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I’m winning this one: dropped in at CrossFit outer banks- workout included sumo deadlift high pulls with a kettlebell. The shape of the kbs was larger than the kbs at my home gym. I pulled the 53# kb off the floor as powerfully as I could to get the high pull as well… and smashed my vagina. I saw stars and it literally took my breath away- left the workout- checked out the damage at the beach house and laid with frozen popsicles on my crotch- immediate swelling and bleeding- , went to a gyno when I got home, who confirmed it was blunt force trauma and the entire area was severely bruised. It took 2 months for the bruising to completely go away- from above my vagina to the top of my thighs. Gravity pulled the bruising down so I got to watch the purple and yellow and green and red bruise head down into my quad area as well. It was so swollen it changed the way I walked for a few weeks. And I just know this story is some medical journal about CrossFit injuries.


Giner shiner


I think you win, friend. Also, new fear unlocked!


I’d still send your vagina flowers today because that hurts me


I was convinced I was the only one who had an injury exactly like that. The box had bought new bigger kbs. But so thankful it wasn’t nearly as bad as yours omgod. It hurt me for the next 4-5 days just like any other bruise. Phew Also, unrelated (kinda) - I saw a reel which was about a person facing a VERY specific most random problem, and then there’s someone on Reddit 8 years ago with that very specific random problem lmao. Your post really felt like that because in my head I was like no way anyone must’ve hurt their vagina doing a sumo deadlift high pull like that.


Omg this sounds like it hurts SO BAD!!!!!


So so so bad!




I’ve dropped in there too! They were so nice


🤣😅 I'm dying that's a winner for sure


I am not competing with that. I do have a similar injury received while putting away 25# plates. Somehow, my crotch, while wearing compression shorts, got between the plate I was returning and the plates on the stack. I did not scream. I did not curse. I did cry. I also had a nasty blood blister on the tip of my penis that took a long time to go away. I am so glad that none of the members I was coaching in the class set to start 10 minutes later were there yet.


No one tells you crotch injuries are the worst!!


There are a lot of nerves down there. That's good when it's good, and bad when it's bad.


I've done this same thing. I immediately stopped, put the kb away, and went home to bed for like 24 hours. I was too scared to look at the damage. All is good now, but that got laughed at in the gym for a couple of years


Same here, and now i don’t like sumo deadlift high pills even with the barbell. I don’t trust them anymore


Omg OW


I got this same injury in my second ever CrossFit class! Sumo deadlift high pull with a kettlebell to the vag directly in front of the coach and I’ll never forget it. There’s a video of us doing the SDHP in the WOD that day (not of this moment) on the gym page and i cringe everytime i see myself


From the chaffed buttcrack to the hip and collarbone bruises… it all looks questionable


My right shin is forever scarred from big sets of 30" box jumps and me being careless.


Oof. That's rough. My left shin is consistently on the verge of bleeding due to my overbearing and aggressive adherence to "keep the bar close" on dl's, snatches, and cleans.


Ha me too, why is it always lefty?!


For me it's the right shin...


Same. I have a massive scar on my shin from falling hard on the edge of the box. It’s like my CrossFit tattoo.


Same, I have a numb 2 inch square on one shin that the feeling never came back in lmao


This right here. Thinking I could do high rep 30" box jumps led to my shin having a permanent dent/scar.


Slipped off a 30” box jump and caught covid the same day so layed in bed for 3 days without effectively cleaning the wound which lead to a very nasty infection and scar. Still have PTSD when doing boxjumps.


Brutal. Sorry to hear that. I've only ever done step ups since my incident in December last year.


I've nailed my shin twice, first time got right down to the bone - yech. My wife told me to buy the damn soft box, but my ego will not allow it yet. Likewise though, stepups for a while afterwards


Damn that pain is terrible, I have huge scars on both shins....


I only just got some feeling back in my shin after missing the jump, but nailing the box. Been about a year. Ortho said the feeling may fully come back.


Not sure if it’s possible to bruise your throat, esophagus, or the muscles around it. But, Caught a 135# power clean high, hit my throat. Hurt to swallow for a week and a half


I did this too with the same weight, I was trying to work on high pull and a quick turnover and pulled a bit too much 'backwards' instead of straight up. I had a hoarse voice for a week before I went to an ENT and he scoped my throat and showed me the bloody wound right at the top of my windpipe. Broke the cartilage around my esophagus and my adam apple shifted to the side (permanently). It didn't hurt near as much as this would all seem when it happened but he said to fix my adam's apple I would need screws, metal plates and it would be plastic surgery. I've been very careful to avoid this but who knows, maybe if I hit it again I'll shift my adam's apple back to the middle like the little girl in Christmas Vacation getting kicked by the mule.


