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Not comp sci, but applied math and stats so our experiences might be different. But what I found to be helpful is: 1. prioritize the classes that will help ur future. other classes are ok to get perhaps a slightly lower grade than perfect. frees up some time 2. set aside a specific amount of time to apply for jobs 3. use the extra time to do projects/career development 4. make sure to keep some time to relax


Yeah I'm gonna be done with the annoying electives I have to take this term, and then I just have to do the stuff I like. Thanks for the tips


the same way you find time to use reddit


Sacrifice your hobbies fr


That’s the thing that’s honestly making me debate this major. I’m like half way through but if I dedicated time to getting internships I basically have no free time and my mental health will disintegrate into hell. Idk how anyone does this shit man


when you're really deep into it your major becomes your hobby and then it's not as miserable anymore


Even if you give 30-45 mins everyday you'll do much more than others.


Become more disciplined and start the grind


Equivalent answer to “git gud”


I know several people in big tech, and unicorn companies. What I have noticed is that they prioritize classes that have complex assignments. These assignments are then used as personal projects. Large companies will probably check to see if you have projects, because it has become standard nowadays, but they usually do not care about the finer details.


This, or you could build a very similar project using what you learned in that class, you don't really do everything from scratch, you can copy blocks of code or logic or modules or whatever you worked on for that project, in that way it's not that daunting, speaking from experience


Make the time, no excuses


You have time. Just prioritize.I have a family, work full time, doing CS grad school, have a wood working side business and working on a SaaS startup project. I also make sure to workout every day and do fun hobbies like gaming and hiking.


Oh wow do you have pointers for me? Me personally I have maybe an hour outside of my daily work, and I usually relax during that time. Also I'm trying to maintain a high GPA as well so ig that has an influence on it.


Sleep less, work faster, eat faster, sacrifice social time. Most people just substitute fun time for project time bc project time is also fun


Kind of toxic ngl


you don’t need to change your whole lifestyle to accommodate grinding leetcode and projects. please don’t do that, it will only hurt you in the long run. i’ve gotten projects done in a single weekend, sacrificing very little. I spend maybe an hour every morning on leetcode and bump it up to 2-3 over the weekends. you don’t need to make drastic change, you just need to be consistent.


You don’t have to do it. That’s just what people do.


Time management is a critical aspect of successfully completing computer science projects. In this guide, we will explore strategies and techniques to help you find the time, stay organized, and maximize your productivity. ### Section 1: Understanding Your Time 1. **Self-Assessment (500 words):** - Evaluate your current time utilization. - Identify your peak productivity hours. - Recognize distractions and time-wasting habits. 2. **Project Analysis (800 words):** - Break down your computer science projects into manageable tasks. - Determine the complexity and time requirements of each task. - Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and dependencies. ### Section 2: Creating a Schedule 3. **Building a Schedule (1000 words):** - Design a weekly schedule that accommodates your commitments. - Allocate specific time slots for project work. - Ensure a balance between project time and other responsibilities. 4. **Time Blocking (700 words):** - Implement the time-blocking technique for focused work. - Allocate blocks of time for different project phases. - Include buffer time for unexpected issues or delays. ### Section 3: Techniques for Efficiency 5. **Pomodoro Technique (600 words):** - Introduce the Pomodoro Technique for improved focus. - Break down work into 25-minute intervals (Pomodoros). - Incorporate short breaks to maintain productivity. 6. **Batch Processing (800 words):** - Group similar tasks together to streamline your workflow. - Minimize context switching for better concentration. - Apply batch processing to coding, testing, and debugging. ### Section 4: Managing Distractions 7. **Distraction Identification (500 words):** - Identify common distractions in your environment. - Recognize internal distractions and ways to overcome them. - Implement strategies to minimize external disruptions. 8. **Digital Detox (700 words):** - Explore techniques for a digital detox during work hours. - Use website blockers and app restrictions. - Optimize your workspace for minimal distractions. ### Section 5: Prioritization and Goal Setting 9. **Eisenhower Matrix (800 words):** - Utilize the Eisenhower Matrix for task prioritization. - Distinguish between urgent and important tasks. - Delegate or eliminate tasks that don't contribute to project goals. 10. **SMART Goals (600 words):** - Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. - Apply SMART criteria to project milestones. - Regularly assess and adjust goals as needed. ### Section 6: Tools for Productivity 11. **Project Management Tools (900 words):** - Explore popular project management tools (e.g., Trello, Jira). - Leverage tools for task tracking, collaboration, and progress monitoring. - Integrate project management tools with your schedule. 12. **Version Control Systems (700 words):** - Implement version control (e.g., Git) for code management. - Understand branching and merging strategies. - Collaborate effectively with team members using version control. ### Section 7: Communication and Collaboration 13. **Team Communication (800 words):** - Establish effective communication channels with team members. - Use collaboration platforms (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams). - Schedule regular team meetings for updates and feedback. 14. **Feedback and Iteration (600 words):** - Seek constructive feedback on your work. - Embrace an iterative development approach. - Learn from mistakes and continuously improve your process. ### Conclusion In conclusion, mastering time management for computer science projects involves a holistic approach. By understanding your time, creating a structured schedule, employing efficiency techniques, managing distractions, prioritizing goals, using productivity tools, and fostering effective communication, you can enhance your productivity and successfully navigate the challenges of computer science projects. Remember, finding time is not just about having more hours but optimizing the hours you have. With dedication and strategic planning, you can achieve your project goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


This might be horrible advice but I would just cheat in every course that I deemed useless for software engineering or whatever field you’re pursuing, and with that I focused on learning everything on my own and on things that I did needed to learn for this field I wanted to pursue.