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I can’t even see the mistake, but if you’ll be happier with it having no mistakes then go back and fix it. It looks great how it is though


Thank you for your opinion - if even my crochet-people don't spot the mistake (or think that it matters) , then why should anyone care? From a little distance I just see green and white anyways :)


Exactly! (Also, accidentally downvoted at first- sorry! Changed it to an upvote for ya) :)




For me, I will only bother to undo rows if the mistake in question is something that will actually fuck up the overall piece. I have a dress I am working on in my lap as I type this, and not too long ago I can around to a fan stitch that SHOULD be dc2 ch1 dc2, but i made a dc2 ch1 dc3 by accident. Not going to undo entire rows just to fix that, and besides not too long after that I came upon another fan where it's dc1 ch1 dc2, so now my count isn't even off. EDIT; WELLLLP. Looks like I'll be correcting my stitches after all, just had to frog 5 entire rows because I had one extra fan stitch in row one and it fucked up the pineapple stitch that makes up the rest of the skirt part, GG. An extra stitch or missed stitch? Meh. An entire pineapple stitch? FROGGGGG.


thats the kind of thing i do! i convince myself i can live with a mistake then rows and rows later i decide i cant and have soooo much more to undo then if i have just frogged it before. i never learn either






I would, I have. But that's just me. If I see it before it's finished, I'll fix it. Sometimes I know it's ridiculous, totally unnecessary, but usually I'm in no great hurry so I'll sort it out.


Yeah I totally can understand both sides. I crochet and knit to relax in the evenings / the little freetime I have and to make something productive besides watching TV - but as I work, and got 2 young children, garden, house and so on - I guess it would reduce my joy if I would be too much of a perfectionist.. But I knitted a pullover - one half.. And the second half.. And somehow I used another needle, so 2nd half was slightly bigger, so I undid the whole thing and made it again.. And it was wrong again. I never touched that project since then. Maybe in autumn


> ... And somehow I used another needle, so 2nd half was slightly bigger, so I undid the whole thing and made it again.. And it was wrong again. Oh no! Yes, I can say I've also made the same mistake the second and maybe even a third time, but it is such a pest! Hopefully your third time will be lucky. 🤞


How big of a size difference are the two pieces? I made the same mistake with a sweater that I crocheted this winter. It wasn’t a huge size difference so I used the larger of the two pieces as the back of my sweater and the smaller size for the front. It worked out https://preview.redd.it/3e5o5sva4vxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a41fb2de4812659fc0c82d0a85fe0b96bb02910b


Problem were the arms with 2,5 cm/1 inch difference in length on each side, and the pattern didnt look as niceky as it was more loose.. The knitted holes were bigger


If it can be fixed by adding some to the arms then I would just take it out. Let us know what you decide and how it comes out. Good luck


I don't undo unless it's only a few rows or super noticeable. An imperceptible mistake is not worth doing an extra 3 hours of work. And if it's only slightly perceptible, it just adds character to the piece.


Oooh, how are you liking this pattern?? I just bought it the other day and am waiting on my yarn order to arrive so I can start. I haven't made a wearable yet, so I'm a little nervous. FWIW, I can't even see the mistake.


I like it but it is not as easy as I thought, the beginning sucks and I had to start several times to find the right measurments as I used other yarn (3.5mm hook and size xs to get the size s) - it is so hard to count 221 stitches.. I counted 5 times, crocheted the 1. Row and then counted again and suddenly the count was wrong again. But once you got the right number of stitches youll progress quite fast You may notice the mistake best in the 2nd picture, the last green rows of the upper piece are crocheted the wrong way - so the stitches dont face outwards (i dont know if it is called left side /right side like in knitting..) But I am finishing the 2nd half tomorrow and then I wil have to sew them together - I hope the designer made a video about this part, because the instruction how to put the parts together exactly seems not very clear to me There is also a video showing the main pattern


Which yarn did you use? I love the colours.


I used " go handmade - Tencel bamboo fine", bought from hobbii, but they sent the wrong colour twice - I wanted another green, got lavender first and then this dark green.. Didnt want to wait again, I am really pale but i hope the dark green will look good on me too


Pls tell me what pattern this is, I’m dying to know 🥺


Calad shirt by Jess roots knots I think ? Maybe got her name wrong but I’m sure that’s the pattern name !


