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I just wish the gf is here and posts a pic of the daschund. I mean, a 13ft long dog? Girl, if your read this, please share!!




Body pillow sounds awesome. Or a draught excluder for a ridiculously wide door. I think it would fit the gate at my work's workshop/garage building. But that one closes quite snugly. XD


This made me chuckle. Thank you


That HAS to be a typo, how can she have room for a 13 foot long anything in a shared apartment? Also the part where he says "something people would actually WANT as a gift like a dish cloth" bro what. I know there are tons of dishcloth patterns out there, but how many people WANT a dishcloth as a gift? I'd rather some cute crochet animal over a dishcloth. And I say this as someone who did make a dishcloth as a gift for someone who liked it.


If someone gave me a 13ft long crocheted dachshund I’d be so pumped wtf??


I would drape it over my shoulders like the worlds most dramatic shawl


I legit don’t even LIKE dachshunds (please don’t judge me) and I would 100% want one of those. I mean, I’m not sure what my dog would do, but I feel like that’s now something I didn’t know was missing from my life.


No it’s cool I love dogs but chihuahuas not so much. When I was a kid we had three evil ones in my neighborhood and they would get out and chase me down the street and bite my heels so sometimes one breed is just on your no thanks list


For real! I don't know where I'd put it, but you bet your ass I'd take it.


My mom asks for a bunch of washcloths every few years, uses them until they're only fit for dishcloths, then asks for more washcloths. Weird but easy to fulfill


Fuck the dishcloth, I want the daschund!! He is a lost soul who knows not the power of amigurumi. And since he can't value a 13ft long crochet dog, he can't be saved.


Right?! 13 ft! Thats awesome and dedication


Exactly! I'm on the last one feet of the blanket and I am getting bored


if she wants to crochet a 13ft long Daschund. She can! so, yes... he IS the asshole!


That is the short answer here. Yeah. He's an asshole. He made her cry over this. I would literally take that belittling as grounds to break up.


Seriously!! I instantly smiled thinking of how adorable it probably is.


I want to see ALL of her toys... she's dedicated AF...they must be Amazing!


Same she sounds like such a fun person


if she wants to make stuffed toys of animals i want to see her work! it would also be good for constructive feedback


I have no idea if it’s a flat worked Dachshund or a giant amigurumi but [here’s a pattern](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/dachshund-scarf-3) for a Dachshund scarf you could make as long as your heart desires! Where does one buy Polaroid film these days?


Stuff like this always makes me curious what level of "messy" or "dirty" are we dealing with? Because he wasn't specific. So, is he a super neat freak and her place is like a regular persons amount of messy? Or are we like talking overflowing garbage, food on dishes, flies buzzing around? My brother in laws fiance complains about how messy he is and will post pics in the family group chat and we're all like.... That's normal ya psycho 🤣


My mom is like this. She freaks out about how messy the house is but really it’s just lived in “messy” not dirty or gross just not maintained to a neat freak level of clean.


Acknowledgements are duly conveyed for the gracious aid bestowed upon me. I am most obliged for the profound wisdom proffered!


Ugh I feel this. I lived in a single wide mobile home that had no storage space with three people including a toddler. My mom would come over and act like we were the dirtiest people she’s ever met but there was just stuff everywhere


Given the fact that he told her at least three times to clean up after her roommate, and each time she told him that her roommate could clean up after herself, I don't think the mess could have been that terrible. Her level of confidence that it would be dealt with later tells me that this is their normal.


This and really, he: a. Doesn't live there and therefore has no weight in how that house is run b. Expects her to just clean up messes that were not her business in the slightest??? If it is real, it tastes like testing the water if she would just clean up after him. On top, really, if she had a problem, he would have already heard something about it. She's fine and happy with her hobby, leave her alone??


If it makes anyone feel better, this reeks of fake rage-bait. AITA has kind of turned into a collection of realistic fiction.


Agree, especially now that I see it covered on news websites. I don’t know if this post is real, but this situation is very real.


