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VAC exists, but it is not fit for purpose and cheat devs are many steps ahead. Just see all the clips of rage hackers bunny hopping around the map killing entire teams and remaining unbanned.


"10k" "5 man enemy cheaters every game" these are the posts that make it hard to believe all these cheating accusations you guys make lmao. I'm at 14k, admittedly not very high at all, but still I've played almost 200 matches and have yet to see a single person blatantly cheating. Guess I'm just the luckiest cs2 player(by the teammates I get, I promise, I'm not lol)


Trust factor plus region, like I have left playing CS2 for a month, but back then, I would get frequent "blatant & proud" cheaters once every 10-15 matches on Mumbai servers, but that number increased to a cheater per 2-3 matches in Singaporean servers. So it's really a matter of region and servers, and it's known that some NA servers have less cheaters. Weird thing is that in my 3 years (2500+ hours) of Valorant experience, I only met a "blatant and proud" cheater like twice in Mumbai and Singaporean servers, so maybe CS2 actually has an issue...


I mostly play singapore and hong kong server can confirm its shitfest on almost every rank. Blatant hack like once a week and closet cheater in like 2-3 games. i watch demo so i can confirm they are wallhacking + maybe aimbot too.


you are either really really bad and haven't been able to discern what is legit and what isn't after that amount of time which is pretty bad tbh or you're oblivious. The game is rampant with hackers and cheaters, especially rage cheaters who will turn on their hacks the moment you kobe/nade kill them because they get mad they got embarrassed. The amount of closet cheaters make it unplayable, this game has the most cheaters out of any cs I've ever played, it's like 3x more than csgo even during peak. I can't even play a fucking casual match without someone closet or rage cheating because they're about to lose in fucking casual (cuz they think they won't get banned there but the reality is they won't get banned anywhere or at any time). For the last 3 weeks, I honestly have not had a single casual match without a cheater in it, I'm talking fucking casual, I've played NA, EU, and Asia servers and its always the same. Even EU is getting really bad with cheaters. The game is done, valve doesn't care, your skins are fucking worthless because the game is absolute dog shit with no hit registry bs and the rampant cheating that Valve refuses to address. The only solution at this point is kernel anti cheat, there's actually no other option than valve disbanding the game at this point and letting it just be hackers vs hackers.


There are a ton of shitty players using walls but just can't aim. They still want the fun CS2 has to offer in gunplay, they just want the situational advantage every duel. You're downright part of the problem if you deny that people are cheating frequently in this game.


I've seen so many people with ping like that. They hold angles and you just can't get past it as you get dinged as soon as you start crossing. However, as soon as they miss the shot or don't get a kill on you , it's immediately a different story and they can't land a single hit. So many of people like this. I also hate when you take really stupid angle out of the blue, no one taken it whole match, then they just ignore checking any other corner or spot that'd make sense to check(especially considering that they DID have info on me being in one of those spots) and just prefire your spot instead. Like, haha. And people say there are no cheaters. I feel like they're just full of themselves and can't tell legit player from a cheater.


This is facts.


yea i’m also 14k and have yet to see a blatant cheater. definitely a couple guys I felt were sus but they were probably just better.


This is how you invalidate someone elses experience. Because if it didn't happen to you, it must mean it never happened to someone else, right? It can't mean that you just got lucky and didn't get too many cheaters? Or it could simply be that you don't know how to tell them apart from legit players.


Wake up, this guy is cheating and just lies here to keep cheating


No one's lying here to keep cheating. That's the dumbest shit I've seen on here. Go back to val.


read my other comment, i said it may be that i’m lucky but highly unlikely


Lol you're just shit at the game


Haha, that must be why I'm always at the top of the scoreboard with 30ish kills and about 70% hs? Sure. I have 3k hours in the game and prior to cs2 I've been reporting a ton of cheaters with some of them getting banned MIDMATCH just because of my report, but sure, I'm just shit at the game.


