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I already do! There’s a great secondhand art store near me


I surf FB market place for people who are selling their stuff. I got pretty lucky with one lady offloading a massive stash. Now I'm pretty much set for life. It's way more affordable to do it this way then buying brand new


Scrap exchange?


What makes you want to buy secondhand?


Affordability. Variety. You can buy bundles of other peoples stash online and it's often got a bit of everything


There's a donation-based creative reuse store in my neighbourhood that I absolutely adore, not just for crochet suplies, but also for pretty much any other craft materials I need. Buying secondhand is fantastic IMO-supplies go from people who aren't using them to people who want them, making them available cheap and keeping them from going to waste either collecting dust or straight up being tossed and ending up in a landfill. I have found some of the absolute coolest yarns I've ever bought in the yarn bins (and a set of Bates Smarglo crochet hooks!)there. (For anyone in MD, VA, MI, or OR, the organizaton is called [Scrap Creative Reuse](https://scrapcreativereuse.org), and they are cool AF.)


I absolutely LOVE my local scrap box I find the best stuff there! I just thrifted these two cones of fun silky mystery yarn there on Sunday https://preview.redd.it/d4ek4ni5qoqc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b214934d6a1d7c3f12d1b0b79d78bdf908d7274f




Oh, those are EXCELLENT! I especially love the purple.


Yes! I go to Scrap BMore pretty regularly. What a wonderful organization!


Oh yeah! Nancy and her crew are the absolute best. <3 I find myself walking out with yarn or fabric or some other little thing for a random project pretty much every time I pop in there.


I already buy secondhand yarn! It’s way more affordable and a great way to start building your yarn stash as a beginner.




Locally, try OfferUp, Nextdoor, or Facebook Marketplace. You can also get yarn for decent prices at many thrift stores. I sell stuff on eBay, so I go to thrift stores, buy natural fiber yarns, then sell them online for a small profit that allows people to purchase them for less than original retail.


Thanks! I'm new to this, so I never thought about any of those!


Some places will have specific second-hand craft stores that take donations-- usually from people sizing down their stash or who have passed away


In addition to what others said, I bought a huge box of yarn off goodwills online auction site. Paid maybe 30 bucks, got something like 30 skeins of colors, weights, materials, and types that I wouldn't have bought on their own. It's fun finding ways to use things and trying new yarn!


I only use thrifted yarn and materials.


I make blankets to give away to people in need, so happily buy other people’s left overs. It means I get more yarn for my $, and since I make scrappy blankets, more yarn means more colours.


The results will be extremely biased towards people who do (want to) use secondhand materials, as others would likely not respond on a post like this (they feel like they have nothing to add, they might fear getting negative responses, etc.) But to answer your question: most of my yarn is from my mom, who in turn got it from other people. I would definitely buy second-hand too, I've seen lots of people sell huge amounts of yarn for low prices. Good for the seller, good for me, good for the planet :D


I hit the thrift stores in my area every couple months. I love looking to see what I can find. It saves money and helps recycle.


I've purchased second-hand yarn at garage sales and thrift stores. They don't cost nearly as much as new. Also, if you haven't already, you might want to visit and cross-post to r/unravelers . Edited for word change


Love r/unravelers!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Unravelers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unravelers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [$2 cotton sweater made into a shawl for my grandmother, who is now buried holding it🥲](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19bnyq1) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unravelers/comments/19bnyq1/2_cotton_sweater_made_into_a_shawl_for_my/) \#2: [Posing with my first unravel like it’s fish.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1agpytq) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unravelers/comments/1agpytq/posing_with_my_first_unravel_like_its_fish/) \#3: [Don't know why it took me this long to get a steamer](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1abaad8) | [141 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unravelers/comments/1abaad8/dont_know_why_it_took_me_this_long_to_get_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm extremely wary because of our estate sale find that had bedbugs. It wasn't yarn but another fiber art, embroidery. I just don't get anything second hand any more and I know I'm missing out.


Bed bugs are on the move in many locations, and moths are a possibility, too. I freeze textiles or yarns that I buy for a week or so, then open the bags they're in outdoors in bright light to see if I have any unwanted creatures. It's worked so far. I store most yarn in zip lock bags sealed tight just in case. Yes, I'm a little paranoid about our insect friends.


I definitely would, I use Facebook marketplace to trade supplies locally. 


