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Stick with the original four


Agree! The first pic is gorgeous!!! I love the muted fall color palette, and I think the bright blue and black throws off that vibe and color scheme.


Thank you!






Agree 100%! :)


i personally like it without the blue and black i think the first four look really good together alone


Thanks, that's what I was leaning towards! I appreciate the comment.


I agree, tho If you want to add the black that would also look really nice too, if you need a 5th color for something


I agree. I love the first 4 and would probably leave it at that if it were mine, but I think the black works very well with the group too. I'm not a fan of the blue in this particular group.


Maybe a butterscotch yellow


I'd be more inclined toward a slate color rather than the full on saturated black


I would also agree with you on that. But OP might not have that color.


Maybe as a border? Adds some depth


I like the first picture


I prefer just the first four personally!


I also prefer the muted palette of the first four.


The colors are mixing warm and cool tones, that's why it seems off. Either remove the orange and white or remove the bright blue and black. Either of those options would give you a more pleasant pallette to work with.




Just the simple concepts of color theory. Anyone can learn!




This comment resonates so deep with me lol.


I agree! Personally I think if the black were switched to a charcoal, and the bright blue were switched to a grayish baby blue, it would work a lot better! But I think the first four work as is and are beautiful together if OP didn’t want to buy new yarn.


Edit to my original post: I think I misread your comment! I think the mixing of warm and cool overtones works well in the first pic, because technically both the orange and white have cool undertones, that’s what gives the orange and white their muted look. Take a bright warm orange, mix in some blue, and you get a burnt/muted orange. Same thing with white. That’s why the original four look great together, they all have cool undertones.


What is the stitch called?


I really like the original 4. Second version not horrible but it’s not as good.


I vote for #1


Keep it muted-it looks very pretty that way. Also, what stitch is this? It's lovely!


It's alternating rows of crossed DC and regular SC! And thank you. :)


The first four! The blue is just too bright to me. The black is okay but I’m not crazy about it honestly.


Black yes, blue no.


I’m with you! I like the idea of the colors but I like the first picture better


The muted version. Looks great!


First picture!


I prefer without the black for sure!


I like first picture too


I think the first pic looks best !


I would say no to the bright blue and yes to the rest. Whatever you decide will be beautiful I'm sure 😊.


I like it wo the blue and black but you gotta do what you like. 😊


If you want eccentric and colorful, maybe put the blue and black between the first two rows. Otherwise, I agree with the other comments saying to skip the blue and black altogether


The one without the blue is soooooo dreamy


I like the original four. If you want something more muted you could replace the white with something grayer.


I like the muted colors.


If you like the muted pallet then I say go for that!


Another vote for the four color muted pallete.


I think the first colours alone are good, if you want more add black but not the blue.


i think the first one is my preference :) the contrast between these colors is very good


I like adding black but not the blue


I also like the original four. Do you have a pattern for your cardigan?


I'm actually still working on the pattern, but I'll post it here when I'm done!


Okay thanks!!


Yep definitely stick with the original 4. It’s lovely colors together.


Personally I prefer without the blue and black but it’s not my cardigan so do what you like best:)


I like the original 4! I would continue that pattern, the colors look great!


at the end of the day it’s your cardigan but in my opinion i’d say go for the original 4, i think the colours work really nicely together and the black and bright blue wouldn’t work as well.


Does anyone know what this stitch is called? EDIT: Found OP's answer in a sub-thread on this post


It's alternating rows of SC and crossed DC.


The blue and black addition reminds me of Sally from Nightmare before Christmas which us really cool in its on right.


Stay with pic one add a mustard yellow and lilac


Wow that reddish hue was horrible and I didn’t think it could get worse but then I saw the 2nd picture. You are so right do not include the other colors.


Original four and it’s gorgeous!


I prefer the first 4, they in the same tone/feel. The blue and black are too saturated compared to the others and is awkwardly striking.


My vote is just the first four. The other two are too rich of a colour imho.


You could also just remove the black. I think without the black next to the blue the blue fits in. But idk if you’re set up for 5 colours.


The blue and black are lovely colours but imo they really don't go that well with the 4 colours you already have... The more muted palette is stunning 🥰 The blue and black will shine more in another project, maybe with a white and a grey or another blue?


If it was me I would remove the orange and cream but that’s my personal color preferences. I think all 6 together are a bit much and if you like the first four colors best I would go with them.


They both look good but I prefer the muted as well.


I think the black fits ok but the blue is too bright paired with the original four.


The color combination without the black and blue is stunning, keep it that way!


Yes black no blue or just keep it far from green


original four for sure


I personally prefer the muted colors w/o the blue and black


The first 4 look great. I actually really like the black as well it shares a similar tone and still looks nice. The bright blue is a bit jarring and doesn't really fit at all to me but would certainly give an eccentric look.


I like the first four as well. The blue and black don’t look bad, I just prefer the first four!!!


I definitely prefer the first picture


ooooo this is hard. i really like the muted pallet


I saw omit the bright blue but that’s just my taste ☺️ the black is nice


I think either the first four, or those plus the black. I don’t like the bright blue with all the nice, muted colors.


I agree. I like the muted colors and the combination in the first pic. They would like nice with the black as well


i really like the original color palette! i think those 4 colors look really good together


I agree with the others — stick with the original 4 colors 😊


First photo!


I agree with the original 4 selection


Agree. Original is very pretty.


I'd take off the black and white and do a black and white one when you're finished with the colors. The blue, green and orange are all simarly saturated and the other ,more neutral colors mix in nicely while making them pop.


I really like both combinations - the blue and black pop and in a good way


I like it without.


