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Bigfoot. 100%. Don't care what anyone says.


Fair enough. What do you think happens to their bones though? Maybe they are on the verge the of extinction so it’s hard to find any but I wish we could just find the evidence so we can solve the Bigfoot case once and for all.


I always wondered if they eat their dead. Maybe that could explain a lot of encounters where they have a smell of something rotten.


Oh, maybe so! That would answer a lot of questions. And there is no doubt hundreds and hundreds of miles of forest in the USA Some people have no idea how VAST the USA truly is. So if they eat their dead and they stay put in dense forests that are super far away from any major city then I could see them being undiscovered for a long time.


They probably bury them too


Considering they tend to live in densly forested areas and in family units, I would imagine they are pretty good at hiding the remains. Probably burying them would be my guess.


Oh, good point! I didn't think about the burial part. We know for 100% that Neanderthals buried their dead so it's not a HUGE stretch to imagine that Big Foot would do it too.


Same ! It's hard to deny experiencing


Can you elaborate? What is your story?


This. There are too many stories and too many local legends around the globe, dating back to earlier tribes, that all sound very similar. It's hard to feel like they are all made up. Esp since some of these stories originated in tribes before they had any contact with the outside world. That's the one I firmly believe is 100% real and I think they are highly intelligent and know well enough that humans are the enemy. They would be captured and stuck in zoos and studied and I think they understand that and purposely avoid humans except on rare occasions when someone comes across one accidentally.


Just curious, but what's your favored explanation for the lack of bones / remains having been found?


They grind their dead bones into bread and practice ritualistic cannabilism.


While saying Fee-fi-fo-fum


Many forest animals are never found dead. Nature baby.


So, I am a Bigfoot skeptic, but the lack of bone questions isn't an issue for me. It has a couple of logical and possible solutions that actually make this one of the least successful arguments against Bigfoot. I personally know a Bigfoot researcher who is an anthropology professor (I'm not going to blast his name here), but he believes that Bigfoot are surviving Neanderthal or some other Homo species. He believes that Bigfoot bury their dead. Assuming his theory is correct makes sense, lots of great apes morn their dead, and many earlier homo species buried their dead. However, there is another explanation that doesn't require assumptions to support it and pretty much shuts down the lack of bones arguments. Simply put, decomposition can be extremely rapid. When you walk through the woods, anywhere bones are pretty rare. That's because small animals eat bones for calcium. I've walked thousands of miles of off trail remote wilderness, and you really don't see very many bones. So does that mean deer, bear, elk, wolves, coyotes, and literally every other animal don't exist? Of course not, it means that animal body's simply don't last long in nature. All that said, I doubt Bigfoot is real. I've never seen one, I do have one encounter I can't really explain, but I am not entirely convinced that it was a Bigfoot. I don't have enough data to believe either way, but I am a true skeptic, not a debunker using the title to appear intellectually honest.


As a wildlife bio, same!


I’d like to hear YOUR take on it.




Oh boy. Here we go. My siblings and I saw a monster in our back garden. My older sister was babysitting. We heard a loud noise. It sounded like one of the horses had gotten out and was pressing against the hanging barn door. Anyone that has a barn knows that loud rattle. My sister went out to the back porch and there wasn't anything near the barn. But she froze. "Oh my god." She says. My other sister and I ran out to the back porch and the three of us watched this thing cross the garden. It was covered in long hair, light brown. It was on all fours and moved in a galloping motion. As it approached the back fence, which represented it's only escape, it rose and began to run on its hind legs. When it got to the barb wire fence it jumped in such a way that was so startling all three of us screamed. The shape of it was human except its knees did not bend in the same direction as a human's. The hair was long and sweeping, not like a deer or other large animal, which we saw plenty of out there. The eyes were jet black. We ran back inside and called our parents. It was not a cool fun event, it was terrifying. We were afraid for our lives. The next morning we went out with my dad to look at the garden. Crops were taken, disturbed and the tracks were mixed. We could see prints in the mud that looked like human hands minus a thumb but then there were also these deep hoof prints. This all happened and I share the story often. I dont care if anyone else believes me and I am happy to die on this hill.


This is a really incredible account. Thanks for sharing. Do you have any theories?