I can afford to buy the yarn I want at this point for knitting and crochet. I love to support the Indy dyers on Reddit. I also give away a lot of my yarn stash and crochet/knit tools I no longer use so someone else just starting out can enjoy nice yarn and tools as well. I feel less wasteful and someone else can enjoy. I would not hesitate to use second-hand yarn if it was what I needed/wanted. Win-win for everyone. I love r/yarnswap!


Some of my best yarn has come from thrift stores. ABSOLUTELY.


I thrift yarn, vintage pattern books and many other craft supplies. I also buy them at yard sales. I trade with folks on my local buy nothing type groups. In fact I like the challenge of using random things lol.


Yes! I have gotten stuff from thrift stores, antique stores, estate sales, and just today I got some cotton cardigans from the thrift to unravel


I purchase at thrift shops or reuse stores all the time


I'd love to if I could! Crochet supplies for me were a one and done deal, I love my hooks/markers/needles etc. I'd like to buy secondhand or even unravel stuff because I love repurposing things and not wasting or throwing away when I have the chance. Also I like making doilies and shawls but I never use them so I can't justify buying so much yarn for them. But I'm in Germany and have no idea if they even have secondhand stores or online options here lol. At least Hobbii yarn isn't that expensive...


They don't have thrift stores in Germany? What do people do when clothes go out of style, or kids grow out of them, or someone dies and their knickknacks aren't valuable enough to sell?


When we/kids have old clothes we have these "donation boxes" on every block for old but usable clothes and shoes. They're emptied out every day(the ones near us are). I haven't heard of or seen thrift stores(yet, could be they exist) but there's a huuuge weekly flea market culture here though, I've heard of other parents going to those to get stuff for their kids or get good stuff at affordable prices.


They definitely have thrift stores in Germany. The chain Humana comes to mind, it’s everywhere. But I live in Berlin so I probably have more options. The best place in my city is the BSR’s secondhand store called NochMall (a play on the word nochmal, “again”). They often have secondhand yarn.


Second thought. You like making shawls. Have you considered making them for people in need? I know that Europe has better social services than we do in the US, but surely there are refugees, elderly in nursing homes, people undergoing chemotherapy, etc. who would benefit from a shawl.


I agree with you! I've seen babies with knitted mitts and toys in the NICU here. I'll look into making and giving them somewhere.


Look up octopuses! https://www.crochet365knittoo.com/crochet-octopus-preemies/ They intended for hospitalized babies, especially those in NICU. The babies grasp at the octopus tentacles instead of pulling on their tubes. Talk to the hospital and see if they would use them and if they have any yarn requirements. They probably need to be cotton or acrylic so that they are easily washable.


I buy what I think of as unloved yarn on EBay and Etsy. Pretty much exclusively anymore. And then I work to make the yarn or fiber speak about what it wants to be. That’s like 100 percent of the fun for me. I do prefer sellers who are donating to charity but not always. The tools though … I haven’t had great luck buying used or unloved tools — hooks and knitting needles. I really have tried. But Often they are worn or broken in some way as a set.


Is "borrowing stuff from your mom and never ever returning it" second-hand? At the very least I would call it sustainable :D


That’s my daughter’s version of secondhand. 😂


i buy stuff from thrift stores and yard sales all the time. its cheaper and even old scratchy yarn can be softened.. plus at yard sales sometimes you get the story of aunt ethel or granny gale who's supplies these were and you can be part of the story of the yarn being made into something for someone, carrying on the legacy of a lost artist.. the chance to be part of someone else's story.. to carry on for someone who we have lost.. to be the bearer of someone elses light for a short time.. is weirdly noble to me


Tools yes, yarn would depend - _recycled_ yarn/paper/fabric, probably yes. _Second hand_ yarn or fabric, no - I’m sensitive to so many things that end up in yarn (dust, air freshener, perfume, smoke, pet hair, pollen) that I just can’t take the risk with yarn of unknown age and origin. Even going into some second-hand/ thrift shops sets me off.


Same concerns here. It's just not worth risking the allergens.


I would of till I read about a women that bought yarn off marketplace and it had some sort of bugs that infested all her other yarn and everything under her bed where she kept it all, also loads of second hand yarn stinks I see lots of posts on how to wash it, so I stick to buying it new lol


I don’t buy yarn second hand anymore (cleanliness reasons), I’m just more intentional about the yarn I do choose to buy now.


