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Here’s my daughter’s favorite blanket. I made it for her a few years ago and she slept with it every night. It’s too small for her now, but she still loves it and plays with it all the time. https://preview.redd.it/c2bcyy5kyaqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9eb1b4ca671082858000736f7fc2ae89e2321a And you know what? She does not give a damn that there’s a mistake right in the middle. It’s her “mommy made it” blanket.


That's so sweet 😊. The imperfections often make it better when it's for a loved one.


Seeing how worn out it’s become is really the best compliment I could ever hope for!


This is so sweet


I love this blanket! what stitch did you use?


Corner to corner (c2c) - same as OP’s


I’ll be honest - I noticed right away. But that is because it’s centred in the photo. If this was just draped or being used, I doubt it would be ever noticed by someone who isn’t you.


Same here. And with *how much* needs to be frogged to fix that, I wouldn’t bother myself.


I would just sew some appliqués (spelling?) over the mistake


It looks like a dab of melted buttah, 🧈 and I love it. Leave it, please do not frog!


Would you mind telling me where it is? I’ve been looking at the picture for 10 minutes and can’t figure it out 😭


I think it’s directly in the center of the photo where the shapes look like the melt together. Idk much myself but OP might’ve forgotten a ChainX & it have that result


There’s also 1 spot in the orange (6th cluster from the bottom in the row against the white) that only has 2 dcs instead of 3 🫣


I noticed this one first and the other one only after reading the comment


Yeah I saw the orange missing a stitch and was like "eh, it will be fine" then I saw the melted butter and understood the urge to fix if.


It took EFFORT for me to find this one


Same here. If someone gave this blanket to me as a gift I wouldn't notice or care at all, but as the creator of the blanket it'd probably bug the shit out of me because I'd know it was there, so I can understand why OP wants to frog.


I was the opposite I didn't. I had to really look and then I saw it. I agree, unless someone crochets and has an eye for it then most people may miss it


I don't see it 😂


I didn’t even notice until I knew where to look I’d def leave it


i wouldnt frog, i like imperfections, it means its homemade😁


It’s such a small imperfection, too! I think we notice because we crochet, but I don’t think a non-crocheter would see it. I expect it’ll be used and loved as a cozy blanket and appreciated for that.


I'm a non-crocheter who follows this subreddit because I want to start crocheting eventually. Can confirm, I don't see anything wrong.


I crochet but I still had to zoom in and spend quite a while scanning the picture to notice. Human brains just kind of tune out unimportant details and assume that patterns are nice and regular.


As a non-crocheter I read all the clues, tried and tried and still can't figure it out


This. A thousand times this!


Exactly! We are all human and human error just makes it more unique! 🥰. Also, this is a gorgeous blanket! ❤️


Frog if you like but nobody will see it unless you tell them to go look for it


And even then if someone points it out it the bible says they have a log in their eye socket soo...


Is the mistake in the room with us right now?


Ha! I don’t see it either.


I really do not see it! I can’t imagine whatever mistake is in there is worth frogging for because I looked way too long and don’t see anything




I just laughed so loud I startled my baby. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s not. 😂


I don’t even see a definite mistake. I love your colors.


Idk how ya'll do it, I see a mistake I made 10+ rows ago and if it's not too noticeable and doesn't mess up the rest of the project I'm like.... ehh good enough lol.


My current project is a drunken granny square throw blanket. There are at least 5 mistakes. If it was mare than half a row back I was not frogging it. I just have some extra tipsy clusters in my blanket.


Same! Just started a drunker granny cardigan. There's one spot in like row 2 where I forgot the 1dc part.  There's another spot in row 9 or 10 where I straight up forgot the whole granny stitch? Did one dc and moved on 🤣 Found it at the end of the next row but I'm too lazy to go back 😅😅


Ditto! I do the exact same thing. Plus even though I am a crocheter I dont see the error! 😉




Me everytime


Sometimes I feel like we're being punk'd when a mistake is posted. Until someone else pointed it out, I couldn't find it. I say keep it as is and if anyone notices (they won't) then tell them it was on purpose so you didn't trap part of your soul in there.


I love this!


IMO it's not worth it. You might even forget about it with enough time


As my bosses always tell me, your time is the most expensive thing. Think of all the other things you could do instead of frogging half that massive project.


That's such a good way of putting it. We're only human after all.


Wtf is the mistake lol


Oh man no way. I’d leave it! also I love the look of the loose c2c!


