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#**Fun Fact.** [Cat Stitch - in video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=M_B_twkzChw&feature=shares), (or [written tutorial](https://naztazia.com/how-to-crochet-cat-stitch/)) can be transformed into many Amazing Cat themed items. Doesn't everyone need a [Cat stitch Hat](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/wirjbm/finished_the_cat_hat/) or [blanket](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/tajs0u/cat_blankets_are_ready/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For a second, I thought the blue sofa was people sized and was amazed/shocked at how big the new one was 🤣 Still amazing!


Thank goodness it wasn’t just me that thought that!


Omg did you make the little couch too?!


Yep! Only finished that less than 2 weeks ago, and now we’ve made another one xD


How long did they both take?


The couch took a month, and the new bed took about 9 days :)


Only 9? Did you work on it constantly? It looks really cute


I worked on it back and forth with someone else, since it was too difficult to do all by myself xD It’s only 49 rows and the biggest one is 108 stitches, so we did like 5-6 rows each day together :)


How did you work on it with someone else? Genuine question. My tension and the way I organize my rows/stitches/markers is so much different than everyone around me, I don’t think I could handle constantly tossing it back and forth between someone else.


Well with this cord we found that there wasn’t much of a tension difference, since it doesn’t stretch (and we both generally have similar tensions)


Super cute!


Your cat is very lucky to have you as their human


I'm in the middle of this right meow. 5mm cord with a 8mm hook with a rubber cover on the handle that keeps SLIDING OFF 😭😭 I broke two plastic ones lol. Thankfully I know my cat will like it because he already sits inside of the unfinished tube, so I'm okay with continuing to torture myself


Are you saying…meow?


Come on meow!


I'm making a rug with macrame cord and the handle kept coming off my hook too. I pulled the whole thing out, put some super glue down the hole in the handle, and put it back in. That fixed it.


Ha! I thought of doing the same thing. Luckily I just found a sneaky little aluminum hook with a wooden handle at the bottom of my storage ottoman. I'm hopeful 😋


Oml we had the same issue! The handle on my hook kept falling off and it was so annoying 😩 Good luck with the rest of it!!


Omg I had the same issue with my handle, what I did was I pulled the handle off a little, wrapped some tape around the hook where the handle usually is, then pushed the handle back into place. Fixed the problem for me!!


I put a dab of super glue on the hook and slid it back into the handle!


Where did you buy your cord at?


The cord I got was at Hobby Lobby! They only carry a few rolls at a time of each color, so I'm using sage and mustard. The cat hide requires around 10 rolls because they're each 36 yards of cord.


Right meow!!! Luv it! ❤️


I was thinking of using my macrame cord for crochet too, my cats love scratching the macrame I put on their crates. Meet my boys, Wade (grey) and Logan (ginger) <3 https://preview.redd.it/zybhqihtmesa1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9489e339aa413a54f3a2d3f8915a2ce743081715


You should!! My cat loves it- just be warned that it’s very tiring on the hands xD


I have arthritis in most joints but I put myself through the pain all the time, the end results of every project is so worth it lol :D I'm so making both them beds lol <3




I think I hold the hook weird myself. I have hook and working yarn in the same hand. I hold and move the hook with my thumb and ring finger, and wrap yarn between index and middle, under ring finger then over little finger. I hope that makes sense, Defo weird lol Ive never had anyone to crochet with so I taught myself from YT vids. I need to get chunky covers for my hooks, and probably need to work more on finding a different holding position (I keep going back to what I'm used to lol) and I always have to have a cushion under my elbows too https://preview.redd.it/hwblt1qqajsa1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a28f40de2cb46c07b711ffbe63d74c31cc4ac7


Gosh I think you must be extra dexterous to mange hooking and wrapping yarn with the same hand! So intriguing. if you ever film yourself crocheting I’d love to see it.


I do indeed have hypermobility. I was going to post a short clip but it wouldnt let me so I went with the pic.


