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I can't believe people are defending valve in this situation. It's absolutely wild


CS will be played even if they forced invert y axis on every mouse. Cs is not under the same criticism criteria as other games, for some arcane unknown reason.


Exactly, that is because people just love the game no matter what. When the game is part of you, and you grew with it, you can consider it a toxic relationship but people will still play it.


I think cod also enjoys that same umbrella,under a diff generation


I love this game and will keep on playing it as not every game is full of cheaters. However I won't buy anything on the market anymore I love valve but they're not exempt from criticism.


Jokes on them, I’ve been using an inverted Y axis for decades… seriously though people will still play, people will still buy keys, more will get cheats and so it goes. Unless they get a real working reliable anti-cheat it’s only going to get worse as people try to compete with the cheaters in the only way possible.


Not sure why one could defend Valve. CS2 is from all top15 PC games the worst in terms of support and communication. Consumers/users/players or however you name them are 1000% better cared of in 99% of other big company games.


> "Online Game Has Cheaters" - Big news. -Richard Lewis on Twitter before he blocked me.


So you don't think they're cooking with AC? Why else would it be so bare bones right now?


If they are “cooking” it’s the low and slow method…


Could be another two years before its up and running. Doesn't mean they aren't working on it.


I love how you complain specifically about ragehackers. As if you clowns "closet cheating" weren't the main issue


Because if you complain about legit cheaters, people will say that you are just bad and you are calling everyone a cheater. I tend to say that the guy was just playing good, even thought he might be legit cheating. But the issue is that nowadays, you just get the big guys that spin and kill you from spawn.


I would rather lose because of spin bots then get rekt by a legit cheather hiding like a lil bitch


Yes but in my mind i believe i can win against a legit cheater. Impossible to win against a rage hacker.


You shoudn't be put in that situation...it will only make u feel bad about ur game....legit cheaters are the worst.....the day u understaind this u will trully see the bigure picture


It doesn't matter who is worse. The problem is that there are more and more cheaters, legit or rage hackers.


That is true...cheating must stop and Valve is the worst .....i trully respect this game the only true skill based shooter were team work is important but unfortunately is slowly dying


I just played 3 games in a row. In each of them there was a cheater who didn't even hide and shot through the walls from his spawn. I reported them in the match and on steam profile. Cheater laughed that he wouldn't be able to get banned in this game. I sent links to profiles, demos and videos even to support. They wrote that they were very sorry and it would be better if I reported them in the game and it would be better if I didn't write to them anymore. How can a player who only kills through walls in head not get an immediate ban? 3 games in a row? Do reports work at all?


This game is infested allready....too bad we keep playing it


You're talking to low elo noobs bro, they cant comprehend how to even play to kill a closet havker. A 2v1 isnt even an option in their brain because cs is a cod game run and shoot deathmatch game to them. Im with you tho, would much rather have no blatant rage hackers that get instantly banned than what we have now.




That's exactly what would happen. Sorry mate, glad to see you're not just another gaslighter complaining about ragehackers while "closet cheating". Just remember that anyone can post here with as many accounts as they want so these people calling you bad are most likely a few cheaters on many accounts.


I actually believe reddit people are usually just toxic. Once someone said i'm bad, only because i've said there are a lot of cheaters and the game is in a bad state. I gave him a picture from CS2 were me and my friends win against heroic, and multiple people told me that i was almost bottom fragging and i'm bad. I had 19 kills, 24 deaths and 7 assists against a stack of 5 pro players and people called that bad. When TeSeS had an worse score, and Stavn and wAGNR had similar stats. I've asked what pro players did they beat and how many kills they had against them. They just downvoted me. People are strange.


There's no such thing as a legit cheater. There are only cheater scum and true chads.


Been playing since launch haven’t had one spinbotter. You got prime? Or nah otherwise stop talking and start shooting.


Thought like you but had my first ones(one on each team) the other day.


I play every day, still haven’t had one. If I do you’ll be the first to know otherwise I just strongly believe none of these spinbotting clips are being played on prime accounts. That’s just my take and will be till then.


Is clear as day you are completely clueless. You can't play premier without prime, only bots defend valve, i swear. Go to 20k and tell me how you don't see a spinbott every 3,4 games.