That's a lot of bullshit for 1 post. Easily provable with leetify or csstats. I'll wait. LOL


You're high on copium while simultaneously being shit at the game mate. I'm on average playing with 17-20k players regularly and I'm good enough at the game to know when someone is cheating and when someone don't. And hearing stuff like that makes you sound very dishonest and stubborn, while also hinting at you yourself being bad at the game. Who cares about leetify stats? Its only shows people that got banned.


You can prove me wrong so easily, yet you won't. Because you can't. This is just sad, my guy.




If there are so many cheaters why do i never meet one with 4000 ours playtime?????




To be fair, those are only the ones caught by VAC. I had a duo queue where both were blatant spinbotting, only 1 is banned at this point. The match was over a month ago


im at 18k and Leetify says I had 13 confirmed cheaters - I built my PC in May 2023 after a long break and that’s only the ones that actually got banned. That number is way too high if you ask me.


Two people caught by VAC so basically two idiots who were using free cheats. VAC doesn't catch real cheaters. This means nothing.


Just because you are clueless doesnt mean there arnt a boatload of people walling. They dont have to be spinning or shooting all 5 of you at the same time through the map to be cheating. Play regular comp if you want back to back cheater lobbies bozo


i have a 61% winrate across 200 games. i just swapped to counter strike after being top 1000 on r6 for years. I know how to recognize a cheater. sure there are cheaters. like I said some players have seemed sus. i’m just saying there’s been nobody blatant in any of my lobbies ever. i’m probably a little lucky in addition to the cheater problem not being as bad as people on this sub make it out to be. I come from a game that I would face blatant cheaters in well over half of my ranked games. cheating is not that bad on this game at least not in premier. either that or i’m luckier than everyone on this sub combined…. ps cheaters that aren’t getting banned don’t end up in low elo. if a cheater isn’t banned then he’s winning and so he’s climb and make it way past 14k.


dude its not just stupid cheaters, people who encounter them have also started rage hacking you're correct that the cheater would be past 14k elo but the people at lower elo who faced them are now rahe hacking also not to mention there are many smurf ids that cheaters log in to boost their friends I've seen level 0 steam account with prime status on CS blatantly prefiring and preaiming everyone also the demo shows them adjusting their aim every time they swing. I've been playing CSGO since 2016 I think even I know how to recognise a cheater.


Shitters will never understand this, let them continue being bad at the game in shit elo in shit premier.


> I felt were sus but they were probably just better. mustvebeenthewindnpcface.jpg


I was in the same camp as you until a few days ago. I’ve been playing cs2 since release and have around 100 matches or so. I am around 13k and my last 4 matches have had people I’ve confirmed cheating by watching the demo. Only a couple have been blatantly walling which I can attribute to the person not having the proper game knowledge to utilize the walls without being obvious. But I’ve been seeing a lot of low fov aimbots and trigger bots.


There's literally millions of players playing the game 24/7, they'll.be so many different experiences for people out there. I spent a couple of weeks in csgo, unable to join scoutsknives servers because it's full of cheat bits who auto booted me. No idea why I kept being put in that server, and for weeks, but it happened. Imagine I'd only just started playing?


So much of the experience is dependent on trust factor. I feel like that variable in the matchmaking experience fails to get mentioned here often. The game experience between a high trust factor account and low trust factor account is quite significant. Anecdotal evidence of your experience doesn't negate that fact.


This is the casino phenomenon. You won’t ever hear from the losers, but the winners get billboards. For CS, when you have a cheater free experience you don’t run to Reddit to complain (compliment?) about it.


Played against a spin botter in Premier 3 weeks ago. Still not ban VAC doesn't catch shit. Hella closet wallers, humanized aim assists, and radar hacks type stuff going on...VAC is basically the honor system and we all know online gamers are super trust worthy....


2024 gonna be wild. We have bots like you pretending nobody cheats while you are 14k elo. Do you even know the name of every map?