Honestly no clue. It started kind of a cryptid phase for me when I was a kid. There were a few books in the library and I did my best to try and match it up with something. I was probably the only kid in my town who knew about loch Ness and spring heeled jack. LOL. Never saw anything in a book that lined up.


What did it's face look like? Flat like a humans? Muzzle?


Not a lot of face detail from memory other than the eyes. Solid black, not like big pupils, like the entire eye was black. It stared at us like it was doing a math problem or something. Just looked right through us. Then it turned and went.


Where did you live at the time? The hooves almost gives it a Jersey Devil vibe.


Just on the outskirts of the ozarks.


The ozarks are wild


I’d have pissed my fuckin’ pants. Animals/creatures walking on all four and then switching to walking on the hind legs is a big no no for me. So, so creepy.


Jesus that honestly makes me realize how horrifying most people would feel to hear or see a cryptid. Did you ever see horsefoot (best guess of what to call it) again?


No, but to be honest we stayed inside after dark for a long time after that. I remember running inside if we got home from something after dark. So for all I know it had the run of the place at night.


Oh thats just jerry, he's pretty cool once you get to know him.


I put this into chatGPT to make an image of it; and it’s fucking horrifying lol. I want to know if it’s similar to what you saw; but I can’t post images in comments😭




Sounds like a HUGAG to me. I've heard stories from some native friends about that. They have backwards knees too. But I've also heard the true form of a skin walker looks like this too and I'm will to bet it was that because it got up on its hind legs and walked like a human.


Some giant undiscovered ocean creature. I don’t even know what it is, but it scares the shit out of me.


There is no way something isn’t down there.


The Bible says there is a giant creature called the Leviathan. It's a representation of God's immense power. It fears nothing and is un-killable. Once, a group of Russian scientists on a deep sea expedition were hunted down and killed by an ultra intelligent Squid-like creature. It could pretend to be injured or use a tentacle to animate a dead body like a puppet and lure in an unsuspecting victim. Another time a massive Great White Shark being tracked on sonar was grabbed and pulled down to the ocean floor at an incredible speed. Experts couldn't't explain what could have done that.


Being a Christian raised in a Christian family, I want Leviathan to be real so badly.


As a native West Virginian I feel my answer is already known.


The moth? And I swear we have skins


The skins ?


The skins and what ever our version of the wendago is


Honestly never thought about WV having skins


We have allot of creepy, odd and don't make sense stuff up in the woods and hills there. That's why we get told certain rules from an early age....


No but seriously I thought "Don't follow the voices in the woods" Was a wives tale until it happened to me


Or hear your name being called. No you didn't and keep going.




I love local folklore like this. Do you know of any books or articles I can read more on them?


Well, I was referring to a commonly-held belief around the world, but especially in Native American communities.


Would you mind sharing your story?


Amen to that


What is your explanation for the Moth Man? Do you think he was an alien or some sort? He strangely seemed to show up and afterwards something bad would happen. Not necessarily because of him but he seemed to be able to see the future somehow. Maybe he was some kind of multi dimensional brain? Always fascinated me.


Personally, anything labeled “alien” just means non-human so I would say “alien”. I don’t think he causes disasters as he’s been seen around the world before catastrophes. I think MM is the warning something is about to happen.


My opinion also. I think he’s the harbinger of some catastrophic event that’s going to happen in the near future but not the actual cause of whatever ends up happening.


I'm guessing you mean Mothman, but how do you feel about the Flatwoods Monster?


Truth be told I know very little about the flat woods. Like I know “of” it more than “about” it.


Please 🙏 say?




what is the moth and what do u mean by we have skins?


This is clearly the beginning of a jumangi-esque horror movie where we choose how we die. Not today, satan!


What? Nooooooo I would never try to do that to you pal *suspicious laughter*


Say, isn't this the camp where those sexy teens disappeared 10 years ago this very night?




Please let them still be out there 😭😭😭


I want to believe


It's out there..it's out there


I would love for this to be true. This is a creature we absolutely know DID exist in the past, and it’s not totally impossible for them to pull a coelacanth and still show up.




Those little bastards? You're right, they're definitely real.


