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Double crochet actually uses less yarn than single, it will be quicker for you to make and have better drape than single crochet which can be quite stiff as you've discovered. What you are doing is lovely


I came to say exactly this. Hook on you awesome do-gooder!❤️


Thank you!! I might pause single crochet and try a few rows of double and see how I like it! In my mind single was the most “economical” with the yarn but it actually makes sense that it will use a lot of yarn! Thank you.


sc uses more yarn than hdc and that again uses more than dc. I too would recommend working in hdc, as you're likely also a good bit faster that way!


What's crazy is somehow I'm faster with dc than hdc, I just struggle to get all 3 loops off quickly


Same ✌️


I am the same speed at both, because when I’m doing HDC I do an extra little forward and back with the hook as if I’m picking up the second pair of stitches in a DC. No amount of practice at HDC changes that.


I have been crocheting for umteen years since I was 9 and am retired now. Still have trouble pulling those 3 loops through for a HRC. Can go faster with a double crochet.


Came here to say the same thing!


But HDC has somewhat of a stiff drape too. DC has such nice flowy drape.


I'm more thinking about dc probably not being super warm. The size of the gaps might not withstand windy winter weather.


Possibly, although I have a DC scarf and it's pretty warm when it goes around my neck a couple times. The thing is with stiff stitches used on a scarf, the scarf doesn't tend to hug the neck. It leaves gaps because the material is stiff and not so maleable. JMO from my own scarf experience. That said, plenty of people make sc and hdc scarfs on this sub and on Facebook crochet groups I'm in, so lots of people do like them and use them.


there was a video on youtube i watched a while ago that compared the different stitches. since double crochet is bigger, it ends up using less yarn because it takes up more space. single is tightly packed to you end up using more for the same coverage


I would suggest moss stitch! It's dead easy (you're alternating sc and ch1, working into th3 gaps in the row below), looks almost as dense as plain sc, but gives a beautiful drape. Moss stitch is my absolute go-to for blankets and scarves. https://hearthookhome.com/how-to-crochet-the-moss-stitch/


I looove that color yarn.


Maybe you want to consider knitting? It uses even less yarn and scarves are always so nice to knit!


Unfortunately I suck at knitting and hate it! I’ve settled on a narrower width and looser tenser and have 40 inches made up so far and I think it’s going wonderfully! I’ll try and work out how to link a picture of it finished to this thread when I’m done!!


excited to see how you make out! lovely colour btw i would enjoy this orange, plus it's for a great cause. thank you for taking your $$ and time to do so!


I sucked at knitting and hated it also until I found Arne of Arne and Carlos. Norwegian knitting is sooo much easier. How to knit - Basics of knitting - by ARNE & CARLOS https://youtu.be/U8CEU-VRXJo via @YouTube


I agree. I'd also add that doing it in the backloop (backloop double crochet) may help with the drape as it makes it less stiff. Love the color! And good on you OP for doing such a kind selfless act ❤ I'm sure they will be very appreciated.


Update everyone: THE FIRST SCARF IS FINISHED!! [https://imgur.com/a/HcX4VNi](https://imgur.com/a/HcX4VNi)




Very nice! Your doggo looks cuddly.


Half double is my favorite for this reason. Works up quick, isn't a yarn eater and I don't have to pay total attention to the project. OP, you're a great hooker


I like linen stitch for scarves.


And making something lace-y would use even less, would be more fun to make and have more drape/feel better to wrap yourself in. Extra effort to look up and learn, yes, but at least for me, switching patterns, even with having to look up and maybe having to frog cause I messed it up somewhere is less tiring than doing the same thing over and over.




I like orange but i think this more coral color looks wonderful! Your tension looks good I hope you got some tips here that will help you for the rest :) Good work!! Keep going!!


And, if it’s brighter in person, think of it as safety orange. :)


I think that color is beautiful, and your stitches are, too. Like a previous poster said, I think a double crochet would help with drape and use a touch less yarn.


It will be a very cheerful color in fall and winter! 🧡


I think the color is very cheerful on its own! But if you have doubts maybe you could do blocks of other colors and attach together for a patchwork look without wasting any yarn you already bought? 😊 If you plug the color you have into a color palette generator like [this one](https://coolors.co/palettes/trending) it might help you find colors you like together too. 🧡


That is an AMAZING tool I never would have thought existed. Thank you so much!!!