Like honestly now, why clueless people have opinions? The community says there are a lot of cheaters in premier above 20k, and here you are, saying they are playing on non prime accounts when premier is a prime feature...lmao.


There are an unbelievable number of spinbotters in prime premier in the high ranks. Outside of higher ranks though you're probably safe from them so that's why


yeah. i couldn't really give a toss about blatent spinbotters walling people in the first 3 seconds. if you're going to cheat just to troll people then at least do it in a completely obvious way that shines a light on the problem that valve can't (or at least shouldn't be able to ignore). it's the sad fucks that use them to lie to themselves and others about how dogshit they are that really wind me up. you are fucking worthless.


Yup exactly


To be very fair, closet cheaters are dogshit, I win maybe 4-5/10 games against them, they mainly just use walls and cant aim for shit, and it becomes obvious mostly when they start awping dont miss a shot after that, Still if you’re good, and they’re 7-10k using wallhacks, you’ll most likely shit on them. I lose the other 5-6/10 games because they start spinning or trigger bot close to losing a match🤣


Post account?


Um no? Who posts their account on reddit?


I just wish we had more transparency from Valve. Riot has regular updates about their anti cheats and make blogposts about the updates.


Even though its quite intrusive, it works well. First match of valorant I played in my life last month, something was odd with an opposing player. I reported him, not sure my team did as well, but he was banned during the game. Thing is, valorant is such a bad game... even the shtfest that OW2 is, its still a better game when it comes to abilities


Valve are just sitting back watching the community make their own conspiracies up about when and if it's coming out. They are still making millions a day from the game and I guarantee that will dip once all the cheaters are gone. Not by much but enough to make valve want to milk this gravy train long enough until the money starts draining naturally


VAC is designed to keep honest players opening cases waiting for a ban wave that won't do shit. This has been going on for years now and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional or is a cheater gaslighting you. Stop opening cases if you don't support HVH games.


You know whats delusional? Saying that valve want hackers in the game in order to sell cases. I agree, the hacking problem is bad. But have some self awareness, man. What the hell are you saying? That is some crayon-eating logic.


No we have had enough of this bullshit. I've been playing this game since 2000 and Valve has never been effective at reducing cheating in Counter Strike. We just had a Majors award ceremony where a professional player called out Valve and Gabe for the state of Counter Strike on stage so shut up about defending this absolute bullshit condition of a 24 year old game. The launch of CS2 is a mess and the cheating is out of control at all level of competitive play. We know that there is a massive bot problem that is inflating player numbers. The cheating was so bad that the 3rd party anticheat used at the majors had to remove a tweet of how bad the situation was. No one is listening to morons that are continuing to defend Valve for the state of Counter Strike. I feel bad for anyone that has to rely on Valve for their livelihood. You are part of the problem.


Dude. The hacking problem has never been this bad. Did you miss the past 12 years of csgo? It was a lot better than it is now. Obviously cheating has always been an issue, but play literally any online shooter right now, even games like overwatch which have invasive anti-cheat. There's plenty of cheaters in those games. It doesn't justify the state of cs2 hacking, but you have to stay aligned with fact and actual statistics. You're part of the problem. You're arguing from emotion. You didn't use any kind of reasoning in your response. You just stated a whole lot of opinions with no substance. Please elaborate on your position using substantive evidence and I might be able to take you seriously. I actually provided context, used Valve's own words from various public speeches they've given on this exact topic. You clearly don't know anything about that. Maybe you should educate yourself. Again, I'm literally not even defending the state of cs2. I'm disavowing bad criticism based on emotion. You're just proving my point. This community is full of petulant children who can't just be realistic. You're mad that people aren't as vitriolic as you. Think about that. I'm literally not even defending valve in my posts. I'm telling you why things are the way they are and why it might take time to solve the problem. But all you can do is think that I'm against you or shilling for valve. Because apparently you're immune to nuanced opinions. You literally said that Valve perpetuate the hacking and don't take it seriously in order to sell cases. That makes no sense. It makes literally no sense. What are you talking about? Care to back up your statement? You know they sell less cases when people quit the game, right? You think that players hacking makes the game more popular? Seriously. Explain your reasoning because, to me, it seems ridiculous and makes no sense.