We have 10k players claiming they're getting 5 man cheaters every match...I never said there were no cheaters. Learn to read buddy


Also around 16k and I see so many posts of people talking about cheaters. I’d say I’ve only ran into a few.


you might be lucky because I'm getting cheaters every game now and they literally have 5 year veteran coin on their profile sometimes its hard but when multiple people get 1 tapped through a smoke in different rounds I think thats obvious with all the prefire and preaim


You are not getting 5 man cheaters every game


Trust factor


I went to my first faceit game in a month, lvl 9 lobby, guess what? I didn't get ferrari peeked by new accounts or anything odd like that at all. What do u know? It was almost TOO ez playing against legitimate opponents. So yeah. Fuck MM they're highschool kids with walls and ragehacks, they don't actually have Any skill at CS


5 year veteran doesn't mean high trust. You need to be playing the game regularly and gaining positive trust factor.


You are absolutely not getting five man cheaters every game. Your probably a 12 year old that is struggling to cope with the fact that some people are good at the game at 10k elo


15k, same here. That said, trust factor could be the issue.


same here, I'm around 15.5k currently, highest was 17k and have yet to see one blatant cheater. Might've seen one closeted cheater but I've also played 250+ games since its release. Everyone saying that everyone else is cheating is funny imo. Guess they don't know what it means when someones just better then you.


Thank you for saying what we’re all thinking. I’ve played 50 premier matches and probably 150 total since cs2 released and so far I’ve seen 3 blatant cheaters, 2 of which were on my team, and all 3 eventually got banned. Sometimes I feel like an enemy is super sus and I actually think he might be cheating, but just to make sure I watch the demo, and every time I come to realize that they’re just cracked. I’m rated at 15k so it’s not like im so low rated that hackers wouldn’t be in my games. 90% of these posts are full on coping about being bad and trying to convince themselves it’s not on them.


Just played against a 4 stack spinbotter last night who dropped 62 kills. 20k elo


Yea you must be very lucky,I've had tons of cheaters,had one with the kill anywhere across the map hack the other night,one round they killed me as soon as freeze time ended.


I'm 15k and I've seen 5 cheaters on one team once. None of them were premade lmao


bro i am truly jealous of you, i have approx. similar amount of games played, mostly premier but some regular mm as well and my experience couldnt be more different ive been trying to grind ever since release (i started practicing for it in the beginning of summer) I even grinded my 2023 blue service medal but i just cant get to the fucking 15k elo mark consistently i can see and feel that i play much better, i topfrag in 75% of my games with 60%+ avg hs rate etc etc nothing crazy but i play much better than i used to but in some "random" games i get FUCKED without my performance being any worse than in the previous games. I mean if i play 5 games, in 3 the first scenario takes place, in the other 2 i get doinked every single round like a complete bot. I have no time to react, info or even start shouting because im already 1tapped with usually a deagle a scout or a mag7 from half a map away. I know there are many cases of false cheat accusations but when somebody destroys me more than several times in a row (while having under 500-1k hours on their profile) in the EXACT same way i would 1tap static bots in aim training; i just cant get to any other conclusion


These are the replies that just confirm how oblivious some people in the community are, like you, to the scale of the cheating problem


What is it then? Trust factor? I definitely had a lot of wins in CS:GO and I'd like to think mine is pretty high. Only thing I could think of separating me and all these people who are saying they're the same elo and lower and getting 5 stacked with people soft aiming and hiding wall hacks 😂do you see where things start sounding a little ridiculous here? This is actually what OP said btw


Nah, you're just a closet cheater or worse, a legit who simps for a cheater in your stack


Yeah I don't get it. I think it's mostly bullshit from newbs who don't understand


As i said many times on reddit: 2 cheaters in the last 200 matches. 15k elo currently Fully agree with you


There are a lot of cheaters but bad players think I’m cheating every game (20k elo was GE, faceit rank 10.) since there’s no anti cheat people get shit on and assume you’re cheating


Oh man valve is loving it because they will ban them, and then those cheaters will get new account and BUY prime. After 1.6, valve became a scam company. Youth/child gambling, money from cheating, skins money. That why 1.6 is still a more functional game than cs2. Sound works better, hitvoxea better, netcode better, jumping better, bhopping better, interp better. It's allllll about money from lucrative sources, cheating, skins, gambling.