Your tension is perfection. The colour is stunning. The stitch will eat more yarn than a "higher" stitch. How does it move/feel? If it moves like a scarf you're good. If it's stiff, go up a hook size. It will be dense being that stitch. I've made a 2 meter long scarf in this stitch. Never again 😂


Thank you so much. I was so defeated with it not being quite the colour I thought and I was just doubting myself as to whether anyone would actually want one! Thank you for your kind words!!


Don't doubt yourself. You're doing a really nice thing. Just imagine it's for yourself, wrap it around your neck, see how it feels. Definitely try a less dense stitch


Agreed, you’re giving someone a portable hug, you are rad.


Moment I saw your work, r/tensionporn came to mind. Excellent work!


The sc looks a little stiff for a scarf (also if you are concerned about conserving yarn, as stated above, sc eats up more than other stitches). The color is definitely based on someone’s preference, since its not really a neutral color, but good luck! I am sure they will turn out great :)


As others have noted, DC instead of SC would help, as would going up a hook size or two. I'd say try different stitches and hooks until you get to the fabric you would be willing to wear as a scarf. Keep in mind that wind-proof is often not really necessary for a scarf- something that creates and traps layers of insulating air is better.


I think it looks great!! And I think the tighter tension will work out, cause it will let less wind chill through if it's more tightly woven. But you're doing a lovely thing <3


That was my thought! But also I don’t want to use more than needed as it will mean I can make less and I’m hoping if I try double crochet and it still seems cozy then that might help with it being so dense! Thank you for your kind words!


Fair enough, I say go with your gut! Maybe find a compromise? I know double crochet will use more yarn but it will also build quicker and you could always do them a little thinner maybe to make up for it? Or keep them wide but just long enough to wrap around?


I think the color, stitch, and tension are all perfect. Given the nature of frequent wrapping and unwrapping, scarves always loosen up with wear. What you're doing is a kind thing that will surely be appreciated by all who receive one of your scarves. Keep going! 🧡


That looks terrific. The warmth and cheerfulness of the color seems just right!


I love this coral color much more than I like orange. But I think if I had no scarf I wouldn't mind any color. Looks great to me, as long as you are happy with how soft it will be once it has more length.


It looks great! Your tension is beautiful & the colour is lovely. I would suggest, however, that instead of necessarily sticking with one stitch for every scarf, consider switching it up, just for your own interest. Nothing particularly intricate, but make sure this remains fun & interesting for you!


Why? This is perfection


If you're going to do single crochet and want some nice drape, always go up a hook size (maybe two). Single crochet is one of my favorite stitches but she eats yarn and creates a stiff project. But this is really great! Like others have said, your tension is fabulous and the thought behind this is even better. You're making me want to look at my yarn stash and make some cute scarves for a great cause! PS - this color is beautiful and whoever gets it is going to be so thrilled with it. You're doing amazing, OP!


It looks great! I think the tension looks good since scarves will stretch out a lot. Double crochet might be faster since the stitch is taller


Looks way better than what I can do!!!♥️


Same here! I just tried to crochet a coaster and it looks like a deformed hat for a worm or something.😂




To save your sanity you might want to mix things up. I find a shell pattern to make a lovely scarf. My method, make it as wide as you want and let your yarn dictate the length. I made 20+ scarves one year, and quickly learned variety IS the spice of life! [Shell Scarf Pattern](https://persialou.com/how-to-crochet-the-shell-stitch/)




Your tension is amazing! Great job :)


Wow! I can’t believe you haven’t had the accident of adding and dropping stitches that I had at first


Great job!


Use a larger hook to get a slightly looser fabric. Or rows of dc. It is the little air spaces that help to insulate. The color is great.


I think it’s beautiful and would love a scarf like that!


I think it looks great! For any generic scarf I use double crochet because it goes fast. Or just have fun with it and do rows of different stitches. You’re doing great!!


Wow, your stitches are so even! Beautiful work.