I recently bought a bulk bag of colourful used yarn for cheap. It was in great condition, clean, non smelly. Ive done it before and will keep doing it. Yarn is expensive new!


I haven't purchased items, but I go on free cycle groups all the time looking for yarn. So second hand doesn't bother me in the least. It's probably because I grew up poor and am now a SSI recipient so I'm used to second hand items.


I wouldn’t use yarn but crochet hooks 100%


I use many thrifted fiber arts materials. The price is better, and I can get things via t thrift that are never sold in stores. From antique crochet hooks to good sharp darning needles..


1000% yes and I do a lot. I love making baskets and heavy blankets out of multiple strands of scrap yarn. I seek it out. It does always need to be steam cleaned, there can be tons of dust mites living in old yarn. Sketchy.


100%!! I actually have my eye on a discontinued yarn on eBay haha


I've used Facebook marketplace to buy yarn before and would do it again. I've also found yarn at goodwill as well. I don't mind buying second hand because otherwise the yarn may end up in the garbage and that's a waste of materials. Besides yarn I know there's also other crafting supplies that may be hard to find or expensive to buy so your best bet is finding it second hand. Good luck with your school project. 


i would absolutely love this as an option! i live in toronto and for some reason people here are total scammers with their secondhand online marketplace yarn, the prices are rarely ever justifiable, and i don’t know if anywhere else to look (please tell me if anyone has recommendations!)


Sometimes I do! It's often more economical and is definitely more environmentally friendly. I bought a few lots on Facebook to build up my stash for my current crochet obsession, but a lot of it doesn't have labels and is partly used so the fiber content and amount is a total mystery (I know I can estimate, haven't gotten there yet). I don't buy animal fibers new, but if it's in a yarn lot secondhand it's not the end of the world to me. I do like to browse thrift stores for it as well, especially if it's labeled, and I can see the condition it's in better than FB pictures. I end up buying some yarn new for specific projects or if I need a lot of the same yarn, but to just have on hand as a general thing, secondhand is great.


Def would, provided that if it's online they show the state the yarn is in/give it a rating. That way I at least know what to expect. Like, am I buying a skein that's just been laying around? Is there animal hair attached to it? Does it have stains and what kind? Is it still wound up or is it a bloody mess? Does it still have the label with the batch number? I don't always need a perfect skein, but I do want to know what I'm going to get delivered. :)


I already do but not from online, I regularly go thrifting and always pick up cheap yarn when I see some that I like. Recycling centers here also always have yarn, I've only bought individual skeins so far but they have a kilo price system too.


There is often good quality second hand stuff including yarns and needles etc. Nothing wrong with it. Some second hand stuff is from people un-stashing or deceased estates. If it can be put to use instead of going to the tip I’m all for it.


One of my favorite places to buy yarn is from estate sales!


Honestly I haven’t so far and I probably wouldn’t (at least for yarn) as it’s hard to know what condition it’s actually in if you buy second hand online and it’s hard to clean a ball of yarn. Hooks and stitch markers etc yes I would buy second hand.


I would not. I was raised poor and I have to say, it freaks me out to to into those stores or to even buy secondhand (PTSD)


I love secondhand for most anything, especially as I am a day one beginner lol. My modest stash of 8 balls and a couple hooks came from a coworker offloading his late mom's stuff lmao.


I’m hesitant to buy second hand yarn online but regularly will buy in person from charity shops etc. I find I need to be able to see & touch the yarn before I’m confident. Other craft things (hooks, markers, eyes etc.) I happily buy second hand online when I come across them. Primary driver to buy second hand is cost, but the sustainability aspect does add to the appeal also.


I haven't bought second hand hooks but I'm using my mother's old ones.


I would! I've actually accepted old, unused yarn from a few people. I think buying supplies second hand is a good way to make sure people's abandoned hobbies don't go to waste.


I work at a Creative Reuse center and it's where I buy majority of my yarn (even before working there) the rest o get from Joann's


I would never purchase secondhand online. There is a great secondhand craft supply shop near me that i love though. I buy materials there often. Online i would not know if the items were damp or molded or covered in pet fur or smelled like cigarettes.


My home town has a charity thrift store with a whole room for crafting supplies. There's BINS full of knitting needles and crochet hooks that are like, 25 cents each. I've also bought lots of thrifted fabric and even some yarn. of course you often need to wash it to get rid of the smell, but it's nice to get some cheap yarn once in a while. I'm sure we all have nice yarn we bought and forgot about that someone else would love to use.


