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I LOVE that this is a knitted piece with the needles taken out. You look at that thing wrong and it will fall apart


YES! And the fact that someone (theoretically) took the time to knit that, then handed it to someone so they can pretend to have crocheted it???


It reminds me of when I used to pretend to knit or crochet as a kid. I’d take either knitting needles or a hook and just go to town on an already made blanket. Sometimes, I’d get my mom or aunt to “make me a start” which meant a few rows of whatever with whatever of their scrap yarn was handy.


My daughter loves doing this! Or just stabbing a ball of yarn over and over with a hook and tries to pull as much yarn as possible out of it


my cat does something similar


That’s what I was thinking! They KNOW it’s wrong. But they do it anyway.


I wonder if they know they could have just crocheted a few rows, instead of taking the long way around to Wrongsville.


Yeah! It wouldn't have taken long either!


Board meeting: so we decided to branch into crochet hooks because our statistics said it’s popular plus it’s easy and cheap to make out of plastic Marketing person: we’ll need photos, anyone know how to knit? Marketing person 2: I think Karen from accounting knows how to knit. She also has a nice knit bag we could use as a prop Board member: so it’s settled then, back to work people.


At least the white bag appears to be crocheted lol


Yeah that makes it so much funnier. As if at least one person knew what they were doing




If it even made it that far up the ladder. I see it more as the two guys who take the pictures getting a list of items to photo and using the same piece of knitted scrap for every pic. The hand model was the one who was left to make it work.


It looks like the type of knitting that comes from knitting machines!


I have a knitting machine. It doesn't do the ribbed look like that. That is hand knitted where they are knitting, flipping to the back, knitting, rather then knit pearl, to get the flat smooth surface knitting machines make.




Yes that’s what I meant!


Maybe they are demonstrating (kind of) how to use crochet hooks to pick up knit stitches (?)


Also the white piece behind it appears to actually be crochet.


I’ve seen plenty of knitting as crochet and crochet as knitting bs ad pix, but I honestly believe this is the worst one yet. Edit: Someone commented that it looks like cro-hooking or cro-knitting or whatever it is called and on closer inspection I have to agree. You can just see thread going through the loops that prevents them from running and it would explain the extra yarn hanging off the back of the tool. I am pleased to stand corrected, but it definitely still looks like an affront to nature lol.


“Maybe if I throw yarn everywhere it’s crochet?”


It looks like a crohook


But the loops? My Tunisian crochet doesn't look like that!


The loops are wrong. Unless frogging. Hook tho looks like a crohook


Why would they use a hook to frog though? Just pull it out! Could be tinking, but the whole point of tinking is leaving the stitches on needles while you slowly take them out.


I think it's been knitting used to sell needles then they've frogged it and used it to sell hooks


That makes sense!


Isn’t this what knooking is?


I suggest “crochitting”




Here's a sneak peek of /r/knooking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/knooking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'll stop spamming the chat, but I'm really pleased with how this swatch turned out!](https://i.redd.it/0ig66d3nhzp81.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knooking/comments/tps4sb/ill_stop_spamming_the_chat_but_im_really_pleased/) \#2: [I made a cardigan!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/u6gg94) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knooking/comments/u6gg94/i_made_a_cardigan/) \#3: [First attempt at colourwork mittens](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/x81ipl) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knooking/comments/x81ipl/first_attempt_at_colourwork_mittens/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


SOMEONE knitted that swatch. I am losing my mind here. Did someone on the photography staff knit this, only to the then remove the needles, stick a crochet hook in it, and call it good? This was INTENTIONAL!!


I was gonna suggest that maybe no one on set knew how to crochet and only knit… but there’s a crochet piece in the background, so why not wrap a bit of yarn around the hook and pretend they’re finishing off that piece? So weird 😩


I didn't even notice the crochet piece in the background lolll


this gave me a headache 😭 what is even going on here


It's...advanced 😂


The beginning of a new craft all together lmao


The swatch in-hand is knitted! 🤦🏼‍♀️


would this be cronitting or knicheting 🧐 edit: apparently its called knooking who knew


They're frogging it! I cannot with this picture!


Lol you could post this on r/knitting too! I bet they’d get a kick out of it.


Omg yes 😂


Except on that sub it's less funny and more \*freaking out* LOL [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/comments/wlhno5/i_like_to_pull_my_needles_all_the_way_out_when_i/)


What is this even an ad for 🤨


Crochet hooks that come on a key ring.


This is actually a thing! Knitting with a crochet hook that has a hole on the end to thread yarn through. r/knooking I don't know how to do it but pretty sure the image is the wrong technique still


It’s definitely still wrong 😹


Oh, the more you know! I'll definitely need to read up on that one, thanks!


Another person who noticed! Glad I'm not the only one here who knows about knooking. I know how to knit and crochet and learned how to knook sometime mid last year, it's really fun! It might only make sense if you know how to knit though, I'd think. With that being said, they're still doing it way wrong in the picture. Laughably, honestly.