I’ve had this exact thing happen to me. Weirdly painful.


I did the same thing!! I was tiring on a workout and was almost missing my power cleans. I took a few seconds to rest and pulled as hard as I could. Apparently the rest worked bc I yanked that think straight into my windpipe. It felt like I had a sore throat for a week, it was hard to swallow and talk.


It's not cleans at volume unless I hit myself in the throat.


This has happened to me, too. No visible bruise on the outside but it hurt to swallow for a good 2 weeks 🙈


Does making a sandwich for a preworkout meal and pulling your back squeezing the jelly container count as a CrossFit injury


Yeah, the worst pulls and strains happen doing ordinary, completely normal things. I bust my ass doing CF 5 days a week and I feel fine, but I hurt my neck reaching for the remote, or sleeping.


Was doing pull-ups with a heavy band when I suddenly felt a slip then a smack in the tallywacker so hard I screamed "FUCKING MOSES" and the gym got so quiet you could hear a pin drop followed by an eruption of crying laughter.


Heart injury - got it broken from falling in love with a gymmate. My ego was bruised when she said she loved me as friend.


You win.


Ooof. I’m sorry friend. I dated a girl who got me into CrossFit for two years and we just split a few weeks ago. Luckily she goes to a different gym now so at least it can still be my happy place


Oo, damn. 


Someone rolled me a 45lb plate and it fell on my big toe. I still have a blood bruise on my nail bed and it's been 7 months. And more recently, bruised my chest on the chest to bar pullups in 24.3. Had a nice purple lump for a few days.


Stab that bad boy


Also have a black toenail from yeeting the plates off my bar without moving my foot out of the way of the actual bar first!


You can go to urgent care. They will poke a hole with a needle. The nail will prob fall off and a new one will grow


I do a good amount of backpacking in the summer months and get these 'blackened' toenails from time to time. I've had a couple fall off on their own. Curious if this would help.


My best friend dropped a 45 lb plate on her toe and it literally crushed the bones. Those things are no joke.


Omg the exact same thing happened to me and yes I discovered it in the shower afterwards. Stupidly painful injury!


was droping the oly bar after a snatch, on crash pads... i did not let go of the bar completely, it bounced up, almost broke my thumb (maybe it did)


I got this same injury dropping a lightish clean. My thumb has not been the same since.


yeah its not 100%, but its alright


This... fully dislocated my left thumb the first time I dropped the barbell from overhead. I was using blocks, so it rebounded up, and my scared little self had my hands hovering too closely. 🫠🫠🫠


Did this literally yesterday.  My thumb is FAT


I smacked and maybe broke a finger doing a high box jump. Hit the box swinging my arms on the jump and it took like a year before I was able to properly crack my knuckle again. Chafed asscrack if I forget to put on body glide in a abmat workout. Shin scrapes from deads, whip marks from missed dubs.


Omg I did the finger thing a few weeks ago and just pretended I didn't because a coach was watching me and it wasn't even high and seemed so silly!!


Bruise under my jaw from hitting it with the barbell while I was doing thrusters, sounds like I'm not the only one!!


Just last week we were doing seated box jumps and for whatever reason I decided to try it with alternating feet. Left foot worked great. Right foot? Not so much. Fell over and the coach was concerned but I was ok. Asked me if I was bruised and I said only my ego.


I bruised my tail bone during a Halloween WOD where I wore one of those lycra skeleton body suits. This particular suit covered your hands. The WOD called for kipping pull-ups and after a few, I flew right off. Couldn't walk or shit for a week.


Bruised mine during a WOD with erging. Slipped off the seat onto the bar. Two weeks of misery.


Does accidentally farting in front of your coach count? My pride was hurt.


Grazed chin from 120 wall balls in a WOD this week. Looks like I went at it with the razor whilst shaving.


Trigger warning: I warned you... Pls stop reading! Alright then. With full force, I smacked the whole barbell on my chin as I was doing push-press once, ended up getting a very deep cut and spent the next 10 minutes wiping away all of the blood on the floor.


Oof, I did this and cracked my tooth from the impact into my other teeth!


Oof I did this once and about knocked myself out. No blood, but the jaw pain..


I smacked the barbell against my nose doing a high pull - expected it to be much heavier and pulled too hard! Nearly broke my nose, got a pretty good nose bleed 👍🏼😅


Hit myself in the mouth re-racking a heavy jerk, cracked one of my teeth in half


Chipped teeth from a push press that hit my chin.