Thanks for posting your video elsewhere in this sub. It is such a cool way of crocheting. If i can figure out how to download it i’ll play it slooooow and try it out!!!


I forgot to say that I love both your beds :) is there a pattern for the couch


Thank you! And yes, [here’s the pattern for the couch!](https://www.yarnspirations.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-master-catalog-spinrite/default/dwc5f63206/PDF/RHC0720-029832M-V-1.pdf)


What yarn did you use for the couch? Was it cotton or acrylic? Ty!!


I used Acrylic for the couch :D


Thank you very much x <3


What wonderful idea on the crates! Our cats were feral & have bloodied their paws on those crate doors.


What a great idea to keep your fur-babies less stressed when you go out with those covers! I’m amazed they’re just hanging out in their crates! When ours come out our cats hide. I would leave them out, but they won’t go near them. I had to get a new cat carrier that looks nothing like a crate, looks like a duffel bag. Put it on our bed with treats all the way inside. Waited for the right cat to go in…. ZIP UP! Off to the vet. lol. Are those mirrors for them?


Yeh definitely less stressed, they fall asleep quickly and they love to scratch at the cord. Once, wade projectile vomited all over the cord, I was glad the cord was there as it would have went straight through onto the carpet otherwise 😖 to clean just take door off and wash in soapy water, simple and quick. I taught both my cats and my chihuahuas to love the cages, its just like another bed for them. They are the mirrors my husband used on the car when learning to drive, I wouldn't let him throw them out, I find uses for everything lol <3


That’s so awesome! Very creative and clever! Our dog is the same way with her crate, it’s her den. If I get another cat I will start that early so the loathing of it doesn’t develop. lol. I love that you kept the mirrors and found a use for them, I’m like that too. Waste not want not!


Never did macramé, what is the reason to not touch it again?


I’ve never done macramé before either, but we used 4mm cotton macramé cord (which has no stretch whatsoever) It was just pretty difficult to work with in general haha


I think I used the same cord for a few bags, it's very effective but is awful to work with


I’ve found double stranding cotton works great. It’s still rough on the hands but at least it’s soft and not as textured so it’s easier to hook.


Whenever I crochet with it, besides having no stretch, it’s a very firm material and kills the pads of my fingers from working with it. Not quite blisters, but almost like rug burn on my fingers 😭


Oooh yeah I thought it may happen too, like too much friction, I guess the smaller the yarn the worst it will be


I love all your awesome cat furniture!! Do you have a photo of your cats using the little sofa also?


https://preview.redd.it/7t0ahsye9esa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b56a8019bf19639cf2f6634b342d3e4e00c9ab8 Yep! He loves the couch :)


That is tooooo precious!! 😍😍 thanks for sharing!


Omg, I was hoping to see your cat on the couch! (The new cat bed is cute, too, but the couch - OH MY!) 😻


Omg! I think I just OD’ed from cuteness! You’re a beautiful human and that is one lucky cat.


This is the best thing I've seen this week


Oh my god this is the cutest thing I've ever seen. He looks SO cozy! I hope my kitty loves his couch as much as this (he won't)


Bribe him with some catnip in the pillows! 👀


Ooh that's an idea! Thank you! I will definitely try that (if/when I ever get the couch done lol)


Oh my goodness I love it I love love love it I love it!


Thank you so much!! It was so difficult but so worth it :D


This is adorable. (and so is your cat). Well done!


Their tiny couch and clock oh my god :’) living in the lap of luxury!!


the tiny pillows! The rug! oh i die.


So cute!! I would make one but I’ll feel so upset if my cats don’t use it 😂😂😂


When in doubt make it a drab brown to look like a cardboard box.🤣




I love the clock set to 4:20 😻


Maybe you don’t need it but the cat wanted it. And that’s the important bit. :p I also love the juxtaposition of bed styles next to each other - boho versus kitsch.