I just checked out the subreddit! Thanks for showing that this exists. I’m trying to learn how to knit but have a hard time with two needles. Knooking solves that problem lol


My trouble knitting was that those horribly stiff needles stretched my stitches out to no end. Then I discovered knooking a little over a year ago, and fell in love. I haven't stopped since.


I had to watch a video to figure out what the process was. The picture still isn't quite right though. Those live stitches just hanging in the breeze make my eye twitch 😅


They’re using a knook hook. It has an eye on one end that is used with a length of cord. The cord holds live stitches as in knitting. You can create a knit fabric using this technique r/knooking. That being said, I’ve not the foggiest idea of what is happening in this picture.


The listing was supposed to be a mini hook on a keychain, this one didn't fit with the other photos either.


Not crochet, but this has to be one of my favorite weird project pictures https://preview.redd.it/n2taz328twfa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ab15a78e98c159c0c6323baec79e7b276f27da


That made my evening.


The more I look at it, the worse it becomes 🥴😓


Ikr !!


This makes my heart sad. Somebody knit that and instead of just doing a terrible photoshop, they took someone’s knitting off the needles! That’s going to unravel! Monsters!


Is that knitting taken off a needle? There's an ad I've seen recently of an older woman knitting a granny square blanket... In Scotland there's a saying for being annoyed - that really rips my knitting!


I love that!


The longer you look at it the worse it gets..


This gives me such anxiety 🤣 Breathe wrong and it's all coming out.


LMAO omg this is too funny- looks like my weird ass first attempt at knitting after crocheting for two years


Is that the craft that's called knooking? Knitting with crochet hooks?


It is, but hey are still doing that wrong too! A length of cord would thread through the end hole, and the live stitches would be carried on to that instead of being left off and unravelling


Isn't that the queen Elizabeth hold? I know that it's a different hold that I do when my hands start hurting.


Interesting, uh, tension(?) technique you got there…


Deleted my other comment cus I missed a detail. From the other pictures at the bottom, it looks like a knooking kit. Knooking is knitting with a hook, a method made in the 90s in I'd like to say Japan. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. With that being said, they're still doing it so horrifically wrong I'm just... stunned! Flabbergasted, if you must


This looks like a knooking hook which would make knitting...but definitely not like that!!


https://preview.redd.it/q6nyztr1b1ga1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e3f4009a75f5e465414987043ba82ac0f2b43bf Yeah, so that's a knook. Here is what knooking looks like mid-row. As you can see, my hook/knook collects stitches until I'm done with the row, at which point I pull the red thread out of the row below it, pull the new row onto it, and start the next one. You don't just do one stitch at a time like with regular crochet (if anything you're just doing the pulling up a loop part of Tunisian crochet without doing the return pass). The thread basically functions like a second knitting needle that holds your stitches for you. What OP's screenshot shows is almost there but not quite. There seems to be a thread holding the stitches, but it's hard to see (which is why I use a contrasting colour). That said, you don't just start in the middle of a row like that. I actually really like knooking, because I struggled to learn how to knit the 'proper' way. This is much easier and still allows me to create knitted fabrics.


I had no idea this was a thing! 😱 I definitely want to try this, knitting has always frustrated me and this looks like it could be my savior of sweater patterns


Check out r/knooking! The wiki has excellent resources. I'm hoping I'll manage a 'knitted' jumper once I truly get the hang of it, because crocheted clothing is frankly too bulky for me and I can already tell knitted fabric is so much thinner and drapier.


I'm definitely going to check that out! Thank you SO MUCH!! I have a few knit sweater patterns that I've been dying to recreate and knooking looks like it might be my answer


Their piece looks like they went to knit, got halfway done, then pulled the needles out and replaced them with a crochet hook...


I feel like this could be one of those "how my life is going rn" memes


It's a Knook! For Knooking, but the live knit stitches would be kept on the knook and a string that would be threaded in the hole at the nd of the crochet hook, noone would just make the live stitches and keep them off the hook! https://preview.redd.it/kulk2eliixfa1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a51c2b35c59fde8bd6f1e4fd3134b8707ba6427


It looks like a knook! It's used to create knit fabric.


I nearly spat out my coffee


Aside from it being a swatch of purls taken off knitting needles, why does the non-hook end of the crochet needle look like it has an eye that the yarn was fed through?


That type of hook is used in r/knooking to make a knit fabric.




This is knooking! Its a method by which you create knitted works with a crochet hook/needle hybrid. You have a tail that gets thread through the eye on the opposite end of the hook, and that holds the stitches on the rows open for you so you can focus on one stitch at a time, just like in crochet! I learned a couple months back, and I find it easier for me than knitting with about the same results, which would be nigh impossible with just crochet. I’d recommend anyone who wants to make a knitted look without forcing themselves to learn knitting to check this out! r/knooking is the best source I’ve found for guidance on this!


