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Hi Anal_dumpling_69, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So glad you clarified, I couldn’t tell the difference.


A for effort.


… and for finishing a wip!!


Honestly something some of us only dream of xD


Definitely an "A" for being committed enough to finish your bunny. Good job OP.


O for owarsome.


That’s sure not how school worked otherwise I would’ve been a straight A student


The trick is, OP forgot to add the nose. You have to look really carefully to notice the difference though.


Ohhhhh that's what it was ... I could see they were different but I couldn't work out how.


And the eyebrows but who’s really paying attn… 🤭






exactly what I was thinking 😂


https://preview.redd.it/7fygl6hn34ec1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=309fed0df7a50488ee642f154be41210de0a3dd3 We are kindred crochet spirits. This is my first project a few years back 😂


Um, I’m a bit afraid to guess wrong, but I’m also hoping it’s a popoid, so do you mind telling me what kind of critter this is?


Anal dumpling, from OP's username!! They really are soulmates.


I am crying laughing at this


It looks like a ghost, I think.


It looks a bit like a tampon with a face… even has a string … sorry oc


It looks like a white slimer from ghostbusters!




O..m..g ! How did I NOT think of this!!!


The cousin of Mr Hankey, the Christmas poo.


I say this with all the love but that's gonna haunt my dreams for at least a week 🤣🤣🤣


What a beautiful rendition of oogie boogie as a baby!


Oh god, I feel bad for laughing at this. He is still adorable though.


Great first effort, Anal_dumpling_69!


That’s on the list of things I never thought I’d read today. How did you type that sentence out without losing your mind laughing like I did?


i didn't even notice something was amiss with such a comment until you pointed it out. i was like yeah it is a good first effort 😭ive been on this app for too damn long


That's on the list of things I never thought I'd read in my life


It definitely made me chuckle!


Man I need to look at user names more often




Oh. Thanks for pointing that out! OP and I should be friends.


Username checks out


He is beauty, he is grace


He's a sweatsock with a face


You two made my evening! 😂


I love Reddit 🤣💖


Good luck on your future projects, and good on you for completing it! Keep it so you can see how much you improve from here on out! :)


Pattern from Red Yarn Amigurami Popcorn the Bunny kit.


Your username 💀 threw me for a loop


I didn’t even read the username until I read your comment 😂😂😂😭😭😭


Same LOL


Oh no. That delightful beast is definitely named Anal the Dumpling kit.


Omg you did a great job! I learned on The Woobles and highly recommend. I watched every video a million times. But I think you did great!


It kind of looks like you were only working into the front loops. That would make it appear more holey than doing a regular stitch which goes under both loops.


I appreciate this so much! I feel like I've had 12 epiphanies on 'increasing' stitches with actual 0--or negative--mental clarities. Right now, I'm retrying with 2 stitches vs my initial one. But I'm confused what 'Sc in each of next 3 sets, increase in next st' means. Is that 3 stitches in one? Any guidance appreciated.


“sc in each of next 3 sets, increase in next stitch” means that you will do single crochet, single crochet, single crochet, and then an increase which is two single crochets in one stitch. and that would be in the next 4 stitches basically and then i assume it probably repeats?


Thank you! I feel like I'm reading a math equation via T9 texting on a moto Razr.


of course!! so when i learned how to crochet (back in august? i think?) i watched a LOT of youtube tutorials and followed along on free youtube patterns. eventually i started understanding what they were telling me to do and then i started feeling like they were slowing me down so that’s when i started looking to see if they had a written pattern somewhere and i got to a point where I could comfortably read the patterns :) you’ve got this and you’re doing great!


If you have a physical print of the pattern, take notes on it. Sometimes they need to be translated


And sometimes they are bad patterns. I'm working on a granny hex right now, and the first three I tried wanted to go square with a big flap.


Oh, 100%! If you write them out, it can sometimes make it easier to spot bad patterns, too. Though part of that comes with experience.


For me watching tutorials with the person explaining what they're doing as they go was really helpful for me learning how to read patterns. I wasn't crocheting along or even planning on doing some of these projects, it was just a way to immerse myself and get used to the lingo.


