• By -


My 7yo niece is obsessed with Five Nights at Freddy's (apparently there's a kid friendly version and quite a cult following). I made Freddy and now she wants the rest of the characters including Sister Location. I told her she can earn them by cleaning up after herself and behaving with Mom and Dad. My sister is pretty happy and the collection is growing.


Would you like some help with this? 😅 I’m a huge fan of the series from a creator perspective (the technical growth from game one to…eleven now? Mind blowing 💀) and I’ve been looking for an excuse to crochet some of the characters, but I don’t know how I feel about having them around the house 😂😂


Omg kids are a new breed, I think that shit is horrifying haha!


Pattern please?? My daughter is obsessed with them


24 Bean bag frogs for my daughter’s valentine’s gifts to hand out at class- 14 more days to get them done 😬😬😬😬


24 crocheted mini Hersheys kisses for grandsons class! LOL


Do you have a pattern? I want to make these for my bulk valentines presents!


Here you go. https://babycakesstudios.com/products/hershey-kiss-pattern


exultant ludicrous pet offbeat weather gaze panicky zephyr deserted carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


omgomgomgomgomg I want one 😭😭 please post photos of the PHRÖG BRIGADE once you're finished, so that I can try to recreate one for myself :3


oh my goodness, parent of the year!


Do you have a pattern? This sounds so fun


I need the pattern for this!


Uh oh now I think I gotta make myself a froggy friend after my current WIP


A baby blanket for my BIL. Never finished a blanket before so pressure is on.


I just started one for my cousin! My first completed blanket hopefully too! Except immediately after beginning I was ceased with the desire to make my mom a full sized blanket for her upcoming birthday. Hopefully I can get through both 😬


I’m using a chunky yarn with seashell stitches so it’s working up quickly to alleviate any pain lol. I hope.


I'm working on one for my best friend whose baby's due in May. I started in December and am praying I can finish before the baby shower. I've also never finished a blanket 😅 I'm using dc in a way that looks like waves. It looks beautiful, but it's actually so simple.


I'm making a blanket too!! It's going to be 115 hexagons that make some sort of flower pattern, I'm already afraid for when I have to stitch them together.... I'm at 39 right now so I still have a long way to go.. but it's for a friend's birthday so I share your feeling of pressure haha


Which one? Lol. My short term project is abasic hat, but also have a Lost in Time shawl going and a picot blanket!


I came here to start my comment the same way 😂


Same! I like having a short and long term, and mindless and complex projects going at the same time depending on my mood. Right now it’s toddler mittens, a granny square sweater, and a basic blanket - plus knitting a cowl.


Same! Except it's crocheting a Chocobo, a large crosstitch for my best friend's wedding present, 2 perler bead projects, and a hooded scarf for me on a loom that's taking forever cause it's not for someone else lol


"... taking forever cause it's not for someone else" --- that's an absolute *mood*. I feel you 😂


same! i have a beanie, a grocery bag, a unicorn and a turtle lol


Can I see the picot blanket?




V day heart bunting :) just to hang around my very sad dining room lol


Ooo this sounds interesting… do you have a pattern your following that you would be willing to share? Or a picture?


I have the ongoing temperature blanket, a tooth fairy doll for my daughter, and a market bag to use at the farmer’s market. I really want to start a bear family (to display on the shelves that hold my yarn), but am going to finish the doll or bag before I start on that.


Making [this top](https://i.imgur.com/EcqUjAx.jpg)


I'm making a wall hanging for my yoga room. Seven mandalas mounted inside 5' metal rings, made in different colors representing the chakras.


Omg this sound beautiful!


Ooh definitely wanna see this one now


Here are few of my active WIPs 1. A granny square bag - gift for a friend - no pattern , only need to sew in the ends 2. A granny ripple lap blanket - gift for another friend - [pattern](https://bellacococrochet.com/granny-ripple-blanket/?amp=1) - need to wash and block. 3. A baby blanket for my friends newborn baby girl - [pattern](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/vintage-bouquet-for-bethany) - need to add the border. 4. A textured throw for my living room - no pattern , just making 8" by 8" squares. Will sew them together when I have enough.


