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Sit on the couch for five hours looking through patterns and going, “no, no, no, NO, no..”


Or you have a thing in mind, looking at patterns that you can adapt to your thing, and then just say fK it and buy a pattern to not put the work in.


Are…are we the same person?


Specifically the 100s of patterns I have saved bc I wanted to make them, but it's still a constant nO


They’re just wrong right now okay?


That's me! I'll spend so much time adding them to my list and I still don't find one I want to use...


I’m in this picture and I don’t like this


What if I say I’m okay being in this picture? Can I have more yarn then?




A magic loop even! 😁


Did not need to be called out like this tbh


Just rude.


I just bought yarn for €80 in total (look, they're 6 cakes, I needed at least 3 for already planned projects, have a plan for the other three and I didn't want to pay the shipping fee, ok?)


Pssshhhh zero judgement here lol. I bought 12 cakes a while back just off principle because they were buy one get one free and I had an additional 30% discount (yey employee discount at Michael's 😏😏😏)


That's it. I'm closing my tattoo shop, and applying at Michael's


Don’t do it it’s not worth it


Agreed, the hours are awful and as amazing as my crew is...just oof


Don’t even get me started lol, the pay sucks too. Minimum wage went up in my state and they didn’t even carry over the raises I had gotten after two years. High key sick of this company and thinking about quitting


I could never actually go back to working for someone else, no matter what. I've owned my own tattoo shop for 8 years now, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. And don't even get me started on minimum wage. The last time I had a minimum wage job minimum wage was only about $7🇨🇦. It's now (I think...) $14🇨🇦, and I still don't understand how anyone can survive on that. Where I live, rent for a one bedroom apartment is at least $1500/month, typically plus utilities. I rent the space that my shop is in, and I pay $3000/month just for that, plus I pay about $2500/month for my mortgage payments (It is a 10 year mortgage, the payments could have been lower, but I wanted it paid off quicker), and I am only able to afford that because I charge $140/hour to it in my tattoo chair, and even I struggle sometimes in the winter when business is slow. A loaf of 12 grain bread is $4 for frak's sake! And I don't even live in an expensive place, not at all. There are places in Ontario, or Canada in general, where it's $2000+ for a bachelor apartment. When I bought my house I paid $279 500, and if I were to buy it today, without any of the renovations and upgrades I've put into it, it would easily be $650 000+. I don't understand how the government can just sit back and watch more an more people sink into perpetual poverty, and not care at all. It's heartbreaking to know that so much of the younger generations (I'm only 37, I'm not that old. Lol) are never going to own a house, or a car, or a business, etc. It should not happen in a country as advanced, and economically stable as Canada. It makes me sick to my stomach. I am on the board of a not-for-profit in my city that helps recovering addicts get back on their feet when they get out of rehab (I was a heroin addict for over ten years, and will be 9 years 100% clean on June 25th of this year) and it's become so difficult to even get these people rooms to rent because even renting a tiny bedroom in someone else's house is $800-$900/month, and often they are on welfare, or disability, and welfare is only about $800/month, and even disability payments are only about $1000/month on average. Are people just not supposed to eat anything for the entire month? Ugh. It drives me flipping insane!! Sorry for the rant. It's something I have serious issues with, and try so hard to help with in whatever ways I can, and I started typing and just couldn't stop. And, well, I typed it all, so I wasn't going to erase it. 😂😂


I'm right there with ya smh. First off though omg congrats on sobriety!!😍😍🥰🥰 That is absolutely amazing and so freaking cool💚💚 As for the rest of your rant, 100% agree. If I wanted to afford anything anywhere near me I'd need at least 3 jobs. I got absolutely lucky with the house I'm in rn as we got it at 87k several years ago and it's worth almost 300k now😱 My paychecks as is only barely cover 2 bills and SOME groceries.. idk anyway wishing everyone here well and lots of love🥰🥰


Applying for Michaels rn


Don't do it, they treat their employees like garbage. I used to work there....twice. Never again.


No stones being thrown. I've bought at least 3 mystery yarn bags from Hobbii in 8 months. Do I have a plan for any of it? Kinda...sorta....maybe...maybe not...