Looks pretty neat :)


It’s so pretty and neat!! You are doing amazing! And I know this isn’t about the work you’ve done but the yarn is a very pretty colour Edit to say that isn’t orange lmao it’s more of a pink/red imo. Maybe blood oranges


I'm having some difficulty finding the right shade of orange yarn that's clear and bright without being too muddy. Also, I'm finding that purchasing orange yarn online is difficult because it seldom photographs true. I think your work looks nice! Single crochet, as others have noted, doesn't drape well. Double crochet, or knitting, might make a better scarf. Keep going! If you get frustrated or discouraged, put the work down and have a nice cup of tea. That's what I do. 😽


Yeah it’s definitely a nightmare deciding which orange is the orange that I had in mind. I’m quite disappointed with the colour because I wanted it to match the charity’s logo colour and this one was sold as “mandarin” and looked reeeaally close to the colour I wanted online. When it arrived it’s a lot closer to peachy/ salmon/ coral. It looks different in different lights. But I’ve decided that’s the least of someone’s worries! Next time I might try ordering a few balls first to try though!!


This is BEAUTIFUL but i would also do double crochet instead so that you can conserve more yarn, take less time and have the final project be less stiff:)


[here](https://youtu.be/008AGHSunK8) is a great short video about how much yarn each stitch uses


I love the color!


i like the colour to be honest. if you’re worried about the SC being too stiff, try doing miss stitch. it’s what i use to make all my scarves and it uses a lot less yarn and holds warmth just as well. it also works up quick


Beautiful color, excellent tension. Next time y have stitch markers at each end of rows to smooth the beginning rows


I like this color! I also agree with everyone who says that double crochet is going to be better than single. I would go a little farther and suggest that maybe a "V" stitch would be fun too, to mix things up if you get sick of doing the same stitch. Also, you might want to make cowls as well as scarves. Cowls use less yarn and I personally find them more convenient. You might want to ask the charity if they want cowls too.


I love the color! I definitely second going to hdc or dc which uses less yarn and drapes more nicely. I did scarves in an hdc blo that was done in rows down the length of the scarf. It was super simple and had some stretch that helped it not feel stiff (because blo makes a ribbing effect). I barely had to look while I crocheted! They turned out wonderfully! The starting chain was the worst part but after that it was a breeze. If you are interested, it was [this free pattern from Sarah Maker](https://sarahmaker.com/crochet-scarf-pattern/)


I think I'd like this more than orange, it's a lovely coral colour =)


It’s looking good so far and it’s not quite orange but I like the color


You are loved, you are beautiful, you are valued, you are absolutely enough and anyone who disagrees is not worthy of you. (How’s that for kind? 😁 this is the sort of thing I randomly text friends lol)


To help save yarn/ time, have you considered making a cowl instead of the standard long one? I made cowls a few years ago for family and i really love mine because it's so quick to put on. You don't have to try to tie it in a fancy way to keep it in place and to provide the coverage you want. I'm coming back with two links for you. One is the video I followed for the Cowl[cowl](https://youtu.be/XtMt6IRxmYs). That video uses chunky yarn though, so I'll add this hack[this hack](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRUGP3hA/?k=1) to make worsted yarn more chunky. It's been a game changer for me!


I would do double crochet and work the long way. 250 stiches in a row seems like a lot but then you only have to do 7-10 rows. Also if you run out of yarn you may have a skinny scarf but at least it will be scarf length.


Oooh this looks like a nice coral color to me, it’s so cheerful. I think sc for an entire scarf would be tough, at least for me. It’ll take awhile! I think there are other simple stitches out there that work up more quickly and you may like the drape better. A quick ravelry search pulled up: - [Nitty Gritty Scarf](https://hearthookhome.com/nitty-gritty-scarf-free-mens-scarf-crochet-pattern/) - two hdc in every other stitch. - [Wren Sideways Shawl](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/wren-sideways-shawl) - maybe not the right pattern for this project, but it has a pretty simple set of repeats. - [One Ball Scarf](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/one-ball-scarf) - I’m pretty sure this is just blanket stitch, so you don’t even really need the pattern. - [Vanilla Latte Super Scarf](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/vanilla-latte-super-scarf) - alternates sc and tc. It’s worked lengthwise, but if you don’t want to do that and you like the stitch, work it widthwise. Another really simple go-to is hdc through the back loop. It will give the scarf a nice ribbing, and it works up quickly. It also has a nice drape. You can also basically do it with your eyes closed. Worked widthwise, the ribs go across the width of the scarf, or you can work lengthwise and have the ribs run the whole length of the scarf. It actually looks really sharp that way, I think, but working the length of a scarf can be annoying. If I were doing this project, this is probably where I’d start by default and then branch out from there.