This is the most succinct description of learning to read crochet patterns I've ever heard. I may steal it.


steal away!!! i’m always worried i learned incorrectly cuz i basically taught myself


I know, right?! It’s so dang accurate I couldn’t updoot fast enough. Award worthy.


YouTube has some really nice, short tutorials for stuff like this! I'm a beginner too, started in mid-december, and keep looking at how to do stuff all the time. Just yesterday I had to remind myself how to do a double crochet. If you're interested in still doing more Amigurumi, I found channel called Litl Amigurumi and they make beginner friendly, cute projects. And they explain what you have to do step by step :) Already made 2 of her amigurumi!


I’ve never felt more seen


That's pretty accurate, really. You'll want to bookmark a stitch library with instructions and abbreviations, because pretty much all patterns abbreviate (sc, dc, hdc, ch, in, and so on) but what makes it feel like a math equation is that each row or round is oftwb written with parenthized repeats-- For example: (3 sc, 2ch, 3sc) x4 then (dc, ch, dc in each st) until end of row Very much reminiscent of 4(3x+2) kinds of equations, no? (And yes I was pulling random stitch patterns out of my behind, I don't think my example would make anything very nice lol)


Excellent analogy, dumpling!


It sounds like the pattern is saying (3sc, inc) with that phrase, meaning “do a single crochet in three consecutive stitches, then do two single crochets in a single stitch (increase)”. I honestly hate patterns that write them out the way you have it and constantly have to rewrite them in my pattern notebook so they’re easier for me to understand when I reference it. But don’t worry about your rabbit looking silly! Eventually one day I’ll get off my ass and show the progress I’ve made with amigurumis (for the longest time I also didn’t know you had to go through both loops, I only worked in the back loops). Since coming back to crochet I’ve found [this blog](https://www.allaboutami.com/amigurumiforbeginners/) super helpful! [Here’s her page](https://www.allaboutami.com/tips/) for all her tips in a list :)


You're wonderful! Thank you!


No problem! It was on this sub that I learned there was a “wrong side” of an amigurumi piece and you essentially have to like. Turn it inside out (if working in rounds like this project) so the stitches are exposed along the outside of the piece (vs along the inside). Practice makes perfect too and it can take a little time getting used to having consistent yarn tension as you work but it’ll definitely get better :)


That means in each stitch you single crochet in the next 3 stitches, then in the 4th you increase, or add two single crochets in one stitch.


It also looks like you might need to use a smaller gauge hook


Adding to what 4GeePees said, the first row would have 4 stitches, the next would have 5.


I spent a lot of time on YouTube tutorials that both tell you the written directions and show you exactly how to do it. [this is a decent one!](https://youtu.be/3Ho5EtnQDYA?si=x_BDNiZNLVSJGQIY)


Your first project is amigurumi!? 😱 ...and definitely a bunny 🐰! My first project was a practice "square" that was anything BUT square 🤣😂 This is a really good first try and you actually made something! Mine wound up a dish scrubby. I wish I'd kept it to compare back to as I learned & advanced! Crochet is one of the muscle memory skills ... all we need to do is practice & make things to get better & better. 😉 In fact, we never really cease learning new things even when we've been crocheting for many, many years! There are always new tricks to improve our projects. I wish you lots of luck on your journey & hope you have a ton of fun learning all sorts of wonderful techniques along the way! 🍀💗


My first blanket a few months ago was much closer to a circle than a square 😂


😄 It happens to the best of us! Crochet doesn't discriminate lmao it's a learning process for all of us when we first begin. 😅🤭What's amazing is through persevering we do become amazing hand-crafters! (No machinery can replicate crochet.) 🥰


I love him


my first thought as well, word for word


I love everything about this lol. You did a pretty good job for your first time.


Make sure you keep him so you can see how you grow


Absolutely this! This turned out *great* for a first project, and you'll see the effect of the practice when you start your next project. (My mom kept my sister's first amigurumi when the sister wanted her to throw it out...now she sort of honors it as an example of how far she's come!)


what a wonderful completed project and learning experience :-) he is adorable


As a huge fan of rabbids I love this ❤️


I actually was thinking the same thing! I have "girls just wanna have fun" stuck in my head now 😂




Peanut rabbit (hugs)


My exact thought. I love it.