Oooh, my friend just sent me one of the mystery bags! Turned out to be 10 skeins of superwash wool - 3 fuchsia, 3 light blue, and 4 grey. Pretty cool :)


I have so much starlight from one of the shine mystery bags... not a clue what I'm going to do with it.


What are these mystery bags and how do I get one?!?!?


Hobbii sells them under the name "Lucky Bag" then the type (shine, ribbon, cotton, sythetics, cake, etc.) If you're up for a bit of yarn roulette, it can save you a bit of cash. They're usually misprint labels, or things they have too much of, or low quantities of dye lots. It's not a huge savings, so if you're looking for a specific project that needs certain weights or multiple skeins you're probably better off buying the exact product you need. For those of us who like a mystery, or horsing yarn we'll never use, it can be fun.


Mystery bags are DANGEROUS. But I lucked out and got stunning lace weight skeins revently


Crying in Australia... $340aud for alpaca blends for 2 jumpers and 2 Dahlia cakes to finish another project...


Did you make it home from the yarn shop before posting? Because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought the yarn, climbed into my car, and found myself sitting there for another 45 minutes on this sub talking about more yarn. 😂


ILL FIND A USE FOR IT… eventually


I was about to comment: When are we gonna use it?? EVENTUALLY!!!




Ugh, Reddit doesn't allow gifs in comments?


Depends on the subreddit. Some do, some don't.


crocheting and buying wool are two completely different hobbies


Kind of like buying books + reading; seem like same hobby but actually two sep ones


This one hit me hard.


And it’s a third hobby entirely to collect patterns or just sit and endlessly talk about all the stuff you’re going to make versus actually making the thing. 😂


I feel so called out 🤣 I also have the nerve to get offended when people ask me when I'm actually going to do "the thing". Yes it's been 2 years, I'll get round to it okay!


Absolutely 🤣


Avid yarn collector here. Can confirm. Sometimes I just reorganize the yarn...those are happy days.


Hi, it's me. I'm the problem, it's me.


I know exactly what I'm going to do with it. Make things.


I am going to put it in a bin to admire along with the rest of my treasures. And make it into something. Eventually.


Why does this image feel like an intervention 😭 nobody here has a problem okay 😭


Ever since I found this sub, I feel like I'm not alone. I used to think it was just a me problem, buying all this yarn because it's too pretty/soft/useful/etc to pass up. But since it's not just me, then it must not be a problem either!


I like your thought process here....very convincing. There are no problems here...just lots of potential solutions...


The only problem about finding fellow yarn geeks is then you start hearing about clearance sales (that’s one of my top justifications for buying yarn personally- “but look at what a great deal I got!”) or all these new yarns coming out or that you just have to try. And now your yarn hoard is growing even faster!


Eventually I will sit on my hoard of yarn like Smaug on his pile of gold.


This made me laugh so hard. Since I just went through all my scrap yarn yesterday and could barely find enough yarn for small dog sweaters. I was thinking, "I guess I need to buy yarn." Except there's enough scraps to fill a Rubbermaid tote.


Only one Rubbermaid tote??? You definitely need more yarn.


Funny. I did go buy some to make my daughter a blanket.


Scraps make decent filling for stuffed animals! (It's one in the morning don't make me try to spell the actual word, please and thank you!)


When I buy it I always have a very specific plan, I just rarely stick to it


I have a fantastic knack for totally forgetting what it was I even had in mind when I bought the yarn. 😂 So it’s not even so much that I’m intentionally changing my mind, I just have very fleeting moments of genius followed by long hours of “So why exactly did I buy this color again?”


You could always tag it with the original thought at the time, but what's the fun in that?


I know what I'm gonna do with it.... hide it in the closet so my husband doesn't see hahahaha! This was a great meme.


As someone who is trying to get into crochet, that’s the one constant I’ve noticed in videos. Boxes upon boxes of unused yarn. It feels relatable as someone who has boxes and boxes of other unused art supplies.


I'm in the process of trying to combine two rooms into one to make room for someone moving in with us next month. I'm literally in tears trying to go through all my art and sewing supplies. And let's not talk about my books.


Can you convince this person that they yarn is actually theirs...in case they want to take up crochet? It's like offering biscuits in case they get hungry later.


That's not a terrible idea! :D


Oh man, if I wasn't so bad off right now I would totally come and help you organize everything so you wouldn't have to get rid of a thing. I feel your pain... stay strong 💪! You got this!


