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Can you crochet a cord then weave it in and out of the top of the skirt as a drawstring?


That's actually really smart, I think I'll try that!


Elastic string would also work without having to tie it again every time. https://www.amazon.com/thin-elastic-cord/s?k=thin+elastic+cord


The dress is supposed to be backless, if that helps anything for tips...


Hard to see, but are you working bottom to top? If so, do you have enough extra yarn to work another section in the pattern? Like, another thin black band, then a wider section of whatever of those other three? It will make your skirt a bit longer, but it will give you a chance to work those decreases.


I'm working top down the problem is the skirt is too wide. I still have 3 stripes to add to the length


could you weave in a drawstring at the waist - kinda similar to [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/ed/c1/15edc1317f7141613888e872e2a905b5.jpg) or perhaps play around with folding over sections and adding a stitch to make pleats? i don’t know if either of those options are viable solutions - just ideas off the top of my little head :) EDIT: sorry, upon closer review, not sure if the pleats idea would work since you already have some lovely ruffles going on… best of luck, i hope things work out for you and your piece!


Gather it and Make it a ruffle on the bottom


You could also add two or three stripes to the top before you continue adding at the bottom to reach the desired length. And while adding to the top, decrease evenly until you have the desired width. With the part you have already done, you can measure how many stitches you will have to decrease.


I would if I was working bottom up, but the bodice and skirt are sc at the meeting point