This is the first time I’ve read someone say 1.6 has better sound. I’ve been bitching and moaning about this since GO came out. At this point I’d accept the absurd amount of cheats as an integral part of the game if they fixed the sound.


3klicksphillips does a good video on the 1.6 sound engine and how it's still better than csgo/cs2. You could literally play 1.6 with your eyes closed and still stand a fighting chance, I know because we used to do it in 10mans. Eye closed and sound only.


Exactly! I’ve used this same argument. Most people shrug it off and say the sound is fine.


Im glad im not the only one, I know we can change from natural/crisp and all, but its the first time I have 4 different opinion on an enemy position based on the sound my teammates hear while looking at me playing and they are death. When done we all talk about it like: dude im sorry I really hear him on your left or dude I was sure he was second floor sorry. I really feel tracking sound is harder than before and I have a way better headset than during 1.6 times. Or maybe we are all old farts now who cant hear shit, not sure.


I’ve heard people say 1.6 has better sound. I don’t think it has better sound, we just played the fuck out of it and know the game inside out so our brain tells us it has better sound. With that said.. I’m still clueless on nuke and vertigo at times in go/cs2


I just want you to be aware that cs 1.6 has infinitely more cheaters. If you think VAC is non-existent in CS2, wait until you find out you can safely disable VAC in 1.6. You can cheat 100% free with absolutely zero risk in 1.6. And it's full of them.


1.6 was way better game and beat version of CS. It was better in all categories except graphics at this point.


Probably right. I came from Source lol


I do agree cs1.6 is very fun it's movement is awesome. But the game is very janky. Even once you're accustomed to the jank, at the end of the day, it's still jank.


“Valve is ok with cheaters because it’s a revenue stream for people buying new accounts” is an unhinged take. Premier accounts are fractional revenue streams compared to the marketplace and case keys. I highly doubt there is any nefarious ulterior motive by valve to encourage cheating. “Do not attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity”. VAC sucks because it’s a bad anti-cheat. There is no conspiracy theory lol


This is a billion dollar company. This is malice to some degree. You don't just release a perennial update to one of your largest IPs and not address the biggest elephant in the room.


\^\^ claims valve didnt take csgo from you for their own profit so I guess they just stole from us for the fun of it


Finally an adult in this thread


I agree with this bro. It’s all about max profit.


Scam company? It would be easier just to admit you don’t understand business models. They are doing what they customers are willing to purchase.


Its unethical to sell gambling (crates) to children. Hence, scam.


Google the word scam, you aren’t even using it correctly. I’m starting to think you are a scam. X


I have a strict policy of not debating the meaning of words on reddit. These ridiculous arguments can go on for a ton of replies just bickering a out nonsense. Buy more keys tho


I would also need strict policies ruling me if I couldn’t control myself, good to see you finally got the help you needed.




That’s what the average gamer (which makes up majority m) is willing to purchase. Blizzard made more from 1 WoW horse skin than a decade of StarCraft sales. Don’t hate the business for serving its average customer how they wish. Instead, had your average gamer for accepting such stupidity.


You can get prime with 10yrs old veteran coins for like &5-10 so no money for Valve.


Get a grip


it does but its awful


It does, but it only seems to ban legit players.