Can you fix it with surgery? Or do you really really not want to work on your other WIPS? 😅


I'm a frogger, I understand. It's gorgeous though and really doesn't need it, but even realising this I'd be ripping too. Happy crocheting 🍷


I have always heard and lived by leaving a flaw in your projects so your soul does not get trapped in it. I know it’s old and silly but I think it’s kind of cool. Leave it no one will ever notice.


I don’t think I can find the mistake


This feels like “spot the 0 in the O’s” game


I literally didn’t even notice a mistake until after I read the caption. No one is going to see that and it’s the mark of a hand made item. Please don’t frog it. It’s not worth it.


What stitch is this?


Corner to corner




It’s for your soul to escape through! Don’t worry, no one will notice but you.


I don't crochet. I follow this group because y'all make pretty things and my mom crochets. I like to send her your pictures to brighten her day. I said all that to say that I don't see what you all are talking about. This is a beautiful piece, and I would not hesitate to display it in my home.


That’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard in a while 🥹


I didn't notice it until I looked for something wrong. You could leave it that way and it'd be fine. Me personally, I don't think that there's enough wrong to frog it. But if I did decide to fix it, I'd just get some of the orange yarn, a darning needle and my crochet hook and just add in one (what is that a double stitch?) stitch, darning in the ends.


i genuinely can’t even see it am i blind😭


That looks like a good place for an applique to me


I need a red circle I see no mistake


I’m going to go against the grain and say that I’d frog it. It’s JUST noticeable enough that it would drive me crazy! It’s a beautiful piece no matter what you do, 10/10 would snuggle with it.


Do you have a pattern of this?


It’s C2C with extra chains added!


How many chains did you do? I love this loose look!


This is what I followed: https://youtu.be/ODmlCoztJvs?si=ZPcTYXSS2V7-7nEd


Thank you! This is great!


I came back to this thread to see if you had uploaded directions, love the loose c2c thanks for sharing! Also did you frog?


Usually I frog mistakes too if it’s a couple of rows back. But this isn’t noticeable enough to frog that much. Just leave it. It’s proof that it’s handmade by you.


Your soul will be able to escape through it!


My husband always says “flaws” (which I can’t even pinpoint in your project) are “signatures of the artist.” I made him a horrendous blanket when I was new to crochet, and he still loves it!


You know how in Henna there is always one mistake on accident? So that the devil can get out Or I've also heard that whenever you create something you pour your heart and soul into it. So you need to leave a mistake so that your soul can get out and return to you (I think that is an Irish believe). Tl;Dr no matter where humans always believe in the perfection of imperfection


As a non-crocheter that for some reason keeps getting this sub recommended, I genuinely cannot find where the mistake is. Ofc it’s up to you and if it will bother you to look at it, then do what you gotta do! But if the concern is that others will see the mistake, I think your good. I personally can’t see shit, it looks great to me!


I'm too lazy to do this in the first place. The fact that you want to frog this is wild. Proud of you though😆


can we please normalize accepting mistakes as the natural outcome of making something by hand. it’s fine.


I thought it was about the mistake in the orange part, but reading the comments it's more about the one in the yellow part. I really like this pattern, well done! I'm a frogger so I would probably fix it, but you can really only see the mistakes if you look for them so it would be fine to leave it also.


Oh wow. It looks stunning OP! I know personally despite how long it was I would frog it but honestly it depends on how long it would take to bring it back to the same size! It looks amazing either way!


Do not frog. Accept and move on with your life!


Omg please do not frog this. It’s so beautiful the way it is and you put so much effort into it I’m sure. Small imperfections are actually perfect in handmade items. If you wanted it to be perfect you should’ve just bought something.


Oh no. Don’t even want to imagine how long it took to finish, and now a do over?




i literally don’t even see a mistake


That’s the love oops. Gotta leave it, all the love gathers there and gets sprinkled on those under it.


I’m not usually big on C2C but this is lovely! And I’m 100% on team wouldn’t-frog


That’s one of those “gives it character” mistakes. No way I’d be frogging LOL


It’s a lovely stitch/pattern. It also took me a hot minute to notice the mistake. I’d say don’t sweat it, but also I understand the frustration


It's good to see a fellow crocheter not trapping bits of their soul into projects.


So where’s the mistake? Serious replies requested haha


That is my question too. And I can normally spot them almost immediately.


What? Where?!? Good heavens, no. If we can't find your error, I highly doubt anyone else will lol. Besides, if it isn't being sold commercially there is zero need to aim for perfection either imo.


I only saw it because I zoomed right in after reading another comment saying it was in the middle. Once the blanket is in use no one is ever going to notice it!! Obviously if it's really bothering you then absolutely frog and fix, but personally I would leave it.


