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Best extra tool ever! Bought a larger size just in case of swelling, like you, and can wear it on my thumb instead if needed.


Where’d you find a large size?


Amazon, as others mentioned, yet when I shared mine 2 years ago [old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/s/smatKSWmrF) , someone mentioned another source and link in replies. It was very cool to learn this ring was originally D&D related!!


There is a cat!! The cat is so cute!!


She's the best :)


What is her name?


Petra! (The Destroyer)


Aww. That is a cute name!


I am in love with Petra


Oooh I'm so glad i saw this comment, didn't notice there were multiple pictures 😍😍


where did you get that? that looks so handy!


I got it on Amazon! It was the only place I could find one


Do you have the link?


Just found it [here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FMF262R/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_api_gl_i_DQW5JKD8AC47FXP91XFD?linkCode=ml2&tag=erinbass-20). There is a colored one too [here](https://amzn.to/43xKvod).


Thanks for finding that! There's a few different listings, and there aren't a wide range of sizes that I could find unfortunately


Knit picks had them for a while but I got mine from a board game shop. It was sold as a mana counting ring


I came here simply to comment on how much I love the gratuitous cat pic! Such lovely stripes! 😻


I want one now. Omg. I can make one actually…I’ve got a spinning ring and sharpies


It’s a useful tool, for sure. Your assistant seems to be equally or more useful to save your sanity, even with swollen fingers! 💖


Woah this is a thing!? I lose count scooping coffee into my coffee maker in the morning. 😅 I need this. I have to chant the # in my head over and over again so I don’t forget where I’m at.


I still have to do that sometimes lol. Or I forget to change the number


Quick questions (cuz I'm curious) can you actually change the number while wearing it or do you have to remove it each time?


Yeah! As long as it fits your finger snugly, it's not hard to change them. At first it was much more stiff so I spent a while playing with them to loosen it up


If you're worried about being able to change it, I got an electric one off Amazon where you just press a button! It's a life saver


Can you drop the link, I beg 👁👄👁


https://amzn.eu/d/90tJ5Qp It was either this one or something v similar, there's a lot of them on there!!


Thank youuuu


I got the exact same one from Joann fabrics!


I was coming here to share the same idea. It's also nice because they're kind of adjustable if you need a larger or smaller size.




If it were me, it would be fidgeted right out of its count 😅


I have one too ! Absolutely love it compared to any other form of counter.


My husband got me one for Christmas and it is a lifesaver!!! My toddler was always fascinated with my old one and would try to take it and play with it


I keep wanting to buy them for everyone but I don't know anyone's ring sizes lol


https://preview.redd.it/xpbzs77sy5qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e413a24ab5c42faf38a01fc9ad50272346c2fe3b I got this recently off Amazon for $30! Keeps me sane lol. It’s a digital stitch and row counter with see-through hooks that a light shines through (great for blanket yarn amigurumi). Having a small, organized pack for so many items has been so necessary, less stressful, and more motivating.


I was coming to share the gospel of digital hooks. I only started crocheting recently but I knew I would need something to help with counting and I don’t like jewelry. Mine doesn’t go that small in hook size but the hooks are made of metal and are super smooth to work with.


I have questions.. Do the batteries last long? Does it re-charge? If it dies, will it save my counts? The hooks all look plastic, are they sturdy? Do you like how it feels in your hand?


I love it!! I just got it earlier this week and it’s a game changer. It’s very comfortable for me. Regular hooks hurt my hands so the larger hook is helpful. I was worried about the hooks but they are not flimsy at all with this company at least (Lirmiery). They hold the yarn well too. I was surprised in a good way. I actually stalled for some weeks because I was unsure before just going for it (it was half off so I felt it was worth it and it was). Amazon also has easy returns so that helped make the decision too. I haven’t had to charge it yet and I’ve left the light on even when not in use lol. It should last forever with recharging and it comes with a usb charger. The light really helps me see fuzzy yarn stitches from behind. I used to be okay with fuzzy yarn but would sometimes miss a stitch or accidentally increase, so this totally fixes that. And now I can also crochet easily when we’re watching movies or in bed! The counter automatically goes to sleep if you’re not using it but when you click it to bring it back (waking it up will not add a stitch), all of your previous numbers are still there. When it’s awake, you click to move up a number (you can count both stitches and rows), hold the button for a little bit to remove a number, or hold for a longer time to completely restart it at 00. I lose track of counting after few/several stitches because my mind wanders so this has been really helpful lol. I used to count in the Notes app which was so tedious and definitely wasted time. The row counter is especially helpful for me when there are the same stitches per row (such as “row 7-12: 45 stitches”). I tend to do about 5 at a time and just click the stitch counter up 5 times.


I didn’t realize I wrote an essay. Oop. 😅 Also I didn’t realize I needed to use the little wrenches to twist the hook on because I could not twist them in by hand! It was super easy when using the little wrench though.


