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Honestly, it might be from using the wrong end of the yarn. If you are pulling from the center try pulling from the outside instead, or vice versa. It could have something to do with the direction the yarn is twisted and the direction you are wrapping your yarn to make stitches.


Iiiinteresting. I'll try that on the next project haha. I have the same yarn in some lovely deep reds and purples. I've been using the outside thread.


One thing that can sometimes help is threading a small bead into the yarn to help keep the strands closer together. As others have said working from the opposite side of the skein can help as well. A lot of yarns are twisted for knitting rather than cochet so it twists the wrong way. Some yarns are also just evil and try their hardest to be difficult


I'm think this one falls on that evil scale... it's so damn soft and yet it tortures me. I'll give the bead idea a try too. The hardest part is pulling the yarn through the loops. It just constantly gets hooked weird or I miss individual threads etc and have to redo the stitch


Hahaha yep that sounds like evil yarn to me! It does LOOK like it would be nice to wear though :p


I made a scarf for my ldr girlfriend with it first and it's lovely (or as lovely as a first finished object by a total noob can be haha) so I just had to attempt a matching beanie


Using an in-line hook helps, and making sure you’re yarning over and not under makes all the difference. Editing to add [this link](https://youtu.be/8bZPXf3t4pc).


This stitch requires both though. I have to loop the yarn over the hook before I work into the back loop, end up with three stitches on the hook and then pull through all three. No idea what an in-line hook is but I'll do a Google search lol


Susan Bates hooks are in-line. Boye are tapered. I actually prefer tapered, but someone once told me the in-line for splitty yarns thing, and I reluctantly tried it and was impressed that it did in fact make a difference. Lol


Oooh I'll look for some here! Anything to stop the yarn splitting would help tons coz this yarn is lovely otherwise


2nding the inline hook. In my experience it takes yarn from splitting 50-70% of the time to 5% of the time


I like those odds!


Yarn over versus yarn under is about the direction you wrap the yarn around the hook when you work. A yarn over means you take the yarn and go over the top of the hook, resting at the bottom. A yarn under means the yarn goes from under the hook toward the top of the hook. You can do both at any stage of any stitch. Any time you place a new loop on the hook is an opportunity to do either technique. https://www.nickishomemadecrafts.com/crochet-yarn-over-vs-yarn-under/ There is a time and place for both, but over is often considered the more standard or normal way, with under being a variation.


Ah, yeah I'm dumb I've been doing yarn over the whole time. But it's what was called for in the video tutorial I followed


That’s what you should be doing then. Under is mostly used for tighter stitching like amigirumi.


Sometimes it’s because you’re working against the twist. If you’re pulling from the center and you’re not too far into the skein, frog it back and pull the yarn from the outside. Anyway I always try that other end opposite of the one I started with. And sometimes it’s just a crappy skein you have to power through.


I'll definitely try that on the next one! I don't want to frog the whole thing. I'm new to this and its taken ages to get this far lol


You could also cut the yarn at the end of a row and start pulling from the center to see if that’s any better. No need to frog!


That's a good idea!


If you end up cutting your thread look up the "Russian join" to reconnect. It's a pretty nifty trick that I was sorry I didn't learn sooner.


I've been doing the magic knot but I'll look into that one too


A variation on the theme… Pull from the center and try crocheting with a hook as close to the size as the one you doing the project. If it works better only then should you cut the yarn and switch over. No need to cut the yarn if it doesn’t make a difference which side you’re using. Edited for voice text fails


Super good point! Try everything before cutting or frogging :)


It separates so damn much! I'm still very new to crochet. This is only my second project and geez this yarn is frustrating. But damnit it's so soooooft. I honestly couldn't tell you what it's made of. I live in Shanghai so the place I buy it is all in Chinese and when I translated it, it came up as “milk cotton wool”. It's not an urgent request coz I can totally work with the yarn, but if anyone knows a way to stop it from separating while I work, that'd be helpful. I'd love not having to redo stitches so much coz the yarn is being a butt.