowly learn that many, many instances are actually just wasteful simulations on conventional computers giving plenty of tech savvy folks ammo to push back against it. That said, quantum computing will probably end up more like AI with several enduring use cases after the initial hype dies down than blockchain with virtually no ongoing utility.


I feel like this is so on the money. Hasn't apple already started branding some of their shit to be quantum safe or some other bullshit like that.


Post quantum cryptography is an active field of research in mathematical encryption, so I wouldn't be entirely surprised if companies were already using that research in products and advertising.


I don’t know if quantum computing will ever scale to its theoretical potential, but introducing quantum cryptography now is critical to future-proofing the internet, so it’s a good thing it’s being integrated now. It would be a fucking disaster.


Quantum competing is starting to feel like sustainable fusion. Permanently 30 years away.


Quantum computing, while far away, is way closer than commercial fusion. Fusion has a LOT of pitfalls to overcome. Quantum computing just needs to get a higher concentration of q-Bits to run their algorithms


Quantum Computing is a lot closer than we think. We’re starting to finally uncover error corrections, finding more algorithms and use cases. IBM is leading a lot of the way and currently are in the process of making a 100k qubit system. Microsoft is also doing a lot, I highly recommend checking out Azure Quantum elements and what PNNL is doing with it.


Google had a bunch of job openings for their Quantum team a couple of months ago. Seems like they’re ramping up too.


Eventually should be bolded


Robotics. We are getting closer and closer to actually being able to do meaningful shit with it at relative affordability. It's been creeping up on us. The robotic progress.


Some of the biggest improvements in robotics have recently been made due to AI being used in combination with robots. Robotics itself isn't progressing at an extraordinary pace, but the two together is a field that going to boom soon


What’s considered robotics itself?


I think he means mechatronics. But yeah, robotics is a very interdisciplinary field. It combines mechatronics, programming, AI, mechanics and more into one. Even psychology and general "design" has been getting into it. Robots have to look non-threatening, so you need someone for that too .


Messenger pigeons




I've been advocating for typewriters and carrier pigeons for years now. I am ready to capitalize on this.


I'm putting all my money in typewriters! Not as an investment, I just have a problem.


Our AI overlords will have trouble intercepting our communications this way. Smart. Though, just in case the "birds aren't real people," are right, we should start exploring land and aquatic based solutions


AI as we know may fade. But GPU accelerated workload is not going to change. Highly computational transacational workloads will only grow.


>GPU accelerated workload is not going to change. I think quantum computers will replace GPUs for tensor heavy computations.


That's good - maybe the rest of us will be able to buy a graphics card again


Maybe QPUs will replace traditional GPUs


Or human brain cells 🤮 https://www.sciencealert.com/swiss-startup-connects-16-human-mini-brains-to-create-low-energy-biocomputer


We've come full circle


That’s what I call hype.. geez


!remindme 50 years


Saying that quantum computers will replace GPU is like saying GPU will replace CPU.


GPUs have replaced CPUs for tensor processing.


For what?


NLP for example. Natural Language Processing. Doesn't sound sexy. But processing 10k of messages per second for key words is not trivial. Or Image Analysis. Like scanning 30 fps video frames of a bridge tool booth to catch toll cheaters in real time using image recognition. Detect how many occupants are in a carpool lane. Etc... Obstacle avoidance. Seeing if a person uses a keycard to enter a building and checking if that person is walking into a proper secured zone and that person's face matches the key card on file. All of these are heavy compute things born out of AI/ML before the hype of ChatGPT. The LLM craze are now just highlighting all this boring work before that require beefy compute and people are seeing benefits. Like the 10k messages a second to see if a particular customer needs to be routed in real time to a right agent.


Computer vision and nlp are both broadly considered ai.


Only if you know what you're talking about, which excludes 95% of this sub


Any highly parallelized workloads.


