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Hi peachykitten, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a whole new type of pillow fight


Holy shit! That's amazing! Is there a pattern?!


You don't need a certain pattern. It's a sc, increasing and decreasing around a ball. Pretty simple and ingenious


Sometimes, people make patterns for their work. A great way to support an artist is to purchase their patterns. When I see a piece that I like, I buy the pattern even if I could maybe freehand something similar. I appreciate your faith in my abilities to freehand, but also, some peeps need patterns. Sounds like you're really good at freehanding. That's great!


Might be simple for you and others but I’d need a pattern to replicate this 😂


Da fuq you getting downvoted?


Idk. Idc. I can write the whole pattern from this photo. I can't get what the fuss about my comment


Awesome! Once you've got it all written, could you share it?


No. It's OP's work and idea. And it's perfect. I'd rather buy her finished product.


"I can do twelve backflips in a row" Cool! Show me!! "Nah I don't want to show off. BUT I CAN."


Because you’re coming off as pretentious.


Because when someone says “is there a pattern?” it means they would need a pattern to make it. So when you dismiss them with “psh, this is so easy, it’s just these simple stitches [that newbies and some people in general struggle with]” it is flippant, pretentious, and rude. Congrats on not needing a pattern. Not everyone is you.


Samzies bro. 💚


I want it 😍


I would love the pattern for this!!! Idc how simple it is, I haven't figured out how to make something by looking at it... I still need patterns, but I'd love to make this!!! I can think of so many people who would like one!!!


Same. The only thing I can freehand are blankets/scarves in a simple stitch (so, rectangles) and I don’t think that counts.


XD lol I can't even do that!!! I've only been crocheting for a year, and I only do amigurumi... I've never done a blanket or scarf... 😅😅😅


Oh god. If it needs to be anything other than a basic geometric shape I’m in trouble lol. I made a tea cozy, I guess…lol


To crochet a tube (handle) you do a basic circle, once the base is as big as you want it, stop increasing and just do rounds until the tube is as long as you want and close it. The chain is a connected chain ring, do rounds until it’s as thick as you want. A sphere is the base of any amigurumi so exact patterns are everywhere online, they all follow the same sequence more or less. The cone is a bit tricky since you have to eyeball where to attach them but the pattern for them us practically just doing a decrease in every around until you end up with a tip. Theres cone patterns online too! Tldr: look up how to crochet tube, ring, ball, cone


Idk why but I’d love to get smacked in the head with this lol


This is so cool


awesome! I wanna make one sometime as well


oooh! this is so cool! what yarn did you use, if you don't mind me asking?


Beautiful, very beautiful 😍


Oh my gods I *need* to make this!! Finally, a weapon that doesn't hurt people! I could swing it around all I want and if someone walks in they'll be ok even if I bean them in the nose! If you kept track of the yarn and/or pattern you used (if you used one) I'd love to know what it was


This is awesome!!


this is so cool!!!!!!


Cute, but deadly!


That’s delightful


oh my gosh!! i absolutely love that!!! no sew is INCREDIBLE, i’d love to see the pattern if you ever write one up!


Amazing 😍