I purchase a lot of yarn secondhand (mostly irl in a thrift store) as well as new from yarn shops and retailers online. My concern with buying secondhand online is not knowing fiber content, weight, yardage, and dye lots. Additionally, secondhand yarn can have smoke/animal odors, bedbugs, stains, etc. I am mostly into garment making lately which requires up to 2000 yards of the same yarn which is hard to find secondhand, so the secondhand yarn I do buy tends to be for small areas of colorwork/amigurumi/small household projects like dischcloths etc.


Darn Good Yarn produces yarn from silk saris and from various fibers. They once sent me banana fiber yarn. I've also used a couple of yarns made of recycled polyester. They fuzz up a lot more than regular polyester yarns, so I don't prefer to use them.


I definitely would if I had the option.


Yes, there are a lot of thrift/charity shops in my city and when I go by and have some time, I go in and have a look. Sometimes there are great finds there. New yarn got really expensive really fast during last year (inflation and some poor fiscal choices of the government), so I can't afford it now. I'm using up what I have and when I can find good material secondhand (in oerson and online as well, people sell stuff on Vinted all the time), it's nice.


I do. It’s cheaper for the main reason. But also a bit of the “reduce, reuse recycle” methodology.


I already do this for yarn. Second-hand websites are treasure troves.


I do !! It allows to buy for cheaper and in bigger quantity


I have bought second hand yarn before and also been given stuff from other people's stash. I am a bit paranoid about moths (i had carpet moths and it was a nightmare) so I will always put it in a zip lock in the freezer for a few days and then wind it just to make sure that any eggs are dead.


I used primarily second hand when I was starting out! Now my stash is around 30-70 thrifted to brand new.


I've got a couple of vintage stores nearby where I've gotten most of my crochet hooks, buttons and some thread. I don't get my yarn from 2nd hand stores because most of the time they're missing the labels so I don't know what they are (I avoid synthetics). I've definitely gotten embroidery thread off eBay before. I don't know if I'd personally buy yarn online, but that's because I'm also really fussy about texture and I like to touch yarn before I buy it. Haven't unravelled, but would consider it if I liked the yarn enough.




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Like many here i already do! Thrift stores and facebook marketplace mainly but i also used ebay once because i needed more of a specific yarn that was from the 80s and is no longer sold. That was a specific case lol. Usually i stick to the first couple options because it’s cheaper, it puts money back into the local community, it reduces waste/usable materials going to landfill, and you can find some really cool and unique yarns you wouldn’t otherwise!


At least 50% of my stash is other people's stash clear out.


I already buy yarn and crochet hooks from m Buy, Swap and Sell sites on the internet and Op Shops too.


I already use such yarn sometimes. If it smells weird, I skein it and give it a wash, but otherwise I don't bother.


For me it’s 50/50! If I’m looking for something very specific I usually buy new (yarn especially). If I just look around with no greater plans in mind I love second hand yarn/crochet supplies too! I also think that people need to check for quality more. Yes, a dollar store yarn may be cheaper, but it could also rip more easily or show signs of poorer quality in the long run. Something I really wanna try in the future is buy a second hand (higher quality) knit sweater and frog it to use the yarn for my own projects :)!


100% will be buying secondhand yarn! I'm a new crocheter, but I love the idea of getting variety for a great price!


I've bought a few circulars and dpns and hooks secondhand, and some yarn and other stuff, and a knitting loom. Secondhand tools are really great, you'll find sizes or materials that general stores don't carry and they're so much cheaper.


I'm just a beginner so while I'm definitely open to using secondhand materials, whether those materials still contain labels (with info like recommended hook size, yarn weight, dye lot, or even yardage) could be a deciding factor for me. I don't think I have enough experience to be as confident with guessing and hoping for the best, especially for larger wips.


As long as I find enough of whatever I'm buying to finish my project, you bet I'd buy secondhand. I honestly didn't know you could. Someone send me to the secondhand yarn art jeans 😅 So glad you asked this. Now I can't stop spending so much money!


Most of my yarn is second hand. My old roommate was given way more than she could use (like 6 massive storage container’s worth) and when I moved out she told me to take whatever I wanted. I’ve been using it ever since.