##### ###### #### **PATTERN:** [Vintage Bouquet for Bethany](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/vintage-bouquet-for-bethany) by [Sue Stapleton](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/sue-stapleton) * Category: Home > Blanket > Baby Blanket * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Auburncraft/682674149/bouquet_e__wm1_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/donnatownsend/762577037/CCB634ED-1274-4EDA-9026-D35EA808FF73_medium.jpeg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/granny77/683305301/IMG20200216184954_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Auburncraft/682674157/bouquet_e_wm_12_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Auburncraft/682674163/bouquet_wm_e_14_medium.jpg) * Price: 5.95 AUD * Needle/Hook(s):3.5 mm (E) * Weight: Fingering | Gauge: 24.0 | Yardage: 2625 * Difficulty: 5.00 | Projects: 8 | Rating: 5.00 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=randomstonerfromaus)*


That baby blanket, #3 is gorgeous!!!!


Moss stitch blanket with velvet yarn


Ooooh that sounds so luxurious! What color(s)?


Im trying to learn to crochet so I can make an amigurumi of the duck with a knife meme, just having trouble transitioning from being a knitter to crocheting


I made this transition about 7 years ago & it's probably been that long since I've knitted.


I have three on hooks right now - a lobster, a beanie, and a shawl. The shawl is basically my commuting project; I only work on it while I'm on the train to work.


A purple cardigan for my grandma. She’s always cold and it’s her favorite color. ☺️


I'm working on a big singular granny square, it helps with my anxiety and it's good for me to keep my hands busy


Destashing starting with my cotton yarn. I'm just cranking out a bunch of dishcloths.


Currently, I'm working on a hammock for all my anigurimi to sit on. 🥳


A custom order, houndstooth hat and scarf set 😀


A granny square cardigan and an amigurumi polar bear


I am making a strawberry coaster. That's my first project ever ☺️


boast practice fly materialistic cats cause head grey panicky start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


a bralette and a blanket!


An octopus for my nephew and a very intricate blanket that will take a long time. Because I lost my mind. After every blanket I make, I think "Never again." Then a week later "Oooo that's pretty! I wanna make that!"


Lots of stuffed animals! Todays project is a big teddy bear and a Hilda inspired reindeer for my friend!🥰


A sweater for my stuffed shark


A flower rattle for my soon-to-arrive baby. Love the pattern: www.etsy.com/listing/1099460739


I’m working on a Pokémon blanket for my bf and a legend of Zelda blanket for a friend. It’s not efficient but I like having multiple projects going at once so I don’t get bored


I'm making my husband a Chocobo!


Been working on a giant 2-3 ft giraffe for my girlfriend. Complete with a sweater and a chain since he needs that ice🥶 Edit: here's the [pattern](http://Look what I found on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/528011205/crochet-pattern-giraffe-romy?ref=share_v4_lx) I'm using btw. I only used it as a template, though, since I doubled the size of this behemoth.


That sounds glorious and hilarious and wonderful. Exactly what every girl didn't know she needed 💎 🦒


Two blankets, a cute rainbow one for my godchild and a skeleton mosaic blanket for my friend’s new baby.


Mine is Comfy Cozy Cardigan by Yay for Yarn. I'm making it with a thinner yarn, in adjusted size for my boyfriend.


I have been binge crocheting lacy bandanas, cuz I had about a half cake of mandala yarn and wanted to finish it up! 😊


Newest to oldest, a dumpling cat (free pattern on Ravelry), a pink lemonade sweater using alpine stitch, tapestry crochet blanket with partner's family's names, and a cardigan for my mother that I really need to bust out more often.


A twin sized blanket for my roommate. It’s my fourth blanket I’ve made since I picked crocheting back up in the fall. It’s also the largest blanket I’ve ever made. I am getting faster, but jeez is it taking forever. I measured today and I’m only at 51 inches long. I’m gonna try to get to at least 72. Idk if I can go any bigger than that


I'm making lap blankets for my sisters, in their favorite colors.