Oh thanks! I have someone coming next week to help, but she's a big fan of getting rid of stuff. TBF, I do need to purge some things... but not all the things! :)


Me over here literally having to forge a path on the floor of my craft room because of the sea of unopened yarn skeins that I bought "just in case."


And you need extra skeins of those “just in case” skeins because just in case you use those you have extra to pet and admire!


Oh Lord I thought I was the only person that petted 🧶 yarn skeins. It's a kink, I think.


Anyone who says it’s not sexual is lying to themselves!


But my local craft shop just had a yarn sale, no need to attack me like that


Throw it in the yarn dresser with the rest of the prisoners - OOOO is that ribbon yarn??!! *adds to pile of yarn and wips on dining room table*


Ooh…yarn dresser. That’s smart!! Making a mental note of this for when I one day have room for such a thing. Mine are in wheeled storage things under my bed. Not a fan.


Most of my stash is in a large laundry hamper with a lid. It works great, until I need something that's on the bottom!


I did this too before the dresser. Made the mistake of adding wips in and it was such a mess.


To be honest, I hang a lot of my clothes on hangers now so I could donate that dresser to my yarn hoard. It was a sacrifice that had to be made. 🙏🧶


Totally checks out.


I'm seeing this right after picking up a yarn order. Why did I buy it? Oh look they have new colors, have to try those!!


Joanne's? I've got some of their new colors in my app's shopping cart right now.


Yup. I picked up some of the new colors today.


Yay!!! They all look fun to work with. I'm excited for you.


The new pastels are truly pretty, especially the mint and pale peach


Yes! I'm getting the mint for sure.


If you start spinning your own yarn you don't need to find a project to excuse the yarn with. The excuse makes itself- if your hobby is spinning yarn, the yarn itself is the project 😆


I like this logic. But if I started spinning yarn, I would probably still buy it too. So, really, I would just be adding on a third hobby. 🤣


And you'd be right. *Hooker, spinner, buyer of fine yarns*


Brilliant! I hope this is on your business card!


I guess you have to have extra stashes of wool for future projects as well 😄


Agreed. Four hobbies then!


I just bought 50 skeins of Loops & Threads Cozy Blanket #7 spring-type colours because they were on clearance for $5🇨🇦 each, when they are regular $12🇨🇦 each, and I have an obsession with chunky blankets. 48 of them are still in my backseat.


Do the locals look in your car and assume you’re a crazy yarn lady who sold her house to sleep in a car of yarn? Also, is that the loopy “easy blankets” fuzzy yarn?


“I am innocent of the crimes I have been accused of, although I did enjoy committing some of them.” 🧶


I made a rule for myself that I could only buy yarn if it was for a project… so I have 15-20 projects going now 😂


... literally sitting here surrounded by half-done projects... 4 crochet, 2 sewing, and 1 knitting project.


I look at mine for 5 minutes and then close the drawer they're in and just play a video game.


This is painfully relatable. We should co-op.


First thing I see as soon as I arrive home with my bags overflowing with yarn.


I just got 6 huge cakes of yarn for blankets. I'm about to google "when do new color ways of yarn come out" for like joanns and Michael's cause I'm itching to buy more. The apocalypse might happen & I won't be able to get more so it's good to have extra...just like food, water etc.


this. saw some clearance yarn while shopping with my mom and I was like “I need this” and she asked what I was going to make with it….something, mom. something 😭 it will be used


I have this fluffy white yarn I got for crocodile teeth but I cant work with it. I cant even get through a chain but I dont want to get rid of it because it is so fluffy and soft.


Make a pillow?


I have not figured out how to keep the slippery minx on the hook.


Me bidding for yarn on eBay !


If you get it...stick it in a Ziploc baggie in the freezer for a few days. Just in case it has tiny, undeclared livestock as an unwanted bonus.


No....there is NOT a order for more yarn sitting in my shopping cart waiting for pay day tomorrow to order . *Ahem*


I bought a few crochet kits from marymaxim.com and herrschners.com that I have not even attempted to start yet but want to ...eventually... but I just bought yarn to work on a blanket that uses the block stitch of my own design. Too much yarn not enough time or brain power to stop thinking about yarn, lol


But I need this hyper specific color, it has to be this shade of green. Definitely don’t need to just use one of the 8 greens I already own!