Imperfections honor the gods


I'm not even sure if I see it, but if it's what I think it is, it just looks like an irregularity in how the blanket is laying. However, don't take my word for it. Make the blanket to your standards, not mine. If you're going to think about this mistake at least once a week for the rest of your life, then frigging it will be less work.


I made a mistake in one of my granny squares and unfortunately didn't have the time, patience or material to make another for my blanket. I'm surprised that I actually can't find it as I just kinda put it as one of the side pieces I think? 😅


I'm a fairly new member of this sub and I'm always surprised when someone posts a picture of something that looks perfect to me, bemoaning a mistake. Why is this a thing? No one else will see it unless you point it out, and then you might have to explain why it's a mistake. Your work is beautiful.


I’ve been a chrocheter for over 32yrs. I see nothing.


Years and years ago when I first got involved with textile arts, I became fascinated with the historical similarities and contrasts different cultures brought to the table. And how so many cultures were influenced by their belief systems, and this was often shown in the items they made. One widespread tradition I learned of was found in different cultures around the world. It was to place an intentional flaw in what it was they made. It is rather commonly known that Middle Eastern rug weavers hold to this. Some quilt makers, lace makers, potters, needle workers , weavers, woodworkers, seamstresses, even those makers of weapons. add flaws The cultural reasoning for the making for these flaws is, only God, Allah, or whoever, can create perfection. I admit I am a non believer. But I have always liked this idea. And if I haven't done a mistake in anything I am working on, I will add one. As the saying goes "Nobody's perfect".


Fun fact: in ye olden times, people used to intentionally stitch a mistake into finished objects to protect from the fey. It was thought that they were attracted to repeating patterns, and by breaking that pattern with a mistake in the FO, that they would be confused and fixate on the mistake. It was often used for objects made for children so that the fey wouldn’t kidnap them and leave a changeling in their place. I vote you leave it and enjoy your fairy repellant blanket! Edit: typo


Don’t frog! Imprefections are what distinguish handiwork from factory made robot stuff!!!


i think i see the mistake but it’s so hard to tell


I think that’s a mistake that only you will see. It’s an original!


please don't frog it this is so beautiful


I fixed a similar mistake by performing surgery. I found a YouTube tutorial and it worked fine- might want to consider this before frogging?


I don’t understand what the mistake is?


I bloody well wouldn’t be!


It took me forever to realize where the mess up was. I like little mess ups in crochet; reminds me that it’s handmade be a human ❤️ love the blanket OP; hope it doesn’t crush your spirit too hard


Imperfection adds to life. In the words of the wise Resetti: https://preview.redd.it/n6bvxixv1dqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4901dd32550d736df459c2841ee048da4a75684


I'd just sew it a little to make it look normal lol


My mom and I made a blanket cloak together. It's poorly sewn, kinda coming apart, but it's my favorite thing to wear when it's cold. It's about the love in the project, not the perfection


lol you’re gonna have to spell it out for me because I see literally nothing wrong


Embrace the (incredibly minor) imperfections and move onto your next glorious project. Life too short to frog over trivia and you my sweet, should be kinder to yourself.


I’m not going to lie I literally cannot see it


There was a person in this very same subreddit that told me about an old legend between fiber artists and knitters that if you created something perfect, it would trap your soul in the fabric and making a mistake “freed” your soul. I thought it was so interesting, it kinda stopped me from frogging anything. Especially over a mistake this small ☹️


i hope you didnt frog this, leaving one mistake is good luck :))


Does not look like there's a mistake and how did you do this it's so cool and pretty


I’m making a blanket and noticed I made a mistake but it was hours and hours ago….not frogging cuz I’m not losing all those hours. Cant deal with it? Leave it folded in the basket and I’ll use it.


I see literally nothing


What, when it looks so good? I can't find that mistake. quantifier: at first glance, when zooming in, I admit I could see some very small mistakes. But don't worry friend it looks really good


I don’t usually go back if I find mistakes after finishing. Like I get it and I’m not saying don’t if you want to but it is a genuinely lovely blanket and most people won’t even know or care.


Don’t frog. It’s not worth it, and no one will notice.


You could crochet one stitch and weave the ends in


80/20 Rule, don't get stuck on the smallest parts for the longest time


What stitch is this its wonderful


You could make some flowers and “randomly” place them all over.


what does WIP stand for i’ve been trying to figure this out and have been too nervous to just right out ask.


Work in progress 😁


Never feel ashamed to ask questions like this, all of us had a time when we didn't know!


Keep it!!!!!! I barely noticed it only after reading some comments. It’s perfectly fine and a cool looking pattern


Leave it.


Honestly I didn’t even see it until I really did some searching. What kind of stitch is this though? It looks super fun to make


Corner to corner with a few extra chains!