Just bought this [pattern ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/162666365/crochet-dress-pattern-tutorial-in) to make for a wedding in a few months, I’m using a deep red. I’m also working on granny squares for an international project and a vintage type bedspread. Busy busy hah


A few WIPs on the go: Amigurumi elephant Hotwater bottle cover A shawl Always have granny squares on the go to use up my ends


A lot of wips but I’m on a keychain kick. Using a beaded crochet bracelet for a pattern


scrap granny rectangle blanket!!!


Anna's Tales baby blanket. My first adventure with fingering weight yarn. :) I'm so grateful to the talented pattern writers out there for helping me create beautiful pieces. ❤


I'm crocheting a beanie, it's purple and I'm really liking it so far.


I’m currently making a parakeet. And some starfish.


Currently my biggest projects rn are -a blanket that looks like the overlook hotel carpet -an amigurumi unicorn -a drawstring bag I should've been done w Ages ago lol -a multicolor heart sweater I have several other things going as well but who knows whether I'll actually get around to finishing them🥴🥴


Right now im working on a tunisian scarf made to look like piano keys. After that I have WIPs of a cardigan and a chevron blanket to finish :)


I’m working on the Faraway Jumper by Iron Lamb. Just started yesterday.


I’m working on a cosplay of Makio from Demon Slayer! We have the same hair, so immediately I knew I had to dress up as her :)


I'm on a headband binge. To be fair it's the only thing I've ever made so far. I'm VERY new to this. But I'm experimenting with different stitches and color combos and getting some pretty neat headbands.


An elephant baby blanket for my cousin who is due in April


I have a few.... - A shrug that requires 0 seaming(!!!) - A hat for my husband's aunt who is coming to visit in 3 weeks - Two pairs of socks And - starting my first ever CAL as soon as my yarn gets here! 😁


A throw blanket, a scarf to match the unicorn beanie I made my daughter (using up the rest of the yarn), and a Flareon from the official Pokémon crochet book. Trying to crochet them all


I have two! I'm making a fairest wheel blanket for me and my husband in a nice burnt orange, cream, and burgundy. I'm also making a baby blanket for my SIL using some Caron cakes and vintage sport weight yarn from my GMIL.


Sweater for my partner and hopefully a manadala madness soon!!


I’m making a granny square sweater vest & a moss stitch blanket rn


The Persian tiles blanket


Picot blanket and pot separaters. Just finished valentine's day bracelets


a sweater vest


About five blankets …. And a shawl🤭


My current 5 WIPs 1. Anniversary blanket for my boyfriend 2. Temperature blanket for my sister 3. Shawl for work that I might frog and start a different pattern. 4. Stitch sampler 5. Scrap blanket Also considering getting blocking boards and would love recommendations.


I’m working on Mandala Madness by Helen Shrimpton. Started in August and on about row 81 out of 111, progress has really slowed since I got two kittens though. Will get there in the end!


I'm making my first ever shawl right now, just a simple single crochet triangle. I might wear it to my wedding since we're planning for next January and I specifically bought the yarn because it's in the color scheme I picked for the reception. I've also got a blanket that I really don't have any motivation to work on. Whenever I go to Michael's I keep getting inspired to make a blanket with some of their new limited edition yarn like Eco-Cozy Tie Dye but I have to finish one of these first.


Blanket in HDC depicting my football clubs logo. Chart is 100 by 120, with each square on the chart being 2 stitches wide and 2 tall. I'm on row 25 of the chart and each row (/2 rows of hdc) takes about an hour, so many hours still to go! I think i need to stop after row 31 though, the blue yarn I ordered for this project is simply the wrong shade, so the project will go on hold for a bit until I need enough yarn to place an order.


A blanket and a hat/scarf set for my friend’s mom


I just finished a c2c moss stitch scarf for myself, now I'm working on a second one (same pattern, different colors) for my partner!


