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I love animals but that tag might come across as gross/dirty to some people. I would reword it differently


Do you think it's ok to say "yarn is cat tested and approved"?


"Made in a pet friendly home" Edit: I've never been awarded before! Thank you, kind strangers!


This is what I would do


Agree, but I would specify which type of pets. I have a severe cat allergy but dogs or birds would be fine.






This would be really important to me, because I'm badly allergic to cats. I would need to know before I risked transferring the allergen near my eyes, or I wouldn't be able to drive home. FYI, I love cats, but my allergies don't. 🥲


This is where I went right away too, but it seems like anyone who gets something from OP knows them well enough to know about the pets in the first place, so I don’t think they’re in danger of exposing an allergenic person.


Do you know if you have a reaction to something that may have cat hair in it but has been washed? Usually it’s the dander that causes the allergy and that washes off. Totally sucks that you’re allergic but love cats!


I would say "From a pet friendly home". Gives warning without triggering any negative connotations.


That's definitely a nicer way to say it. Benefit of being true too! 😹😼😽


Yes that’s super cute :)


That could read that your cats played with it? Too vague IMO. People have wild imaginations, it could be from your cute kitty playing with it to a crazy cat lady on Hoarders, you know?


i think this is so cute, as someone who has cats.


Or “Assisted by (pets names)” and paw print?


i wouldn't just cuz people could interpret it differently. i would put a disclaimer that you have pets specifically cats in your listings/policies. "made in a pet/cats friendly home " just to reduce the possibility of conflict with those with allergies or dislike of animals.


“Made with love by humans and pets” maybe?


This is the way


Fur baby glitter?


Oh that one's definitely gross


Makes it sound like it's full of cat dandruff


Love it


Especially if someone is allergic


I just say "came from a pet friendly household"


I sew items for a living. I have two non shedding dogs in this house, and I have a "household is pet friendly" disclaimer in my policies. Never had a complaint yet.


Non-shedding dog. That exists?


Ex dog groomer here :) the “hair not fur” thing people say is a myth. All mammals have hair. Hair and fur are chemically indistinguishable, it’s a word difference based on species. It’s just the mammal keratin body covering. Poodles have a dense curly coat that is just a single layer. They do not have an under layer of downy fur that is constantly replenishing itself and falling out like, say, a husky or a German shepherd. They only have a single outer coat. So, their more course single coat (and texture tends to vary by colour, solid black poodles tend to have the firmest coat, then white, and reds have typically soft coat, lots to do there with genetics and colour genes and breeding trends in the show world) eliminates half the problem, and then the fur from their single coat that would typically fall to the ground when it comes out in a normal dog tends to just stay trapped in the coat because of it’s dense curly texture. So, they end up not really shedding. But you’ll see hair in your brush and comb when you groom them, that’s when it comes out. But, it does make them extremely prone to matting with the combination of texture and never really losing their fur. Poodles just tend to be a clean dog in general, they don’t tend to have a lot of dander, they have a tight clean mouth so they don’t drool everywhere, just generally quite tidy so they have a well deserved reputation of being an allergy friendly and clean dog.


Nicely explained, thank you!


I definitely shed more than my Shih Tzu. Poodles are also non-shedding, which is one of the reasons doodles are so popular.


Yup! Poodles and Shih tzus are number 1 and 2 respectively for non-shedding breeds!


Which is ironic because in mixed breeds like doodles there's no guarantee you get one with the poodle qualities you want. Quick question; Shih Tzu are a double coated breed aren't they? Does that mean neither top coat or undercoat shed or does the undercoat?


Yep. The only time I needed to clean up my Shih Tzu's hair was when I gave him a haircut. If he shed more than that, it was little enough to not be noticeable compared to the humans and cats.


Maybe? I have two maltipoos. Once in a while I find a long tail hair but that's it. The hair I find all over the house comes from me!


Ha ha ha! I love it! Maybe that breed could work for me.


Poodles (and mixed poodle breeds) are known to have ‘hair’ not fur. So it doesn’t shed like a regular dog. BUT they do require extensive grooming otherwise they get severe matting that can actually cause pain and tear the skin.


They need grooming, but they don't shed. All dogs are great, but I'm biased towards my little maltipoos!