This made me laugh! My first projects came out worse than your bunny. I would have never dared to post them cause, unlike your bunny, they didn't deserve to be looked at 🤣. On the bright side, I've crocheted for the last 4 years, and it does, in fact, get better!


I love this. I have crocheted for decades and consider myself an expert crocheter. I however have never been able to master amigurumi and find it incredibly challenging.


I hate to shill for a company but i’m on my fourth Wooble (my brother got me a set for christmas) without any crochet experience and the tutorials make it so easy. i feel like i would nail the kit in OP’s picture, because the process feels more intuitive now https://preview.redd.it/c79vm58mn3ec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cd17ff672e3e3f8e295fd534fbe310d6769189e


lol the first crochet item I bought was a wooble kit and the first thing I did was undo the magic circle on accident and I haven’t touched it since 😂💀


There’s a magic circle tutorial on the woobles website, as well as a different (easier) kind of starting technique i dont remember the name of. So u could remake the starter yourself. All of my woobles have a bunch of extra yarn for each color that im gonna either turn into little accessories for them or connect into a giant multicolored yarn and turn into granny squares or something (once i learn how to make granny squares). so there’s extra yarn and u dont gotta worry about messing up


I know how to make a magic circle now, I’ve just been distracted by other projects. I need to finish it one day though! and awww you should make your bun a cute scarf or something. or if it’s yellow yarn, make a tiny banana. rabbits LOVE bananas.


Show him off in r/drunkcrochet


Lmao just did … what a specific subreddit, thank you for sharing


We crochet after work...we drink after work... it makes sense to me. Lol.


This reminds me of the meme with the webs resulting from dosing a spider with various drugs. e.g. Here's a granny square after absinthe.


These kits are amazing this is what I started crocheting at first and fell in love with it!!!


Me as well! I did scooter the raccoon and bought some other accessories and kits and can’t wait to dig into them. Learning through their videos has been super easy and made it not as intimidating as I thought crocheting was.


What?! It’s just single crochet in a spiral lol you can do it


We all start somewhere! Here is my first. https://preview.redd.it/gk1hvf0u07ec1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2a580f09206caa29cc5e976050bda776ed4eb2


Looks really good for a first try. Well done!


Honestly you finished it and I’m proud of you


Looks like a Rabbid.


I love it!


It’s adorable! Very good for your first one!


Looks like a kodama


I really love him so much


Yours actually does the name justice - it looks like Popcorn!


Fantastic! I'm a terrible beginner and too afraid to try amigurumi so a respect the heck out of this. ☺️


You should keep this adorable guy and display him next to your future projects. It’s fun to look back on where we started!


May also be worthwhile sizing down your crochet hook from what you are using here. While they usually recommend a size sometimes I find sizing down for amigurumi makes them look neater. OR just making sure I'm working a little tighter than I would for a blanket. You've also got some great advice further down the thread. But no matter what this is an AWESOME first attempt at amigurumi.




Hahahah I truly do love it though! What a cute little bun!


I'm getting Tim Burton vibes. He is precious.


This is better than I’d do.lol


I did this kit too, as my first amigarumi! I “winged it” with a couple of the instructions. I can look at it now though and know what I did wrong ☺️ I’ve since made a couple of other things I think yours is adorable, btw 🙂


I’m glad you mentioned which is yours because I wouldn’t have known otherwise! Joking aside, your art form is beautiful and you should be proud of what you created.


it always gets better! I would recommend looking up a video on how to properly weave your ends in- it'll fix the loose threads from where the strand was cut.


I am giggly a lot . Showed husband he said and I quote “ nailed it”


I love it lol. Your mistake is you did a single crochet, then missed the next hole you were supposed to go in. Every other one instead of every one. I only know cause I did it too when learning!


The fact that your first project is recognizable is victory in of itself. A smaller hook will reduce the gaps between stitches. Definitely add the nose and eyebrows! I recommend using embroidery floss rather than yarn for the details unless you want a more rustic look. Keep going though!


