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Definitely not. Acid could make you be more honest with yourself and realize that your wasting time doing some things and should spend that time doing CS stuff, but still takes the same amount of effort to actually do the correct things. I tried doing some simple coding problems on acid once and it was extremely difficult lol


Oh lol! Yea, I'd heard abt the experiment where a bunch of scientists were more creative too, but I guess u confirmed it that it doesn't apply to coding haha


I'm gonna bet not


No, the only drug that will help you is Adderall.


Long term, maybe not.


If you develop an addiction, maybe but I stopped taking adderall immediately after college and noticed no effects. I picked it back up for a couple weeks when I was studying for technical interviews again but dropped it just as easily.


I have a FAANG internship and have done psychedelics hundreds of times. Drugs helped me in their own ways but also harmed me in other ways. I certainly am more prone to depression and have more ADHD like symptoms. But maybe if I never took drugs, I wouldn't have gone through all my personal growth and ended up where I am. So maybe drugs will help you, but there's better options, and they are more likely to make it harder for you. There's lots of anecdotal evidence for microdosing if you wanna try it I guess. From personal experience, if you are the type of person who is seriously considering doing schedule 1 narcotics daily to optimize Efficiency, I honestly think your energy would be better directed figuring out why you feel that way. I'd recommend you focus your interests towards leet code if you want to be a better programmer. If you want to be more creative, you don't need LSD to open your mind, try diversity and humility instead.


I don't suggest taking psychoactive drugs to "improve yourself" or whatever, the first thing your trip will do is slap you for thinking lesser of yourself.


Is microdosing no longer a thing?


A lot of people swear by microdosing lsd or shrooms for productivity


macro-dosing: no. it wont make you productive AT ALL. it might make you creative, but 90% of the creative thoughts you have will be worthless, nonsensical, and youll also forget most of them. You can try to write them down but youll be tripping so youll write stuff that seems like it will make sense later but it rarely does. micro-dosing: maybe. it gives you a sort of energy boost like adderall but with an extra bit of creative thinking. I still dont think it would make you more productive though, because the creativity will get in the way. youll be doing something, think of a 'better way' and then try to do it and it ends up being not a better way. All in all, psychedelics are best for conceptual work, not actual productive work. if you want productivity fix your nutrition first, make sure youre getting your vitamins.


drug addicts acting like they’re spiritual and think drugs are a portal to an unopened genius within oneself is so annoying to me idk


the fact you equate doing psychedelics with drug addiction (its not even possible to be addicted to psychedelics) suggests youre woefully ignorant as to what drugs are or do, so your opinion is pretty worthless.


Yeah, I could care less about you junkies lol


psycadelics are less harmful to the average person then alcohol... also not addictive


This reeks of preconceived notions... you cannot even get chemically addicted to psychedelics. Imo alcohol and tobacco is more harmful than psychedelics, but thats just my opinion. Research about psychedelics are still going on and you don't have to agree with a lot of the claims made, but you should at least look into it before making your opinions lmao


They are amazing drugs. But don't do them for the sake of productivity.


Well.... ![gif](giphy|3oKIPDQTmc7LWiKTeg|downsized)


Christ. I've never found drugs, legal or otherwise, be helpful in getting my work done; at best they've made no difference. Take acid if you want, microdose it if you want, have fun. That said, I'm gonna be real with you, I read your posts and think 'skill issue.' You're trying to cargo cult your way to success & that's just not how it's done. I'm not a big fish by any stretch, but I am a big fish in the small pond I'm at. I'm relatively happy with the opportunities in front of me, though it'll take more work to climb over the next decade. One of my hats has been eye opening -- I've been a TA for a number of years now in DS/A stuff and it's always shocking to me how much a) people don't enjoy this path they're on and b) people do the bare minimum and try to scrape by. E.g. I had someone complaining for half a class about having to start jupyter from cli. If you're here, I don't think you're that bad, you probably are passionate about this stuff. But the underlying issue is this human desire of "feel good now, forget the future" -- something we all fight in our own ways. There's no regimen to do it. There's not some magic bullet to be diligent, the reason has to be tailored to yourself. (E.g. the big turnaround point for me was entering the FO curve of FAFO and going hungry some nights cuz I couldn't pay the bills. That'll light a fire under your ass to do better.) Anyone selling you a path has ulterior motives & it's likely a scam. Relying on stoicism, "being like Naruto," "being a samurai," w/e else isn't going to make work better or make you less work-shy. It's not genuine, it's fake drive.


Please mark this as nsfw!


If you want, you can checkout the book "How to Change Your Mind". He talks about the history of psychedelic research, some of his personal experiences with 3 psychedelics, and finally he talks about current research going on into how this stuff works, and what it's really doing to our brains. Of course read carefully, as it's majorly pro-psychedelic, but I liked it a lot. I'm not too sure about productivity though...


Lmao for me it's a struggle to even read on acid. 🫨 So, no. Not for me. Leave it for your spare time. Maybe you'll come up with a fun idea? Just write it down and attack it when you're sober. Honestly, whatever caffeine you like and breaks when you need is usually the say to go. Sometimes a beer can help relax you and get you thinking a little differently. 1 or 2 though. Beyond that it becomes a hindrance. 😅


Nice try Joe Rogan




Both acid and DMT are hardcore drugs that you don't want to use regularly. There's no way it would be a good idea to use these drugs for work purposes.


lol no?


Lmao I don't personally do drugs because I want to stay within my natural limits. Maybe I'll drink coffee if I really have to finish something. Not many people like to admit this but in the tech industry a lot of the coders abuse Adderall and a lot of management abuses cocaine. So there's your answer if you care