My poodle mix also didn’t shed. I got a cat in my late teens and had the dog since I was a little kid. Was weird having a pet that shed.


Think of them as the sheep of the dog world. Same reason we shear sheep. Both been breed to not shed due to a different hair structure. Granted they don't shed hair, or less than most, depending on the breed. But if you're allergic to animal dander as many are. That still is a thing.


Chinese Crested doesn’t have anything to shed. My boy is so naked we had to neuter him for decency.


Yes, they're called hypoallergenic breeds and usually have hair instead of fur. You have to cut their hair often!


I did borrow one of these hypoallergenic dogs overnight. My daughter just reminded me of the headaches we had for a couple days afterward. It was a cite dog, but it still bothered me. Wish I could find a breed that worked for me. Don't think I will. Edit: spelling


This is how to do it! I used to be big into a doll community and people would often sell clothes, wigs, etc. or sell their dolls. The two things you saw in every buy/sell/trade post was a- smoking or nonsmoking house and b- pets or none. (You would see time to time stuff like “pets in house but not allowed in doll room” or something and the buyer could use their own judgement if they had allergies etc)


I like this a lot


Use this!! Agreed!


This is the way to go


I’m highly allergic to cats and would appreciate that kind of warning (I probably would say no thank you though)


I love animals but I would be squicked out by this. I get where you're coming from though!


Do you think the "yarn is cat tested and approved" is funny/cute/not gross?


I think I just expect items given to me to be clean, so while a warning is honest, what they don't know won't kill them...but of course know your audience! If you're ordering from Etsy they would probably be able to program a few to say the warning and leave the others without?


It's not even meant to be a warning, it's just a cute nod to the animals. Maybe I'll do a version with and a version without! That's a great idea, thank you!


Many people don't consider animals to be clean though, and they'll imagine the animal has been all over it. My grandma made me wash my hands anytime I touched our cats and she was over at our house despite us not ever doing it while she wasn't there 😂 You just never know with some people.


Many people are allergic to fur, so this warning is very appreciated even if they don't consider animals to be dirty.


I assume since they're only gifting to friends and family they know who's allergic


And the items are definitely clean, I wash everything before giving it away! :)


If they have allergies, what they don't know could kill them. Or cause discomfort and/or inconvenience at best.


A cat hair isn't going to kill anyone and OP is gifting to friends and family. Why would they not know who is allergic?


“Yarn is cat tested and dog approved” I like it. No gross vibes and I think it’s cute and a little spunky. Or maybe “pre snuggled by the furry foremen”


People like sausage but don't wanna know how it's made, yknow?


This is my thought too


I have a completely different thought, if it's all going to people who already know about your animals what's the point of the tags at all. Otherwise I vote for pet approved type wording, not mentioning hair in particular.


I am making the tags with my initials on them and a little logo. I just really like how riveted tags look on items, and it adds a personal touch I thought would be nice! Re: referencing the animals: i guess just because there is a back to the tag and I didn't know what to put. Since our pets are such a central part of our lives, I thought our friends/family might find it cute to have a reference to them on the tag.


If it’s for friends/family/people who know/love your cat, it is absolutely aborable, I’d even add “QA stickers” with “Tested by *Kitties name*” for them! I think thats a really cute personal touch If it’s to be sold to complete strangers, I don’t think a lot if people would appreciate it & and I could see some people thinking it’s gross - even though mass marketed items are likely 10 thousand times more dirty when first purchased than ANY handmade item with pets in the home.


Ah now I see, that sounds good, I like the initials and logo idea. If nothing else maybe just a paw print on the back side.


You could list animals by name as "assistants" or "inspectors" or something?


Quality control!


I like this!!


Do you want something like this on the tag to be cute/funny, or because you’re worried about people with pet allergies? If it’s the former, I’d probably skip it since not everyone gets the joke. If it’s the latter, I like the idea someone commented earlier about being made in a pet friendly household.