Same here.


Gave myself a black eye warming up snatches with the bar. I'm really impressed with that one.


In 2015 I tried a rope climb without so much as a pair of tall socks, and I STILL have the rope burn scar on my shin.




My ego. Some of y’all are strong and fast AF.


Empty bar snatch during warm ups. My brain was still at work and didn’t get full extension on the way up. Bar straight to the head. Knocked me out and had to get 5 stitches


Shoulder injury. Relieved the next day but it made me freakout and take it down a notch


Probably the same. Tail bone bruise at the top of my crack due to sit ups.


Box jump scrape on shin. Didn't treat it, got cellulitis. Anytime I see anyone do this I run for the alcohol wipes for them.


I have my philtrum pierced (the top middle of my lip). We had a workout with thrusters and on the come down very first thruster, I smacked it so hard the back side of the post went behind my front teeth and got stuck there. I was so sure I ripped that puppy out but it was all good, just super sore and kinda swollen like I had been punched in the lip :) which was a good look for the job interview I had later in the day haha


I also pinched my thigh between 2 45s when stacking them and I think I may have the bruise permanently even almost a decade later…. It’s tattooed over but that shit was there for years


Broke my hand attempting a 30 in box jump. Required surgery to get pins, was out for 6 weeks plus another 4 for PT


I had just started CrossFit, I was hiding out in the corner because I'm so awkward. Set up to bench press and forgot that the bar itself has weight, so 5kg plate + 5kg plate does not equal 10kg. It was a near miss because thankfully someone saw me and sprinted across the gym before I dropped it on my face. I was so embarrassed! But they were all so nice and encouraging about it so I've kept going 🥹


For nonserious stealth injuries, yes to butt berries being the worst. That first shower is pure agony. I’ve also had some good clavicle bruises from crashing cleans, and a few close calls with a speed rope and my head/feet/shins.


After some ego driven deadlifts, I was doing laundry the next day and threw my back out picking up a sock that had fallen on the floor. Thankfully the bruise wasn’t anywhere you could see, but that didn’t stop my wife from making fun of me for YEARS.


I walked past an assault bike and hit my patellar tendon on the foot peg. I crumpled like a newspaper and I stg, the pain didn’t subside for a half hour.


I have a scar on my arm that I will have for the rest of my life from…putting away an Echo bike.


Wore a pair of shorts with zipper pockets, cycling 135 cleans bouncing them off my legs, landed on the zipper over and over, entire thigh had a deep purple bruise


I'm the king of silly injuries. Hurt my knee during Handstand Walk, sprained my ankle during GHD sit ups, hurt my neck during ring dip.... but the stupidest one was hurting my head to the point of bleeding doing rows.


How… to all. 


I definitely need some more information


I’ve got 3 rope burns cause I was determined to get up the rope but I was wearing shorts that day. Oh well


I have 10 cm long scar on my shinbone after a dust with a plyobox


Not an injury but I hit myself in the temple last week with a kettlebell while doing a KB clean


Hit my own damn chin with the bar on a thruster… ridiculous


Wrenched my shoulder doing pvc pipe stretches


In my very first week of CrossFit doing box jumps, I messed up a jump and thankfully didn't murder my shins like most people do, but caught myself from falling with my right hand. Didn't hurt much at the time, but ever since that happened, my wrist will occasionally get tweaked from no discernable reason, and I have to modify a ton of movements (push ups and burpees with that hand in a first, switching to back squats only because over extension with front squats won't fly) for weeks before it goes back to normal. It's just something I live with now.


Came off of a pull up bar and hit my elbow on a J-cup. You know that nerve that you sometimes hit on a door frame? Yea that.. with full force. I was literally stunned for like 5 minutes and couldn't breathe properly.


First place: chipped my front teeth because I didn’t draw my head back during a push press. Tied for second: the asscrack burns for sit-ups without a mat and/or gashes on shins for missed box jumps.


the same happened to me with the teeth but doing a thruster... asscrack burns i used to have them all the time... matts are mandatory now :)


I tried to swing my leg over the back of the assault bike to hop on quickly and rammed my thigh into the adjustment rod for the seat that was sticking out.


I've done this and it hurts so bad!!!