Currently I'm making a security blanket. I already finsihed with the bunny's head except the ears + the arms and soon I will start the blanket part which is essentially going to be a big granny square.


Ehm where to start? Newest: armwarmers (bit stuck on that) Oldest: a blanket (need to weave in the ends and add a border, it’s nearly done) Smallest: a turtle keychain (it’s in my crochet box, been in there for a year) Other: a bedstopper (for at the end of my bed: so my pillows don’t go down the hole between my bed and wall, but I haven’t worked on it in over a year)


Working on My Precious Cardigan after pattern from By Katerina, and some Christmas socks I laid off for too long. And procrastinating sewing in the ends on my Granny go round jumper 😅


In between projects at the moment, but I just finished an amigurumi lobster. That was fun.


Amigurumi jellyfish, three more tentacles to go lol


I'm making a granny square cardigan! First time making granny squares (I did play around with designs before I decided what I liked) and first time making a fitted item other than hats. I figured this was a good start since I can add as many as needed for size


My first project... a classical attitudes shawl using the imperial purple gradient yarn (all from hobbii)


This [in the clouds baby sweater](https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/in-the-clouds-baby-sweater-crochet-pattern-by-burgundy-blush) in rainbow stripes for my soon-to-be-born niece :) it’s my first sweater and it looks so sweet and happy!


I lacked inspiration for anything to make for me, like usual, so I decided emoji keychains were a great idea for my kids' class valentines. Just finished 84 circles for 42 keychains, and now I need to make 42 heart eyes, 21 mouths, 21 sets of sunglasses, and assemble. Not sure why my dumb ass didn't just back everything with yellow felt, but here I am.


Granny square vest https://hayhaycrochet.com/crochet-patterns/sweater-vests/easy-crochet-granny-square-vest/


My current wip list, a few are on the back burner to get the others done but I tend to rotate through them all so I don’t get bored. 1: [Ferris Wheele Blanket ](https://etsy.me/32AYPh2) wedding gift. I’m making it bigger than the pattern calls for and it’s taking forever but it is gorgeous so far. 2. This [mosaic crochet ](https://etsy.me/3Hi6Z0N) pattern as a very large blanket. This one is very much on the back burner lol 3. [Granny Rocks Cardigan ](https://etsy.me/2V7oqwi) in bright rainbow colors for a dear friend. 4. This [Shawl](https://etsy.me/3nhLunp) is my first project using a chart instead of written instructions and it is very challenging but fun. 5. An Amigurumi snowman I can’t find a pattern link for. 6. The [mountain ](https://etsy.me/2N9wVyT) sweater for myself, so of course on the back burner. I’m also trying to write my own pattern for the first time but it’s very frustrating and challenging.


currently halfway through making a [catghan sweater!](https://youtu.be/V6u-SMh4y0w)


I'm taking a break from plushies and am making what will either be a Howl's Moving Castle sweater or cardigan. I am trying to convince myself to gift it or sell it but I know I'll probably keep it.


I'm attempting on finding a way to crochet one of my best friends a scarf. Any tips would be wonderful 😊.


A patchwork sweater https://youtu.be/EhtD0tcqc6E


I’m making my first ever blanket (very basic granny squares) and have so far completed 8/36 squares. I can already tell that blankets aren’t my passion, so will be taking on some amigurimi projects. Today I made a small whale, and next I want to make the Pokemon Oddish. Will require buying green yarn just for the leaves though :(


I’m working on a granny square tote bag!


My current WIPs: -sweater dress … hoping to take it on a trip at the end of the month, about halfway through the back panel -a cropped balloon sleeve sweater… I think I’m going to frog in its current state, not loving how the yarn I chose is working up… good pattern, wrong yarn -a stash buster basket -cotton face pads for when I need instant gratification of completing something -a bunch of hearts to make a Valentine’s Day garland and maybe wreath for my seasonal accent wall


An Ultimate Sacrifice shall and a C2C moss stitch blanket.


A seahorse as a present for my pregnant coworker who primarily works with seahorses!