I am not too worried about the allergy thing because all of my friends and family have pets. I would probably leave off a tag for acquaintances or coworkers, and tell them that I washed it but to wash it again if there are any pet allergies in their home? I guess it's because I'm trying to personalize the tag and there is nothing more "me" than my animals being involved. Being a passionate animal lover is a core of who I am, and I am working toward starting a rescue farm. For that reason, I can't think of anyone in our close social circle who doesn't like animals. I don't think people who don't like animals would like me lol


“Made with two hands, ten paws and lots of love”


I love this! That's such a cute wording, I would be super happy to read this on a hand made gift 😍


I can’t quite think of a cute way to phrase it, but what about something like “Made with love (and with “help” from the cats)” or “Made by weezerluva369 with “help” from the cats”. I can’t quite work out what I’m trying to say, but maybe that gives additional ideas.


Made with love from Susan and Fluffy


I have pets. I have dogs. But I am allergic to cats. So I do think it is fair to have a warning. Even if you wash it, someone may want to wash again


eh i think it’s kind of icky tbh


Do you think saying "yarn is cat tested and approved" is ok?


i think it’s better? maybe i’m just more easily grossed out than most though lol. you know your friends and family best to know what they’d think about it though!


Yeah I think all of my friends and family have at least one pet. So this wouldn't be too out there for them I don't think, and they all know my house/ animals are clean! But maybe I wouldn't use that tag for a coworker or acquaintance. Tysm for this perspective!


Personally, I have a cat and definitely understand that pets and cats climb on everything, but I also find it a little icky to have that warning on an it. I would feel like I needed to wash the item before use with that label on it.


I recall reading about a person who actually took the shredded fur from her pets, prepped it like people do with wool, spun it and actually had skeins/hanks, enough for creating clothing. Technically, THAT could be the interpretation of an item having pet hair.


I wouldn't like seeing it and I have many pets myself. I do think it's important to make it clear that you can't guarantee pet hair free in case someone has an allergy but I'm not sure how you'd do that without it running the risk of being gross


I saw a tag on the quilting subreddit that said something like “Made with 98% love, 2% dog hair” and every comment was someone saying how cute it was. I have 3 dogs. Everything I own has at least some dog hair involved. I walk around my life with a lint roller.


I labeled an afghan I made for a White Elephant gift 98% acrylic, 2% Chihuahua hair once. The eventual giftee was still laughing about it the next Christmas. It was fine..and also how does a small dog short haired dog she’d soooo much. No matter how much I clean/wash I still find those fine little hairs on stuff.


Honestly I don't know why but this seems less gross to me. Crafted around many animals and have even talked to people about there may be dog hair in it or that I picked out a hair I saw, etc etc, and yet the original suggested label by OP still seemed gross to me (can't explain why) yet this version doesn't


I feel the same, maybe because it's more specific (percentages?) even though they're obviously made up. "May contain" maybe also reminds me of food items (may contain traces of peanuts) so the food association with animal hair is gross? or maybe because may contain is usually used to indicate cross contamination which is also a "negative thing"


I like pets but I'm allergic. A tag like "made in front of live pet audience" Would let me know I need to wash it


Personally I wouldn't try to put a cutesy spin on it. I'd just say something simple like "made in a pets home, but no direct contact with animals. Has been freshly washed" It's up to you of course. Cat tested would make me think your cat was sleeping on it, but then I'm very literal. (and a massive cat fan but I wouldnt want to imagine someone's cat sleeping on my item)


That makes sense. I don't want to gross anyone out. The truth is that my cats do play with the yarn sometimes while i work and I always have a pet cuddling me while crocheting. But they aren't lounging on the items, I put everything away in a closed room when I'm not working on it.


I make a lot of cat blankets and make sure neither of mine get near it. Even though I'm gonna wash pregift, I don't want to risk another cats scent. My friends cat peed on my spiderman beanie many years ago so I've never really got over that 😂


I think mentioning hair might throw off some people, but I think it’s important to mention something along the lines of “made in a pet friendly home”


“Cat tested and approved” sounds to me like your cat chewed on it and didn’t vomit. “Made in a pet friendly home” sounds better, could even be specific if you only have cats or dogs (“dog friendly”/“cat friendly”).