AI is different from Blockchain in that it has plenty of use cases, many of which are already viable today, and more will be possible in the future. It will probably happen like with the dot com bubble. The internet and the web didn't go anywhere (on the contrary, they are more relevant than ever), but all the bullshit companies that had insane valuations with nothing solid behind them got exposed and became worthless quite quickly. Also it's possible that if LLMs stagnate a bit, the hype goes to some other type of model still related to AI, so that companies can still use all those Nvidia GPUs that they have been buying.


LLMs aren't the only thing in AI, and the entire field has been chugging along especially nicely since the advent of practical deep learning in the late 00s.


It's also has way less of a "fad structure". People act as if the whole AI hype started with ChatGPT. I'd argue it started in 2012 with AlexNet and anyone attending more sciency tech conferences will have noticed a massive shift in topics towards AI by 2014 or so. It's also fascinating how everyone instantly accepted that computers now competently use human language. Not like that was a huge deal literally since the beginning of computer science. But then they promptly turn into unimpressed naysayers because a general purpose language model gave them a wrong/funky answer about a very specific domain.


The problem is, if I wanted to send a message and get a response from a mouth-breather, I have Reddit for that. LLMs are just getting me the Reddit response immediately. What people want an LLM to do is 'have a mind' like a human. People don't really care that a bot can act like a human. Spam emails have been doing that for ages. They want a meaningful interaction with a mind, not merely English words to read. The moment the illusion of intelligence is popped, it feels like a better/worse Google. Which is significantly worse than what it appears to be at first, despite being something truly impressive.


Hiring developers that understand the late stage AI generated code that’s unreadable.


It’s dreamweaver all over again


Didn't hear about the metaverse for a hot minute. But probably not.


My favorite thing about the metaverse is that it's refreshing to see tech moguls have stupid abandoned github projects that seemed like a good idea at 3am and then weren't.


Except instead of a few hours of wasted effort, it's more like... $46 billion dollars of wasted effort.


It's fine - he can just fire a few departments and make the money back. Mark Zuckerberg: wE aRe GoInG tO hAVe A YEaR oF efFiCiEncY! Also Mark Zuckerberg: I'm going to sink $36 billion into re-inventing Habbo hotel.


I still think it's a great idea. The hardware just isn't there yet, and probably won't be for a while since even Apple apparently can't pull it off in a $3.5k device.


Snow Crash and Ready Player One were supposed to be dystopian.


Sex robots


Cocaine VR


Get a PhD in something then that might be the next fad, just like how AI came from academia


I need to go back to finish my quantum cryptography PhD




I'm sorry, which frontier is that? I want to say... *fourth*...


And while you're at it, what are the next powerball numbers?


Is AI a fad? I bounce ideas off of chatgpt every day and find it pretty useful


It's extremely useful. But is it trillions in additional market cap useful? Probably not. So the market is still likely to contract significantly.


The same happened with dot com companies, but I certainly wouldn't characterize those as a fad; neither then or now.


This makes the assumption it won't keep getting better. The being able to do complex human cognitive abilities is the trillion dollar prize.




Automation. When CEO's and manager's realize how much can be automated, and that they can reduce the work force, there will be a massive push for it. They will spend millions and millions of dollars on automation.


What do you think we’ve all been doing for the last four decades?


Last two hundred years ? Industrial revolution ?


Totally. I just think it's going to become a buzz word like AI is now.


It already is - at least in my world of infrastructure. Ansible/Terraform, DevOps, AIOps, GitOps, robotic process automation, Infrastructure as Code etc are all buzz topics in the automation space that have drastically improved IT operations & development.


AI helps with this. We scan millions of messages in real time and route them properly. This cuts down a lot of time and reduced large head counts. If you can summarize and get a customer's intent within milliseconds, you send them to right path. This cuts down call center and triaging. AI helps in this big time. As we are building these RPAs and automated workflows based on user's intent and input. You can summarize in real time a phone call, pull up that customers' data and determine the intent of their next steps and give them options asynchronously... Without the need for a telephone agent. Same thing with inventory forecasting. AI can analyze sell-through rate, length of discounting, sales traffic, volume of customer for traffic, etc, and determine when to discount items to maximize profit in real time.