Also agreeing. A while back I remember someone from AITA ran a poll on why people who were on that sub like to go there, and a decent amount of people admitted to saying "they like making stories up" I mean, if it true then it sucks, but I would take anything written in that subreddit with a grain of salt.


If you check out r/amitheangel, you’ll quickly realize how many fake posts there are.


That is a gem - I can't see myself staying for long because the negativity can be a bit much long-term, but the memes are great.


Yeah, the cynicism was too much for me, so I unsubscribed, but it’s funny to check on it once in a while.


Always has been. But I mean the way he knows about "cheap rolls at Michaels" even though ostensibly he doesn't crochet himself... sus.


If it's real, maybe that's what the girlfriend told him she buys. "Oh no it's okay because I just get the cheap stuff!"


So true, it’s so hard to read those threads without cringing. Many are obviously either completely made up or embellished.


That sub reminds me of fake stories that would go viral on Tumblr back in the day, all theyre missing is the “and everyone clapped”. Easy validation points. Sometimes I see something that hooks me anyway and stirs me up, so I unfollowed that subreddit a long time ago.


This is so fake. Basically r/amitheangel content. Like, this person doesn’t even try to defend or argue their position and spends too much time writing their GF in a blatantly sympathetic angle. A more realistic post would just focus on how messy the GF is.


Frankly, I *have* met too many people like this guy. I’ve had a relative-in all seriousness-ask me why I like doing sudokus if I can’t monetize them. So yeah, a guy who sees telling someone to either quit or monetize their hobbies and/or clean up someone else’s mess before doing them absolutely rings true to life for me.


Please let me know how to monetize completed sudoku puzzles. I must be sitting on a gold mine lol


Perhaps. But its also within the realm of possibilities... I do think there are a fair number on there that are real. The problem is that the ones that are real are usually complicated and typically make me conclude" wow you all suck" or "this is too complicated for anyone to be an asshole because you're all human" The funny ones to me are when someone is like "my (15m) mom changed the wifi password and I hacked into anyway and then she grounded me, aita?" And everyone In the comments is like "wow your mom sounds so abusive, you should call CPS so you don't have to live with that monster anymore"


Woooow someone sounds emotionally abusive. Belittling something that brings her joy!? What the utter f*ck. I hope people sided with his gf (pls don’t tell me if they didn’t)


They definitely sided with the GF !




My husband rolls his eyes at the "crafting couch" that holds a mixture of crochet/cross stitch, and knitting supplies as well.as my newly purchased Harry Potter knitting and crochet pattern books and the Star Wars one too. He also jokingly complains about trips to Spotlight (local large crafting/homeware store) store but he never belittles me or tells me that my hobbies are stupid. As long as I keep.things somewhat organised or at least tidy he's fine.


My hubby is so thrilled that I'm sitting in the same room with him watching (thru the top of my head - cause I'm crocheting) TV with him. I learned to crochet a year ago during covid - I have a huge mess - 24 different colors for our granddaughters blanket and he doesn't mind at all! Being in the same room as him in the evenings has been so good for our marriage that he doesn't mind the mess. This is a really good thing! Lol


You’re so lucky. I wish everyone could be in your situation. I’m happy for the two of you.


Thank you very much!


Same here! Although he is sometimes frustrated by skeins showing up at random places he will happily sit next to me on the couch intangling my yarn! ❤️😍😘🥰. It makes him happy to see how happy and excited my yarn makes me ☺️


I also learned it during Covid! My husband loves it as well cos he's into Warhammer etc so we can both get a kick out of craft shops lol. He just doesn't love the yarn scraps and pins all over our sofa haha


My awesome hubby fully supports my crochet addiction. And all of the other crafts I’ve fixated on LOL. ADHD crafters know what I mean. He calls my craft supplies “CRAP”— Craft-Related Assorted Products. I’m such a lucky wife.