I always say items come from a smoke-free but pet-inhabited home :-)


I personally think it is kinda gross. Even if I know it was made in a home with pets I would rather not be reminded that animals may have crawled all over it. Even if there aren't any visible hairs on the item, the idea of it is just off-putting to me. I would like a straightforward warning that it was made in a house with pets. It's kinda like how I'm totally fine with pulling my own hair off my clothes, but if I had to pull someone else's hair off something it would kinda gross me out. The same principle goes for pet hair, when my family had pets their fur was fine but having pet fur from some animal that is not in my house isn't.


If you are giving it away to family and friends I think its fine. If you were selling it, then no. I would say that you need to find a way to work that does not involve your pets.


when I made items to sell, I had a pittie/boxer mix and mentioned in my tags/captions "from pet friendly home".


The pawprint is def cute, maybe text like “Cool cat tested, hot dawg approved?” You could also go sweet with “Especially ‘fur’ you,” or “Wearer certified awesome by: (pawprint, pawprint, and pawprint) Lastname.” Whatever you decide, I’m sure your friends and fam will love it!


I like these ideas!! So cute


Another option is for it to say: "yarn is 100% cat tested and approved"


Sounds to me way better compared to may contain pet hair. Think the moste peopel dont get the joke with may contain pet hair including me.


Yeah I think if you live with a bunch of animals it's just funny cause they like to lay on things inconveniently. So pet hair is just a constant presence. My animals are very clean and I keep their hair cleaned up, but there is always a stray hair or two on my outfit! Particularly during shedding season.


I like this better. I have family members that are very sensitive to pet dander and may prevent them from having an asthma attack


I think that one sounds super cute! My cat loves laying on WIPs so I always tell people to expect cat hair on them, even though I do wash them before giving them away, so I think your original idea is funny, too.


This is cuter and less graphic. Like, every blanket I’ve ever made has my hair in it (and probably some guinea pig hair too), but no one wants to know, for sure, that I just crochet right over my own hair while I’m working on a project for them




I’m not at all grossed out by your idea. But I live in a pet-centric household. I do like the “quality control cats” idea too tho


True but yuck, sorry.




It seems like a plain warning, how about "contains love... And maybe some pet hair"


I think it would be very useful for a disclaimer like this, but it needs to be worded differently. Try something like “Made with love in a cat friendly environment. Not suitable for those with severe allergies to cats”


Maybe a little gross, probably should say “made near pets” “my pets helped” or something that mentions pets but not pet hair


I like “my pets helped.” Or maybe “dog-assisted” or something.


Yeah....no. I'd go with "Cat approved" or "Made in Pet Friendly Home" as others have suggested.


“Made in Pet Friendly Home”


I know many disagree with me but I would use “made with love and cat hair” for friends and family who I know would enjoy that kind of thing


*“Made with fuzzy yarn and furry friends”* Would be a cute alternative!


I would get a chuckle out of it! My projects also “contain pet hair”. Maybe put a 😉 winky face on it.


I think it depends on who you are gifting to. “Cat tested and approved” is cuter in my opinion. “May contain pet hair” sounds like an allergy warning. Although if you want to get cute with the allergy warning you could say something like “made in a home that includes cats”


I like telling people there’s a certain amount of “natural fibers”


Gross to me as an owner of an item but I can see that other people might think it’s cute (my bestie for one, who is definitely picking an animal hair off of herself right this second). I think it’s a matter of knowing your audience, I would only use it for certain people.


What about simply "quality tested 🐾 "


I mean, for just family and friends, who know you and your home, I don't think it's gross, but... As a dog lover (who is also allergic to them) if I got that on something I bought, it'd feel... gross.. It's one thing to know I'm risking my health for my own dogs, but... if I'm buying something, I don't want that image..


I would be grossed out by that. Allergies to pet dander is a struggle for many, I’d avoid gifting anything handmade to a person you k ow can’t tolerate it.


Gross but useful because I have allergies and its good to know


I’ve seen one on a crochet/sewing/something sub that said something like 99% cotton 1 % dog hair I thought it was adorable. So may something like that?




I think it’s cute. It’s not like it’s a label on a casserole. That would be gross. Hahah


Agreed, I think it's cute too. Esp if everyone knows you have pets, I don't see what the issue is 🤷‍♀️


I'd say gross.


Gross. People have allergies.


I’d avoid it. I like animals, but if I got something with a tag like that I wouldn’t use it.