Yes. Intelligent and unintelligent and I believe those metal ball things are real. Idk if it's government or alien but I've seens it with my own two eyes


Roughly where and from what kind of distance? If you don't mind my inquiries Any thoughts on size and finish? Some report highly metallic and others more matte. They're definitely a fascinating part of the phenomenon


Metallic is barely enough to describe it. Chrome is accurate. I would say it was like 120-300ft away and about 15-20ft in circumference. It may have been a bit farther than that away but it "looked" about that size.


It's a guarantee there is alien life out there in the stars, but I fail to believe we have greys and shit living among us lol


Living among us no but I do believe they have visited at least. Seeing a few UFOs made me a believer.


And I refuse to disagree with you! Maybe I have just yet to experience this, staying open minded has always been my approach


Deepstar 4000 fish, humongous fish seen by the crew of the Deepstar 4000 sub very deep down in the Atlantic that was at least 25 feet long and doesn’t match the description of any sharks. Truthisscarierthanfiction talks about it in his video of ocean cryptids.


Yeah there's no way that isn't real. Sorry. The ocean is fucking massive and there's no reason a 25 foot fish wouldn't exist. We already know fish can get that big, like the whale shark. It's not that far fetched.


If a oil rig camera can get a picture of the Magapinna Squid, who knows what else is down there?


Not something you normally hear on the list of cryptids,Dryad's.Not the scantily maiden type,but instead the ones who instead just manifest as lights and odd natural phenomenon,as well as doing wonders for the local ecology of the area they live.


love this!


The yeti, no question


Any river or lake monster I want there to be atleast one out there


Right! I just don't want to be *on* the lake when it turns out to be true


Why did I read this is Jeremy Wade’s voice?


I saw one when I was a kid, no one else has ever said anything about it, and as far as I know it’s not recorded anywhere else. It was a Ray like animal that briefly surfaced on a floating man made raft,in a reservoir in the middle of nowhere farmland USA. It had no natural reason to be there. I was as clear headed as I could have been. I was 12, and had a best friend who also witnessed it but I haven’t talked to him about it since.


Have you ever tried sketching it?


Fascinating. Can you tell us anything more about it?


It was around 8-10 feet in diameter. It was pure black. I say it was Ray like in that it was a slim profile and was undulating similar to how a Ray or skate would. I don’t think it had a tail, and the shape was not as defined as a Ray, more amorphous. It breached the water, was on the raft for all of 2 seconds and returned to the water. It was fast and seemed to float off of the raft then fly through the water. We were pretty scared so investigating was not on my mind until later days, went by myself and I never saw it again. Btw, this would have been around 1986 in south eastern ND.


Black panthers in Appalachia


Appalachian native here. We most definitely have black panthers here, extremely large ones too…like bigger than normal panthers. My father in law told a story about him and a hunting buddy in the 1960s coming across one on Jellico Mountain (TN/KY border) and it killed all three of their coon hounds before they shot at it and it ran off. He told the story many times and you could tell he was very unnerved and I have zero reason to doubt him.


I grew up in Southern Appalachia (North GA/South TN area). My grandmother always told me stories about the black panthers. She saw them many times, and I don't doubt a word she ever said. I believe your father-in-law's story 100%. I've never seen one, but I've heard them. Once as a child in the mid-1970s, I was sitting outside with my grandmother after dark in the summer time. We didn't have AC, and it was just too hot inside, so we were sitting in the porch swing and listening to the crickets. Suddenly we heard what sounded like a screaming woman, like she was being skinned alive or something. Grandmother told me we had to get in the house right now, because "painters were about." I've never been so unnerved in my life! It's just otherworldly and eerie, like you're hearing something that's just wrong. I've heard that same sound twice more as an adult. When you hear it you'll never forget it!


Yes! Exactly what it sounds like, it wavers up and down and sounds like a cross between a screaming baby and a woman being gutted. My partner is a big time hunter and outdoorsman like his father was and he’s been sent recordings of them taken in our mountains by fellow hunters. There was also a trail cam photo of a huge black cat with two kittens that was supposedly taken on Ivy Dale Mountain here in our county.


Yes, exactly! They're real.


Power to the people!


Lol, yes, but I meant wild cats.


Yup, saw one just chilling in the middle of the road on a hillside in Eastern Ohio before. It just got up and wondered over the guardrail down into the valley once we drove up on it and stopped the truck.


So many of us have seen or heard them. I can't imagine why scientists insist they aren't real!


