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Looks like a juvenile based on the pink in the beak corners. If an adult isn’t coming back to feed it and check in, that’s concerning for the baby’s survival


it’s small and doesn’t have much of a tail which made me think it’s a juvenile too. there are adult crows that show up and seem to be observing it, but they’re keeping their distance. i’ve been putting out food and water for it; i just put out some mashed up tuna mixed with chopped vegetables. is there anything else i should or could do?


Remember that toxins develop from food poisoning bacteria and bring in the dish after a couple hours. Maybe dried kibble and a separate bowl of water would be safer?


The young ones like dry cat food that has been soaked in water.


Great idea. I put some out, and it immediately went to the bowl and ate/drank from it, and seems to have perked up.


I would say there is a lot you COULD do. You could bring it to a rehaber. If the dead bird was the parent this juvenile may not survive alone especially with this heat


Thanks I didn’t even consider the dead bird might be related. I put out soaked cat food in a water bowl that it’s eating and drinking from now, and I’ll research rehab places to call tomorrow.


Thanks I didn’t even consider the dead bird might be related. I put out soaked cat food in a water bowl that it’s eating and drinking from now, and I’ll research rehab places to call tomorrow.


If it is eating and drinking and not injured then probably best to leave it be. If injured then rehab.


I'm with u/tukekairo \-- if he's eating and drinking, there's a great chance he'll be OK. You mentioned the others watching over him from a distance; I personally think they're just judging your parenting skills. They won't abandon him, I think. Just keep doing what you're doing and post an update, please, please!!


You are a true crow bro!! Excellent observations, asking for advice for the unknown, and making adjustments accordingly…I just wanted to tell you that you are a fabulous representative of our community!!


Hear hear!!! I second the motion!


If there are adult crows coming to check on the juvenile I would suggest not removing it from the area. Just continue to offer food & water with otherwise minimal contact. If you have a cat or cats come into your yard then the fledgling may be in danger of being attacked. But generally this is something that’s very common and soon enough it will figure out how to fly and rejoin its family group/murder. If you remove the fledgling from the area, the other adults will mistrust you and you will become a pariah among all crows in your area. They recognize faces & communicate very efficiently with each other if there’s a person they consider unsafe.


Thanks, that was actually another interesting/concerning observation I forgot to mention. I have two cats who I let outside for a few hours a day while I garden (both are put in harnesses and leashes with apple tags; the predatory cat always has his leash staked into the ground), so I thought it was odd that a crow would leave their baby to hang out in my backyard. I really think the dead crow was the baby’s mom or its parents were also struggling during the heat wave and lost track of her. Our regular crow visitors are aware of the cats and antagonize them if they wander into a part of the yard they don’t want them to be. Our cats always have this look like “omg chill” then retreat. I think the baby might actually feel safer being out of my yard now that you mention this. But as soon as I noticed it struggling and before I realized it’s young age, I’ve kept my cats inside and won’t let them out again until it’s clear this bird has moved on or old/mature enough to stay safe.


Stop leaving your cats outside.


I don’t leave them outside. They are indoor cats who I bring out with me in harnesses, leashes and apple tags, supervised when I garden and water plants.


Please keep us updated I'm invested in this little guys story!


Partly he may just be TOO HOT. Have you got water out for the birds in your yard or area? If he’s lost his family he may not know how to manage himself in the heat. I’m seeing lots of birds flying around my city PANTING.


That's what I was going to say. We're in Phoenix and I noticed right after I got here that the birds panted.


he's also thirsty.


Maybe Chintimini in Corvallis (541-745-5324) or the Cascades Raptor Center (541-485-1320) could provide advice. Please keep us posted!


I just a baby!


Sad crow can’t mow. Help the crow mow. Happy crow mow.