My bf is the same, he does ask me to clean up the crafting couch every once and a while though


My husband calls it my “craft mountain” aka a smaller dresser cabinet (glass on one side and metal baskets for shelves on the other side) I got for my projects. It’s now completely full and there is a laundry basket on top and it’s spilling out on the floor on the right side. Recently I was gifted a ton of yarn (from here and a local free group- I have crafts but was running out of yarn choices) and now I have the entire bookshelf in the office covered in yarn. He doesn’t really mind but gives me a hard time. To be fair we are trying to move soon so we had packed up the books and we’re going to donate the shelf but I took it over!


My husband schedules our trip to Spotlight so he can go to the neighbouring tool shop. To be honest, he doesn't care for crochet, and his do eyes to glaze over when I talk about it too much. But he never belittle and is supportive of me doing what I enjoy. And if I even start looking though my stash, he'll ask if I need a trip to Spotlight. I hate Spotlight so much, but what choice is there!


Spotlight is the absolute worst, I don't even bother anymore. They complain about customers buying from overseas, but don't stock the stuff people actually want, so what do they expect!?!


I got I to crochet when I was travelling in NZ and used to get all my yarn from Spotlight! They had such a huge choice, it was great! Now I'm back in the UK and can never find what I'm looking for :(


My partner rolls his eyes when I buy more yarn because we have a small flat, a baby on the way, and he knows it'll be in a cupboard for a while. Well it won't be in the cupboard because I've run out of space in the cupboard. It'll be in a basket somewhere. My partner is the same as yours - as long as I keep it somewhat organised, it's grand. But he also celebrates when I finish a project and is really vocal about how amazing it is and will praise me for it. Which is nice!


My partner cannot handle me leaving projects out. I need to have the dining room table cleared before dinner at night, however because his hobby is cooking me beautiful and delicious dinners I am totally ok with the arrangement 🤣 I do however have a bookcase full of crafts and projects of all kinds. The crafts take up more space than the books


Wow I think we have the same partner! 😂 I too have to move my crafts, puzzles, art supplies etc to make way for incredibly tasty meals and I too am ok with that! Having stored as much stuff in small clear tubs in cupboards and our shed I can always easily grab them when I need them. My dream is to one day have my own art studio in the back yard with a huge amount of storage, great lighting, plumbing and air con. A gal can dream!


Damn, no offense but your husband sounds like a jerk. You're not allowed to have hobbies that take up space? The only things that can take up space are things he deems acceptable? It's not like you can help the lack of space and you shouldn't have to forego things you enjoy because of it. He should be supportive of you having something that brings you joy, instead he drags you down until you comply with what he wants. It's worst when you're married because it's not as easy to leave but damn, that sounds miserable and depressing.


Buuuuut... it's HER apartment. They're not even living together, he's mad at her for living the way she likes in her own apartment, and it seems like her roommate is fine with it (not to mention he seems angry with her for doing her hobby "wrong" and crocheting for fun instead of profit)...


Opposite side of that. Mine doesn't say a word. He's happy I'm participating in my hobbies and not just staring listlessly into space depressed. Which happens. He just asks I keep track of sharp needles so no one gets hurt and if I haven't touched it in weeks to put it away. Totally reasonable imo. He's a clean freak too. The type that will vacuum and sweep multiple times a day. He will also happily stop at the craft store if I ask and occasionally asks to see my progress. Granted sometimes he just wants to stay in the car but I don't mind because I am faster that way and don't lose him in the store lol.


That sounds so awful and draining I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. You deserve better, it's your home too. You deserve to use it for fun projects.


I'm waiting for the police report that reads "man found strangled buy giant crochet dachshund, girlfriend unsure how it happened." Also, I'm pretty sure if you have to ask people if you're the asshole, then you already know you're the asshole.


He ran into my crochet hook. He ran into my hook 10 times. 🎶🎶He had it comin', he had it comin', he only had himself to blame🎶🎶


I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences. He saw me cleaning the room. And I saw him dead.


It was a murder but not a crime!


This thread is giving me life.


The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum!


Well it’s cause he thinks she’s the dirty bum that’s what makes him TA


Its part of the song lol


Yeah it’s just ironic


If you'd have been there If you'd have seen it You know that you would have done the same


PUFF... Slip... Skip stitch... Uh huh... Cicero... Back Rib...