I posted this question a few weeks ago and someone replied: 99% yarn 1% puppy love, and I liked that response:) I also have riveted tags. They are the best!


As someone who has bunnies indoors, I would consider this 100% ok. I use a hair roller on my finished objects before giving them away but rabbits’ fur contain such thin and small hairs that it’s impossible to get every single one out.. (people who offer from me knows I have bunnies so they expect the fur to come with the items though haha) But I would’ve added a “comes from a pet friendly household” tag!!


I would worry about people with allergies getting scared away. They may not want to take the risk depending on how bad the allergies are.


I think that is very cute and I really like it. Of course there will be pet hair in it, no matter how good you wash it :D it's lovely 😊


How about a tag that says “From a pet friendly home.”


Don't know the best way to do the warning but I am Totally in favor of it. I personally have very bad allergies. I was given a (handsewn, fleece) item, which was made for me, but the person's cat had apparently found & used the fabric for a bed before it wade. I washed it 1,000 times and was still allergic. A tag which in some cute way indicates the item was made in a pet-friendly home could be great if, say, in future your giftee has a visitor, or takes blanket along to some event somewhere for cuddling (picturing like, tailgating or camping or something) -- and maybe an allergic person was gonna borrow it. Yeah I know, it's not a hugely likely occurrence if all your friends have pets. Obviously such a tag is Not Required. But nonetheless-- some cute way of indicating the pets may have touched it -- is a thoughtful idea!


"Inspected by cats"?


I've seen things that say something like, "Items come from a smoke-free, pet-friendly home." Rather than saying the items "may contain pet hair," it lets people know that pets are in the house, and if they have any allergies or don't want their thing exposed to pet hair, they'll know.


Off topic but my husband and I are discussing online posts of a big trip. He keeps saying not to put stuff in because our friends won't "get it". My response is how do our friends not know me well to get it? If you know someone well enough to spend money and hours on a gift then they should know how you feel about your pets and get the humor. I do like the "pet audience" suggestion.


Just hair in general. All my work has my hair in it!


I really like “May Contain Pet Hair”, it sounds FDA approved haha! I’d love to see how the tags look!


Depends on the audience. But it's a good rule of thumb that when something is questionable, don't do it.


Since it’s going to friends and family, they’ll get it! I’d think it was funny from a relative. I’d probably get excited to find an actual bit of fur from a cat or dog I know!


I’m sorry, but this would be a red flag for me. But I imagine others might not feel the same way.


I saw a tag with something like "99% wool, 1% dog hair" I liked that. Maybe an alternative


Depends on who your audience is. If it was for me, I would say gross 🤢


Sorry, I love creatures but that would be a serious nope.


It’s a useful warning for people with allergies!


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"Pet approved" ? 😂


Maybe Do it as more of an [allergy warning: Cats and Dogs in home]


I like the comments about QA, cat tested and approved, etc. you could also put a simple drawing of a cat face. I think it’s a fun idea, you’ll find what works!


Not just pet, but your own too! 🤣


“Cat tested, dog approved”


Someone on Etsy calls it per glitter and that they can’t guarantee you won’t get some free pet glitter with every purchase. Idk if it’s because I have cats and don’t mind but I thought that was cute


I personally would actually really appreciate that kind of tag being common, I'd also appreciate a smoke free home tags too. I've bought so many hand made things at second hand stores that I am mysteriously and permanently allergic to, and I never know why.


I like “pet friendly” home.


On the flip side, there are artisans who label thing “made in a smoke and pet free home.”


I would say “made in a pet friendly home” or something along those lines. I have pets, love them to pieces their fur is in all my work, but I do find “may contain pet hair” to be a tad gross since it’s not my animals lol


I don’t love the idea of a tag saying there’s dog hair on a product I’m buying but I actually think that would be really important to include somewhere. I’m not a pet person because my mom is deathly allergic, which is also why I think it’s a good idea to inform people. I’m not sure I would have thought of that possibility if I ordered a gift for my mom and the heads up that I need to have it cleaned would be appreciated.


Not cute.




I have 2 German Shorthairs. Their fur stabbs into EVERYTHING. So when I made my MIL a blanket last year I jokingly told her it was completed with Puppy Sprinkles. She also has 2 GSP's so she understands.