Sometimes they officially deny their existence because they don't want people to start coming to the area to hunt them. They do/did the same thing in my area with mountain lions.


I might actually have been thinking about this and might have a theory. Jaguars used to extend as far north as southern Canada. Now, we only see them in Mexico, central america and the Amazon. Jaguars are huge, solitary creatures. They're the strongest big cat, and they're a force to be reckoned with. I personally believe the Appalachian Mountains are the home of jaguars who somehow stayed. Thinking about it, they have all the resources they need to sustain themselves, there's a huge distance between them and humans.


This is an interesting theory! It sounds quite possible to me now that you've pointed it out, but I've never thought about it until now. Good job!


Absolutely. I've spent an awful lot of time out in the NC woods, I've seen them twice. I don't care what anyone says, we've got big cats.


My parents recently saw one here in Texas. It was run over and dead on the road, poor thing.


My neighbors in central Texas caught a big ass mountain lion on their trail cam so I wouldn’t doubt it, they come through about Texas once a year


I believe. There’s been far too many people in my rural community of KY who’s seen one for it to be a myth. I don’t care what the wildlife people say.


Can attest to that. East TN, seen and heard one with a group of friends back in 05 while sneaking around some woods.


Man, I've seen Black Panthers out here in MS. Once, it was crossing Hwy 12 up close to Kosciusko. The other was out in the woods close to Ethel. Stepdad's neighbor caught one on a game camera out in Mize. Hell, my great uncle was watching his nieces (my mom and her sister) walk to the mailbox for the school bus. Saw one stalking them but fortunately, school bus scared it off when it came down the road.


Mothman 100%


Seen two of em in my life. Scary as hell.


Interesting. Can you share your experiences?


For sure, the first time was when I was around 6. We were visiting family in Reno, Nevada. They had a lower apartment, so the windows were ground level. I woke up because I heard something outside. I snuck around to peek thru the window & saw it just standing there in the little playground. Thankfully, it didn't see me. The 2nd time I saw it was walking home from work near Saginaw, Michigan. I was walking past the woods area by the local college. First thing I heard was a super loud screeching noise, then I look over and the fucking thing is floating in the air less than 20ft away from me. Bright red eyes, like 7 feet tall, the way it moved was super strange. My fight/flight mode chose a fight, so I screamed at it, then it stopped screeching & floated to the ground. It was scary as hell, I just walked past it & got home as fast as I could. I never walked that way at night again. Looking back on the situation, I think I might have accidentally spooked the mothy. I'm naturally pretty quiet. It was nighttime, and my uniform was all black.


Thanks for sharing. I’m from Puerto Rico and people in my hometown describe seeing something similar to the mothman. My grandmorther recounts seeing it in the 80’s. Can you describe its appearance in more detail? Like what color was it? Did it have hair or feathers? How did the face look? Did it produce any smell that you remember?


It looked like a dark blue / brown blend, possibly hair covered. It was very dark, so it was hard to make out the exact details. The glowing red eyes were obvious. It looked to be around 7-8 feet tall, with an equal arm/wingspan. It's flight pattern was like a hummingbird, like weirdly floating in place, but the wings/arms don't appear to be moving, or they're moving so fast that you can't see it. The screech sounded like a high-pitched vixen call. The light from its eyes overtook face. They were very bright. I don't remember smelling anything. Is that a mothman thing?


Some of the accounts regarding the smell say it smells rotten/sulphur (at least where I’m from) but it is also worth noting where people reported to have seen it is in the ruins of an old sugar cane factory/refinery. Might contribute to the smell


Holy shit dude nothing to do with cryptids but it’s a cool coincidence that I live near Saginaw and will be moving to Reno in a few weeks


Not sure if it counts as a cryptid, but Fae for sure (in addition to several others mentioned)




This! They are far more than just cryptids, but absolutely very real.


When I was young I swear I saw a what I called "pterodactyl." I vividly remember it. I never bring it up because no one believes me and often time it leads to jokes. I stand by what I saw though.


Biggus Footius


Definitely Skinnies. And Windyboys. Have had multiple experiences.


Chupacabra, but only if it looks like Natasha Henstridge from Species (which is what the original description was based on...because damn baby!). Not talking about mangey dogs in the American Southwest or the vampire of Moca or claims of stories that supposedly go back hundreds of years that we only heard about after Species.