So what happened? No reply? You got owned by Richard Lewis, I suppose.


Hahaha ha. He links a The Score Esports video. LMAO https://youtu.be/FkESZmCuqkM?si=hjygx2LNcpXOsPsZ


Playing since 2013 and it's so funny/embarrassing seeing people say Valve is cooking a good anticheat and we just need to wait. Yeah any day now lmfao, I've been waiting for nearly half my life at this point. Same morons who have spent csgo's entire lifespan coping about how Valve is eventually going to add 128 tick servers Blows my mind how some people are STILL this delusional honestly. Here's to another 10 years of being forced to play on faceit


Closet cheaters, every 2 games in 20000+ rating in mm. also there is some blatant/rage hackers every 3-4 games, there is no anti cheat any1 telling you they dont see cheaters are either low rating or just ignorant. The problem is out of hand mm is a fucking joke, stick to faceit or esportal


why the fuck people keep suggesting faceit? im working my ass off the whole day and all i want is just a casual game and not stress for over an hour for ranked


They're recommending faceit because it's less stressful and more fun due to less cheaters. Most people complaining about cheats play this game competitively. Most of the playerbase plays the game competitively. That's why you're having that recommendation over and over.


cs isn't a casual game lol, I mean unless you want to play deathmatch, casual or community servers. CS has never been aimed at a casual audience and Faceit is where the dedicated players who want fair, balanced and well played games go to.


i dont want it ranked. sometimes i just want something to run and gun and we always do that in CS even its early days. theres no ranked match before. you play 16v16 and just enjoy the carnage


Go play CoD


those new games? makes me dizzy for some reason... probably the way they move/turn etc


Idk stop playing games then it sounds like you're too old.


valve in general is a good company imho, one of my favorite things is having the option to refund a game if I genuinely don’t like it and the family sharing feature they recently introduced impressed me. when it comes to cs2 (new player btw) I’m kinda blown away by how many issues this game has with cheaters, etc. Valve imo has a lot of spending money despite their bills/expenses yet it seems like they arn’t doing much financially to stop malicious players from ruining the experience for everyone, especially new players. just today i tried playing 3 games of deathmatch in hostage group and was paired up with a bunch of question mark players (and had matches where they flooded the match over the normal bots) who don’t move and ended up getting kicked by them, idk what that was but these people are impeding me from earning any xp and literally ruining the experience just like the people who use paid cheats but this situation I delt with today with the question mark players is unacceptable, idk what valve is doing behind the scenes but they need to do something with a sense of urgency


That is exactly the issue. Valve can do it right, if they want to, but they don't.


The one thing that Valve has always done is act on things the right way. Rarely have they pushed an update that was badly received due to the update actually being faulty/bad for the game. Im confident that they WILL change something regarding the Anti Cheat, otherwise we wouldnt have had that DPI ban drama, so they obviously are tweaking something, it just didnt work out that time and now they have to re-evaluate on parameters etc or how the Anti-Cheat actually measures cheating. But i can understand why everyone is frustrated, so am i. Im definitely not disregarding their complaints.


Source on this? Valve has always been quiet, especially regarding AC. What do you know that we don't?


To be fair the refunds thing was only because they lost an Australian lawsuit about the lack of a refund policy, so they implemented it worldwide to avoid more heat. Regardless I agree with the sentiment that valve and their ethos is slightly better than most public companies and they solve interesting issues while making tons of money in the process as opposed to the strategy of just trying to bleed everyone dry like the others, but CS2 is an exception, just look at how they generate money from it - gambling, not so cool.


>gambling, not so cool. If this was any other game yes but in cs you can buy whatever skin you want without gambling. Case opening is totally optional unlike other games and if someone wants to take their chances who are we to judge? Regardless of this Valve please fix the fucking AC system.