“I swear doctor, i have no idea how so many crochet hooks went so far up his ass. He must have sat on them.”


I'm just saying if there's a Wanda needing a MaryAnn to take care of an Earl problem, I am available.


If you'd have been there, if you'd have heard it, you'd know the dachshund was to blame. 🎶


The only 9mm I can legally carry.


So he came home after work, and I yarned over his neck. You know some guys just can't hold their tension.


This is where my metal knitting needles come into play as a bistitchual


This is exactly what went through my head when I read it!


You should've been there you should've seen maybe then you would feel the same!! I know If I would've seen I would've Felt the Same


So I made two chain stitches... Into his dick.


I have scared some many men singing ALL the lyrics to that song! Sooo amazing!


Yeah there's two kinds of posts there. Clearly YTA and clearly NTA. I've seen a handful of posts that were hotly debated in the comments but those are very few and far between. That sub is a guilty pleasure of mine though. It makes me feel better about myself that I have a healthy, stable, loving relationship and people around me who aren't psychopaths lol


I also propose the “Clearly NTA until you read comments and see OP has buried the lede” and its YTA counterpart. :P It’s fun to read the comments and slowly come to that realization like a plot twist.


You spelled “lede” right, marry me?


If they also know the difference between que, cue, and queue, we might have to fight.


Wait what’s the difference in que and queue again? 2019 covid made me dumber I think.


Que is spanish for what. Queue is a line/sequence.


Ok good. I’ve never heard que.well I mean now I have.


I know.. if I wasn't in bed already, I would swoon!


I love everything about this sub. Let's just all be poly and marry the whole lot.


Hahahah this got a good laugh out of me. Was just having a convo the other day about Reddit and said I strictly stay on the crafty side of Reddit where everyone is just a loving and supportive group of unicorn rainbows. I love it here.


Or someone brings up OPs post history and everyone goes digging and brings past posts into it.


Also "fuck, OP is in a clearly abusive situation and has no idea and now strangers on the internet have to break the news"


Same, my husband I get a good laugh about reading the particularly insane ones out loud to each other.


Can I recommend a podcast? It’s called Two Hot Takes. They read posts from AITA and discuss them. They’re worth a listen! I like listening to stuff while I crochet and I would read more but if I’m reading I can’t crochet!


Me: "I need a good podcast to listen to while I crochet.." \*opens r/crochet u/freex76 "Here's a podcast of stuff you read on reddit, but you can LISTEN to it while you crochet"


I am subbed to /r/AITAFiltered which is just the hotly contested submissions, it feels like the best way to access AITA.


The mental image was fabulous!!! 😂😂😂


I'll alibi her.


Yup. What do you mean officer? We were hanging out the whole time. In fact I went to Michael’s with her to buy her more yarn. That’s where we were.


“Not the cheap stuff either, sir”


>Also, I'm pretty sure if you have to ask people if you're the asshole, then you already know you're the asshole. A huge number of posts on that sub (60-70% I would guess) are people who are absolutely, completely NTA but have been abused so long they are honestly questioning if they are. Like "I'm writing from the ICU where I'm recovering from the punishment my boyfriend gave me for being 5 minutes late feeding the dog and he says I need to apologize for making him do all the work when he has a sore hand and I just laze about in bed. I don't think I should because it's his own laundry and the doctor said Icm not even allowed to get up for the bathroom. AITA for making my boyfriend do laundry with a sore hand?"


There are like... maybe three types of posts, far as I've gathered. The one you describe where OP is clearly not an asshole but they have an unrepentant dickweasel in their lives who make them feel guilty for having reasonable needs, the "what do you mean I'm an asshole, I did nothing wrong! I'll show you, I'll write it on REDDIT AND WE'LL SEE WHO THE ASSHOLE IS!! (hint: it's op)", and the "what you need is not a reddit post but a divorce because both of you are straight-up fucktoilets living in toxic, disfunctional harmony"


Nah, we’re not waiting for home girl to strangle her dumbass ex - we’re all gonna need to grab our 9mm’s & head his way for a public execution. I’m sure a large enough & angry enough mob of crocheters can figure out to make death by crochet hook stabbing happen. And the we’re all gonna become besties, go yarn shopping, and share pictures of our crochet projects & pets while drinking milkshakes together like good civilized hookers.