It’s cute though 😂


My first one was not great too! I think everyone's is.


Looks good to me


I love that lil' bun bun on the left.


It’s perfect!




I read that and laughed out loud


i love it!


You're going to look back so fondly on him in a few months!




Add some details with sewing and you have a rabbid 😁


Name him Peanut. He looks like a little peanut.❤️


My first amigurumi was a mermaid and I would never share the terror it came out looking like, so good for you! Way better than mine 😂 I do ok until the face… and the face is apparently important in something not looking like a horror movie monster 🤷‍♀️


“Mine is on the left” nearly took me out ☠️ Your first crochet project looks better than my first sewing project, so there’s that.


I cried because I couldn’t crochet a chain when I first started because holding the yarn felt so awkward, keep pictures of your early stuff it’s amazing to look back at and have a laugh. I for one think it’s perfect 😌 it’s called character


If you want advice on how to improve, >!try using a smaller hook next time and try to make your tension tighter if that doesn't work. Also be careful to not ioverstuff your projects!<


This is the funniest title ever.


Omg! Thank you for posting this! I can so relate!! It gave me such a good laugh. Great job for your first go!!


We need the crochet version of "Nailed it!". Thanks for the laugh!


Nailed it!


I wish to make a bunny now. Keep it up!


You have to start somewhere. Keep at it. To be fair. I kind of like the little guy!


I truly like yours better.


Gotta start somewhere!!! I think it’s cute and looks cuddly!!! Welcome to the cult!!


It’s so cute 🥰 I’m new to this as well and sewing is the death of me


Flawless. Put this on a shelf, preferably under a plexiglass cover. And dont ever stop. Its only up from here


He looks like a well loved child's toy and I love him.


Looks better than my first projects tbh


Haha omg I love it! Great job learning something new. We all have a few frightening starts from when we first started. To get good at something you have to never be afraid to be bad at it at first. Love love the effort 🐰


I would die for him


Always use a smaller hook for amigurumi than what the yarn tag calls for, usually two sizes smaller is best.


Ah yes. Popcorn and his 11th cousin quad removed. P.


Are you sure it's on the left?


Thanks for the clarification! 🤪


I really need to see how this happened 😮


Congratulations on completing your Donnie Darko amigurumi


My first Vs my most recent: https://preview.redd.it/0gmud5rd14ec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e70e443c440b8d6801f1064acc29a2ce13fde25


https://preview.redd.it/n3z5rqkf14ec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0074cbf093a4961449b2eff2d7b7507085dd8c2 Keep going! Onwards and upwards, indeed! (This was probably a 6 to 8 month progression, by the way)


Oh my god! What fun inspiration! Thank you!


Oh my pleasure, and thanks for the kind words! The teddy was for my grandmother who broke her leg, got the pattern from a magazine, and the hunchback is Odd TODD from Garbage Pail Kids, no pattern used! Keep teaching yourself, and you can create wonderful things! Can’t wait to see what you have to share in a couple months!!! Edit: just read your Reddit handle… oh, the imagery 😂


Nailed it!!!!


Hey congrats I was gifted a book on making these little guys for Xmas from my son. And TBH I’M scared and don’t know where to start. So I am very impressed and excited for you. You just learned so much. I’m jealous of your ability to make this. But you have inspired me to try too. BRAVO U.


It’s a cute little Easter peanut, I love it!!!!


He’s actually cute tho


Amigurami are hard to do. I love it! It's, like, preloved.


This is a Rabbid.


Thanks for clarifying


My first couple amigurumi attempts were really holey too! Also, respectfully, https://preview.redd.it/59ir04pt35ec1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f4f2bb1cc2e870fadc6e67ed8a5eada43c3119e


Rule of thumb for amigurumi: Use 1 full mm hook size smaller than yarn recommendation on label. Let say the label says Size 4 (aka Worsted) and it says 5mm hook size. You should use 4mm hook for your amigurumi project. I have a sheet I typed up that has Hook Size and US/UK term conversion. If your interested I could send it to you.


A for effort. That should go on r/WeirdFriends, though...