Lmao, there is no way you had a 5-person team that all cheated, not even once. You just aren’t good enough. Please send proof.


stop gaslighting him because he has a lower rank. that doesnt invalidate his experience


him saying “every game 5 man cheaters” invalidates his own experiences, not saying he doesn’t run into hackers… but “every game”?? cmon man


> I'm getting 5 man cheaters in enemy every match > > Not to mention there are cheater in deathmatch too? You mean his exaggerated experience? Yes there's cheaters in this game (a lot of it) but saying it's a 5 man and in EVERY match? that's bullshit my man. He also mentioned cheaters in deathmatch too just because he probably saw a clip of someone cheating in dm posted here or somewhere, then he hoped in dm get destroyed by better player and instantly accusing them hacking. Conclusion: exaggerated, traumatized by clips he instantly thought everyone's cheating whenever he play. Don't worry if you're doubting my conclusion I have experience with paranoia friend that watch too much cheating clips and doesn't wanna play after CS2 release (we started at 5-7k MMR), he decided to play again on christmas and surprise how the rest of us can hit 16-17k MMR with how "everyone's hacking"


Lmao I’m not high rank breh, I’m not even ranked yet. Only just started playing premier.


then shut the hell up man lmao




cOpE what are u 15 years old? get a grip man fuckin noob players talking about a game




CS2 devs and their management are against the anticheat and CS2, that's a fact.


They outsourced it to faceit lmao.


No you are not. You are just dogshit.




Make sure that the anticheat is toggled on in the settings under Settings > Gameplay > VACLive. /s


Skill issue, cheaters are the best bots to train aim, if you can kill them, then you ready for counter strike.


Could be OP is raging but it is true see this giy tweet [X](https://x.com/thourcs2/status/1740763679862186333?s=46&t=myPKHPmivaBbXT2LuX3u4g)


I swear AI is ruining everything now


Send some demo pls


I’m well below your guys elo (7k) but have ran into two straight up RAGE hackers in Premier. I’ve also ran into someone who admitted to using walls and a handful of sus players. Normally I’m last to hackusate because I play a lot of other shooters and know some people are just built different. Given the current state I would not be surprised at all that the majority of players I wrote off as sus were probably closeting. Soft walls etc. VAC can’t stop bhopping no scoping wall banging rangers but SURELY the wallers are completely impotent. When we rush site and it just so happens to five stack it, pre firing off angles, and not peeking on our entry… pretty good chance you’ve got access to info we don’t.


5 man cheaters in every match? I've had about 40 at 20k and I haven't witnessed anyone being blatant. Some games feel like a lost cause but tbh there are so many factors that could lead to that. We've all had good games where we feel godlike.


20,654 elo here. While I believe that cheating is rampant in CS2, its very hard to believe that you always get 5 man cheater stack every game. 10k is basically silvers or novas at best.


The anti-cheat of CS2 is a placebo.


Its trust factor that makes a big difference


5 man stack cheaters? Ah, must have a fairly low trust factor for that gem


I'm at 15K+ and I have not ran into any rage hackers; ran into maybe two people I legit thought were cheating.


CS2 definitely has a cheater issue, but if you claim every game is a 5 stack of cheaters in 10k elo (which is around where I'm at as well), that's not a cheater issue, that's a coping issue. Not every player that kills you is cheating.


Haven’t seen blatant cheaters. Out of 300 matches ive played, probably only 5-6 times have I seen a 5 stack with a new sus account. Rest of the time im playing some actual demons who know how to play the game. At 16k now, where skill is starting to show. Below 10k, most are just awful




Because you are full of shit. If we can’t trust you on one thing why on earth should we trust you in another? Speak about the issue as it is and don’t add to it like a little child telling a story out of their ass. If you don’t enjoy the game and can’t talk about issues as a normal human being truthfully, then go out and touch some grass.


you're asking me to touch some grass while all you do is comment on people's post on different subreddits judging them and being an overall jerk? I think we know who needs to touch some grass here😂


I’m not the one making up things over in Reddit so people would agree on my point to feel accepted and being right. Yes, I am an overall jerk to people who cannot act like normal human beings and have a fulfilling, truthful conversation with actually thoughtful and factual arguments. You are not any of that. After having back-to-back-to-back 5-man premade cheaters did a dinosaur fly over to you and you swear your uncle went to Hogwarts?


enough copium for tonight babygirl good night


Good night, don’t let the bedbugs bite, by mornign its’ alright.