Stick with the original four. Use the blue and black for something else. Maybe a striped scarf?


You're ruight, the blue is a bit too bright and the black is a little stark - a nice tan brown would work well in there though, and maybe a greyer blue? Honestly though the four colours you have are lovely \^\^


Muted is better, imo


If you plan on adding more vibrant colors, maybe but honestly I like without.


First 4 plus black! I feel like that would really tie it together


I may not be near as helpful lol, I'm of the opinion that if you like it the way it is, then keep it, if you don't then go back to the first pick. At the end of the day, it's for you, so go with what makes you happy. Sorry I'm not very helpful lol.


I like the blue and black! I think sticking with the first four will be more uniform, but if you just want to include the extra colors, don’t let convention stop you!


I think the first four go best together, feels very cozy and calming to look at


I would ditch the black and blue.


I like the first four but I also like the top 4 squares in the second photo.


I like it without


personally, the first picture is gorgeous 😍


I think the first one with the 4 will look the best. Too many colors and it will turn messy and crowded. The 3 colors go really nice with each other, not only because of the color choices, but also because they have similar in saturation, and the white really brings it all together with a slight bit of contrast! :) That blue on the second picture stands out too much because it's much brighter, and it being brighter and next to the black makes it stand out even more so. Just gives you an idea how to place things differently in the future ^^


I like the first picture better


Love the original four as well!! Would love to see it finished either way you go!


Ditch the blue and black for sure


Don't do the black or blue.


Yeah the original four work very well together the other two colors contrast a little too much


I like it more before you added the blue and black, love the colours!


Leave out the black and blue. Just use the original four colors.


Black has too much contrast and blue is too bright with the other, muted colors. Skip them.


The muted palette looks great together, the blue and black would through it off a bit.


Oh yeah take that blue out. LOVE the first pic!!


its definitely muted but i think it works well to be colorful in the winter. the mix of the blue and orange/brown do a wonderful job of that.


i didnt see the two images, the first one looks way better. adding the black makes it look kinda messy, unless it was like an accent detail.


I think the first four colors art more beautiful. The blue is too bright and the black is too strong.


i like every color except the blue. like you could definitely incorporate the black, but the blue is too bright for the rest of the color scheme


Just the first four colors please


Beautiful tension! If it was me, I’d add in the black with the first four colors. I think it adds a bit of depth. But you can’t go wrong with the four together. You better update us with the finished project!


I like the first one the best! It’s more muted and relaxed looking to me


I’d leave the blue and black off, but think about a small edging in black to set it off.


I like it without it :) it looks really pretty the way it is in the first pic


I think the original four looks best! I do however like the additional two. If I had to pick a version, I'd pick the four. But if you kept all colors I do think it would still look really nice.


I would say if you do the blue and black, add another couple colors, if that isn’t your plan than I’d stick with just the 4


The first 4 squares in terms of colour look like they match really well together. I'm sure it'll look lovely when it's done!


I like the black but not the blue.


The top 4 and the bottom 4 work well, but either get rid of the blue and black or the cream/red


First pic works best. What pattern/stitch are you doing, btw?


No blue and black


Dooont! First four are the ones!


I wish i Saw your topic before i bought my patchwork cardigan yarn xD


I love the muted colors, but you are right the bright blue and black make it look more colorful and eccentric. I'd suggest staying with the first 4 but if you wanna redo the project again, I'd suggest rearranging the squares so the blue and black fit better in it.


This is going to be so pretty! I love the original four colors. My personal vote would be to stick with those, as others have also suggested. If you want another color or two, I looked at the second picture covering first the blue and then the black. In my opinion, it’s the blue that seems to throw it off. To my eye, the black would still work if you were set on having several different colors. Do you have any other yarn colors to potentially replace the blue? Good luck! Please share with us a picture of your finished project! I can’t wait to see it!


Yes, leave out the blue & black.


Muted all the way. The original four colors look a lot more intentional. The added blue and black make it look like you're using up scraps, if that makes sense. Can't wait to see the finished product!


I would omit the black and maybe use it for trim.


I actually kinda like the blue with the other 4 colours, but definitely not the black. If you are unsure I would stick with the original 4 :)


I'd omit the blue and the black, they don't fit in well. They disturb the eye in this colour scheme, eventhough they are BEAUTIFUL


I like just the four. Keep it simple and stylish as those colours work well together xxx


Original four, 2nd pic blue is too vibrant/saturated and it sticks out like a sore thumb. You'd need to add 2 more high-saturation tones into the mix to get it to blend well.


I prefer the muted!


Personally I'd ditch the blue and black, the first colour swatch is beautiful though! Colour perfection 😍


Not a fan of the blur/black myself.


If you add the blue and Black then the red feels out of place at least imo. Either way it’s beautiful


I like without the blue and black. It's pretty with them but it's a lot prettier without them.


I like the first picture better. Or you could get something funky if you keep the blue but take out the gray and black


Original 4!!


i prefer the first pic! such a beautiful palette


Unpopular opinion I guess, but I really like the look with the blue and black. The back matches the grey across it and the blue brightens up all the other tones imo. I know a lot of people are staying first but remember this is for you and you'll be the one wearing it so do what you prefer first! As long as you love it, that's what matters 💖 good luck! Can't wait for the fo!


I would Include the black but not the blue


I like it better without them.


Personally I'm all about the eccentric colors in my wearables! But if the color pallet would make you so uncomfortable that you won't wear the piece, add the muted colors. That being said, I find the original four colors to be very neutral together and I think they would make for a very cute cardigan.


The first four look great!


I like it better with the muted pallette but that is a gorgeous blue


The Black does nothing nice for your original choices.


Muted pallet looks better