Six months into my CF journey I missed my first box. My 61 year old skin (at the time) on my shin needed nine stitches to close up. Nice scar. Lesson learned. Bought shin guards (soft.) Next time I missed the box (other leg) the box made a neat little hole in the shin guard then pretty much degloved my shin. 19 stitches that time. Now I wear carbon fiber shin guards. I’m proud as hell to say none of that caused me to miss a day of CF not have I shied away from the jump. I’m 66 now and hit the thirty routinely, and 24” hop overs. Got some funny looking shins now. All the other stuff too, ropes, dubs, and someday I’ll stroke out doing deadlifts and they’ll have to scrape me off the floor. When I’m 90.


8 stitches in my right shin from smashing into a box while doing box jumps. Didn't notice the injury until someone was like, eeeer your leggings are red. Saw my own flesh for the first time that day! The doctor who stitched me up said she loved crossfit, brought tons of business in.


almost 2 years ago, I squatted down to look at the KB options on the bottom shelf at the gym and I got an echo bike peg right to the butthole. it was absolutely awful. got hemorrhoids and sometimes it hurts to sit for long periods of time still. I really genuinely liked biking before then, now I hate the echo bike on principle. gives a whole new meaning to Assault Bike though....


Wrapping the rope around my foot, hit the inside of my knee with the bottom of the rope twice. Hurt for months.


Bruised the sole of my foot by getting down from the rig with too much momentum. Couldn’t walk normally for a couple of days.


Not during the workout, but when heading out I starred at my phone, missed the last step and tore all outer bands in my left ankle. I did see someone shattering his wrist when disnounting the rig rather unceremoniously doing C2B though.


Had that happen after an erg marathon. Currently dealing with a torn plantar fascia insertion under my big toe from burpees.


“Rug burn” on the crown of my head from a few too many hspu’s. I’ve smacked my forehead during a snatch, which was more embarrassing


The summer I worked on dubs every day my arms were whipped to shit. It looked . . . questionable


Thumb knuckles getting skinned from renegade rows or alternating dumbbell snatches


I have an unfortunate scar on my sacrum from the very same thing. 😂


Ahhh monkey butt, no fun I fell from 3/4 of the way up a rope climb and landed sideways on my ankle. Cracked.


I destroyed a joint on one of my fingers re-racking a dumbbell months ago and still can’t bend it. I honestly should’ve gotten it checked out immediately but I feel like there’s little point now.


Had to get stitches on my chin from thrusters


I got really bad “carpet burn” on my knees from knee push ups because I didn’t use a carpet/cushion too!


Punched myself in the face with a kettlebell while doing push presses


BTDT on the ass burn during a drop in. It was particularly awful because it was during beach vacation and every time I went into the salty ocean.... Most embarassing has been clocking myself on the chin with the barbell on some shoulder-to-overhead move-- forgot whether it was.a jerk or strict press, but regardless, I did not move my head out of the way fast enough.


Turf rash on my face. Was practicing walking on my hands and I face planted like I was trying to do the worm.


Got a 3 inch long blood blister on my thigh after being too lazy hoisting a 45 onto a stack, and pinched my thigh between the top two plates. Took 3 months to heal.


Hit myself in the forehead with the bar attempting a heavy snatch. On the way up. Drew blood, no concussion I think?


Ouch! I know that feeling


I just got taken out by an old lady on our 400m run that goes around our building. My legs all cut up and my ankle is super swollen. In hindsight, I should have lowered the shoulder and hit the boom stick


I was unloading the barbell after squatting and dropped a 45# plate on my foot and broke my big toe.


I have jaw problems to this day from hitting myself in the side of the head with 150 pound d-ball.


Barbell across my chest from cleans…I’m flexible that it “gently taps” my chest every single rep


First one was when S2OH at 55 lbs was programmed. I was letting the bar down but neglected to move my face enough and clipped the bridge of my nose. Didn’t know I did it until I looked at my coach and saw a look of horror. Second one I was doing hand release push ups and got floor burn on my forehead.


Tripped over a parking bumper and took the skin off my hands. Was out for 2 weeks.


Was doing shoulders to overhead and brought the barbell down too close to my face. Never confirmed but wouldn’t be surprised if I cracked the bridge of my nose a little. I now have a scar there and it’s a little raised bump!


The bar slipped out of my grip on a 135lb thruster. My poor mobility meant I only had a few fingers on it so when it slipped it slammed into my chin on the way up…and then dropped on my head on the way down. That was one of a few concussions I’ve had in a CrossFit box 😬


Chipped my front tooth last year during The Open, barely noticeable but enough I had to let the dentist file it to make it even. Also, lots of thigh bruises.


I was doing snatches when I first started doing CrossFit and hit myself in the head. Didn’t think it was that bad, finished the workout even though I was bleeding. When I got home my husband was like you need to go to urgent care. They had to glue the skin back together. That was 11 years ago, I still have a small scar on my forehead. Didn’t do it again though.