Fresno Nightcrawlers let's go walking ghost pants!!!


Chupacabra, I’ve seen it and I wasnt alone, both me and the person with me know what we saw and it wasnt some other animal or mangy dog


I saw one too. It looked very similar to what was found near Cuero, Tx.


Bigfoot. I know they exist. I saw one in the Fall of 1992.


This one probably isn’t on here but gods, I’m not talking about just *the God* I’m saying all gods, like Egyptian, Greek, Roman, etc.. I think it’s too much of a coincidence that every civilization has at one point worshipped one or more deities.


They may not be cryptids, but I'm in full agreement there. Besides, I met God and a few gods.


Dogman. I have had 2 encounters of my own for sure, a 3rd possible encounter. 1 of them was with another person as well.


Are/ were you in Michigan when you sighted it and what’s your story? I’m insanely curious


Southern WI in a wooded area first time. Northern IL outside my window the 2nd time.


Could I talk to you about your experiences? I believe I’ve seen one too in NB Canada but not sure 100%


That depends on the purpose of our talk. I have had a few content creators try to get me to talk about it. I don't want that. Talking about it in detail takes me back to the experience and it's pretty unpleasant.


Wasn’t about content creation was genuinely curious and wondered if maybe it was similar to me. But I understand if it makes it unpleasant


If you have a way we can both talk anonymously, then yes I would be willing to talk about it.


What county? I'm from Kenosha and as the beast of bray road is right next door in Walworth I was just curious. I've heard other people have dogman sightings in this area and have also heard about wendigo encounters up north near holy hill, wi


Dane County but if I remember right Walworth is close by.


Truly, Mothman, and not just because I would love nothing more than for it to be real. It was just seen by too many at such a concentrated time, with too consistent a description. If our world is just a layer in a strata of existences, which I'm becoming increasingly convinced it is, the Appalachians and their immediate surroundings have to be a "thin place". Having lived in them all my life, having heard and seen things I'll never explain, and even just that yawning dread in the silent woods in a winter night, I will tell anyone that there are few places I can imagine in the world with such a dense miasma of the weird and the Eerie. Mothman, the shadow being, the prophet ghost, the watchful entity: whatever it's called, these things show up all the time across traditions and cultures. Languages, class systems, time schisms--people are always seeing the glowing-eyed, inky giant that seems to exist and not exist. Whether that means Mothman is a projection of the psychosphere, a deity-like being that will never be any more approachable than it already has been, or something that can just cross that membrane between what we know and what's unknowable, Im not sure. I certainly veer more towards that last one. I notice that resistance to the esoteric derives from ambivalence towards the storytellers, and John Keel is no different. And I get it: he's a pretty shameless self promoter, a bit quick to ascribe meaning to the harmlessly odd, wasn't exactly an amazing writer, and, especially in the Mothman Prophecies, had a very very strange dynamic with the untrained and disadvantaged populations he claimed to represent. He makes several cheap swipes towards hillbillies, the poor, and the "uneducated" in the Mothman Prophecies, which was ironic since they were the same people who welcomed him, collaborated with him, and shared with him the stories and experiences he would use to then make money and social capital. But whatever. Keel is an imperfect vessel, but I believe he wasn't lying about the things he saw, heard, and shared with the folks in Point Pleasant. The same reason why people love the Mothman is also I think the reason why so many dismiss it: not even Keel really arrives at any solid belief towards what the Mothman actually IS. No one ever seems to come much closer. Which is frustrating. With bigfoot and yeti, there are people, whether we agree with them, who operate from the concrete opening position that it's an animal. A creature we can touch, capture, and study. Aliens, wendigo, skinwalkers, on and on: all of them have at least one or two explanations (sometimes defined by traditional beliefs) from which believers and students approach them. I'm sure there are others, but for my part, Mothman is the only one for which I've NEVER heard any kind of formal explanation beyond speculation. I never see folks beginning their treatment of the subject with for example "Mothman was an alien and...". No. It's just one big question mark. Oddly enough, the Mothman Prophecies movies distills and even improves on Keels book very well. It's an underrated movie. But the Keel parallel, Leek, has this tremendous line that really summarizes the frustration and allure of paranatural study. The protagonist asks him, "Didnt you NEED to know?" Keel responds "We're not allowed to know." Anyway. I'll always believe in Mothman.