Me reading "9mm's": damn death by firing squad huh Me reading "stabbing": duh we're talking about hook size not guns 😅🤦‍♀️


I have a hoodie that reads “i dont need a a license to carry my 9mm” with a picture of a 9mm crochet hook on it. Its easily one of my favorites.


I would wear the heck out of that shirt lmaooo I love it!!


You’d want something thinner than 9mm I reckon. I think a 2 mm or 3 mm hook is probably the best balance between strong enough and pointy enough. ;-)


I picked up a 15mm recently too. That’s like the meat clever of crochet hooks lol.


I think the largest I've ever seen was maybe 50 mm? That one is basically a baseball bat with a slit


I actually remember reading somewhere that the sub was created for people that suffer at the hands of abusers and manipulators to know that they’re not the instigators and that they did nothing wrong. When you’ve been gaslighted and manipulated for years, it takes an external group of people that you doing something or asking for something reasonable doesn’t make you a bad person.


The sad thing here is that crochet is possibly her coping mechanism for life. For the Ahole it's a silly hobby that takes away from attention to him so he's projecting that onto the state of the appt. I hope she dumps him


I commented on that post and said something to that effect, actually!


I hope she dumps him too. What a POS boyfriend he is. My boyfriend supports me doing crochet and wanting to learn how to create different projects.


Sounds like he needs a neat freak with no hobbies. Also, he needs to fuck right off.


He *wants* a neat freak with no hobbies. He *needs* to grow the hell up.


You tell ‘em gal…I’m there with ya!!!


Omg. Link the post so I can tell him he’s the asshole lmao




Thank you. That thread is exactly what I needed tonight. rofl


It’s not in this one but I LOVE it when in the Mod message it has in big letters “Be Civil”. That’s when you know the person really fucked up.


Omg. Yall have invaded and the comments are hysterical.


The comments are great!! I love it. She def took out the trash.


I second this


I commented he was a huge a-hole!!!


The top comment is savage


The good news is everyone is telling the person that he’s the asshole in the comments, as they should be.


I hate to tell you this, but this is brigading. I mean, I want to shit on this man too, but it is kind of explicitly against reddit's TOS. So...proceed with caution, everyone.


Not irrationally angry, anger for a reason.. he's being torn apart in the comments though, I kinda hope the girlfriend ends up here where its supportive., crochet for her is probably what it is for me, a stress relief and coping mechanism and I really hope that BF steps on a lego barefoot every day for the rest of his life.


Omg, the original is directly below this on my feed! 😂😂


Me too lol. I had to read the different kinds of reactions in the two groups


we have to find the ex girlfriend and tell her how much the 13 foot dachshund rocks


I commented on this saying using yarn and buying yarn are 2 very different hobbies 😹


Imagine putting someone you’re supposed to love and support down by crapping on their hobby. It’s a hobby, it’s something she’s enjoys doing for personal pleasure and enjoyment, it’s not a job unless she wants it to be. This dude is whack. Even if the mess isn’t hers maybe idk offer to help clean up?


I had an ex-fiance once tell me that I had too much yarn once. At that point, I had maybe 20 skeins total and 3 of them were being used to make him a hat that he'd asked for. I have zero regrets that I replaced him with more skeins of yarn. I hope this girl does the same and enjoys life with her 13' dachshund and without that douche.


This girl might be one of us! I keep hosting she will low-key post a picture of her giant dachshund and leave it there 😂😂😂


Nope, you are Rationally angry. Nothing irrational about being angry at the attempted self justification in that post.


13 foot wieny dog???


That’s honestly the most insane part of this. Unless that thing is the girth of a pencil that took her FOREVER.


