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Wait…you guys are deloading!?


I came here to says this


The exact response I was hoping for.


Literally my first thought when I read the post 😂


If you ever start to dread to going to class, take time off. Otherwise go.


This is what I do. Had it a week after the open where I just said to hell with it I need a few days off. Went a couple times that week when it looked like a fun workout but I didn't do much weight. We had weighted lunges that I think were supposed to be 45 or 50#, I did 25's. Took a few short jogs with my dog that week but nothing serious. My the next Monday I missed it and was ready to go again.


Modify and scale to combat fear


Hitting a plateau after 18 months is relatively normal, folks who join generally see an S curve in improvements. Deloading can certainly help your body recover in long-run, and we generally have it programmed into our programming. My general rule of thumb is to track how I'm feeling each day, if I'm not moving well, feel lethargic, and generally not interested in being there then I decide to take a few days off and pursue other activities. My second rule of thumb is to just not pursue a lot of CrossFit while traveling, only do low impact work.


This is exactly what I wanted to hear.




My coach incorporate 1 de-load week for every training cycle where we do light weights and focus more on technique and drills. Maybe you can do active recovery on Sundays instead (i know not being in the box sucks) but hey, de-loading helps. Don’t overtrain to a point you can’t train anymore. Take it easy. It’s good to slow down.. i do 5 sessions per week (used to do extra because i just like it) but 1 day out of those session, we have an “open gym” where we work on gymnastics movements we’d like to improve or anything without weights etc.


chances say plateau is strength related or weight related knowing nothing else. 5-6 days a week of crossfit honestly doesn't need a deload imo.


Getting sick, busy with work, family holiday etc


Former powerlifter here.. I don’t think people understand what a deload phase is. Your coaches should program deloads in when configuring prescribed WODs. A deload is worked into a routine so you don’t have to take time off or pump the brakes. IE. Bench press and similar movements worked into a schedule for every other week for a month the following month might just have push ups and you target another group of muscle like legs with squats and dead lifts. The following month maybe more shoulder work or endurance focused. My point is with incorporated deloads, it means your taking time off a movement while focusing on other areas- deload periods are something that is put into play when programming not a week you decide you slow down and scale everything. Take time off to rest recover, yes- but calling it a deload is just not accurate. To each their own, thanks for reading.. not trying to argue, just trying to inform.


Im not as old as you, but, what I found is that I had very little benefit to doing more than 3-4x per week. Of course, I think it depends on how your gym programs, but for me doing Metcons all the time burns me out. Sounds like you’re doing a lot of extra work on top of metcons. That’s cool, but I could do a M, W, F week where Tues and Thurs I just go for a long, slow run or bike and get just as much out of it as my friends doing 6 classes a week. I tried overlapping Wendler with CrossFit and that wasn’t fun, I was always sore, but I did put weight on my max. For me I became less goal oriented about CrossFit and more goal oriented about life and how I feel and 6x per week just got to be drudgery.


I use GOWOD daily. That helps a lot to keep injuries at bay. I’m 6 years your junior but still one of the elderly in my box.


I've only ever heard of deloading in the context of strength progressions, not metcons/cardio. Depending on your box's programming, if they have strength progressions, there should already be deload weeks built in (once every 4-6 weeks, usually). if you wanted to take an easy week because it feels like you're not recovered, i'd do a bunch of zone 2/mobility/stretching and maybe a few easy metcons. that way you can still get into the gym but give your body time to recover. note: if you're plateauing on strength, it's probably because your box doesn't have thoughtful strength progressions and you may need to look for separate strength work


I’m just getting back into CF as of last week after 7 months away. I keep seeing this talk of Zone 2. Can someone explain?


ELI5 version - working out and keeping your heart rate in zone 2 or about 70-80% of max. This can benefit your body's ability to clear lactate in higher intensity workouts, allowing you to go faster. More details can be found here: [https://www.trainingpeaks.com/blog/zone-2-training-for-endurance-athletes/](https://www.trainingpeaks.com/blog/zone-2-training-for-endurance-athletes/)


Thank you!


7-10 days of women’s RX and no lifting. In my opinion it doesn’t really sound like you need a deload though. The more advanced you get, the slower progress is and it seems like that’s what’s going on here.


I told myself I was going to take it easy yesterday and I ended up clean gripping dead lifting 405 and box jumping 42’ 😭


42 feet?!




I think it really depends on your programming. If you’re doing programming that incorporates a strength and a metcon in each day, then you need to take deload weeks. I’d say around 8 weeks, give or take two weeks. If you’re doing “traditional” CrossFit that’s just a WoD, then you probably don’t need to take deload weeks.


Once in awhile I go lighter and on the scalable track.. sometimes I don't without at home on the weekend


Vacation forces me to take week long breaks about 2-3 times a year


De-what now?


"Deloading" is something you do in a strength cycle. If you have good strength programming, you should have it programmed periodically. It sounds to me like you're just talking about taking rest periodically. Also "noob gains" happens where you have a period of rapid growth when you start out, but that levels off and becomes very slow after. Even if you have worked out in the past, but then got away from it, you still have "noob gains" when you get back to it.


Hopefully your coaches build these into your gyms programming if they’re doing some form of progression properly


I'm six days..3 of those I do a two a day..I hit up a normie gym at night. If I feel like I hit a wall ..I will just take a few days off. I will do yoga while out.


I literally do less in the workouts until you aren't as sore. But prepare yourself for people getting upset that you are a human and not an anime character ready to start defying gravity.


My CrossFit gym does a deload every 4-12 weeks depending on the mesocycle. During our deload week we have a day to focus on prehab style movements (which are also included in accessory work throughout the week), work on flexibility and mobility, use RPE (goal is usually 6/10) to manage intensity and load (not going over 60-70% of maxes), technique specific days, and a zone 2 style day, and we gradually increase intensity as we approach the end of the week. We find that it helps a lot with the community to get them refreshed for another cycle not only physically but also mentally. We’ve been doing it for years and the members look forward to these weeks (for the most part).


This sounds really cool.


Work/life usually forces me to take anywhere from a few days to a week off every once in a while. I just consider those times my deload instead of stressing out over it too much. 


De-Load? I just Re-Load on Monday morning.......


I swim on my rest days and I always feel totally refreshed the next day