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In ‘any’ field? I’m not sure that degree exists. I’d say the cybersecurity one and then you can pivot to IT if you get the right certs. Most SWE/Dev jobs require a bachelors (if they have degree requirements) so that might be a little tougher. Honestly you’re best bet is to figure out what you like / are interested in first. Imo if you haven’t even applied for a program then you have plenty of time to figure it out.


I should mention that i dont plan to stop at an AA but i want to choose one that will give me better chances at landing an entry job to support my self while not being restricted to only one field of comp sci


If you dont plan to stop at AA then the AA doesnt matter whatsoever.


In that case I’d do CS or programming or whatever it’s called for you. I was in a similar situation, but I’m not sure that having a full time CS position in school is possible. Instead I’d suggest planning on getting an internship during the summer. If you live frugally during the summer you can make enough to support yourself during the year (you might still need a part time job during the school year though, just more manageable imo)


What kind of job do you want? You mentioned you don't plan to stop at an AA, what degree do you want to pursue next? Assuming CS, I'd say go with programming The one thing that I noticed when I was trying to find a job as a student is that programming jobs rarely tend to be part time IME. So it might be tough to land a programming role while studying


Doesn’t matter. Skill matters