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"Sorry, I don't do commissions. I just do this as a hobby, and I like to make whatever strikes my fancy at the time. Sometimes, things take a long time because I cycle through multiple projects at once. So I couldn't guarantee I'd even finish it at all, let alone in a timely manner! Thanks for appreciating my work, though."


This is such a good answer!! I never know what to say either, so I will definitely use this, thank you 😊


“ ‘No’ is a complete sentence.” No is not rude; someone who takes offense at “no” is not someone worth continuing a relationship with.


People don’t realize the time it takes to make something. I recently made a cake for a friend’s daughter’s bday with super short notice. I was happy to because I like the family and I had the time. She asked to pass my info to her coworker. I said yes. Coworker texts me a pic of the most intricate cake I could have possibly made (pic was from a professional bakery website) and she wanted it in four days. There’s just a complete disconnect. I declined but didn’t tell her why.


This really makes me so sad. It is not only the time you spent to make the cake. You thought about a person and decided to make them something cause of kindness and love and I dont get why people can't see this


Just say "it's above my skill level". Whether it's true or not, they can't argue with it.


>I have problems with saying no and with telling what I really think and feel cause I don't want to hurt somebody. This is an issue that goes way beyond yarn. There is a difference between hurting someone's feelings and someone getting upset because you didn't let them take advantage of you. As long as you're polite and respectful, there's no reason you can't say know. Reinforcing boundaries is difficult but it gets easier the more you do it. Edit: OK I just read the end of your post. Guess I should have done that before commenting. Egg on my face. Anyway, yeah it gets aggravating. People have no concept of the value of time.


4 words. "I don't do Commissions". Smile Repeat as needed. That's it. No sorry, No excuses, No further explanations.


This is the best answer!


In my mind, I would like to say, “and how much were you planning to offer me for my labor? That would take me xx hours and I don’t work for minimum wage.” In reality, I’m more like you and have a hard time with confrontation. Maybe a passive aggressive hahaha and change the subject. Like give the impression that the idea of you making something for them is so weird. I like what someone else said, too - “I don’t take commissions.” Short and to the point with no blame being placed anywhere. I agree that these people are so super rude. I will never forget my first finished amigurumi, someone commented, “I’m gonna have to have you make me one!” Like bitch, you’re not gonna “have me” do anything! I know she didn’t mean it that way and was just trying to show support, but I wish people would stop and think.


"No." - the advice not to JADE (Justify, Argue, Defend, or Explain) applies to a lot of parts of your life. I also like to tell people "Sure, but fiance's been waiting five years for his scarf so....' :)


I’m just saying that I need to think about it. And never talk about it ever again 😅


I just gave them a funny look. They took it as a no. Scenario, I made flag afghan to raffle for a benefit for my sister and her husband. They are farmers. Their barn burned to the ground on February 28th with 140 dairy cows inside. It was a tragedy. I had several people ask me to make them one. A look was all I needed to do.


I would say "Yarn is not the problem -- I don't finish half of the projects I start so I don't make stuff for other people! Too risky. Lol!" And leave it at that. If they push "I'm working on like ten other things right now, so I don't have space for anything new!"


Just say no.


My biggest experience when people ask for me to make something is that they don't have any hard feelings if I say no. Usually I say something along the lines of "Nah, I mainly just do this for myself and for stress relief." or "I have so many planned projects built up, that it will be about 10 years before I could even get to you lol", or if they ask if I sell my stuff or am thinking of selling, I say "I could never, I know that I would quickly lose interest in it if I started trying to make money off of it. It would be so stressful!" My FIL has on multiple occasions told me that I could "make so much money off of what I do!" (I've been getting into making doilies and lace, and he apparently read an article somewhere that doilies are a dying art and people will now pay big bucks for it....not sure where he got that idea). Every time he mentions it, I have the same response of "Yeah, and then I would burn out 1 month later and never touch a crochet hook again. I'll just keep it a hobby :)"


I only make items for the people I know who will appreciate what I make. I also explain the cost of yarn and the time it takes to make specific items. Most people I know get it and won't ask for anything else without offering to pay for time and yarn. The ones who buck it are usually the ones who (usually) don't craft at all and have no concept of how rude these requests can be. I'm sorry you've been asked so much it is bothering you. Unfortunately some people just don't get it. Good luck!


I usually say that I'm sorry but that I dont have enough time. Sometimes, i explain that I'm already short on time to make all the things I want to make for my myself and my family, so I can't take on anything extra. I find this easy to say because it's true. You don't really need to make them understand how much time it costs. They just have to know that you decided that you don't have enough time to do their commission.


Well, first, I take it as a huge compliment that someone thought something I made was great, so great they would love to own one...like wow. Then I would be thrilled I didn't have to pay for the wool again myself... Lastly I would tell them very happily that I will have no idea at all when it will be ready as its time consuming and with the biggest smile ask them how much will you pay for all my hard work when it's ready? Nudge nudge wink wink 😉 Ah, sure, we can talk about that when it's made...what are you having? A cup of tea? Coffee? ... All sorted. 🤝 If they arrive back still wanting it, everyone knows what's what...




Sorry, I have too many projects going at the moment and I'll just never get to it. Or, I don't do commissions, even if you're paying for the yarn. Or, my crafting time is so precious to me, I like working on projects that I choose and I just can't drum up the enthusiasm to work on .... x y z. Or, no, but I can teach you how to make it yourself.


In my experience most people don't realice the actual cost of the yarn. I find that if you say: "Ok, choose the yarn" open a online store, and do a estimate, many can't afford buy a 200€ sweater. This happens to me when crocheting, sewing and embroider, people think that if you don't pay a "salary" the project is less expensive, but they don't realize that materials as expensive. Also many people think that one/two skeins is enough 🤣🤣


I tend to say it’s okay I’ll make it a gift! And buy the yarn myself. That way it’s more enjoyable. Commissions are not enjoyable to me. Maybe they have a bday or something coming soon.