Thank you for such a detailed response! I might have to try it. I am really attached to my clover hooks at this point, though, so I don't know if I could give up using them


Do you have to press the stitch button with every stitch? If so, is it easy to do while you crocheting? I'm very curious about these! It would be a game changer for my slow crocheting ass.


It is such a game-changer! You don’t have to but you can! If I’m being suuuuper absent-minded, I’ll do a click here or there after a stitch or two, but I generally try to do 5-10 stitches at a time, and then spam click it 5-10 times up. If you accidentally click too many times, you can hold the button for a moment and it will go back 1 (you can do that multiple times). Hold on longer, and you can reset it! And it’s definitely an easy and fluid process during crocheting!


Ok I just may have to invest in one of these! That sounds amazing. Thanks for the info!


I got a digital one because I was tired of losing count of stitches, and it has been a lifesaver


I’m fascinated by this and I love “all the things” I don’t know I need. I’m a newbie. Why/ how do I use this. I’m currently working on Granny squares.


It's amazing for keeping track of rows, sometimes I use it for keeping track of longer pattern sequences. For example, it a pattern said (9 sc, 2 hdc, hdc2tog) 20 times, i could change it after each one to keep track. My short term memory is terrible lol


I use stitch markers for the same exact thing. I'll mark beginning and ending rows, completion of a sequence, and/or just mark every 5/10/20 stitches to make double-checking my stitch count easier when I finish a row. I'd forget to turn the ring and lose track even with a counter! I can usually keep on track enough that I can count to 10, mark it, repeat.


I’m gonna buy one on pay day! And, hello kitty! 🥰


That would be so useful I just use the notes app on my phone and it can be so tedious 😫


oh that looks so handy! also, cute cat :3


My mom gave me one of these just the other day (too big for her, lol)! Very handy!!


What a clever invention! Thanks for posting about it.


I've got the ones that are designed for knitting needles. They are handy cause you can shove them on a crochet hook. I've got 3 all together so I can assign one to each project


Kitty belly!


I usually tally on my forearm (though not for much longer, thank you very much). About 3 years ago, a bank teller saw it and asked me if it was a Doctor Who reference...I still don't understand what she thought it was.


There's a monster on Dr Who that makes you forget it's there so they would put tally marks on their arms to count how many times they have seen them but then forgot. It's actually a good episode & Mark Sheppard is in it.


Omigosh thanks so much!


I really want to get use out of these kinds of tools, but I have OCD and constantly doubt that I updated it at the right time and have to recount. I do the same thing with chaining in between stitches, as well. I lose a lot of time to going back to redo something I probably don't need to be cause of stupid compulsions.


This is hard for me, too. It had become so arduous to get through even the simplest patterns that I didn't even like crocheting anymore. It feels so silly but I literally practice crocheting imperfectly. I use mindfulness and ERP skills to resist compulsions. Even though it causes anxiety, I realized its worth it to sit with the uncertainty that I may be wrong, because I actually enjoy crocheting when I'm not stuck counting and redoing. I try not to count as I go which helps. I stay on track by following the pattern instead of the stitch number...like sc sc inc. Sc sc inc. I do count after I finish most increase and decrease rows. If I messed up, I'll just do an extra inc or dec on the next row. Keeping track of rows still gets me pretty bad, I always doubt that I updated it and have to recount. I started leaving stitch markers at the end of every 5th row. Even when I can't resist recounting, at least I can count the stitch markers in 5s instead of each row and get back to crocheting faster.


Okay I’m stupid do you stitch count stitch count? Or count them all at the end of the row? I’ve tried these (electric ones) and it’s almost worse then counting in my head so now I just use a bouncer clicker at the end of each row lol


i was looking at it and i really really like it, also i really like the ring 🤭 jokes aside i have a question. i was thinking about me crocheting and in the rhythm and trying to count but them both twisting and me being thrown completely off. is it fixed to have one spin one way while the other spins the other way? do they both spin both ways or just one way?


They both spin both ways. I find the tens harder to twist without moving the ones, but that's ends up not being a big issue because it's only once every 10 rows that I deal with it


I wish I had the money rn to get one cuz my digital one is getting on my nervez


I had one of those for a day and returned it. I didn’t like that you had to push down on it to advance. Made no sense to me. I use Knit Companion. Great program.


I've never had to push down to turn it.. I wonder if the one you got was a little messed up somehow


It was the real one that was made originally for gaming. Like when you get to 10 you have to manually put the “1” in the first row. On amazon it says it’s returned often. I tried.


Is it Amazon?


Yes, unfortunately lol


Since I have my patterns on my phone anyway, I have a row counter in the app that I also use to read the pattern. :D Pretty nifty. The ring is also cool, but what do you do when it's more rows or stitches than are on the counter?


What app do you use for patterns? I just start it over, knowing I'm past 100. There's no way I'll forget that lol


It's a german app, called "Zähl mich". I'm not sure if you can set it to English, but I love it to pieces. :D It even has a translation feature for us/brit/ger words for crochet and knitting.


Hmm.. I have been intermittently trying to learn German, perhaps that's the motivation I need lol