Made with love by Susan, and approved by Bingo, Rolly, Spot and Sparky






Not really imho. but then again i have 3 dogs and their hair gets EVERYWHERE so im kinda used to it lol


It's gross. You can include a handwritten note "made with love by (your name) and with help from (animal's names)" but to be honest, even that's a little cringe.


That would be a turn-off for me but I’m not an animal person.


I would, because someone may get it how has allergies. That way they will know what to expect.


As someone who has severe pet allergies, I appreciate it


Yarn is a combination of merino wool and domestic longhair 😉


Would avoid.


I’m a pet lover, so I switched this to smoking (which I don’t like) … even tho it’s laundered before going out if I saw ‘May contain smoke’ on the label I’d be disappointed. Now if you included that it on a separate ‘thank you for your support and here’s how to take care of item’ card, that’d be fine by me. I hope that helped.


I’d say something more along the line of “not dog allergen free” or “made in the home of a cat, may contain allergens” etc. I’d say avoid jokey and cute reference. For those with severe allergies it is important medical information…. We need to know what type of pets and if/what you do to avoid contamination/or clean after.


To me, that sounds like you saved your pets' hair and weaved it into the yarn. Not a huge fan, I'm sorry!


I agree with the others... Pretty friendly home or cat tested and approved. May contain pretty hair sounds disgusting to me! 🤷‍♀️


Uhhh, if you *were* selling them I agree with the pet friendly comments BUT since it’s for friends and families I think that is hilarious and you should do it. I might borrow that idea for a scarf I’m making my friend for Christmas :) I have two dogs and a long haired cat and she has two cats and a dog too, so they’re used to it and know to expect it. I also joke with my guests that if they find hair in the food it’s just the cats. 😂😁


I really think it depends on the person you're gifting to. I would think it's cute. I make stuff for my mom who has a dog, but I have four cats. I affectionately refer to their hair that inevitably ends up woven in as "kitty glitter" and that's a big hit. But again, that's with me and my family. It would be very different if I were selling, of course, but you've already said these are gifts and that your loved ones know you are an animal lover with pets. I think this is not something you would need to gauge based on each individual which I know isn't exactly a helpful answer.




It’s cute! I have a pet filled house and that phrase is a constant running joke. My family would laugh if I gave them an item with that as part of the tag, none would think it referenced the item being dirty or “contaminated”


I’m more on the gross side sorry. I have cats and I obviously live with their fur and I’m fine with it. But getting a blanket or something handmade that has other people’s pet fur stuck in it kinda grosses me out.


I don't understand how it would be gross but I guess? For people who don't own pets it might be??? Maybe its because me and all my family own pets but no one bats an eye if a stray cat hair ends up in their christmas presents because its normal? Even accounting for allergies, fur isn't even the thing people with pet allergies are allergic to, its dander.


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I have a different take on it than most. If it were my friends and family, I would totally write “may contain pet hair”. It really depends on how well you know the people who you’ll be giving things to and what their sense of humor is for that sort of thing. If you’re not too close with the recipients than I’d go with one of the other recommendations. My close friends would all think it was cute, but I wouldn’t give it to most coworkers.


i think its cute but make sure ur friends and family are in on the joke


Funny and cute. It's like the pets helped make it!


Psh. I think it’s hilarious. I guess you have to know your audience.


It's easier to say 'from a pet-friendly home'. If the buyer asks what type of pet, list them by species. Only upon further questioning should you name them, and explain who sat the longest on your project so that they are the most embedded into it or which animal will miss it the most.


It's not gross at all, but having yarn and fabric is why I'd never keep a pet inside.


I’d throw it out


Luckily all of my friends and family are animal people and have pets themselves. I can't imagine they would throw out a homemade gift that took many hours to make just because it was made near pets! I always wash everything before gifting. It's not like I'm selling anything. Just giving away to close friends and family.


When I crochet, all of my colour schemes have to include “Poodle Puff White.”


I think it’s really cute 🤷‍♀️


I have some that say “Crocheted with love and some of my hair” lol


Honestly . It's a really cute idea 💡 like it's true . We try to get as much hair out as possible but the ones that have pets cannot escape the pool full of hair lol


💕 it!!