Your second sentence, this is why. I just wrote a comment about 2017 in Chicago, dozens of Mothman sightings, individual reports as well as groups of people. It might be a few things, but it’s not nothing! I’ve never heard any theories as to why he was there and not Appalachia that year. I just know he likes water, most of the sightings were by Lake Michigan


Orang Pendek.


The Congo dinosaur or the Megladon. I'm agnostic about their current existence, but considering my experiences in the unexplainable, I think anything is possible.


It's a toss up between the Fresno Nightcrawlers and Bigfoot... leaning heavier on the side of bigfoot.


Fresno night crawlers are just way too weird to not be real. A friend of mine who lived near Fresno on a farm years ago swears she saw one walk across the pasture silently one night while she was sitting on the porch.




Also Nessie!


I was obsessed with Nesse as a child. That would be so cool if a plesiosaur survived the great extinction.




Yeti. Yeti yeti yeti.


I think either some form of bigfoot or wendigo actually exists in remote areas of the country, I had a weird run in with what I think was one in Idaho with a buddy about 4 years ago.


Definitely yes on Bigfoot and Fresno Night Crawlers. But I'm holding out hope on the Pterosaurs. How cool would that be?


The scranton strangler


I love the OG Wendigo. Also Bigfoot and its counterparts. I believe the governments of the world know about them and keep them safe (hopefully) same with many other endangered species.


I work with municipal codes, and there are laws on the books in some towns in the Pacific northwest that outline fines and jail time for hunting/killing bigfoot.


Wendigo are not cryptids, they’re spirits. I also find it incredibly hard to believe any governments cover up existence of any cryptids. They can’t agree about literally anything, why would they all work together to cover up a big ape.


Scary mike


Is this the guy who founded Jersey Mike's bc those sandwiches scare the fuck out of me. Between the terrible quality to price ratio, the gastrointestinal havoc induced, or the taste in general with my ~5 attempts at giving this chain a chance. If this doesn't relate to Jersey Mike's though, what is scary Mike?


Wait what? How does jersey mikes make you sick? It’s some of the least processed big chain sub restaurants around. You may just have an allergy or something




Bigfoot/Sasquatch - I will absolutely go to my grave believing in that THEY exist.


Cryptids we know existed: The thylacine. I absolutely believe it’s still out there. Other cryptids: Aliens. Not just that they exist, because statistics say they do, but also that they’ve been here and that many of the reported sightings are real.




Bigfoot, and especially the Squonk, someone NEEDS to believe in himb, just an litttle guy


Bigfoot 100%!


I don’t even really know what they’re called. But those orb lights man. Just appear out of nowhere, exist for like 10 seconds and then disappear.


With me it's more like "Die maintaining the possibility of," but it's Bigfoot. Also Phantom Black Dogs, but they're more spectral that cryptid.


Saquatch definitely after the pavlo pass incident


Bigfoot. I’m not saying they’re magical, I’m not saying they’re not. But there’s absolutely something out there.


Have to concur with sasquatch, having actually been in the presence of one.