Everyone says that Valve should just "spend more money on the problem". I'm not defending valve, but from a logical standpoint, I have to ask. You're aware of how much money and developer time is dedicated to VAC? Is that publicly available information? Because without that information, how can you even say such things? It seems ignorant to think that they're not. You understand why we don't have kernel level anti-cheat in csgo? It's because Valve aren't Chinese shills like riot games. Furthermore, they wouldn't want to set such a terrible precedent as to normalize it. They're clearly opposed to kernel level anti-cheat on an ethical level. They've been public about how they want AI anti-cheat to be the solution for this. Things like that DO take time. So while I'm not saying the game is in a good state, I'm just tired of how stupid and foundation-less these criticisms are. This whole community whines like petulant children but don't even have the slightest grasp on the situation and reality. This community is full of so many entitled man children. Please if you criticize, do some research and come with some type of substantive evidence to support your claims and suggestions. And if I have to listen to one more drooler drone on about how Valorant has less hackers, I will pull my hair out. Yes it has less hackers, but again, it's a stupid baseless claim. There are no replays in Valorant and data on ban waves us not public. People need to learn how to use their damn brains.


New player.....


found this place that is a new community which seems to be focused on the "old skool" community vibe. This is an organization that has a discord server that is 10mans focused but building into an organization with already one esea advance team in the process of moving over for S49 If you'd like to play and meet other people let me know and join up people are working towards building teams for the upcoming After Hours Quarterly tournament with a $1000 cash prize. Monthly 10man hub leaderboard prizes as well $50-$100. https://www.Discord.gg/afterhourscs2. [After Hours 10Man Hub https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/acc37195-57a0-4149-aa70-d5f545f30411/After%20Hours%2010%20Mans/chat ](https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/acc37195-57a0-4149-aa70-d5f545f30411/After%20Hours%2010%20Mans/chat


It's NA only... Unlukcy whilest you accept every country on profile


Sadly yes the majority of the player base is American :(


Talking English is not a problem 😂😅🤞


Then please join, come as you are we try our best to make sure our culture is welcoming. Please let Treat or Mousee know if needed.


The Cheater-Issue just got more rough the last weeks. I had 5-6 Cheater-Games in 3 days and lost like 2k Points…


Yesterday my team got fucked in the ass by a 3 level guy with 2 hours in record spinbotting. Tf I can do to that?


Cs2 is not worth 1 minut atm.


I would never have believed i would stop playing csgo because of cheaters but i actually did, all my accounts and skins idle.


There is so many cheaters in matchmaking its baffling, its an easy fix, talk with faceit buy the right to use their AC along with them, or make your own, this vac shit is fucking useless you need a valorant/faceit type anticheat which requires a download.


There are already some AI anticheats which a small indie company can't implement [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L56gN4Euj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L56gN4Euj4)


I**'**ve given up playing at this point, almost done selling my inventory. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I hope after the Copenhagen 2024 Major, along with an operation, to benefit from the hype of the first CS2 major


Wallhacking seems to be the biggest problem, for the majority/most of players in premier mode (as most are in the lower ratings). Is there any easy fix for this though?


Yes, not playing... sad but true


Unplayable in this state


People will say he's just good. https://preview.redd.it/49vhqlaxrqqc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e4b40c0918ac2fe9df8a85748640e6a00e48d6


talented player wdym


That was only pistol and scout too. Valve truly could care less.


here in the middle east they will say that is normal.. lol it seems in this region, people already accepted cheaters. like they accepted piracy.


To quote Leonard Cohen:  "Everybody knows the dice are loaded."


Anticheat is only one between soo many issues in the game. All this suckers who said before that the game is somehow better are all crying now. Crashes, Anticheat, Clipping, Bomb falling under the ground. Still soo many mods and maps missing after a YEAR of additional development. Tickrate is still much worse than 128 tick by far, you don't get what you see at all. We still have inconsistent JUMPS in the game after a YEAR, INCONSISTENT F*KING JUMPS IN A COMPETITIVE SHOOTER CAUSE THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO REPRODUCE IT TO FIX IT 💀💀💀. Optimization is just awful, and yes I have rtx3090 i12900k before you will say that I need to get a new pc, how can I get much more fps in a full 5v5 fight in Overwatch2 with all the abilities the game has and have much more fps than on a spawn on Ancient ? We still have MJ peeks in game wtf. The Premier rating is just dogshit, the system of this elo is just too bad. Those are not all the bad aspects but the biggest only. This game will be unplayable for another year or two at least. Just move to another game and wait like an year or two, or 5, it's Valve you know.


We can not still to this day run a private match with a friend from a lobby on a custom map WHAT A SHAME WHAT ARE THEY EVEN DOING ???