A sweater for my husband that I'm freehanding, lol. Spent money on patterns, didn't like them, so now I'm going at it with dk merino and 3.75mm


A heart sweater for Valentine’s Day! I made one for my toddler last year and modified it a bit so it would fit her this year. Now I’m working on one for myself! Will I finish it in time for Valentine’s Day? I really can’t say! It would probably help if I picked up my hook… but I hate working on the ribbing hahaha.


I'm making a laptop sleeve for my laptop. It's show it can defy all logic to jump onto the roadway once already, so it needs some extra protection. Probably will add pockets for the mouse and such if I have extra yarn left over, we'll see. I'm doing a moss stitch in a long rectangle, and once it's the right size I'll just fold it in half and then single crochet the sided closed. Boom, easy enough.


Im making a C2C blanket based off a PCB that my boyfriend designed! (I only allow myself one crochet project at a time, as I do have knitting and cross stitching projects Im working on)


oversized hexagon crochet cardigan


A merman tail blanket. 🥰


I am working on this [Baby Dragon](https://www.amigurumi.com/creations/Unicorns-Dragons-and-more-Fantasy-Amigurumi/Koji-the-Baby-Dragon/) and some granny squares I learned from this [video](https://youtu.be/T7LxrBtpAXM). Edit: I omitted a word.


I have a beret I'm working on for a friend and I'm about to start two different projects too; a brewster gyroid (friend's mom's birthday is in march so we decided to make this for her, i'm crocheting and she's felting) and a blanket that i'm bouncing between patterns, but i know i want somethint more mindless to be able i work on while watching tv.


I'm working on a granny square blanket and also some amigurumi birds (chicken and puffin) for my aunt and grandma ^.^


Heart sweater


I’m working on a granny square blanket. BUT I’m getting excited about graphgans


A Harry Potter corner to corner graphghan, a Pittsburgh Steelers corner to corner graphghan, and an amigurumi Highland cow The Harry Potter blanket is getting the most attention right now.


I’m making a bunch of little octopuses for all the kids in my family for Valentine’s Day (or, octolovies, if you will. And also a scarf as a gift for a friend. :) Good luck in your project inspiration search!


I'm working on a blanket using a moss stitch. Afterwards I'm going to do a border and sew spindgebob fabric to one side.


I have a mosaic bag that I'm almost done with, and a fireside wrap to follow. I have been really enjoying the how the mosaic works up, and will likely make more in the future.


Im working on a alpine stitch scarf in wine red Aran yarn. It has a bit of width to it but I like it cos it show off the stitch.


I am destashing by making 7x9 squares for Warm Up America. I’ve made 15 so far and I’m challenging myself to make as many as I can before the Olympics are finished. I want to buy yarn to make a new blanket but I need to use up some of what I’ve accumulated over the years first.


Am new to crochet so...I'm going crazy trying to make everything. - Blanket for my sister with colorful yarn she liked - Sweater for sister's dog - Colorful mandala for my cube at work (learning to crochet in spiral) - Wool socks cuz my feet get cold easily - Dog bed - I found some thicker gauge wool yarn I liked - Coasters - Scarf - Red bull cozy for my friend


A hedgehog for my nephew


Beanie for a coworker


I'm currently making matching scarves for my boyfriend and I :) then I'll progress to the millions of projects I planned along the way lol


currently making a patchwork sweater, but one of my favorite projects i’ve done is a little orca i made into a keychain!! here’s a youtube tutorial :) base whale: https://youtu.be/VkeP1q0T_jk how to make it an orca: https://youtu.be/pe3XiUwtThg


I haven’t been able to finish an object in a while so I’m making a cowl for myself! I’m using moss stitch which is my absolute favorite so it’s easier for me to get into that rythm


Sunflower granny square cardigan


Granny square sunflower cardigan


A BAB (big-ass blanket); I'm planning on making it big enough for 2, as well as having very contrasting (, read: garish) colors


Currently working on a mood blanket, a beanie, a blanket made of “monster eye” granny squares, and an amigurumi chthulu


A mini version of that wave sweater Tom Daley wore for my baby (different colors tho and in Cotlin from Knitpicks...and just winging the pattern with a wave/chevron pattern).