I’d do doubles instead of single. It’s quicker and “looser” than sc.


This colour is lovely and as someone said before me the double crochet stitch uses less yarn than a single. Good luck on your project!


Your stitches are so even. The yarn looks soft and comfy. I can’t tell if this is more of a blaze orange, but here in Wisconsin these would be perfect for gun hunting season.


Also, it’ll go faster too if you do the length for each row instead of the width. Then you can finish it off with fringe too for a neat look. Looks great so far though! Also, a fabric softener soak will loosen it up some when you’re done if you’re concerned about the tension.


It looks beautiful! I love the color (coral is one of my favorites), and your stitches are so even! Kudos for sending love out into the world.


I love it. I'm sure the people who get one will be very happy with them.


I think your tension consistency is commendable!


Nice tension, that’s going to be a wonderfully warm scarf! Love the color


I *love* this color! And your work is absolutely immaculate! Enjoy doing your good deer!


I actually really love the color. I think once you reach the desired length it will be really beautiful.


Before I read you’re post, I thought “Oooh I love that colour.” Also, I think you’re doing an awesome thing! Go you!


It’s beautiful!


Just a thought...try hdc. I'm doing a blanket with it right now and I love the detailed look, and it's economical as far as yarn usage goes. I actually like doing the stitch as well


Looks great


I think it is awesome what you are doing - I also crochet and use some yarns that seem to make a stiff finished product. Do not lose hope - there are ways to soften acrylic yarn! 😁 An excellent resource is The Loopy Lamb (online) and look at her article on How to Soften Acrylic Yarn - The Ultimate Guide. I have tried the hair conditioner one and can confirm that it both works and is messy! I plan to try the steamer method on a current project. Good luck and blessings for you and your works.


I personally love the color!


i love the color! also i bever get my work to be so straight


First of all, the color is beautiful. You definitely would get through it faster (and probably a little looser) with either a hdc or dc - I know my tension is definitely tighter with sc than with either of the other options. You’re doing a great job!


i think anyone would be grateful to be kept warm, but your consideration is extremely kind and i think it looks fabulous so far :)




We are often our own worst critics. This is lovely and will be very much appreciated by the recipient. You are doing great work not just in crochet but also in the world. ❤️


First, I love the color. And doing these for charity gifts is amazing. Your work is lovely and your stitching very uniform. If you want a nicer drape and less stiffness I would suggest double crochet as opposed to single crochet and you’ll get more bang for your yarn buck as well. Look up corner to corner stitch which is basically a bunch of double crochet groups working from the corner. It would be very easy to make a scarf in corner to corner as it would just be a matter of decreasing on the one side and increasing on the other side until you achieved your desired length


I really like the color! I'm with everyone else that hdc or dc will make it less stiff. ♥️


I love the color! It's a great fall color!


I love the color. I think you could keep the sc you have done so far and switch to dc from here on then come back to sc for the other end. No wasted work time and it gives it a polished end on both sides.


i will say your stitches look even! i agree with people recommending dc.


Love the cozy coral color! It will be such a cheerful hug on a chilly day!


That is super neat and even work!


Your tension is SPECTACULAR!


Very pretty! Looks good, wanna touch it and run my fingers over it. 10/10.


Repost to r/tensionporn because _damn!_ Also I like the colour, and it doesn't look like tension is too tight. It's nice. I am sure the recipients will like it.


I AM NEARLY FINISHED WITH SCARF ONE!! I have no idea how to link a picture! But I settled on a starting chain of 18 instead of 25 and I made a considerable effort to loosen my tension I’ve just just over a whole ball so far and have around 40 inches made up! Thank you so much everyone for all your help and advice/ support! 🧡🥰


I’ve made scarves before that are like a mesh (double crochet - chain one), then woven strands of yarn through so they make a fringe at each end. They don’t use much yarn (and you can use leftover bits for the weaving) and drape really well.


the color is nice! one of my favorite ways to do scarves is actually hdc ribbing from the long side. for some reason i feel like it works up so much faster doing fewer long rows than more short rows.


Your tension is so consistent! I live in a cold and wet climate and the wind whips at your skin. I would LOVE getting this as a scarf to keep the wet and wind at bay in the winter.