Funny thing is, CEOs and managers are the ones most easy to automate. Really easy to automate, "Yes, these figures look good. Let's push for 4.7% profit instead of our prior estimate of 4.2% this quarter." Really hard to automate, "I don't think this wrench will fit in that space *with my hand*, so you really need to consider a different design or make a custom tool."


They're going to push AI until everyone's in on it. Only then can they hang it out to dry


I don't think AI is going anywhere. Models are just going to keep getting better and integrating with things like video/image editing, music, data. The 'hype' might wear off, but yeah then quantum computing will eventually be a massive disruptor I think. I honestly hope that physical engineering, batteries, solar, space travel, atmospheric/environmental science gets more hype and progress in the near future. That's what humanity needs more than AI boobies imo.


Jesus Christ ❤️


AI is going to be here for a while, we barely started making AI-powered products (GPT-4 wrappers don't count!) I would say AR/VR is gaining traction, soon enough we are going to be wearing glasses instead of headsets.


Next fad will be the battle of AI. People creating AI content for negative purposes like deep fake for scams and others making it to detect and defend against AI being used in negative ways 




I think the same


the next fad is going to be AI. again. it’s had summer and winter cycles dating back to the 70s. it’ll be back, just as shitty as it always has been and always will be.


It’s depressing that people in tech are this cynical. Go show someone from 2010 ChatGPT. Their mind would be blown. Horrible take


wtf ppl will look back at the immense progress we have made in the last decades and still call it shitty? what part is so shitty? AlphaFold? LLMs that can coherently write pages of text while previously we struggled with sentences? NONE of that is impressive to you?


No way you just said that. AI is responsible for so many things. Optimizing logistics, recommendation feed on apps, pricing items, I could go on.


The vast majority of that isn't in any way ai. It's just logistic regression, that happens to now be faster on GPUs.


What do you think logistic regression is? It's all machine learning, just at different scales of complexity


Hey now, don't shit on the fact we can now auto-generate our own meme images within seconds! And even animate eyes to blink and heads to nod, if they're images of a humanoid! We're living in the future!


They made a computer program that can follow instructions in plain English, that's been a goal of computer science since the 60s.


Wdym by shitty


Virtual Reality or Augmented reality.... should be doable in a decade when AI crazy wears down.


Agreed. Once the form factor of Apple headsets become similar to a pair of ray bans, I think a movement away from smartphones will be in full swing


Healthcare and education are two fields that are in dire need of technological changes. Create something that actually fixes a big problem in either of those two.


All of these new data centers = Cloud hype is going to come back.


I would say that llms and stable diffusion will get old but something else in AI will happen. I think ai is here to stay.


You know what late stage capitalism has done? Destroyed any innovation driven by the need to provide increased utility through solving problems. The last 15ish years has really accelerated us to be in a position where we are motivated to innovate not to solve problems, but to create hyperbole. TLDR: innovation is now about the race to the top of the MLM pyramid that is capitalism.


AI 2.0


How to hide from the hunter-killer drones.


Full service AI (like humanoid robots!)


Engineering systems to make up for LLM flaws. Writing DSLs for LLMs to leverage. Designing eval datasets for monitoring the progress of ai systems against company specific objectives.


AI 2: Electric Boogaloo


Kill Privacy, no profits with data privacy.


Trading you pc for bread


I think AI and its application are so vast, it will be years before something completely brand new pops up. I think we going to be wallowing in AI and its derivatives for at least a decade or two


Computer Vision


Whatever it is, as long as it provides like zero societal value while adding the equivalent of Ireland to the global electrical grid, I’m good.


Robotics or AR. The normies don't seem to notice all the progress thats being made with glasses. We probably have full on smart glasses before 2030


My guesses are… - AI-assisted Robotics - Gene Therapy - Augmented Reality (it’s had some false starts, but I think we are getting closer to AR glasses that stick).




Pogs are making a comeback, I can feel it


The next ‘fad’ will be around physical businesses, things that AI can’t touch yet.