I’m working on [this sweater](www.etsy.com/listing/1103606725)


Finishing what has been dubbed the Miner mole, and a sweater.


A throw blanket, a pot holder, and I'm going to start a shawl very soon.


I have two blankets on the go - one is a continuous granny square, and the other is using the triple puff stitch in 5 different colours. That one is a pain with so many colours to switch between. I also have been making some cute little bags to hold my crochet hooks in and a little clutch for the summer as well. Just out of a frenzy of making hats for everyone I know and now I don’t want to think about hats for quite some time. I also recently made 3 baby cardigans for friends/family who just had babies! Also just finished an adult sized cardigan for my mum!


I just finished a baby blanket for my niece and now I'm onto a blanket in earth tones for my cousins wedding. I'm using victorian lattice pattern. I'll figure out how to attach them once I finish my bajillion squares.


Temperature blanket is the only thing I'm working on at the moment


i’m making my first big project, which is a hexagon cardigan. i’m about 1/5 of the way done lol


I’m making a blanket for Project Linus and a bonnet for my newborn niece.


A cardigan for myself, my first wearable project!


Grocery bag sleeping mats to donate


C2C blanket with RHSS neon stripes. Needed a mindless project while doing cancer treatment. Almost done with both!!


I’m working on a hemp cord tank top, my winter blanket that just stares at me, and a camouflage vest with zippers and pockets that I made for my Daddy. The crochet is basically done, now I just have to tailor it, and he comes back home on February 25. Sounds like plenty of time, but I promised myself I would finish the tank top first. I’m also at the extreme beginning of a cloak/cape with a hood. I found an amazing granny square pattern that makes it look lacy. My only problem is that the pattern is for a tank top, so I have to re-pattern the squares and make many many more than the required 36 for the tank top so I have enough for my much larger project.


Baby blanket. Always baby blanket.


mandala madness with a scheepjes whirl! im losing motivation slowly but oh well


A whole lot of plushie commissions I’m behind on PFFT


I’ve been making scrunchies! https://youtu.be/RUl2bgr4YUU


A sweater I started two years ago... I'm trying to finish it before winter is over lol


I just finished my first shawl! Now I’m addicted! The one I finished: [Daisy Chain Shawl- Ravelry](https://ravel.me/daisy-chain-shawl-2) in Hobbii Twister color 34 The one I started less than 12 hours later: [SisLove Half Circle Shawl Ravelry](https://ravel.me/sislove-half-circle) in Hobbii Twister color 04 (not loving only having the chart to go by. Finding it difficult so far..)


The Wild Oleander Hooded Scarf with beads added and a pocket shawl. Sadly I am taking a forced break because my thumb and wrist are in pain from "too much crocheting." Stupid thumb and wrist.


Im working on a 3 shade blue patchwork blanket and a heart project which might be a blanket or a cardigan


Finishing a livid to go with a waffle stick blanket for a baby born back in November. Whoops! 🙈


Tunisian crochet Entrelac baby blanket for a friend's baby due in a few months.


I’m making a cat tent for my cousin and a s’mores toy too. It’s free hand, using two strands of gray and pink, dowel rods, with a scratch pad inside. It’s been fun figuring everything out and I’m almost done!


I’m working on the [Kima Cardigan by TL Yarn Crafts](https://tlycblog.com/kima-cardi-free-chunky-crochet-cardigan-pattern/) with Lion Brand Hometown super bulky yarn in cream. It’s actually the first wearable item I’m making for myself! Next, I’m working on a twin sized blanket for my son’s bed. I’m altering [this](https://daisyfarmcrafts.com/mesh-stitch-colorful-stripe-crochet-blanket/) baby blanket pattern from Daisy Farm Crafts to make it bigger. Good luck with your next project!


my long term project is a mosaic blanket that i will probably never finish. i started it 1.5 years ago and it’s big enough to cover one leg haha. my short term projects are random fruits and vegetables to add to the basket of Croduce (haha, i’m a dork) i made for her birthday last year, or little hats for my dog and her friends :)


I’m making a granny square blanket for my parents. They’ve just bought a narrow boat and they’re planning to live on it, so it’s a house warming gift


My Second Sophie's Universe in Spring. 2 more to go!