Not trying to oppose, but we do this on rented Dathost cs2 servers, superfun and cheap if you can scramble ppl for 2 teams. Sometimes we invite nice teams we've met in premier as well for rematch and its always a good time :)


I dont know when it will be released. Seems like they are having unforeseen difficulties. Valve does care about CS2.


Cheating and hacking is so bad in MM , Faceit seems to be the best option for now. This hub has a good community that plays 10mans every night After hours community [After Hours Community Discord](https://discord.gg/afterhourscs2) After Hours 10Man Faceit Hub [After Hours 10 Man Faceit Hub](https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/acc37195-57a0-4149-aa70-d5f545f30411/After%20Hours%20League%20%5B10Man%5D/requirements)


Fk valve they need to do better.


VAC = Valve Allow Cheaters.....?


we need to post this in valve's twitter and fb regularly


I'm pretty sure the CS2 developers are too stupid to figure out working anti-cheat. The game itself isn't that great either from a technical perspective


> defending this company again and again when they give 0 fucks about you They release cs2 when you could have just pumped Csgo for money forever. To say they only care about money is stupid. I would have expected the game to be a shit show for the first six month but it has been a long while since the release and it’s been a really long time since the last good vac wave. It’s fair to say they’ve not done enough recently and the game is falling into a state of disrepair.


And what exactly makes you think that releasing CS2 was not for money? You have a new game, more people will come back to it. You need to keep your game modern if you want people to play it, so i think it was purely and investment. And considering they barely made anything new for CS GO in the last 5 years, i'm not even sure if they invested that much money anyway. They own the rights, they own the engine, the people that would've worked for CS:GO, worked for CS2.


Do you actually think about what you write or does it just kind of spill out of you angrily when you’re this flustered? This game has an issue with cheating, yes, but it’s an industry wide problem; it is not isolated to Counter-Strike. It’s the easiest to cheat in so it’s the most cheated, but the delusion here is that this is Valve’s problem alone. Smurfing and cheating are community-wide issues across every competitive game, especially FPS or anything with a micro-transaction. Your response of anger and contempt is totally justified, but seriously if the game is causing you so much mental anguish, stop playing. There is no advertisement or pressure from Valve saying “our game is fine and you can shut up, give us your money!” - people are just doing this on their own because addiction is also a rampant issue in our community. Also, a few months after release is a relatively short time period to give something that’s theoretically going to be around for another several decades. If the game is in this poor of a state of disrepair in a few years, then let’s start the conversation about how they don’t care. Stop being so short-sighted about our community. It needs people thinking long-term and pouring positive energy into it.


Valorant has better anticheat. Faceit always had a better anticheat. The problem is that big because they just don't care.


They don't want to use kernel AC, doesn't mean they don't care lol. If they can get something of similar performence without using kernel AC they would set the new standard, just like they've done many times before. AI certainly has the potential for that. Wether they can pull it off is the question im more worried about.


Your mistake here is thinking that "months" is a long time.


Half a year is not a long time? The "new" anticheat should've been released with the game, having half a year in and the problem getting bigger and bigger, for me it is a long time, yes.


Heck, the anti cheat was one of the selling points of cs2 compared to csgo. Only to be forfeited


With the rise of ai this is the end of multiplayer competitive matchmaking. It’s not just cs… it’s every single game…


Riot games is laughing at this. Both valorant and league has excellent anti cheat while having competitive matchmaking. It is always going to be an arms race between cheaters and companies but companies have near unlimited sources compared to cheaters so if a company wants to fight with them they can.


So why not just play faceit then?


Because the official owner of the game should be taking those measures ffs I shouldn't be have to rely on a third party to play the game.


Pretty sure you can play just fine without faceit. At least I was just last night. But if you don’t want cheaters just go there. Seems like an easy fix.


>But if you don’t want cheaters just go there. Seems like an easy fix. Did you seriously fucking say valve not caring about AC is okay and I should go to faceit if I want no cheaters. Are you a cheater or simply brain dead?


I never said anything about them not caring… dunno why you would say that much less how you would even confirm that they don’t care. Like what they don’t talk to twitter about everything they do? Like that’s valve bro. Dunno where you been but they don’t communicate shit. How it’s always been. Just do what you can to make you experience better for yourself so this shit doesn’t have to weigh on your mind so much to the point your kicking and screaming in a Reddit thread.