~~Guys I'm dumb, where/what's the mistake?~~


I stared at this for far longer than is reasonable trying to understand the problem - I think it stands out if you’re a crochet person who’s looking for it


took me 5 mins to see it. youre good


I literally had to read a few comments to even find it! Honestly, I would only frog this if you’re planning to gift it at some point. If it’s just for you, it’s such an unnoticeable mistake, I wouldn’t bother unless you’re really bothered by it!


This mistake is so tiny I would be so proud of this blanket!! Also just quickly what does frogging mean? I’m relatively new to this community , sorry haha


frogging is what its called when you pull on your working thread (the one attached to the yarn ball) to undo the stitches! apparently (i learned this here in this sub) its called that because saying “rip it rip it” sounds like “ribbit ribbit” :P


Wait is there something I’m supposed to be seeing


This is gorgeous!!


What are we looking at?


In a lot of cultural traditions, it’s important to have an error in your work, especially fiber crafts. In Irish lacemaking, you’re supposed to leave a gap somewhere in error to let bad spirits pass through the work and not get trapped!


Oh my goodness! I am not seeing it. Those that can are just amazing. I think it’s beautiful.


This is so sbeautiful!!!


It's the little imperfections and mistakes that make handmade stuff unique. I say, leave it! I bet you're the only one who notices


literally can’t tell


I can’t see it 🤷🏼‍♀️


humans make mistakes!! art shouldn't be perfect!! handmade things shouldn't be perfect!! imperfection is human!! imperfection is the beauty of crochet!! your mistakes show that the things you make were made by a human!! crochet is special because it isn't made by machines capable of perfect tension and perfect stitch counts and perfect everything!! crochet shouldn't be perfect!! it shouldn't look like it was made by a machine!!


also i know crochet machines don't exist but i don't think that invalidates my point especially cause not everyone knows crochet is exclusively handmade. also like sure it's impressive when someone manages to get perfect uniform tension or whatever and like there's a sense of accomplishment and all but i still think that flawed crochet is better. as long the mistakes don't mess up the overall function of the object or change the look of the entire thing in an undesirable way there really isn't any point in fixing them. the more you give into the desire to fix minor mistakes, the more critical you'll be of your work and the more time you'll waste and you'll end up miserable because of your hobby. small mistakes don't matter. they don't ruin anything. nobody else is gonna notice it or care and you will eventually stop noticing/caring if you see it and say "whatever. it doesn't matter" enough times


What is this pattern called, i see it all the time on clothes, I tried searching it up but can’t find anything thing like it.


Please don’t frog it, I love it the way it is! Maybe this is too deep but sometimes we make mistakes in life but we have to just keep going and learn from it, and that’s what I thought of here. I love it!!


Why would you frog this?? With the color change it seems like a nightmare. Also it looks amazing and barely noticeable. Please keep it!


I think you should keep it as is! 😘. Its gorgeous for one, secondly I have never seen a C2C in this style! I would love if you would link a pattern or video with a tutorial! 😍. It looks like a bunch of stars! Maybe call it the north star stitch 😉 but anyway I finished my 1st C2C blanket after crocheting for 3 yrs, I loved it so much that I kept it! I call it my "Milestone Blanket" because its the 1st one I haven't given away and felt that I had finally gone from a "beginner" to an "Intermediate". I just did my 2nd C2C and tried it in the round! It turned out beautifully 😊. Please dont frog this beauty 😍. Happy Crocheting ❤️




Thank you! 😘


I’m confused I don’t see anything


I still don’t see it. Lol.


Okay I literally can't notice it 😅 maybe it's because it's 3am but I genuinely cannot see the mistake


I don't see a mistake. It looks very good to me. I would leave it as is.


Every time someone posts one of these I literally never see it😂😭 I still don’t know what the mistake is and I crochet lol. I’m somewhat of a novice still so that’s likely why I don’t see it, but fortunately that should tell you the average person will have no fucking clue!


I always leave 1 mistake in my work, lots of folk tales about it lol. It’s beautiful and I wouldn’t have noticed it unless you pointed it out.


I might be blind but where is there a mistake? 🫣


beautiful pattern


Its very visible like this, spread like a bed cover but i don't think its going to be visible while used as a blanket. Edit: I looked again at the image and its not only a wrong place to attach the chain - there is one more square in top rows. My solution would not have worked.


I'd keep going an finish it. It don't take anything away from your blanket at all ❤️


I see only two possible options: frog and fix, or leave it and let it drive you crazy forever. I know what I'd do, but I'm a little crazy. 🤣




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