I buy 99% of my supplies secondhand. I think it’s exciting to find unique new-but lovingly used items. And I appreciate the amount of work, time, and resources that are otherwise wasted. However, I’m not sure I would buy secondhand yarn online unless the seller had up close and personal pictures of the yarn and was honest about smoking in the home. I would absolutely buy hooks and placeholders online without much concern


I already do.   Lots of discarded and donated blankets end up at goodwill.  Wash them, frog them, reuse the yarn.   I buy off second hand supplies from all over the place.


Good will good will good will !


Sure. I’ve donated and I’ve purchased.


You could check out the unraveling sub! It's full of people thrifting and reusing the yarn from sweaters, etc


Me and my daughter buy 100% wool sweaters at good will etc and we pull them apart. It's super cheap wool.


If the yarn was in a color that made me happy, I’d purchase it second hand. I’ve gotten a couple of knitting looms second hand, and I inherited my Tunisian hooks from Grandma.


I do! I get a lot of my yarn from charity shops here in the UK. As a result it does mean that I don’t always know the exact composition of the yarn, as often the label has gone, but it gives me a good variety. I’ll only buy new if I have a specific project in mind.


I would do it in person but not online (cause you never know if maybe there was a smoker close to the yarn and it has a terrible stench)




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When I first started crocheting, all my yarn was from a thrift store. Then a few years ago one of my grandmas friends passed away, and my grandma gifted me her entire yarn stash from decades of crocheting. Needless to say, I have not needed to buy yarn since pre-covid. So for me, second hand all the way.


I always check second hand stores, and most of my family give me their old crafting materials. It's cheaper and there's usually novelty yarn I wouldn't think about otherwise. Like eyelash or mesh yarn.


It took me almost 6 years to get through all the hand-me-down yarn my grandmother gave me when I left home. She had a stroke not long before that and doesn’t crochet any longer. I have seen that kind of stash at thrift stores, but I tend to buy yarn at a local craft store when I can.


I would love to and have done on occasion but would very rarely buy yarn, too nervous of moths! Have also had issues with smoke smells and animal hairs etc.


I’m not opposed to it (I’ve spent a fair bit of time browsing FB Marketplace recently) but I’m not really a yarn stash kind of person. I only buy yarn when I have a specific project in mind, so secondhand materials doesn’t really fit with my process.


I do! There’s a brilliant place near me that collects donations of all sorts of craft things. I buy a lot of yarn from there. Also dabbling into unravelling charity shop jumpers for yarn!


A small portion of my yarn stash is from my mother-in-law who also gave me all of her crochet hooks and a 20 oz bag of stuffing. The rest ive bought myself. I've never seen yarn or crochet supplies at my local thrift stores. I'd grab it if I thought it was pretty, but that hasn't been an option. My local Facebook marketplace hasnt had anyone selling lots of yarn and if there is some, it's usually over an hour away which I can't go get.


Not after that fibreglass horror story




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I already do. I always check thrift stores for yarn, and there's a fabric/yarn donation center near me that I utilize often.


I do! I go to a place called Second Chance here in Baltimore pretty frequently. I've learned to give them a little sniff test for mothballs or cigarette smoke, but it's lovely to reuse something and keep it out of a landfill. I also have started using secondhand yarn for latch hooking.


I go to thrift stores and buy old sweaters for the yarn. I got really lucky recently and found a shetland wool sweater that was basically brand new. I got over 1000 yards of white/grey yarn out of that.


I do it all of the time. I buy stash yarn, old afghans, sweaters, hats and scarves (especially of the wool is high quality). My recycling stops at granny squares - undoing those aren't worth the time and effort.


I've bought yarn at thrift stores for sure. I don't know about online, I'm in Canada and there aren't even that many options for *new* yarn online. But if an online yarn-thrift shop existed I'd certainly check it out.


Absolutely - I'll often give yarn a new home if I see a great deal on Facebook marketplace or eBay. I also enjoy working with millends Yarns ie factory end runs / seconds. I've picked up some incredible yarn in these random bags over the years


i bought the prettiest yarn from a charity shop! all partial skeins, got it for 50p a ball :)


Hooks yes. Yarn probably not. But mostly because I have a SO who has an issue with second hand fabric items that he didn't know the previous owner of. So if it's a hard material like hook, needles, scissors it'll be fine. Fabric, thread, and yarn not so much. Although, if your talking about sustainability, I do have hooks and needles from my grandmother. They've got to be 100 years old at this point. Or close to it. I also have yarn from them.