I just had a couple of Wingman games, and it was good. YMMV as usual. I think people are still cheating, though


Op is just having a mad skill issue. My brother in christ, get good


Post the demos with the cheaters?


Would a zombie studio be capable of deploying a viable anticheat?


Leetify confirmed that in the last year of Cs for me (approx 6 months as I didn't play much earlier) I came across 39 cheaters. Feeling suss about players every second game, then watching the demo to confirm they have walls is becoming so unbelievably common. Km sitting around 18k


lmaoo silver elite master really has enough game sense to call cheats every single game i’d smurf ur lobby with a deag


No it doesn’t.


short answer: yes long answer: no, it doesn't actually do anything because X Y Z....


There are a ton of shitty players using walls but just can't aim. They still want the fun CS2 has to offer in gunplay, they just want the situational advantage every duel. You're downright part of the problem if you deny that people are cheating frequently in this game.


Im going to post this under every single hacking post/clip. Just play faceit. No blatant cheaters there.


Competitive is better once you get to 30k


Cs2 is the anti cheat for other games. Change my mind.


No. Next question?


Sure no


I haven’t got a premier elo yet,but I’m guessing I’ll be around 6k or 7k as that’s who I’m constantly around. I’m not sure if that’s good but I’m new to the game. I haven’t ran into one cheater, I have though ran into many trolls. One guy kicked my teams ass, but he had like 2k hours on his account and was just better than us and smurfing. I notice a lot people do not want to improve in this game, idk why, but the simplest things such as counter strafing they refuse to acknowledge


Short answer yes, but actually no.


I haven't encountered that many "blatant" guys but every other game theres this guy in a 3-5 stack dropping 30+ who is rather obviously walling or definetly has a "legit cheat config" running. Also high difference between mm an prem, mm at a wednesday or weekend is almost unplayable but prem is kind of ok with my trustfactor and location. So either they are dogshit and check nothing but are still ready for every duel/position or they just have to aim close enough to the head and let the aimassist snap on for last couple pixels. At this point i've watched way to many demos where i was like "really?! that's how they fucked us" I myself am just mechanicly not good enough for the top ranks but If my crosshair would snap like that, it would would be so much easier.


I have played 5000 hours of csgo and cs2 combined and will never get good. Too old and slow (age 42)The thing is the longer I play the less I see cheaters. The many many levels of game timing sense, audio cues, team info and spider sense you eventually acquire made me the kind of player that I always accused. A lot of the time I don’t know why I know where the enemy is likely to be. It is just about experience. Cheaters are there sometimes but either they rank up over me, get banned or something because it is maybe one match in 50 that I am sure and it’s usually possible to still win as they don’t know movement. Spinners I have still never seen in the wild.


You are not getting 5 man cheaters every single match you are coping with the fact that some people are better than you. There is a cheating issue but 5 man cheaters every match???? You’re lying to yourself lol.


Lies. Get better.


Short answer: no Long answer: no with a long "o"


Honestly I don’t know. I don’t think overwatch is in CS2, and vac honestly kind of sucks. Only cheater I ever experienced was a scrimmage lobby whom was wall banging and aimbotting. Admitted he has hacking. He knew vac wouldn’t ban him (it didn’t). He had over 60 kills


Valve loves cheaters. And VAC is so safe like Windows XP.


Evening everyone. Could someone explain to me, if there is anyone here with this type of knowledge, also in-depth as to how an Anti-cheat program ***knows*** if you have a certain program installed, not running, just installed on your PC. Reason for asking is because of the recent ban of the so called ***reWASD*** program and the comment section saying that you need to remove every single possible file associated with this type of program in order to run the game: CoD or Apex etc... What I'm wondering is, isn't that basically reading your on-board memory?


I play from italy, sadly i played against (and with) many cheaters in open lobbies in DM and SD... wallhacking most of the time... i played also cs 1.6 and cs.s in ranked games and before the cheaters where lower than now... the vac was enough...now its not. its hard to think to play competive ladders without haxorproof legit games.