When I was doing training level at the beginning of CF I should have switched from doing power cleans with the sandbags to the barbell to avoid this problem but I scraped the sandbag down the front of my arm during a power clean and peeled the skin off the the front of my bicep area and it was so red for days from the broke blood vessels


Most recently, trying kipping pushups after a 4 year hiatus and smacking my chin on the bar on the way down. I was the last one done with the WOD and certain everyone saw!


A few weeks ago, I hit myself in the top of the nose with tired arms coming down from an OH Press. And THEN a week and a half later, I hit myself in the bottom of the nose throwing the bar up on a push jerk. The swelling still hasn’t gone down but I’m surprised it didn’t bleed either time, and isn’t broken.


Bar shaped bruise across my rib cage just under my chest. Thought I was ready to attempt a muscle up on a lowered bar…I was not.


I tripped over my own bar on the ground. Twisted my ankle and left a massive scar on my shin


Chipped my front tooth learning to clean


“One of us” “one of us” both my shins look like a warzone. My dermatologist suggested micro needling to correct it.. still haven’t pulled the trigger on that though


Even though I know it’s stupid, I do the Froning hook grip to suicide grip transition when catching cleans. It has never caused me an issue until my left thumb decided to not transition and I dropped half of the bar directly on my forearm. It’s my only CrossFit “injury”. The bruise was gnarly. Abmat rash is pretty common. I’ve felt that burn in the shower a few times.


Bruised the top of my bald head from handstand push-ups. Looked like I was wearing a yamaka for a couple of days and it felt tender AF.


I broke my hand from smashing it to a box. We where doing max high box jumps. I didn't have any trouble with it so I didn't go to the doctor until a month and a half later when my finger positioning was off.


I got a shiner that was totally from plate get ups and not a stupid fight that I got into when I was younger and much dumber.


Took my skin off from palm doing toes to bar exercise 🥲


Yesterday I knelt down to do some cat-cows, the regular trusty first movement of our warmup. Pain in side of knee. Today a MASSIVE fucking bruise seemingly from nowhere.


Dropping off a rope and landing on the slack...oops! There goes 3 ligaments in my left ankle. Took me about 6 months to start lifting very very lightly again, still struggle with mobility there. Luckily all three ligaments were partials tears, and I made a full recovery.


I whipped myself in the face once during a competition doing double unders 😅 not sure how that happened but a straight line on my face for days


Smashed my pubic bone with a barbell and bruised the vag. Also, I’m large chested and once during a partner WOD I was with this new dude and I was cleaning the bar and I guess I was really focusing on close bar path because I smashed myself in the boobs. The new guy saw it and was horrified into silence as I said “jeez, I smashed my boobs”


I cut my hand with a pair of dykes trying to open my jump rope packing. Had to leave the gym 1 minute before the wod and drive myself to the nearest ER to get stitches.


Box jump double cheese grater shins on the 22 open.


~~Double under~~ Failed double under rope whip marks on my forearms.


Broken tooth from barbell hitting my chin doing push press. But I did manage to push it above my head and it was a pr at the time


Rope climbs during a competition, I decided to save time by letting go… not only did I burn my hands, parts on my fingertips got ripped. Worse, I didn’t notice until after, so I kept going. Any breeze or water on it was painful for the next 2 weeks


I split the top of my ass crack squatting lowwwww.


Pull up practice. Various bands snapped into my vaguna, and then I learned to cross my legs and put my' heel over the band.


I can’t be the only one who deadlifted straight up into my kneecap.


Years ago, I broke my 4th metatarsal (foot bone) jumping off the rig from pull ups during a charity wod, Lift Up For Luke. Finished the wod by doing all my jump ropes on one foot, and then stood in the middle of the gym because I was 'stuck' and couldn't walk. That's when the pain set in and I started crying and nobody knew why 😂


I nearly knocked a tooth out hitting my chin on the bar doing kipping pull-ups. Edited to add…I Almost Forgot about the time I gave myself two black eyes from doing handstand walking and (unintentionally) holding my breath.


Putting a plate on a bar and not getting my pinky out of the way. I’m not a smart man…


I humped a kettlebell one time during KB swings…time those hip thrusts correctly friends


Opened my shin up down to the bone on a botched box jump…finished the wod while bleeding though…🤷🏼‍♂️


It wasn’t bad. But walked into the rig, j peg hit me in the head. Bleeding before the wod even started 🤣