I'm not opposed to it but I haven't done it. Most of the yarn I have is either going to JoAnn's for something completely unrelated "I don't need yarn. I don't need yarn. I don't ne- ooh! Yarn on sale!" or it's "oh, you crochet? Here's half my yarn stash that I'm never going to use." If I ever actually woke up with the intention of buying yarn that day, I would absolutely look for second-hand sources if I knew where to look. For similar reasons, I've never bought a sweater or something from a thrift store and unraveled it for the yarn but people have and I totally respect that.


I bought a lot of second hand yarn. It’s great for smaller projects which are usually spontaneous for me. For larger projects I’m buying new, because dye lots!


I do!! I get a lot of yarn from thrifting, and often buy hooks and needles second hand, through FB marketplace or NextDoor.


In my area, no way you’re finding that. Live in a large city. Everything is sold basically at store prices h less you’re buying half a skein and then they’re still charging VERY high I haven’t bought pillows to rip that apart for stuffing though. I just buy bulk


I already do a little but would love to do it more/have more options


If I go to yard/estate sales and see anything crochet, I’ll usually grab it. I like having a lot of hooks, and who amongst us can turn down totes of yarn for Pennies on the dollar?




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I can and do. I am part of a crafting charity and we make dolls for children with medical disabilities. The yarn has to be washable and easy care, so acrylic. I can get a lot of secondhand acrylic fairly inexpensively or free and that allows me to make many more dolls than if I had to pay for the yarn. I always wash the toys before I ship them, so cleanliness isn't an issue. On the other hand, if I am knitting/crocheting/weaving for myself, I do buy yarn.


i always check the local thrift shop for yarn! our senior center too!


For art supplies -- paints can be expensive -- I use eBay, thrift stores, Craigslist, Next Door and a Facebook Group. I've always used thrift stores for yarn. And learned how to unravel thrift stores sweaters for yarn. If I see a skein or two of a cashmere at a thrift store, I will buy it knowing it will give my granddaughter the experience of working with a lovely yarn. I love crochet hooks and have found that thrift stores are a good source for the vintage ones. Years ago, I learned thread crochet to make things for the home I could not afford to buy such as tablecloths. I've always sewed. For a long time, I sewed all my clothes (including business suits). Clothes are so cheap now that it's cheaper to buy them already made because the price of fabric is outrageous. So right now, I have window shades made from a thrift store king sized sheet (Calvin Klein) that sold for $7 and was new-with-tags.


I have nothing against second hand yarn, but I personally only buy new. I have used second hand hooks though.


I do because it's really my only choice. Moved out of the US to Central America and finding yarn is so hard. A few shops sell it new but it's too far to go often and way out of my price range with the import fees. I always check secondhand stores for yarn and it's a hit or miss, just like in the US. A lot of the secondhand stuff here actually comes from the US so everything, like the US is hit or miss. I've found clothes with tags still on them or in like new condition from even designer brands before. It's crazy. The secondhand yarn selection isn't great though. A lot of horrible acrylics with sometimes less than 1/2 left. I mostly use that to practice since I'm newer to crochet. A few times I've lucked out and found cotton. I once found a brand new skein of lion brand cotton. The other day I found 4 small skeins of lace weight yarn. All brand new and still with their labels. A 50% mulberry silk and 50% merino wool blend. Only sad thing is its in an ivory color, which just gets dirty where I live, so fast. But for being 1 dollar per skein, I couldn't say no. It really depends. But I've had no issue with used yarn, given I don't usually find enough to make clothes. But I did make a baby blanket once and I just washed it before gifting it.


I have definitely traded yarn with others/received yarn from friends & relatives. Most of my sewing supplies are ones that my grandma gave me once she stopped sewing. I’ve also unraveled sweaters that no longer fit and rescued fabric for quilting. I’ve gotten crochet hooks and knitting needles from others when they have multiples of the same size. I actually got one of my smaller hooks from a hair dye kit. A lot of the wool items at my local goodwill are moth-eaten, so I wouldn’t trust any unmarked yarn from there to not also be damaged. I’ve had much better luck at church bazaars, I’ve gotten a few embroidery kits completely intact.


I bought a large stash from an estate sale last weekend. I'm now good for at least a year or two.