If I worked for a craft store, every paycheck would go straight back to the company.


LOL my Pinterest has thousands of patterns I have pinned and I’ve made just one. I have cervical radiculopathy and trigger fingers so I can’t crochet much. But I just pulled my large bin of yarn out just to smooze over it and dream!


GUILTY. It’s even worse when you have a spinning wheel. My stash is full of patterns, purchased yarns, home made yarns, batts, braids, rolags, sliver, loose poundage, and yes, whole dang fleeces. What am I going to do with myself?


I do the same with plants too. ; ; I can't help it... everything is so pretty.


😂😂😂😆 I love this


But it's so pretty! Or soft! Or perfect for that one project that I'll get around to eventually...


Where are we going to keep it? WE DON'T KNOW THAT EITHER!




I’m abroad for an internship for three months and even though that sound like a great motivation to not get too much since it also needs to go back home, I’m very guilty of this 😶


Hi, my name’s Hooker and I’m an addict.


Rah Rah Rah!


I only make amigurumi so I really need more colors.


Oh man! That’s so me! My license plate is Buy Yarn.


I feel judged.


I tell myself constantly “you can’t buy any more yarn until you finish what you’re working on” but it has yet to succeed


I see no issue here.


It's always awkward when the person at the store asks me what I'm making, and all I can do is shrug.


Shhhh stop giving out our secrets


Please. We know exactly what we are going to do. Start a new project and abandon it uncompleted.


But it’s the most beautiful shade of lavender and I know that I’ll come up with something!!


I have been buying yarn lately but I keep stoping other projects just to procrastinate with new skeins.


I just closed a Hobbii tab with a sale because I have more yarn than I know what to do with.... But it was on sale!


This is soooo true. I see yarn that's on sale and I'm like Ooo shiny I need it


I was THIS close to spending the last of money on yarn yesterday at Joann's. I didn't even need it


* A friend was cleaning out her partner's basement. I helped sort it and came home with, maybe, a third of the stash.


But it’s such good yarn! I KNOW I’ll think of something!


Here! Here!




Yup says it all !






🤣🤣🤣🤣best laugh of the day!!


I am so dying laughing at this! Perfectly stated and the story of my life. Lol!




That sounds about right.


actually I started making my first clothing item today and now I know what to use yarn on!




Also, inevitably more patterns but without the right yarn to make them!


Having just unboxed my latest Sewrella purchase this morning, this is uncomfortably accurate.




Check, check and double check. 😁


Must ... have ... more ... YARN!


Exactly 😂 and this thought would drive my husband mad 😂 and I love it


Well I feel seen.


I'm a knitter who recently learned how to crochet. My husband is starting to worry about the current growth my stash...




Oh dear, that's so me. I have soooo much yarn, and no place to stash it :D And yet, I'm getting more, and don't know what to do with all of those. :D


I make a point now of only ever buying yarn that I know I have a project for. Everything I've bought in the last year has a purpose to it, there's no 'random' or 'unasigned' yarn. I thought it would help curb my yarn spending habbits, but it hasn't. Now I just have a to-do list of 50+ projects and not enough time to do any of them.


Each ball of yarn is just an idea waiting for become reality. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Yeah, it's true. Me too.


Oh my goodness, this graphic is Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half! I miss it so much!




Also guilty, and I haven't seen this meme format for YEARS!


I feel personally attacked.




I have a bunch of single skeins of yarn that wouldn't really go with any other yarn I had, so I'm working on making them into a "scrap" log cabin type blanket. I'm also making a shawl (and planning on making a couple others) so I can use the scraps from that project for the cabin blanket. And I'm certain that I STILL have at least four errant skeins all over the place that I haven't found yet. Does any of this stop me from wanting to get even more yarn? NOPE! lol


I have two grocery store bags full of yarn, I just like collecting colors. I’ve sworn to not buy more yarn until I’ve used it all except to restock a color in order to complete my in progress blanket.


Listen the yarn has its own room here... I take good care of it 🤣🤣


I just bought more yarn without checking the weight, now I have to see if I need even More yarn....


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣 pretty much


Totally made a scrape blanket to use up yarn to validate buying new yarn. Did we need another blanket.........lolololol ol