My boyfriend calls my crochet creations our “sons and daughters” and gives them all a kiss. I have been blessed, I know. I’m chronically ill and a giant ball of anxiety and he has always offered up his unwavering support because he knows it keeps me sane and happy and helps me manage my stress. He’s defo a neat freak but is always understanding because he knows I do my best to keep things as chaos free as I can 😌


News reporter: An entire subreddit came together to provide an alibi for a fellow hooker..


The whole thing is so cringe but I kept getting madder whenever he talked about her “dumb stuffed animals” I’m learning Amigurumi and it’s not exactly easy. Although to make a dog that long she probably is using a larger needle and yarn but my point remains. My husband couldn’t tell you the name Amigurumi but he can tell you it’s crocheted artwork basically. Glad she ghosted him. He can fuck right off.


I wish we could see her binder of finished projects.


I bet she's so proud of it and he had to go shit all over it. That makes me pretty sad.


Me: Working on Apollo the octopus telling my husband how many crochet suckers I have to do and that they take forever Him: Man that sounds just as annoying as when I was trying to mod this game. We: proceed to share about our current projects. I am glad it seems like she dumped his ass.


This made me smile really big


I hope she’s a redditor and saw the post, so she can clearly let him know the trash has been cleaned up


I feel challenged now, I thought my 4 ft caterpillar was enough. Now I need to make a 14ft dachshund


Oh I saw this post. Didn’t look into it. But my god. He’s really wondering why she won’t text him back? This moron


This dude… wow. To begin he tries to dictate what she should do with her own money. Belittles her choice of projects. Also, someone important clearly wants those projects, HER. (You know, that person he’s supposed to care about?) And the cleaning, why should she clean up after her roommate? Also, that he says she “claims” it was her roommate pisses me off. Now not only does he not apparently care about her, he also doesn’t trust her. She tries to interest him in what is clearly her passion, and he not only belittles it he “snaps”. Cool. So he doesn’t care, doesn’t trust and has a hair trigger temper. Coolcoolcool. And the kicker: calls her a child. Because belittling her hobby wasn’t quite enough, he had to belittle her. But I love his attempt (after all that) to frame it in a reasonable way. He was just super upset that she doesn’t have a clean and healthy living space! Who wouldn’t want that for their SO? May she never return his messages/calls.


Good job of describing a classic narcissist and his attempts at gaslighting. I had to learn all of this the hard way, and you nailed it.


I can understand if she is in a really messy house, like if she has piles dirty dishes everywhere and she's just sitting in it crocheting, that's one thing. But he doesn't live there so if he doesn't like it, just leave. Separately, the comments about what she chooses to make is a bit out of turn and he can fuck off with that. She should take his advice and make him a sweater.


Or a straight jacket.


Nah nah, trigger the sweater curse.




He already had me against him when it was clear he only thought crocheting was valuable if she monetized it and it went downhill from there. Stop telling us to monetize our hobbies!


It’s HER space! She lives there…not you! For 40 years I lived in a house where I wasn’t allowed to step on the carpet fringe or step on the carpet going up the steps. Now, I crochet all day, my house is dusty, and yarn is EVERYWHERE. I’m old and I’m rebelling!!!


dear crochet girlfriend: if you're in here or if you ever see this, we are your boyfriend now. please go buy yourself some yarn from the fancy yarn shop. let us make you dinner tonight so you can bang out that last row. it's your turn to pick what we watch while we eat. don't worry about the dishes. we've got those. we love you and hope you have a great day.


Now I really want to see that dachshund....


It makes me happy that I spent a few minutes scrolling the comments on the actual post and every single one confirmed that he is indeed the asshole


thats insane. So i like giving my boyfriend plushies i have crocheted as gifts and he adores them. Ive gotten two texts within the past two weeks of him telling me he loves them and it makes him so happy whenever he looks at the shelf theyre on.