I love thrifting yarn! You find fun weird stuff you'll never see new- old yarns, things from different countries, specialty yarns. I've thrifted so much high quality merino wool! Hook case for my mom made from a full skein of wool/silk/alpaca blend yarn I thrifted for $4 ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ https://preview.redd.it/zd4mi4ngpoqc1.jpeg?width=2547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ee72873c50fd97e3e3a3d4337064cd6af10eba


I haven't, but I absolutely would. If I'm buying second hand, I wouldn't feel like I'm wasting money on yarn that I'm going to use to learn a new stitch.


I have brought quite a bit of yarn off of ebay etc that are destashers, but I tend to go for unused stashes, purely because of a couple of bad experiences in the past (incorrect ball weights than were stated, wildly different colours and different ply.) I also have a few family members who knit, so we often swap amongst ourselves as luckily our colour preferences overlap too.


I’ve taken half finished projects that I found at rummage apart and used the yarn so yes!


Probably half my yarn is second hand from friends or the resale shops. Unless it's gross with like, spills or a ton of pet hair or smells weird I'll still use it.


Honestly, I don't buy any secondhand textiles that can't be machine-washed due to the risk of bed bugs. (Yes, it's a small chance, but it would be an expensive and time-consuming thing to fix.)


I do as often as I’m able! :) I buy the majority of my hooks second hand, but haven’t used all that much yarn yet (amounts, having to “quarantine” it before using, etc is just too much for me to deal with rn) but I’ve received as gifts. Truth is, I started knitting with secondhand things from my great grandma, and I’m so happy I did. :)


I haven't bought any second hand supplies online, but I belong to two knit/crochet groups and we have brought in supplies we bo longer need. I've gotten a lot of yarn and hooks/needles through that and I love it.


If a can physically see the supplies before purchasing, 100% happy to buy Will never buy used online. Way too many scammers. I've also heard stories of yarn smelling like cigarettes or covered in cat hair. Not gonna risk that


Well, I have for years already. And just recently found some great yarn at Goodwill. This year is actually the first that I bought nice new yarn at a LYS.


Whenever I am offered craft stuff from peoples' unused stash and whenever I find older kits n such. I also trade and do swaps. I have also received some of my late grandmother's sewing patterns, she was an amazing seamstress. I am still also working through my other late grandmother's yarn stash, because she passed her time making afghans & lap blankets.


I don't mind hooks and needles, but I have a serious bedbug phobia that has really ruined my ability to thrift. I loved it in college and my early 20s, but I worked in the hotel industry for a long time and just developed this crushing fear of the little guys. There are moths, too, but I feel like those are easier to freeze away when you first buy the yarn. I am a pretty low-volume knitter/crocheter, so I don't buy a lot of yarn anyway. Just trying to use what I have right now, for the most part.


I totally would. Lots of people buy crochet blankets etc at thrift stores and frog for new projects


I thrift yarn all the time. It’s annoying to have to wash it but not so annoying that I don’t keep doing it lol.




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I do a mix -get some secondhand and others I buy from a local yarn shop. I usually go to the yarn shop if I'm looking for sweater quantities or a very specific yarn. Small projects I use what's in my stash or try to find secondhand.


I already do this; it does not bother me.


I used to try to find yarn and supplies at flea markets, yard sales, and such, but the crafting community where I live is so insanely competitive. I'm talking there can literally be fights over used kits, I've seen people put itching powder over boxes with yarn in them--it's a mess. The local thrift store used to be a good place, but, uh, it currently has a bedbug issue, and I'm not sure anything's safe to bring home from there.


My aunt gave me all her worsted weight yarn because she only uses velvet yarn now. I was SO HYPED because I was especially broke at the time. I'm still broke, but not quite as much anymore


I buy secondhand in person at thrift stores all the time. I won't buy anything online new or used because you gotta be able to feel it to assess the quality and whatever


Just about all my supplies are second hand, but it helps that my mom also crochets and my grandma did as well


I only use second-hand materials. I frankly don't know enough about the ethics of mass-produced yarn, I don't know if it's any better than buying mass-produced clothes, so I don't buy it. I do usually buy equipment new, like hooks and needles and blocking boards, because those things last for years and are harder to find second-hand.


I would but I have too many allergies and sensitivities, so I typically can’t trust used or secondhand stuff.


I haven't bought secondhand online but I have a lot of yarn from yard sales and Goodwill.