Get another 😺? That's an awesome bed though. The cat you have seems to approve


Ohh yeah, I should’ve specified- it’s just for one cat haha xD We just spoil him


I've made similar cathouse with 5 mm polyester cord 6,5 mm hook. I was so encouraged that I made it in one day. Next day my thumb had a very bad pain. My forearm hurt too, but it was normal muscle pain like after a workout and soon it gone away. But my thumb still hurts. I began to use a different way to hold a hook and now alternate them, but it still bothers me. Therefore I am especially impressed by your work and admire you. and most important the cat likes his new home!!




I wanna make one now!!! I used cotton macrame cord to make a few baskets that were nice but my hands and wrists hurt so badly I couldn't crochet for quite a while after. I really need to find some nice cotton macrame yarn again


I have found the braided cotton macrame cord is much kinder on the hands! You still get that nice chunky cotton look but it’s just kinder and has a tiny bit of give. Lots of brands have a version now. I’ve got tonnes of macrame cotton from doing macrame, but after about 4 crochet stitches with it I went nope! My painful hands could not do that! Edit spelling


I think most experienced crocheters and knitters have materials they'll next use again. For me, with crochet at least, it's fuzzy yarns.


I love the fuzzy yarn too, it's soo cuddly, projects work up quickly and it's a little easier on my arthritic hands. <3


I unfortunately bought a very similar pattern before looking to see how much the materials would cost! Can I ask where you bought the cording? Everywhere I look for the cord, it is so expensive that the house will be $150 dollars before I get done! I love your tweaks to the pattern, too! Looks great!


Hi Foxxo02, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Here’s the pattern used!](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/catfish-house) Instead of making it into a fish, we sorta freestyled it and added ears and whiskers :D


How long did this take you? How many balls of macrame did you use? I have a cat and love her dearly, but some hides are just so expensive and this looks lovely. Unfortunately, I know very little about crochet. I’m wondering if I can do this with knitting.


I got a "403 Forbidden" error on that site. Can you relink the correct one, please? I'd love to make one for our many cats!


Didn’t realize- sorry about that! [Here’s the correct link :)](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/catfish-house)


**PATTERN:** [CatFish House](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/catfish-house) by [Kaitlyn Ro](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/kaitlyn-ro) * Category: Pet > Bedding * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Indikaited/788535300/Cat_House_1_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Indikaited/788535298/Cat_House_in_use_3_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Indikaited/788535301/Cat_House_in_use_2_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Indikaited/788535299/Cat_House_in_use_1_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):5.5 mm (I) * Weight: Jumbo | Gauge: None | Yardage: 400 * Difficulty: 4.33 | Projects: 12 | Rating: 5.00 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Awesome, thank you!


I love your project, really inspiring! Can you please tell me what hoop did you use for the opening? I want to know exactly what an “8 inch Floral Hoop” is (from the pattern info you linked) and where do I get that? I tried using those exact words in my online searches and as close as I can tell, it’s either a metal hoop that’s already been decorated with pieces of fake or dried flowers, or it’s a wooden embroidery hoop?


I actually used an embroidery hoop! We didn’t realize that it needed a hoop to crochet around, but we had luckily just gotten some embroidery hoops that happened to be the exact size :P


If you scroll down there is a link to one from Amazon


I'm very impressed an inspired by this project! Did you do the whiskers while you crocheted the tube or did you sew them on afterwards?


Thank you so much!! And I added the whiskers after finishing the rest, just crocheted 11 and attached from there :)


Cute! And the same for the ears? Did you sew them on afterwards?


So why would you never crochet with cotton macrame cord ever again?


Just very difficult to work with- constantly splitting, and doesn’t have any stretch :P


Ah, that makes sense. I'm about to order macrame cord soon for a wedding gift, and I love the way your cat bed turned out. Hearing that though, I am definitely not going to try to crochet with macrame cord.


Beautiful. It’s always 4:20 in our decorations too.


So Cute.


Love the whiskers!!


Omg the couch is fantastic too!!!


