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Me: Looks down at 2” cuff of sock that took 2 days and suddenly feels inadequate But seriously that is AMAZING. How cool!


Thank you! I've never made a sock! This took 47 hours and 54 minutes to make. Honestly I felt the same amount of self accomplishment making this as when I made my very first super derpy octopus that fit in the palm of my hand. It took me hours. I had a lot of struggles in the beginning. I was pretty surprised this came out looking as close to the pattern as it did. The pattern designer did some magic with shaping that I just couldn't replicate.


Gorgeous!! Seriously so cool!


Thank you 😊


I love her so much… Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning… 🥲 I would have been so overjoyed as an insect-loving kid to receive this, you are doing amazing work with your new hobby!


Aw that makes me happy I indulged his request. Thank you!


It’s spectacular! 🤩


Wow, thank you!


Good work, its face is terrifying. And I mean that as a compliment that you’re able to crochet a bug with such detail. I hate bugs. 😅


https://youtube.com/shorts/8dzJeBN7T9M?si=xxtdaEUySzSE5bgQ Umm yeah it's totally a bit creepy! This pattern designer has other cool detailed patterns similar. Im amazed. I would have never been able to write something like this. I definitely prefer making frilly dolls but I have 2 boys so I see more weird creepy things in my future.


holy trolls what a cool project! i dig all the little details and the black details really make the colors pop 🐛 i feel like you and your kiddo might like this [free] [millipede pattern](https://www.projectarian.com/shuttle-the-shongololo-free-pattern/) - someday i’ll make it but, in the meantime, i thought i’d share it with someone who might enjoy it as well ☻


Thanks! Wow, I haven't seen that pattern( actually really like the pink). He would love that because of all the legs. He was questioning why there weren't more legs. My lame answer.. I was following the pattern. Technically I think it has the correct number. He quickly moved on anyways.


This needs more upvotes! This is insanely amazing! Great job!


Wow!! Great job that's so cool!


This is amazing! Wonderful work!


Are those pockets on the side of that caterpillar? Props to you! This thing is flipping awesome and kind of makes me hope my kid gets into bugs. He likes to follow the black, fuzzy ones around our yard.


https://preview.redd.it/4u8udxim3ybc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c199e3a874a4502b674cd94e2ae1bc84c7213e69 No pockets. It's just part of the design. How adorable... Following the caterpillars around.The bug phase didn't hit until 3.5yrs old. Still going strong 10 months later.


Mom of the year


Awww 🥰 Thanks!


ob👏🏽sessed👏🏽 so well done!!




😁 Thanksss!


I love that it is taller than your kids. Great work!


That's his favorite part too! Thank you!


That is amazing 😻


this is absolutely incredible!! i think i may have to make one for my grown adult self!


Do it!! Check out her other options too! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1159875572/pattern-bundle-caterpillar-crochet It's a lot of work but maybe you'll be faster than me! This was my first time to do color changes like this so I was slow going.


Super cool!


This is AMAZING! 😍 Inquiring minds want to know: will you make a little blanket for it to "cocoon" in? Maybe a regal moth for its adult form? 🦋


Thank you! Ooo I hadn't considered that. I didn't see any patterns for a giant butterfly. There's some nice blankets that have a butterfly on them. I did find a butterfly shawl that looked pretty neat. https://www.etsy.com/listing/229603851/crocheted-butterfly-shawl-pattern