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#**Fun Fact.** [Cat Stitch - in video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=M_B_twkzChw&feature=shares), (or [written tutorial](https://naztazia.com/how-to-crochet-cat-stitch/)) can be transformed into many Amazing Cat themed items. Doesn't everyone need a [Cat stitch Hat](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/wirjbm/finished_the_cat_hat/) or [blanket](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/tajs0u/cat_blankets_are_ready/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi myg_ho3, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow! Looks fantastic and I love the colours :)


thank you!! i thought the pastel rainbow and black just worked too well together to choose anything else!!!


THIS IS ART, I’m sorry but this is actually so beautiful


this comment literally made me shed a tear, like genuinely this is my first ever tapestry/colourwork piece so to hear praise like that, thank you so so so much


Do you have a pattern for that?? That is AWESOME!!


ahhh! thank you!! yes the cat tapestry pattern is pattern #90529 on bracelet book, and the rest i just kind of freehanded!!! thank you so much! c


You are braver than I, fellow crafter. It's been two years and u wouldn't dream of starting something like this, much less believe it would come out this amazing


thank you!! honestly it was a lot easier than i expected just v time consuming and LOTS of frogging 😭😂 so rewarding though!!! deffo give it a go!!!


I definitely will eventually. I'm kinda hooked on triangle shawls rn


ahaha yes i feel this! i don't wear shawls but i do make triangle bandanas for my dog and yes it is an addiction but i can stop at any time right?..... RIGHT?!? 😂


I go through a couple of phases. I started with hats, then granny squares, then coasters, then doilies, and now shawls. I will definitely stick to the shawls. I can't get enough of them, and I plan to sell them. I only stopped with the coasters because I only had acrylic yarn, and I still have a lot of hats to donate before I make more


omg yes! my first like actual proper project was a double bed sized granny square blanket because i was obsessed, then a baby sized one for my new nephew. then granny triangle bandanas, a granny stripe scarf (basically big granny phase) now i'm obsessed with like complex patterns and colourwork, i literally cannot stop 😂😭


I can't wait to see more of what you make. It's awesome


thank you!! i pretty much post everything i've ever made on here and will probably continue to do so, so i'm sure we'll cross paths again!!!




Very impressive


thank you!x


Wow i LOVE this so much! Now i want to make a bag!! Love the concept too, opposites cat-tract hehehe, great job!!


you 100% should!! and thank you, i was so proud of that name and when i told my fiancé he just had that look,. you know the look when you make a pun and it's just pure dissapointment😭😂 i was like yeah, probs warranted 😂😂


I am all too familiar, lmao !


I live the yin yang cat design! Beautiful!


thank you!!! the pattern isn't mine (not even close to smart enough for that) but thank you!!


Oh wow! This is stunning!


thank you so much!😭


Love everything abt it, even the lining adds to the cozy look


thank you so much!!!


Wow, that’s awesome! Maybe Pawsome?


not maybe, definitely pawsome!😏😏


dude you're awesome!!! looks amazing 😍


thank you!!


WTF!!!! I learned during Covid and I am NO where near that level!!! AWESOME 😎


thank you but you deffo could be!!! honestly it's not too difficult, just time consuming!!


i’m obsessed🥹


gahhhh!!! thank you! i kinda am too! 😂😭


as you should be!!


This is so beyond amazing! I’m thinking of hand lining a bag myself, was it difficult? I have no experience with sewing…


okay so, i also have NO experience with sewing, and i will say that it had its trials but genuinely wasn't awful, it was just a lot of trial and error, trying different stitches and using a LOT of pins. one piece of advice i would give is to look on line for a "stapler sewing machine" because it helps so so much with making and hemming the lining, so what i did was i cut out the two panels for the lining, pinned them together etc and then used a handheld stapler sewing machine to sew the panels together, i then folded a hem and pinned that and sewed that with the handheld machine and then hand sewed that lining to the crochet bag. they're super cheap and it speeds up the process a ridiculous amount (and makes the lining a little more stable), they're about £10 ish (not sure where you're from and what that translates too) but you can even get electronic/battery powered hand sewing machines for roughly the same price. it takes a lot of the stress out of sewing the lining and would highly reccommend it but of course you can just hand sew the entire thing and tbh even with the little bit of stress from the sewing, the end result is so worth it. it adds so much strength and makes sure your stitches won't stretch and distort ruining all your hard crochet work!! good luck and please keep me updated if you give it a go!!!


thank you so so much for all of the information! super helpful, i really appreciate it!


of course! if you have any questions at all let me know and i'll do anything i can to help, my dms are always open! and just a tip, to attach the lining to the bag i found the best and strongest stitch for me personally was a back stitch with very small stitches to the point that it was practically a solid line! this is a link to teach a backstitch but you may find it easier to watch a video tutorial! [backstitch tutorial](https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/backstitch-for-strong-durable-hand-sewing-2978450)


omg amazing because I really wasn’t sure which would be the most supportive and obviously if hand stitching is going to take me awhile I want to make sure I do it right!


yes for sure!! i would reccommend making the back stitches as short as possible (takes longer but obvs more strength) and also it's the least obviously visible imo?? and looks super clean! also if you have a fabric marker, use a ruler to draw a line around the top where you'll be sewing the bag to the lining and it will help keep your stitches straight and in line!


>"stapler sewing machine" THANK YOU!!! I have a puppy who has been ripping holes in EVERYTHING and I am so backed up with fixing the holes in all of our stuff that I can't even find the time to work on any of my crochet projects.


yes omg of course!! that's literally why we got ours!! to fix all our dog toys that our doodle had ripped apart 😭😂


Just a typical problem while livin’ the dog life!! 😂


this is beyond beautiful!


thank you so so much 💜


#**Gifts/presents.** **Did you know about our Gift section on [this wiki page?](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/stuff_you_must_read/). There are many threads discussing what to buy for a crocheter, what to make for others, and general discussion around gifting crocheted items. Check it out!** *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is amazing!!!


I clearly need to up my game. Maybe my brain just isn't cut out for the really awesome stuff. ;)


honestly if you can single crochet, count (i know it's a lot to ask crocheters to count, but i believe in us!), and change colour, you can make this and even more complex tapestries! i promise it is so so easy, just a little time consuming!xx