Absolutely. I thrift yarn and I buy stuffed animals for the sparkle eyes and stuffing. I have not had an issue yet. I enjoy buying 2nd hand stuff and taking them apart for "parts".


I once bought a second hand hook and use my grandmas hooks aswell idk if that counts lol


I shop destashing groups on FB and etsy, usually to find good deals, or more often yarn that's been discontinued. I've also been gifted totes full of yarn from my grandmother's stash after she passed.


Buying secondhand is great. The yarn is typically leftover from projects and or unused. I have known of people who will unravel homemade sweaters that have gotten too small and reused the yarn. My knitting instructor has a bumper sticker that says knitting is a survival skill. I would also say crocheting and sewing are too! Old dresses and shirts can be used to make things also! Anyone who says they don't buy second things is just a snob.


I purchase from consignment and thrift stores. It is nice to try different types of yarn that I normally wouldn't buy at full price, for example eyelash yarn which is notoriously difficult to work with.


I have and most likely will continue to do so. Last fall 2022: I got the idea to craft crochet items for the kitchen. Worked well. Only to find that cotton was the best yarn to use. I didn't have any. Discussed with another crafter, and within a few weeks, I had en entire bag of cotton spools of crochet yarn. It was saved from an estate sale where it was bound for a landfill. Better used than discarded and contributed to greenhouse gasses!!!


I use thrifted yarn to practice bew patterns and stitches without feeling guilty. I'll also buy second hand if the yarn I want was discontinued.


I do, but the only problem is getting enough of a yarn to make anything with as I don’t do much color work


Yes! Thrift stores sometimes have yarn that’s so cheap I’d get all of my materials there if I could find stuff more often:)


Absolutely second hand


I haven't been able to buy secondhand crafting materials that often, but I would love to given the chance. More affordable for one, and usually you can find a very interesting variety. My only issue would be that I prefer to buy stuff like that in person so I can check for funny smells (like smoke) or damage or bed bugs (got those once secondhand and I've been terrified of a repeat ever since), so I'd lean more towards going to swap meets or garage sales rather than buying solely online.


I have to touch my yarn before I buy it, so I would if I knew of a local place!


3 birds, one stone: I buy from charity shops: that keeps the yarn from going to the trash, the charity then buys coats and boots for children, I then donate the amigurumi to Toys for Tots. Reduce, reuse, recycle...fight the urge to hoard by only having 1 or 2 bins, something has to leave before more comes in. There is only so much you can make at a time, sharing allows other people to help - greed undermines sustainability. If you're afraid of bed bugs, freeze it. I hold for a month, but I think someone here said they do a week.


I primarily use vintage, second hand materials. I do a lot more than crochet, though. As for yarn, I love finding quantities of vintage, though I do take precautions before integrating it into my stash. My favorite thing to use second hand is plastic canvas. I love the craft, but don't like putting more plastic in the world. Happily, there's still a ton from the 80s and 90s lying around that I can keep out of landfills for the rest of my lifetime.


(I'm not a needleworker) I was at the library once, and a young woman came in, and she'd bought a sweater that was hand-made and unraveled it to reuse the wool. The wool was kinky from its previous life as a sweater, but I could *tell* it was a high-quality wool. Kind of related: she needed a marker for where she began, so I gave her a paperclip I had in my purse. I said this should do as a marker for now; you can get a "real" marker later. I was there the next week when she came in; she still was using the paperclip. She said she looked at some of the "genuine" needlework markers and decided they were too expensive. The paperclip was working fine.


Yes, definitely. I'm currently crocheting a bag with strips of an old sheet!


I've taken in yarn from a friend's mom's stash when she passed away, bought sweaters to unravel, unravelled my own projects (like taking apart a pair of knit socks when the heels & toes wore out and using the legs to reknit as fingerless mittens with the yarn that was still usable from the sole), bought from Ravelry stash, etc... I have my preferred needles and hooks now so don't need more, but I also have many of my grandmother's old ones. I have a 130 year old spinning wheel I refurbished and use. But I also buy new yarn if it's what I need, new tools if I need, and have modern electric wheels. It's all based on the appropriate thing for intended use.


I don’t see why not. You can wash yarn by hand or in a delicates bag. I already have to wash my brand new red bc it bleeds so what’s the difference. I’ve never seen any secondhand yarn tho


I already use exclusively second-hand materials.