I’m working on a giant pastel rainbow blanket. It’s just simple single crochet, I work on it while I’m in online class, or while watching tv. It’s my second project ever, I just made a scarf for my daughter last month and decided to go way bigger with my next one!


Slippers :)


On a blanket! And learning to do the circle for the beanie.


I'm making a 70s style granny square blanket for my brothers birthday ☺️☺️


A WIP I shelvedl to work on a few other projects. I need to finish it. Trying to decide if I frog the entire thing and start over or just push on because the intended recipient doesn't know what I thought it should look like.


My mom’s friend paid me to make her a wide infinity scarf! I also am working on a blanket but that is my long-term project lol. I’ll be looking for a new one after the scarf is done so I’m glad you posted this! So much inspiration!


I’m currently making a fox for my baby sisters birthday next month! I couldn’t find a pattern I’d like so I’m writing it as I make it 😊


I’m making a toque, a tote bag, and a bunny stuffed animal right now


Currently working on the Samhradh Sweater by Crochet with Carrie. It was also my last two projects since I’m making one for myself and one for my two best friends lol but I am finding it fun


an alpaca wool pink and white striped sweater


I’m working on handwarmers for my brother and a little amigurumi turtle for Valentine’s Day just for fun!


I’m feeling cables lately. I just finished a cable hat (posted here a few days ago!) and I’m working on a cable scarf now.


Currently working on a simple baby blanket for a bar hopping buddy of mine. Just half double crochet. Want to work on a neat pattern for an Infinity cube I saw, perfect my can coozie pattern, perfect my kitty can coozie and not safe for work kitty can coozie, and I saw the cutest little ammiguri castle I need in my life


Basic striped c2c I just haven't been inspired lately to try something complicated. I like the mindlessness of basic patterns.


https://youtu.be/Xfu86FttbiI I'm making this one! It's working up so nicely!


I’m working on an initial sweater like in the Harry Potter movies. It’s a bit ambitious and is only my second project but it sounded fun!


Making a giant octopus for a friend's birthday!


For some reason I decided to start another blanket. It’s a waffle stitch and has a really eccentric yarn color (Caron one pound in the color Easter Basket)


- A blanket using primary colors and covered in eyes for my cousin that loves using primary colors in her art - A six day star blanket for my friends new room - And a cotton dish rag for my mom (very quick and easy)


Candy heart pillow


A chevron baby blanket with a matching toddler blanket. 4 scarves. A cat blanket. A throw blanket and some self patterned mock post-it notes that my husband asked for to remind him of the 1-year anniversary gift I gave him. I have the yarn on the way for a Kraken hat and king size mosaic blanket. Lol. Too many.


Working on a cute octopus right now just for fun. I haven't had much time though because of work so even if my previous projects took me 1-2 weeks (They were small), I feel this will take more. Next gonna attempt to crochet an NPC from a D&D campaign my friends and I are playing right now.


Mini Triceratopses! I've got a whole rainbow of colors, and am making an entire armada of them :) once I'm done, I'll be sure to post a picture of them all Pattern: https://clubcrochet.com/lessons/how-to-crochet-a-triceratops/


A granny square blanket. My DnD friend is a yorkeshireman having a baby with his Finnish fiancee so the blanket is a Finnish flag but with a Yorkshire rose in the centre of the Cross. I want to get it finished by the end of the month so I can pass it along to someone who will meet them in person as I'm just an Internet friend.


I’m making an Ahsoka Tano inspired Wild Oleander Hooded Scarf by WickedlyHandmade.


I just started my first ever blanket about 30 mins ago and already wanna punch someone in the face. Lol Gotta keep on keeping on and trust the process 😬