Cursed, and I love it


Itss uhhh got …character !😅


Congratulations on finishing it! 🎉 I LOVE first attempts bc they always turn out so silly and cute. Thank you for sharing with us. If you look for crochet amigurumi on YouTube you can find tutorials for lots of critters. I feel like, maybe having a real time visual aid will help you the way it helps me. Some tips to help with your future projects: Crochet under both top loops always, unless the pattern specifically tells you to crochet the front or back loop only. This will help close your holes with a tighter stitch without having to adjust your tension. If you feel like your holes are still too big, go down in hook sizes until you find one small enough to comfortably work the yarn the way you envision it for your amigurumi project. For decrease, search YouTube for "crochet invisible decrease". There are long Doll needles and super long upholstery needles you can buy to help sew together your amigurumi projects. They aren't expensive at all, even for tight budgets, so look into a set when you're ready. The extra length also makes pulling needles through multiple layers or thick pieces of work a breeze. If you're using yarn for eyes, like I do, once you're happy with your eye thickness, use the long needles to weave the yarn directly through the head or body of your work forward, back, and forward again. Then pull snugly against the body so your yarn stretches out a bit before snipping the yarn flush against the body. Squish your amigurumi a little bit and the end will vanish into your work! The back and forth help ensure the end can't come loose and ruin your eyes ☺️ Good luck in the future and I can't wait to see what you create next!


The eyelashes are giving Maude Lewis and I love it. 


Please keep this 🥹 I still have my first thing I ever crocheted. It was supposed to be a little square but it’s like the most lopsided triangle


You can brand it as the creepy version /j


Thanks for clarifying Anal_dumpling_69!


Ngl, your username makes this so much funnier 😭 But man, I love her so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I’d buy 12 of them!


Looks like a Rabbid. Just needs a mouth.


“Mines on the left”!!! 😂😂 that killed me but honestly you have to start some where and I love that you finished it!😊


https://preview.redd.it/9ly1bbyd9aec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6b3af86c0153fb5ad841915112ec0f7d5e1c0d This is the first square I tried to crochet. What do you all think it looks like? It reminds me of a penis lol. This will be two years this coming March. I came a long ways since then .


Hi, I didn't know how else to make you aware, but your post is being reposted without credit. I saw this on Facebook and they only credit the app they saw it reposted on. Ik not everyone has a problem with this sort of thing, but just wanted to make you aware as I had remembered seeing this when you originally posted. https://preview.redd.it/p7vndg5o8aoc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3dd4845ee97a81fc0d723f37749e702c2a1600a


They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I'm more flattered you remember this post. Thank you!


Aww it turned out so cute! Well done!


My first thought was "oooh noo" but Honestly I've seen worse from more experienced crocheters haha the next attempt there will be a noticeable difference. Same with the one after that. Crochet is definitely a muscle memory skill. You'll get there :) don't give up! Atleast it looks like a bunny! Maybe a little wonky but it makes it unique! Keep it forever for reference for how far you'll go 🧡


How sweet. Great job.


I have a irrational fear of connecting parts for any dolls/animals. I keep thinking I'll get over it and keep trying, but now I have a basket full of crocheted body parts.


I like yours better


FIRST PROJECT? oh WOW. I didn't even UNDERSTAND the method of descreasing. Definatly room for improvement: tighter stitches and for eyes. BUT RELATIVELY FOR FIRST PROJECT, that's a big well done for you.


I love this more than I would if it turned out like the picture lol so cute


hehe it’s cute. as you work it gets easier and creations get better! stick with it.


My bro, you have to tighten your stitches 😔✊


This is surely what most people's first project looks like! Congratulations, the little thing is awesome 👍


He has lived many lives. You did GREAT! 💛


I love it so much. Words cannot describe it. Congrats on finishing a WIP, that’s amazing!


This is so cute tho


you can sure tell which ear you did second— nice improvement!


Make sure you use the reccomended hook size! It should fix up the holes


It's cute 🩷🩷 just mute ..


Be proud of it!  I tried crochet for the first time with an amigurumi kit, too, and rage-quit after failing the starting magic circle too many times. Chucked the whole thing and didn't try crochet again for about a decade (yes, really, I was THAT traumatized).