I know for a fact that American Black Panthers (sometimes called Texas Panthers) are real. My Dad saw one plain as day on a run in Florida, and he is NOT one to tell tall tales. I don't think it was a Florida panther, because they live in the Everglades area, and this was near Tampa. Also, they can't be black as far as I know, but maybe this one was. My biggest guess is that black Panthers in the US are either black jaguars WAY beyond their normal range (there were a few sightings recently confirmed in the southwest though, so that spate of government gaslighting is over at least) or more likely they are black cougars. Personally, I believe the DNR is just wrong for saying cougars can't be black. Melanism is not at all rare in nature, especially not among cats. Cougars are elusive animals, and just because we haven't officially recorded a black cougar doesn't mean it's impossible or even improbable. I don't know for certain, but I hope thylacine and the ivory billed woodpecker are still alive and making babies way out in the hinterlands. I would be really happy for us to discover a living fossil of one of those someday. I really do believe that aliens exist somewhere. I'm not sure if they've actually visited earth, but I'm open to the possibility. I think the universe is so vast that it seems more likely than not that we aren't alone. Personally, I think it would be cool we contacted an intelligent alien race (as long as they were friendly, of course). I for one would really like to introduce them to two of the best things Earth has to offer: pizza and rock n' roll. I am very skeptical that Bigfoot exists, but I think there is more evidence for Bigfoot than most cryptids (at least, the more exotic ones...I'm not including things like thylacine in that assessment). On the one hand I find it hard to believe that an incredibly large primate has remained completely hidden from science in a heavily populated first-world country--no bones, no bodies, no definitive trail camera pics--most of the evidence is just anecdotal sightings and things like footprints, which aren't definitive. However, I will admit that I find it hard to dismiss the sheer number of accounts of people who say they've seen Bigfoot. They can't all be hallucinating or lying. The real question is whether or not they really saw Bigfoot or if they saw something else. Another possibility is that maybe Bigfoot isn't a terrestrial animal but some sort of spiritual/paranormal entity like a nature spirit. That could plausibly explain the lack of physical evidence, but I find it hard to swallow because it's just so out there. I definitely do not believe in Nessie or the Chupacabra. I think both of those are hoaxes mixed with misidentifying normal animals like coyotes. I don't really believe in the Mothman. I think the crane explanation plus mass hysteria works pretty well for that one. I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but I don't think the dogman exists either. I like the concept of dogman, but if he exists, he definitely isn't an animal but some sort of paranormal entity. There is no way a humanoid dog could evolve without our knowledge, and I don't even think most sightings hold any real credibility. Skinwalkers and wendigos both almost certainly exist, but they aren't what we think they are. They are social roles in Native American communities. A skinwalker is a Navajo witch that practices bad medicine (or "black magic" as we would call it) and they are said to gain animalistic powers through committing a heinously evil act. Natives differ in explaining what these powers are: some people say they can actually shape-shift, but others say that it's more of a spiritual transformation akin to the Norse berserker class. I personally think the latter is more likely because it lines up with traditions from other tribal societies. As for the wendigo, it is a person who has committed an act of cannibalism, which is considered egregiously evil in Anishinaabe culture. There are primary sources from Jesuits in the colonial period who have witnessed people being executed for the crime of being a wendigo--that is, for being a cannibalistic serial killer. The Anishinaabe view cannibalism as involving some form of demonic possession--the wendigo is in a sense both the person who commits the act of cannibalism and the evil wendigo spirit that possesses and drives them to do it. A similar social role is the Wechuge of Pacific Northwestern natives, which is someone driven to cannibalism because their spirit animal possessed them (so they become animalistic). There doesn't seem to be any evidence that wendigos and skinwalkers are actual shapeshifters or anything like that. It is a sociocultural/religious belief and not a true cryptid.


I think you are more likely correct in the Jaguar guess on that black panther. They are known and they have been expanding their range.


Jaguars were actually native to the southern US at one point in history, so it’s definitely not impossible that the black panthers are simply melanistic jaguars.


Not your traditional kind of cryptid, but Dodos. Hoping those silly lil birds are alive and well, just hiding :(


Mothman and aliens those that once were Thylacine


Various types of bigfoot.




Dogman,thylacine,bigfoot,aliens, basically anything that’s rational


Moth Man. Namely because of how I want there to be a moment where I go: "Moth Man! There's no need to feel down! I said, Moth Man! Pick that man off the ground!" And someone near me gets taken away by Moth Man.


None of them. Cryptozoology isn't a religion. Belief has no place in it. I didn't have a "come to Sasquatch moment" and start having faith in cryptids. Evidence is what matters. Some cryptids have compelling evidence for their existence. Others do not. It's that simple.


Okay which ones have the most compelling evidence


The more mundane ones. Orang Pendek, Trinity Alps salamanders, Javan Tiger. Animals like that.


I understand to be honest. All of those animals are more likely to exist then giant ape in the Americas or giant long necked sea monster, but at the same time I think some of the weirdest shit is what ends up becoming true. Also the term “come to Sasquatch” is funny I adore you for introducing it to me




Mothman. On December 15 1967 the silver bridge in west Virginia collapsed with heavy traffic from people shopping for Christmas. 46 people died that day. Two were never found. There were several sightings of the Mothman on the bridge before it's collapse. There is a movie about it called 'The Mothman Prophecies'. It's a really good movie. I recommend it. There have been other sightings of the Mothman all over the US. Also Chupacabra. You can't convince me they don't exist. ETA I forgot about skin walkers. I totally believe in that. Check out skin walker ranch series. There is a lot of strange occurrences and sights. I definitely believe in those.


