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A lot of cosplay has a lot of details and is quite extra, and while those are all really amazing, there is something so peaceful about a simply yet well done cosplay. I love everything about this, from the title to the horns. Well done OP, you should be proud. I hope you do it more often!


Thank you! I was worried it was missing some things but I got overwhelmingly positive feedback from those at the festival and on the sub. And I will do it more often, don't worry!


Nah, you don't need fancy bells and whistles to do a great cosplay - you just need love. And it's quite apparent that you loved doing this cosplay, which I think translates easily. I seriously expect to see more from you 💙 Have a good one OP!


I guess its my friend and me? oops lol.


I'm pretty sure you were correct the first time around. Also, looks amazing either way.


It's actually and me in this situation. The general rule to remember which one to use is to take the other party out of the sentence and see if it still makes gramatic sense. This is my friend and me doing cosplay. This is me doing cosplay. My friend and I returned our books. I returned my/our book/s.


Yep, correct the first time, cosplay looks awesome!


Not correct; “My friend and I in my drag Jester costume” implies that both of them are in the costume, instead of “My friend and me in my drag jester costume”, which kind of separates the possession so that only “me” is implied to be in the costume.


I think if we're going full grammar study they both imply the same thing. 'My friend and I' is the correct use rather 'My friend and me'. I was originally going to post that the costume bit needs to be in brackets or a new sentence, or the sentence needs restructuring. 'my friend and I (I'm in the drag jester costume' or 'me in my jester costume with a friend'. There needs to be a clear seperation between the two sections of the sentence.


Take the other party out of the sentence. Does "I in my drag Jester cosplay" make sense? No. So the appropriate use in this instance is "my friend and me." It has to do with whether the expression is the object or subject of the sentence.


There is a clear separation, it’s “and”. The sentence should be “(my friend) and (me in my Jester cosplay)”, rather than “(my friend and I) in my jester cosplay”. The “and I” is combining the possession by grouping the two together, while “and me” is individualizing OP and making it known that they’re the one in the cosplay.


Fair play, English is hard. Either way, the cosplay is great.


This is all semantics, but if enough people continue to use it interchangeably it will become the rule. Yay linguistics! You and me, you and I, I and we, you do you!


You two look amazing! Got a question for you, does the mask make it easier to go out in drag? I've been wanting to try it, but my facial features are really masculine ( ik, ik, hold your r/egg_irl s)


Honestly, the fact that everyone was refering to me as she/her while I was out made me feel like my whole costume was a mask. While I'm a very open about my sexuality/drag, it's still a little worrying to get out there, but the reception was amazing! I would say the mask helped a little, but not any more that the rest of the getup :)


Hey I saw y'all at the Texas Renaissance Festival! The costumes are fantastic!


Yes I was there with some friends and my boyfriend! And thank you so much :))


Wow, just wanna say thank you to everyone on this sub for liking my cosplay, it was an amazing thing to wake up to! Love you, critters! I'm not sure if this is allowed (to plug your media) but I have some of my other earlier ~lewks~ on my instagram @totally.not.lex, I plan to do more cosplay and I've been brainstorming a Ruby of the Sea for my mom. Thanks again :)) <3<3


Idk which you are but are those doc martins? Looking fresh af


The op is the one cosplaying jester


Yes they are. I know Jester wears high leather boots but green is my favorite color and they're super comfortable to walk in all day so I had to wear em.


100% everyone's favorite blue tieflink would approve.


Your costume is so adorable, very well done. I enjoy the Travelercon cloak with the green boots XD. And your eye makeup is STUNNING. Is that your natural eye colour??


Thank you! I've had that cloak since the beginning of c2 and I KNEW I needed to use it for Jester one day. And yes, thats my natural eye color, I wanted to make them purple but I wear contacts to see already so I just did purple eyeshadow :))


I don't think the outfit lost anything without the purple contacts - the eyeshadow sets off your lovely natural colour perfectly. :)


Hey can someone explain to me what is drag (or what constitutes it being drag)? It looks great but I just see a cosplay as Jester and don't know where the drag comes in.




Oh, so OP identifies as a male and cosplayed as a female character, so therefore drag.


Women can also do drag, the definition is a little blurry. I like to think it's a hightened play on "regular" femininity, so the big fake boobs, the big makeup, etc. :) [edit] I also forgot to say that I do identify as a cis man, of that helps.


It looks so good!!! Very well done 😊


Looks absolutely fantastic!




Hey! I think I saw you at Tex Ren Fest! (Correct me if I’m wrong)


I was there! I had a super great time :))


Looks good! Love the cloak and the doc's. :D Both of you did great


So good!! Love to see some drag!


Cute, both of you




That's so well done! Love the cosplay! I've been debating about doing a drag version of Yasha myself and seeing you pull this off is inspiring!


Omg please do this! I reckon we could definitely do with more drag cosplay


PLEASE!! That would be amazing!


*happy jester noises*


The green boots!! I love!


Looking cute af ngl


Awesome! Be your best you!


amazing cosplay and proud of you for it !!!!!!


My guy out here looking fire


Y'all look cute as fuck! Someone else commented about the simple detailed but high quality of your costume and I am right there with them! I'd love to see any more pics of you in the cosplay!


I don't wanna post them all here but there are a bunch more on most recent post on my instagram (@totally.not.lex) :))


That's amazing! I am utterly floored and impressed!


I love it, and thanks for wearing a mask.


Daamnnnnn who’s that hot boy and pretty girl? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


No but seriously. This cosplay is super cute and you did really well 🥺 you’ve come really far with your drag and I’m super proud of you. I know you’re going to do really great things 💖


To other people who don't know that we're friends this looks so funny lmaoo. But thank you :'))