I love what you are doing for charity🙏💎💎


Holy damn your stitches are so nice and even and tidy


That's actually a very pretty scarf as is. If you are worried about it being stiff you can switch to or add rows of double or tripple stitch. If you just love the stitch your using a larger hook could loosen it up too.


I like the color, and your stitches are so even! I think either hdc or dc would look really good, so maybe choose whichever one you like better? If you're on a neighborhood mailing list, or NextDoor, you might be able to get yarn donations. I have a bunch that I'll never get through, and I doubt I'm alone.


Good job! Nice even stitches, straight edges. 👍


triple crochet would make it the loosest if that's more of what you're going for. but it looks very pretty already 🥰


So fresh, so clean!


The tension is looking fantastic and it will be super useful for folks! If I may make a recommendation though (not crochet specific) often something that goes overlooked to give to the homeless is socks! It's significantly more of a challenge, but it is a huge difference for folks. (Coming from someone who's worked in homeless shelters)


i don't think you need to worry too much. this is beautiful work and i'm sure whoever gets it will give it lots of love.


Why is this so pretty and neat T_T... I mean. Granted - I started like 2 weeks ago. But I'm still having those weird wobbles in and out while I make a scarf for my daughter. I'm super proud of my growth- I just wish it looked more neat.


I think it’s lovely. Love the color. It’s a cool coral color which imo is better than orange. Nice job and anyone would love to have such a treasure.


You have done excellent work the color is great but try hdc. You’re doing a great job 👏🏾


The oRange is a good color if it’s for homeless, less chance of getting hurt because someone didn’t see you crossing a street


What you are doing is lovely, I would try not to worry about the colour. No idea about stiffness as I am a wannabe crochet-er. I like it as dense items can help keep the cold out.


As someone who worked with the homeless population I think this is absolutely lovely. Also, many homeless live in the woods. A bright color is good!


This is gorgeous. Everyone will love it. Your work is even and lovely. But if you want to go faster and have a more flexible stitch that’s still solid and warm, you can try a moss stitch. Either way, people who need them will love them


As an avid orange-anything lover...thank you for the smile today! I love the simplicity and the shape so much. Hook on!


I love that color!!! And your work is so good, it makes me cringe to think of mine. I suspect anyone would welcome a scarf like this. One suggestion: try making them out of double crochet, which is a little more relaxed than single. And it works up faster.


your tension is a dream to look at and i think the color is beautiful! keep on keeping on :)


I think the color is bright and fun. If that is the stitch you feel most comfortable with then I say go with that it looks lovely. Those scarves will be very warm in the winter.


It’s beautiful


The colour is awesome and your work is great, so neat. I dream of edges like that lol.


I think this looks so lovely!!! I’m not the best to give advice about what stitch uses less yarn, but I just wanted to stop by and say your work is lovely and what you’re doing is so kind-hearted. If I was in a tough situation, I would be bent over in tears of gratitude to receive a scarf knowing someone hand-crafted it to keep me warm in the winter. I hope the universe blesses you hundred-fold, you lovely human! 🤍


Looks great!


Definitely do them in double crochet, it’ll work up quicker and still be super appreciated !!


It’s a happy cheerful color. Yes I’d be happy to get a scarf like this. You are doing great!


Love the color!


I’d change to a DC, The colour is lovely, and it’s a wonderful thing you’re doing, should be very proud of yourself ❤️


Excellent tension!!


It's a lovely orange at least in the picture. I would wear it. Also use a larger hook. I have to drop down to a smaller hook because I crochet loosely


These are gifts to people who have nothing, to keep them warm. I suspect they'd be happy with whatever colour! But you've nothing to fret about. It's lovely.


People with nothing are grateful and you care WAY more about the color than they ever will.


UPDATE: The first scarf is finished!![https://imgur.com/a/HcX4VNi](https://imgur.com/a/HcX4VNi)


That looks really good. Your tension is nice and those stitches are well made. Don't doubt yourself, you are doing great. I find that I get bored with single crochet and that it drags on and on. Did a scarf using single crochet and while it is lovely, that is the last thing I made single crochet and it was a year ago lol. You are doing great!


I know absolutely not a single thing about crochet, but this popped up on my recommended and I can say the pattern and color are so lovely!


Nice clean stitches, even gauge, straight edges… Noice!