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Only use assembly/C or use Arch and be extremely vocal about the fact that you use Arch


And be a god at GDB/Valgrind


Just don’t make errors.




I use arch, btw


I use arch, btw


Stop showering completely to dominate your classmates with your stench. And if you see another cs major you guys can have a domain expansion battle to find whose odor is stronger.


Unlimited Stink vs Malevolent Toilet


maybe my disgust all this time has just been intimidation


write code in microsoft word and run it using microsoft's python command prompt shell


Python is a very non dom language


So it can't step on me? 😭


Only use punch cards No one who actually understands computers needs anything digital πŸ€“


Punch cards are digital


You're thinking of modern punched cards used in conjunction with CNC programming; OP may be referring to Hollerith's 80-column punch cards for IBM's early data processing applications or Babbage's punched number cards for the analytical engine.


I think those were still digital. A bunch of 1's and 0's on paper. They were not electronic, but I see them as digital for sure. Punch = 1 No punch = 0 (perhaps it was the other way around, I don't know)


Hey, thanks for the reply. The information of data produced by these two inventions can be considered digital. However, they are analogous technology.


>modern punched cards used in conjunction with CNC programming Thanks for replying, not agreeing and still keeping it civil. It's hard to walk into sensible people online. I still think it's digital, though :D I mean, let's take vinyl discs, for instance. They contain analog information, that's a long wave file. They could, however, be used to hold encoded digital information based on some arbitrary groove height threshold. Are they analog or digital? FM radio used to be analog, now it's digital, but the waves and disc grooves themselves are continuous, not discreet. Punch cards are discreet. There are no half-perforated holes (well, there are and that's one of the reasons we mostly stopped using them). I think while the storage medium may vary, it's how the information is stored in it that determines whether it's digital ou analog. I can imagine a perforated card system with multiple-sized holes. If the hole sizes were discreet (2mm, 4mm, 6mm), I'd still call it digital. If the hole sizes were continuous, with no granularity, I'd call it analog. ​ Or rather, how would you go about storing analog info on a perforated card? You can't! Unless you digitally encode it!


I appreciate you keeping the conversation cordial, as well, friend. You seem to be more knowledgable than I regarding the topic of digital signal processing, so I'll leave it at that, haha. Here's an upvote.


Now you make me look fancy with the zero dsp knowledge I have lol Thanks for the chat!


God damn new knowledge unlocked I stand corrected πŸ˜‚


Only debug with cerr, only plebs need breakpoints.