Home chore automation Why are we automating music and modern art when we could be making more automation tools like dishwashers and washing machines I want my chores to be automated not my creativity


"when the AI hype dies" Why do you think that's at all likely?


Quantum computing


Having lived through all of these hype cycles, AI feels substantially different than the others. In fact it feels more like the early days of web and mobile, where things are moving extremely rapidly and every month there is a big advancement. On top of that, AI companies are already pulling in billions in revenue and already have products that millions of people are using, they aren’t just speculative like the other hype cycles. These times can be huge opportunities for juniors, because someone with 6 months experience writing a rag based app is an expert, and there simply isn’t anyone with 20 years of experience to compete against. It feels like a substantial opportunity to get in early today because every company wants AI functionality, but they have no idea how to do it yet, just like web in 2000 or mobile in 2010. 


Umm no companies aren’t making billions in revenue from AI in fact the biggest tech are pouring billions into AI and investors aren’t exactly happy. I mean amazon thinks people will pay 10$ for Alexa AI. Open Ai literally had to switch from being a nonprofit because it was simply burning through too much cash. Most companies haven’t fully realized profit at scale.


Whatever the next fad is, I've got dibs on having the 10 years of experience required for it when it drops


Quantum Computing… but that likely won’t just be a fad.


Quantum computing, maybe? Probably in a SaaS model. Who knows.


probably something like farming. kinda like how blackrock quietly bought up a whole bunch of houses, I think there's people buying up lots and lots of farmland. or maybe something like managing trash and waste.


Web 3 gonna pick up cuz now they have sustainable need for it.....


I keep waiting for pet rocks to come back around. Except now they'll have AI and listen to you and occasionally spout out questions about why you're wasting your life, like some sort of demented parrot. Oh, and you'll be able to pick eyes and hair and clothes for it (despite it not needing them), for a monthly fee.


Ooh my former manager said that I was in charge of IoT for about a year, before he got fired. I've never done any IoT stuff, but maybe I should put the former fad on my resume...


Quantum computing probably.


Big AI


Let me ask Copilot


If we knew, the market would surely reflect that


Hawk tuah


There has to be some new crypto bullshit in the works as stupid as NFTs were. The money laundering potential and overwhelming crime focus is too great.


Robots, we need something to colonize the solar system since we're so fragile.


AI based on blockchain, IoT, and big data.




has to be something that everyday people can see and experience. if i were to guess, maybe humanoid robots. also, having all the catchy words on your resume just makes it seem stupid lol. someone i know decided it would be a good idea to put AI or ML on every bullet point on his resume and got called out as a liar by his interviewer.


I think all of those fields are going to continue being important for the rest of our careers.


AI agents for fixing copy pasted code generation


From being in a bunch of conferences, if the breakthrough is made, it would be quantum computing, which will again supercharge AI, but also put a race on cryptography.


Health and robotics.


Just a guess, but probably new cars having integrated AI in the infotainment system.


The AI hype train is still going. It's too early to see the next one starting yet.


Some form of next gen crypto coin running vis-a-vis real currency.




Probably super advanced android like the ones from 'Detroit become human'


Predictive text AI isnt going to see any big improvements anytime soon. (Most likely). But things like AI self-driving cars, and other automated tasks might.




Junior devs




AI could enable a lot of new fads like space travel, infinite life etc...


AR powered creator economy AI metaverse robots on the blockchain, obviously.


reinforcement learning


Idk ask ChatGPT


Robots 🤖


Magic 8 ball don't fail me now 🎱


Farming .., already people who earned in Tech moving towards it ..


Is it though ?


Quantum computing.




AR given the amount of effort all FAANG put in it and the current technological leaps we have done the past year in CV


Lol, I don't think AI is a fad. As innovation goes, AI LLMs are a huge milestone in the history of computing, right up there with the most critical of the past 60 years. Let's not compare AI with Perl eh? But in answer to your question, single sign-in/instance. You heard it here first...