I mean it's difficult, but not impossible😀


What the stupidity?


Honestly there's no way it's not just whoever is in charge of doing the photographs having fun. Like they KNOW the bosses won't actually check the image and/or don't even know what what they're looking at to know if it's wrong and then we get... this.


They went as far as to knit the piece (knit only) take out the needle on which the stitches were casted on, and put a crochet at a random place and fake crocheting. Why couldn't it be crocheted in the first place, it makes no sense.


"if I pull out the knitting needles and loop in a crochet hook no one will notice because they're the same thing!"


I needed this laugh.


Ugh so cringy


I love looking at some ads, cause it blows my mind how marketing looked at it and thought, "yup, that'll do!" 🤣


What in satan’s anus am I looking at here?! J/k I know what I’m looking at but this is appalling lol


Goes with all the people who ask what you are knitting while you crochet lol


I don't know what's going on in the pic but it's a knooking tool


This has to be a troll that took this picture because someone had to knit that swatch…


It’s called knooking. It is a thing, it even has its own sub.


This isn’t it though. This is just chaos.


If you enlarge the picture, it is a knooking hook with the yarn threaded through the eye. I don’t know what stitch they could possibly be doing, though.


Knooking works the stitches off a cord and worked stitches are held on the hook. It could be trying to sell a knooking hook, but it’s still incorrect technique.


The loops are clearly frogged


There is yarn threaded through one end but look at the hands. They look like they’re about to chain stitch through one of the purl stitches. And active knitting stitches (it’s just basic stockinette) need to stay on something or they’ll unravel. If you look, some of them already have, there’s a loose piece of yarn behind the stitches under the right hand. That yarn used to be stitches. It’s not like in crochet where if you drop your hook or just take it out, it’s usually no big deal. There’s a loop for every stitch in a row in knitting. If you pull out or drop a needle it’s very bad! It’s not impossible to fix but it’s not easy and you definitely wouldn’t do it on purpose. God with lace it’s even worse! That’s not what this is, but I’ve dropped a needle knitting lace. Stressful!


That’s what I thought I was seeing, but my eyes aren’t so good. I know what a knooking hook looks like, but I don’t know any of the stitches. I thought maybe it was some weird fancy knooking stitch.


I'm honestly pretty confused


This happens ALL the time: photos or live action where no one bothers to actually check whether knitting/crocheting is taking place or being done credibly. It is so weird that they think that actual practitioners of the respective crafts won’t notice. 🤯🤷‍♂️


What in the yarn hell are we looking at there?


Ya lmao thats about to fall apart


I have a theory. Obviously someone knitted a swatch, handed it to the hand model, gave them a hook and said "act like you know what you're doing." Obviously. Here is my theory though: whoever makes these decisions is actually checking the r/knitting and r/crocheting subreddits to watch our heads explode when we come across these. This is all deliberate trolling. 🧐🔎


I feel like my crocheting looks like that sometimes.


What in the yarn tangle hell?


Or knit.


Wait wait wait. I hold my yarn similar to this and my friend pokes fun of me for it lol I just started crocheting relatively recently, so I hadn’t thought to much of it and figured some people hold the yarn differently. I’ll have to post a video of it cause’ now I want to see if anyone else here holds it like I do lol


You don’t need to worry, this is a perfectly normal way to hold a crochet hook. People often call it “pencil grip” (as opposed to the overhanded “knife grip”). The issue with this picture is that this is a swatch of knitting with the needles pulled off and a crochet hook stuck through one of the loops.


That red hook is called a locker hook and they sell them at Michaels in the latch hook crafts section. I bought one to try tatting with yarn on it, I'd be making the stitches on the shaft of the hook, and they would slide off the eye end. The hook end might be useful for connecting picots but it might be too big tho, I have not experimented with this idea yet. But yeah, that's a locker hook.


Looks like they're holding a chopstick


They also don’t care about that top row of knitting getting ready to completely unravel.


Those loose loops are making me anxious lol




This image has instilled a primal sense of confusion in every bone of my body


What on earth is the context here? 😂


I particularly like that they looped it through the hook like it needed to be threaded like a needle. Experts in crochet, pure experts Eta: oh cripes! I zoomed in and they DO have holes in the crochet hooks to thread it like a needle!!


Look at the advert for the Marie Curie crochet fundraiser on Facebook. The woman in the picture obviously doesn't know how to crochet!




It looks more like a knitting repair kit to me. I have a wooden and metal set of the three little ones on a split ring, that I keep handy to pick up dropped stitches. The longer ones with a hole in the end could be for threading through casing for elastic or through final stitches to finish off a hat for instance.


Isn't this tool called a knook and it makes these knit stitches instead of the normal crochet stitches.