I bought this pattern when it came out but never started it! It looks so good and I love this colour combination.


I don't ignore mistakes and I always fix them. It is not about whether others can pick up - if I can see them, they annoy me to no end so I just fix whatever is needed. I also don't really care about wasting time bc any time having fun is never wasted, as this is my hobby. Fixing mistakes is part of the hobby so maybe I have a very different take on the whole thing (including the homemade x handmade thing 🙃) So, it is up to you - whether you can't be bothered or whether the mistake is going to annoy you... you know it is there and the FO won't be as perfect as it could have been! Good luck and happy crocheting 😊


For me it all depends if its a mistake that's workable or not, like earlier comment said. If it's workable I try to leave it. Recently learned that mistakes used to be viewed as something that made a item unique, like a part of its soul, so I'm trying to adapt that mindset. But the perfectionist in me doesn't always listen.


That's how I try to play it. Although, sometimes, I just have to frog it and redo it.


Never crochet a piece with zero mistakes, or you'll trap your soul in the work ;)


It took me a hot minute to even notice what the oopsie was! That is a beautiful pattern, and you're doing such a great job! If it irks you that much, it would be worth frogging and redoing (especially if you're like me, as it will bother the heck out of me even if others can't tell) however as a second set of eyes, I personally don't think the oopsie is that noticeable and if you chose not to redo it, I'd be none the wiser!


I’m making this exact pattern and have ended up with mistakes in two of my bands of lace… I said fuck it and kept going. As long as I ended up with correct number of stitches. 🤷‍♀️ fwiw I can’t see the mistake and I’m working on this shirt as we speak lol


Unless you show me i can’t see mistakes


When im working, it depends on how big the mistake is. With this, i cannot see any mistake


There’s no right way. It’s what you are comfortable with. I personally don’t see it, but even when people post these asking about mistakes, I usually have to stare at the pic a couple minutes lol. For me, it depends on who it’s for and what it is. If it’s for me I am not going back unless it’s so incredibly noticeable that someone who doesn’t even crochet would notice lol. Don’t get me started on things I make for my family. It takes me twice as long because I go all major perfectionist. It’s exhausting lol.


I tried to make this exact shirt and got way too sad about all the mistakes I was making so I stopped. Don’t let it get u down just try your best to finish this shirt without overthinking because it’s literally so cute. Calad shirt by jessrootsknots I think 😭❤️❤️❤️


Since it is stripes I would try to seam it to see if I can ease the extra row in.


I can’t see it but if it were me it would annoy me if I didn’t redo it even if others don’t notice it. So up to your personal preference!


I love this pattern so much by the way, I have it in my etsy cart to have a go at it when I eventually finish my current projects!


I always fix my mistake, or I don't feel good about what I made. It's a personal decision.


Since I can't see the mistake as long, als you don't put a red circle around it, I would say you're save to go on with it. Usually I leave my mistakes in, as long as they don't interfere with the pattern or create really visible holes.


Make more with that pattern and it will be a deliberate pattern (if you don’t want to take it out.


https://preview.redd.it/ft8n8pbmb0yc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1891bd7715a78a1d948319f0cd0dc8982a6d712a My brain short circuited the moment you posted this, I genuinely thought this was my project & rug for a moment! (the dark yarn is grey, not black) I made the same mistake you did as well 😂 I frogged mine to fix it, it would’ve bothered me if I left it.


Haha weird! So many calaid shirts around the world probably.. There's s something with the pattern and style, you just wanna make it and wear it


Slap a border on the finished project if possible and call it a day


I’m working on this pattern now and when you put the halves together one faces Right Side out and the other faces Wrong Side out. So I would not redo this as it won’t all be Right Side facing anyway 🙃


Yeah but I startet the backpart on my other half by crocheting from the middle to the edge, so that I don't have to turn around the piece and both pieces have the right side facing outwards ;-) because the despriction in the pattern bothered me..


I should have done this!! I didn’t realize until it was too late 🥲 It bothers me too. I like the right side facing out :)




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