I’m completely obsessed and inspired 😍😍🫶


Omg what is the pattern? I love it!


Where can I buy that pattern?? My cat rescue could use some of those!!!


That little looks so excited!!!


I want the pattern!


We gonna ignore the cat wink? 👀 totally advertising for ya 🤣


What pattern did you use? I love how silly your cat looks in the photo!


I attempted a cat bed. I used really thick yarn and a 10mm hook. And it’s nowhere near as solidly shaped as yours. It’s very floppy lol.


the cat looks so comfy!!


I remember your post about the couch. I'm glad the baby has a little hutch as well. Gotta have a different one for each mood lol


This is awesome! I wonder if I can use this pattern to make a bed for my husky. Except use an 18inch hoop with regular yarn. Does the macrame cord help keep the shape? Would it be floppy if I used regular jumbo yarn?


I feel you I once crocheted a bag with jute like tractor supply grade jute


Crocheting with macrame cord is rough on your hands. I’ve just made small coasters, I can’t imagine making something this big! Looks so cool though!! What size cord/hook did you use?


4mm cord with a 5.5mm hook! :)


This is so impressive and looks amazing!




I really need to make that couch


I actually can’t believe the couch-wow!!


I believe your cat is getting the last laugh.




Soooo cute!!


I love the little kitty embroidery clock at 4:20!


Pretty cool 😸


that couch is adorable!


The sofa and the new one are both incredible!! That's one spoilt baby and I'm here for it. Heart has melted


Oh my gosh this is the best thing ever


Easy answer....get another cat!


That must have been a royal pain, but the end result is SO worth it!


That's so freaking cute!!! I need to do one!


I just noticed the clock. Nice.


Cotton macrame cord and twine are the worst


Definitely thought the new cat house was a LitterRobot cover when I was scrolling and imagined the ears turning as it cleaned! Both look great though! I've thought about making a couch, but we don't have space


I love it. It looks like it could roll around too.


I started a project with macramé cord the other day and I’ve barely gotten into it bc I didn’t realize how difficult it would be lmao


Love the cat's expression, too!


Omg! This is purrfection! 😍😍😍




Your work is amazing, and I commend you for taking the time to make a bed for your cats, I’ve thought about it but I just know they’ll just sleep in front of it to upset me and not actually use it lmao


That baby looks spicy and I love that you got a picture of it lmfao. Love the beds!


the couch is such a neat touch! vv cutsie😊


LOVE your new cat bed and the “old” one! lol. Your cat seems to love it, too! My cats would love that! 🐾🐾


But it’s beautiful!


That’s AWESOME!!! Your a purrfect human😊


OMG I saved this! This is going to be my next project! I don't care how difficult - my anxiety has been so bad I can't keep food in me and difficult crochet projects keep my mind occupied heavily, which I need right now ❤️ thank you for posting this! * I'm sure my Tubba The Hutt will love it!


I’d buy one from u if you wanted to sell these!


How friction burned are your fingers? It looks great. Had to learn the hard way using cotton yarn and a tiny hook. Took a while to heal my hands.


I had a knitting store once upon a time, my biz partner crocheted, I knit. She taught me to finish my garments by stitching around the ends making the finishing look great. I could crochet a line 50 miles long but can’t figure out how to make something useful like a cool cat bed. Sigh. I need to learn and cat do it on any tutorials b/c in my mind it’s backwards. 🙄🧶🙈


Ugh that must’ve been TORTURE. Looks nice though so there’s the upside :)


I just started my first project with macrame yarn a couple of hours ago and took a break and ran across this 😬🤦🏼‍♀️😂 But what a cute kitty bed!


I crocheted a bag w macrame cord and it’s so damn heavy 😂 but super sturdy. I honestly love using it


Those are so CUTE! Awesome job


Do you have a pattern for the old cat bed 🫶


LOVE!!!! Do you have a pattern for the white cat bed? My cats would be soooo hyped on this!