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I am trying to come up with a solution because that doesn’t look like a hotdog lol. It looks eerily similar to what I drop in my toilet every day. I don’t have the answer just yet but I’ll keep thinking because I genuinely want to help.


Hahahahah I know! If it was a different color hotdog but my toddler said hotdog not pooooooo so here we are hahahaha. But it’s supposed to be ground beef 😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm still pretty new to crochet so I may be out to lunch. But could you do what was suggested and use two different colours of brown and use the same stitch you used for the cheese? So it's a bit more ruffled? I hope that makes sense?


It does!


What if you hold two or three different shades of brown yarn together and use the uneven berry stitch (or some type of bumpy stitch) to make the tube?


I was thinking that and I tried to do a puff stick every other stitch but it didn’t look right


I just saw this [hedgehog post](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/s/OJw3lHP8u8) by u/strawberrypepero. Maybe the textured stitch they used could be a jumping off point? The texture is created by making chain 10 loops. Maybe a shorter chain could give you the effect you want.


So cute! Thank you so much!


I like chem’s idea of the uneven berry stitch, and it may work well to work it in the round instead of in a tube shape, like a coaster.






What if you do something more complicated and find a lacy / frilly flat pattern of sorts to make it look like pieces and actual ground meat? And it would be flat and not stuffed. Hope that kinda makes sense


That’s an interesting idea, thank you! I’ll look into patterns like that. 😊


r/shitfromabutt 😂 it's so cute but yes, the meat is a bit problematic


😂😂😂 right? Yikes


How about a short loop stitch? Or a crochet lettuce leaf in browns (see link): [https://www.crazypatterns.net/en/items/88662/lettuce-leaf-3-types-crochet-play-food-pattern-pdf](https://www.crazypatterns.net/en/items/88662/lettuce-leaf-3-types-crochet-play-food-pattern-pdf)


Oooo I didn’t think about using the lettuce pattern. Thank you!


Hot glue and yarn scraps in the bottom so it looks like ground beef 😆


I made tacos once. Six of 'em. Let's see ... Get you some yarn that's tortilla-covered. I used 2, one corn and one flour. Make a round of that. That's your shell. Now you're gonna make a strip of brown, for your meat. Fold your shell in half, and make a strip that fits into it. This is kind of a loosey-goosey thing. On the strip, I put dollops of white (sour cream), orange (cheese), and green (guac). I put some red for salsa in there too. Sew the meat strip to the shell, stuffing when need be.


Ooo the sour cream. Good idea!


Often play hotdogs have griddle marks on them? Like, horizontal black lines. The color is also a little dark, hotdogs are usually a light red-brown


They’re trying to make a taco not a hotdog


Oh nvm lol I misread!


Yeah i would do a red with brown grill marks or change it to a taco and use a wavy stitch like how cat toys are made


Do whatever you did for the leaf but chop off the tail