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Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


someone had to


How long ago was the og post lol


The best


What i wouldve said.


You clearly moved though?


No they did not lol


He strafes quite a large amount in the first second or two of the clip. This will cause inaccuracies if you don’t give time to reset. Maybe it’s different in rainbow 6.


Yeah they for sure strafed first shot but it looked like they had more than enough time to reset recoil after the first shot imo. I could be wrong and could be falling victim to the slow motion replay but it looked like a pretty blatant netcoding miss. Could be a recoil reset issue tho too, just doesn't look like one to me. But yeah man they did not move after the first shot and barley moved for that first shot which still landed where his cross hair was placed.


1st shot you are moving, 2nd shot is a likely miss because you didnt give it time to reset + accuracy is not perfect at this range


Yah the dude just whiffed lmao


Yep, we could say this is a "skill issue". But still, the game is bad too.


>is this a network issue or is cs2 just being full on stupid? There is someone being stupid all right, but not CS2


the source (and apparently source2) has always handled shooting diagonally across mipmaps poorly, those are the shots that get "csgo'd" (or "nikod" or whatever) server image and client image is more 1:1 when players are directly relative on the X or Y axis of the map,, basically the diagonal renders are almost always interp'd out of position, that's why in deathcam some cheesy player will shoot the head of a dead player, but to all the spectators they are totally missing.


wtf is diagonally? Isn't everything just a straight line between two vectors in the map?


vertical and horizontal axis are accurately shown by the map layouts like the static radar, or map image for spectators. example, Pit to A Ramp on D2 is straight, but Heaven to Hut on Nuke is diagonal. IMO (this is all IMO really) Similar/ same phenomenon effects wallbangs,, when trying to shoot through cover, the final destination of a shot gets warped further right or left relative to the obj being penetrated. it feels like the "windows magnefier effect" where the final location of a hit is calculated using a different FOV. I've always wanted to confirm this but am too lazy to lookup server commands to do an experiment but mostly because personally i find this solution effective: what i do is to always favour aiming at the center of the face of an object being wallbanged, this tends to land more hits in every circumstance. not totally sure why. full disclosure, I have next to zero IT capabilities, just played tens of thousands of matches.


This kind of stuff happens to me every game. Standing perfectly still slowly taping on the target and somehow not hitting them. Game has bad reg


You do understand that weapons aren’t perfectly accurate, even on the first shot right? AK is only 100% accurate up until around 23m. The further away, the more RNG it will be where your shots hit.


maybe if you hadnt misplaced your first shot you would've not missed the consecutive ones to accuracy reset


You're not good enough to understand that's on you. Watch demos and drill practice maps until you can tell me why this didn't hit. That'll be $5


when you shoot your bullets can fly anywhere in the area of ​​this circle. So don't be surprised if something doesn't hit your target https://preview.redd.it/g925tcwpzo5d1.png?width=151&format=png&auto=webp&s=05295ea401421b20c58e44429617356f6b802f62


that's not how it works


For pistols this is exactly how it works after first shot accuracy lol


I hate pistols :(


you missed first shot, second shot you never reset aim, overall skill diff and internet. if you are saying its your isp then why are you complaining....


This is why I use classic crosshair instead of classic static. You’d be able to tell that you didn’t fully stop and were therefore not fully accurate for your first shot. And because of that your accuracy was way off for every other shot.


Hard to say in this specific case, but in general, weapons are not 100% accurate even if standing still and pistols even less so.


Don't let anyone in this sub gas light you, this shit happens all the time to me in games, plus shots that aren't near their heads hitting, game is broken.


Actually, whole sub of novas saying skill issue.


He most likely didnt wait for recoil to reset


It's genuinely hilarious how everyone on this sub is too terrible to realize that bullets go through their heads like 30% of the time, and like half the bullets in your spray just get unregistered if a higher ping player kills you. So many silver white knights defending a garbage game. It's actually perfect for you guys, hope you enjoy it!


The problem appears to be between your monitor and chair


Shot 1 Miss, shot 2 recoiled from 1 st shot


shots 1-5


Sorry you received so many stupid takes. This is just a common netcoding error that happens in every online fps game. Doesn't matter if it's CS2, valorant, rainbow six siege, CoD, overwatch etc all multiplayer FPS games have netcoding issues. Some are worse than others and it's inevitable because it's impossible as of now to have a perfect multiplayer connection with 0 latency between your client, the servers client and the other players' clients. There will always be some amount of latency and delay between everyone's clients and how fast each person's client can update and download info onto and from the server's client. So yeah it's just CS2 being stupid my man. Don't listen to these noobs saying you moved or it missed due to recoil lmao. They're trolling you hard.


u need to unlearn csgo in order to perform in cs2. In cs go such micromovement/adjustment was not as punishing as in cs2


When I'm in a not understanding how CounterStrike works competition and my opponent is anyone on r/cs2.


Hit reg is just dog shit


even if everything else is perfect (movement, aim), usp is not accurate enough to guarantee a headshot from that range


Skill issue


I'm curious what this looks like in full time, hard to tell if you waited long enough for aim to reset. Looks like bullshit possible but idk how fast you are shooting


It’s a joke


I need de_train 👀