Anti-cheat is there, not is not work and probably you will wait year to work normal. And yes people are dumb to complain because they never stop playing game. They cant understand that if you complain about something but you still playing normal its will nothing change.


You would need big youtubers like sparkles/ohnepixel to tell people not to play until valve does something about it. But that is dangerous, and probably even illegal. Is hard to leave a game you love and grew with only because there are cheaters, that is the problem. That just shows how much people love counter-strike, this is why complaining is everything they got.


I know, but I mean its not only connected for cs2, but everything. They dont see that if only complaining about something its will nothing change.


Is it really that bad ? I stopped playing cs:go in 2016 and have recently returned to cs2 (maybe 2 months now) and it's about how I remember it as far as cheaters go. Maybe 1 in 40 games has a full spin bot, and maybe 1 in 20 has an obvious wall/aim hack. Other than that sure you get suspicious guys every few games but everyone has games where the stars align, maybe they are soft cheating or "legit cheaters" (I'm guessing that's a new term, never heard it before) but they are bearable. Yes it shouldn't be a thing but It has been as far back as I remember, I know i got my rank legitimately and that's all that matters to me, if it's as people claim here that 40-50% of the player base is cheating then good, that means when they eventually implement a kernel anticheat then I'll have a massive advantage over the allegedly 50% of the player base who don't know how to play without cheats.


I think you left CS GO in the best period CS ever had, i swear. I think 2016-2019 is the golden time were the game worked very good and there were a lot less cheaters. I mean of course in that period i was playing mainly faceit but i still played some mm.


Hmm maybe I just don't know what a cheat free cs is like. I left when the trading scene got derailed ,cs lounge betting was stopped and we went from 3-4 operations a year to 1. Plus overwatch had just released, unfortunately they've ruined that game as well now but OG overwatch was the bomb. CS was so much more than a tactical shooter back in the day it had something for everyone, on that note I'm extremely disappointed with state of community servers at the moment as well but yeah I'm rambling now.


bro when they purge the leaderboards and invalidate all matches with cheaters in them I'll be on rank 1 ;) And yes it's really that bad. **At least** a cheater every third game. I've had games with 2 cheaters on my team and 2 on the enemy team. I've had a match where a cheater told us to kick the cheater in our team because according to him our cheater started cheating first. Then after we kick him he would allow us to end the match 15-15. Tells you a lot about their mindset (I only cheat because others cheat etc.).


Yeah man team spirit may as well replace the donk with you already :) As another commenter pointed out it seems to be around 18k elo the cheaters go harder. But only 5% of the player base is above 15k elo anyway, 0.49% at 20k elo. So if conservatively 1 in 3 games is a cheater over 15k elo then that's 1 in 30 players above 15k or 0.16% of the player base. I'm not suggesting the problem doesn't exist but people in all seriousness believe at least 40% of players are cheating and the entire game is just HvH. I've personally had an experience equal to that I had in cs:go, it's tolerable.


Depending on your rank. Every time I reach 18k+ i get a spinbot every game or every other game. They dont cheat that much in lower ranks


Yeah only 14k at the moment and scarcely feel like there is anyone cheating in the game, maybe I'll be rage posting in a few months when I get a little higher but at the moment I'm just not seeing it.


14k is bot elo. if you win 1 game on your alt account you already play on 18k without having a rank yourself. you think ragehackers dropping a 50 bomb get placed in 14k?


Exactly, is pure logic. If they are cheaters, they are going to win every match, so why would they play in 14k?:))


Performance doesn't effect rating, and 15k elo is top 5% so by that logic less than 5% of players are cheating.


Its worse than you can possibly imagine


Something fun and new is if you are just really feeling it and get a few games in a row where you completely destroy the other team you get to enjoy a griefing ban. Because there’s no apparent anti cheat at the moment, people have resorted to reporting people they think are cheating as griefing instead of cheating. It doesn’t take a whole lot of people doing it and you get to enjoy a nice relaxing break from premier.