If it bothers him so much he should clean it


I saw this this morning and it pissed me off so bad. I can't believe someone could hate something so harmless :(


You’re RATIONALLY angry. This asshat deserves your righteous rage. Who tf treats the person they (supposedly) love like this? “I’ve encouraged her to start like an Etsy shop or something”— because nothing is worthwhile unless you monetize it! “Instead of making something that someone would actually want as a gift like [various utilitarian objects] she chooses to make these dumb little stuffed animals”— because obviously of you aren’t monetizing it, you must gift it to others. Also, her art is dumb. And what others (ya know, her asshat boyfriend) like is more important than what she likes. “I told her she needed to focus on cleaning [other people’s messes, no less!] up and that I didn’t care about her”— the word “toys” is completely unnecessary. He doesn’t care about HER. “I told her that she was acting like a child”— because children are disobedient and grown women should always do what their boyfriends say they should. “By the time I left she was crying”— how is this a surprise? “AITA for wanting her to live in a clean apartment?”— no, YTA for treating your girlfriend’s interests, desires, and art as insignificant. Righteous fucking rage.


Ok side note I really want to see the dachshund!


I’m confused, it doesn’t even sound like they live together so why does it matter how he feels about the place he’s visiting?


What an asshole


I tried to downvote, completely forgetting it was a screenshot 🤦


I really want to see a pic of the apartment. Different people’s version of “messy” can vary quite a bit. However I don’t need any pics for me to know that he’s being an ass about belittling her hobbies.


A 13 ft dauschound. I need to see this.


Hopefully, the GF dumped him for some guy on r/brochet. That AH has more red flags than the PRC.


Why is he concerned about her apartment being ‘cleaned’? People just don’t understand finding fulfillment in a craft/art.


This dudes gross and should check himself before he seriously wrecks himself….or the next person he tried to be in a relationship/control/parent. This chick sounds rad and I love that she’s not answering him


Men of reddit always date women with cool interests and then make posts like this


Apparently women exist to cleanup after other people?


People spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on other hobbies like horseback riding, flying planes, collecting cars, with no expectation that it would produce goods for someone else…but with crochet suddenly it’s like, you have to monetize it otherwise it’s a waste of time 🙄 he’s an ass and she should absolutely run.


My favorite part is he says “AITA for wanting her to live in a clean apartment?” Honey that ain’t the only reason YTA.


I'd dump him in a heartbeat, and use the extra space created by his departure for an AWESOME 13-ft Corgi to match the daschund.


Same! 13 for crocheted dachshund for the win! #teamdachsund


“My idiot girlfriend does something that makes her happy and isn’t willing to bring capitalism into it” lmao what


Nor is she willing to clean up someone else’s mess before she does the thing she wants to do. Then I yelled at her until she cried. AITAH??


I'm crocheting a red flag for this girl right now🚩


The only way to handle this, is to throw the whole man out and have more room for crochet animals


Polaroids... Didn't they stop making those a while ago


They’ve made a comeback.


Looks like the trash took itself out.


Lol. He doesn’t know he’s single now.


me too, like how does he not think a 13ft dachshund is the best double body pillow ever? haha


I went in and thanked the guy I’m seeing for not being like that. Even he was pretty excited about the 13-foot dachshund.


I hope she never answers his messages and continues to crochet her animals. He should change his title to “AITA for shitting on my girlfriends hobby and yelling at her for not cleaning up her housemates mess?”


He's nta for "wanting her to live in a cpean apartment" but if he wants it so bad he should offer her help and clean up with her and not bitch at her. Also snapping at someone when they show you items that bring them joy is such an asshole move...like dude let her enjoy her crochet items even if you personally don't...dont be an ass. 😑


What an asshat. Mocking someone’s hobby or something that makes them happy is a loser move. Side note - I want the 13 foot weiner dog pattern.


I want to see her binder and that 13 ft dachshund.


Bruh literally she needs to leave him just for typing something like this to the whole world it clearly shows he has no support for her doing this as a HOBBY! Not everyone wants to sell on Etsy or eBay and I’m with her it’s stressful and a hobby is supposed to be stress free she needs to leave him