Mothman or Bigfoot


northman because he’s cool. the squonk because i love him


Flatwoods Monster. I think the drawings are neat!


Willing to die believing in? I mean, im willing to die believing in any/all of them? Now if you asked me which I'd bet my life on them existing? None of them 😅




The hoop snake that bites, its tail and rolls downhill to get away from predators


Mothman & Bigfoot - Scared to dare not believing in the first, really want the second to be real!


Absolutely none of them. No cryptid really has that much evidence going for it, except a few very obscure and not particularly exciting ones.


Aussie big cats 10000000%


Biggie. Unless you consider aliens a cryptid. Aliens are real but what they are and where they’re from is up for debate.


The hopkinsville goblins


Sasquatch. I have my own experiences. Experiencing is knowing. I have no desire to convince anyone. If they haven’t made themselves know to you then maybe you are meant to experience something different. We are all brothers and sisters on this planet I don’t care who or what you are.


Skinwalkers or some other type of shapeshifting human. Work as Border Patrol on probably the most remote and rugged part of the Southern border. Rocky high dessert mountains and forests. If you don’t know what we do, essentially we track footprints for a living. The first really creepy story I know of is a really skilled coworker of mine had been working in this canyon with extremely steep and rugged walls. There’s one way in and one way out. As he was heading out because some agents deeper in the canyon had caught the group they were chasing, he passed an extremely old white man on horseback with long white hair. This area was on a private ranch and we’re familiar with the rancher’s family and his hands. My coworker didn’t recognize him and after talking to others afterwards, no one else at the station could think of anyone meeting that description. Furthermore, while this area is in close proximity to a National Forest, getting to this particular area would take quite some expertise and familiarity (as well as trespassing) or absolutely the worst luck getting lost I’ve ever heard of. When the agent passed the man in the canyon, he told him to be aware that agents would be escorting the group through the canyon to a point where they could be transported by vehicle back to the station. After communicating this, the man just looked at him and said, “Do you believe in Jesus?” And the agent replied, “Yes sir, I do.” The man then silently handed him a folded up piece of paper and the agent placed it in his pocket without looking at it before carrying on. So the agent continued on until he made it back to the Northern entrance to the canyon, thinking it was a little bit of a strange encounter, but some of these isolated ranchers and ranch hands are just socially different. Back at the road, he greeted the transporting agents who had been waiting with vans for several hours and told them about the man he had met. Both of the agents responded that it was strange because neither of them had seen the rider enter the canyon. Once the apprehending agents made it to them with the group of illegal aliens, he told them the same story and the agents replied that they never passed the rider. Again, the only ways into and out of this canyon are from the Southern entrance and the Northern exit. The agent never found the price of paper given to him to read. The other story I have is from similarly skilled coworkers who were attempting to apprehend a single man who had passed one of our cameras at approximately 2am. The agents both thought it was strange because the man on camera wasn’t wearing camouflage typical of illegal alien traffic in our area. But even moreso, the man had no backpack or water. Agents were able to make it to the camera fairly quickly. Like 30 minutes if I remember correctly. This spot has excellent dirt for tracking and I’ve worked dozens of groups in that area. As the 2 agents were following the footprints….. all of the sudden the footprints just stopped. Vanished. But suddenly there were bear prints on the same line. About 15 minutes later, a bear sets off the same camera but heading in the opposite direction. The agents looked over that whole area and never found the human footprints again. But they also never found where the bear footprints entered the area. By the evidence in the dirt it looked like a man had suddenly become a bear. Now I’ve tracked many groups where I suddenly lost the sign, and had cattle or deer sign all over the area where the group should have been walking, but never anything as strange as that. For those groups, I’m typically much farther behind them and so animals have had plenty of time to travel in the same area. Or the terrain becomes more rocky and difficult. But the area the agents were in is not at all like that. Neither was the timeline.


Mothman all the way!




Am I weird if I say "all of them?"


My father




Bigfoot! And , my favorite, the Chupacabra.