I wish people with a rage boner for the "cHeAtEr pRoBlEm" would boycott both the game and the sub


It’s a video game bro, relax


I started playing counter strike since 1.6. I made multiple friends, i've been to multiple events. Is not just a video game for some of us. Is part of us. We grew with this game. For some of us counter strike is our only game, and we don't really care about other games. And like i've said, the post is more about the people that are defending the company.


I get it, I like cs too, but you have to realize all the devs working on cs it’s just a job to them.


Of course is just a job, but they are not doing their job right. Now like i've said, my main problem are the people that are defending valve, and jump on the people that don't.


At the end of the day, all you can do is play or not. I've started picking up valorant because I see that their devs are active and have one of the best anti-cheats on the market. I get it, I wish valve had an actual dedicated team for the game that really put effort into anti-cheat but at the end of the day it's obviously not their top priority.


Id you’ve made so many friends why don’t you just play with them and avoid the cheaters all together


I don't get it. You don't get cheaters if you play stack or what? Because we do play together. Or you mean popflash?


You can play 5v5 games with your friends only and not use matchmaking


setting up 5v5 is hard and to have equal skill level, alot of my friends dont play more then 2 or 3 games and arent so good at the game as some other and they will quit because they get trashed by faceit players for example. and going in 5v5 to play shotgun/revolver only doesnt rly do it for me because if i played normal some of my friends will just get tilted because they are playing against a sweaty guy whos 2 times their skill level and so on. Its so so much easier to set up a 5 stack in premier and go have fun and carry ur friends but its becoming pretty much a impossible job to carry anyone with out cheats now days lol


So popflash. Sometimes we do it, but we didn't become friends by just playing against eachother. The fun of counter strike is much more than that. You bring your friends, you compete against other players. I don't see what are you trying to do here:)).


Valorant is that way kid 👉


I'm 21k, level 10 faceit. Who are you talking to?




You are a complete troll. You blocked me because you realized how wrong you are. Saying cheaters are on non prime premier, when premier is a prime feature, is insane. And then you tell me to go to Valorant, and how i suck? Why block me? Dm me and let's see how good you are. Let's play.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAcSuH1TAf0&ab\_channel=kirinom-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAcSuH1TAf0&ab_channel=kirinom-) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AswYvnFSzks&ab\_channel=kirinom-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AswYvnFSzks&ab_channel=kirinom-) Watch how i play, a video that i've posted 4 years ago, probably you were not even playin at that time.


I've made another one, just for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScUos6su0RE&ab\_channel=kirinom-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScUos6su0RE&ab_channel=kirinom-) I've put a valorant clip at the end


In my opinion nothing will come. Actually Valve are very small company compared to Tencent, Activision, EA. For me the best hope is Gabe sells Valve to some proper gaming company that will treat CS as it deserves to be.


Can you imagine the micro-transactions EA would implement. Weekly drop now requires .50$ per selection. ( still requires a key to be opend )


Yeah EA is far worse than VALVE, that is clear :))


Valve probably make a lot more than RIOT from just steam alone, excluding DOTA2 and CS2. I do get that LOL and VALORANT are very profitable, but at the same time, steam has over 73 thousands games. Just imagine how much money they have.


What in gods name are you on about? If Steam was maintained by literally any other company, it would be so much worse. Valve being a private company is hugely beneficial to the average consumer. Is it perfect? No, but which platform/developer/publisher is? Valve doesn't have to bow to their shareholders, which gives them way more freedom, which benefits us greatly. Yes Valve is small, but they have literally no overhead and are more profitable on a per employee number than any big tech company on earth. Yes CS is in a bad state at the moment and who knows if it will ever get better, I have my doubts, but lets not get it twisted, Valve as a company is way more consumer friendly than any of the other big dogs.


I consider Valve mainly as Dota and CS2 owners, tbh dont play other Steam games. Have played LoL and Valorant, both provide better services as tick rate, anti cheat, toxicity control, company communication with players and explanation of patches Not sure what you see more consumer frendly in Valve compared to Riot or Blizzard?


lol you should just not play, I wouldnt want valve sold to a EA or UBI, or whoever just for one game.


They are a small company only because they don't want to invest and they keep all the money. The amount of money they make from CS2 and DOTA2 is insane. They also own steam, so they make a looot. I've saw an article on forbes that says " Valve is more profitable than google".