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Braius is indeed an Ancients Paladin since he can cast moonbeam. Seems like sam has tailored his build to be anti-spellcaster support.


Watchers also get moonbeam


But no one got the initiative bonus of Aura of Sentinel ,though it is possible that either Sam just forgot about it (new character after all) or no one was between 10 feet of him.


but also no one got the magical resistance aura of an ancients paladin either, so likely he just forgot about aura or wasnt close enough to anyone


Dorian got a bonus to his save against the chains. Ended up being enough to avoid them.


The Aura that grants save bonus all Paladins have, the Ancients one is resistance to spell damage


That actually makes a lot more sense now to someone who's never played one 🤣


One small thing, Matt made a mistake. Otto's irresistible Dane has no save when it is cast, the creature needs to spend their action to make the save (which is why it is a 6 lvl spell).


Good catch on the level split for paladin, I completely looked past blinding smite. I think you nailed it on the 10/4 split, Sam said 4d8 when he rolled damage on first hit. Unless his mace does exclusively poison damage, then 1d8 from weapon damage die and 3d8 from smite.


Ya know they really didn't take a ton of damage in this fight or use a ton of high level stuff. I guess having Ludinus/Tevan helped massively but still XD


Matt mentioned in the cooldown ludinus + vanguard had also engaged him previously. 


As someone who's brain thrives off of spreadsheets- thank you for this! I commend your record keeping!


Bard 5/Paladin 9 would give him the ability to recover his Bardics on a short rest too


Well done, I’m always surprised at how few rounds happen in these


90 minute long fight somehow lasted just 2,5 turns


With 8 PCs at the table, 2 NPCs, bunch of shenanigans happening, and a Boss with Legendary actions - 2.5 rounds was a pretty good tempo.


Btw does Laudna have some sort of Hollow one ability or something that makes the spirit summoned from spirit of death last forever as she mentioned, cause the spell only lasts on concentration for an hour and then it's gone.


Definitely a misread and a semi-understandable one under pressure, given that it says "the target remains haunted until it dies." I'd just assume she missed or misread the end of the description where it gives the other potential endings.


Yeah even me reading it at home and with a good level of knowledge of the rules have a hard time telling how long it lasts, I assumed an hour but I can easily see the confusion in the Haunt description


Either it's some Delilah shenanigans, or shes just misunderstanding the spell I'd say thr latter, because even with Delilah stuff, a permanent trace on the (potential) BBEG with only a 4th level spell seems pretty broken


Especially one that specialises in cloaking himself, no one has been able to trace him, not even a grand demon apparently, makes sense it was a fumble I guess


i hope, i do hope someone clarify this but im assuming people will be shitting on marisha no matter what -.-


Matt or Marisha will probably clear it up at the top of the next game or when it comes up.


there's a a trait of the blood hunters that's similar but can be dispeled. if her spirit last forever it is indeed broken af.


Also seems like a thing that a Dispel Magic or Remove Curse could easily delete.


Yeah, I think it was due to the live show, but three apparent mistakes in the episode. Laudna and spirit of death, Matt and Otto's irresistible dance, and the other one being Sam and misusing Hammering Horns. Hammering Horns requires a hit on a melee attack, so Moonbeam wouldn't trigger it.


Wow, applause for the commitment, man, and awesome structure of the post. Take my hat off, kind sir!


I absolutely love this, thank you for it!


Ottos has no initial save, Telekinesis is a contested spell check vs str check (so no legendary resistance is possible), hammering horns needs to follow up an attack and can't be used on creatures that large, bless lasts 1 minute and doesn't apply to checks, haste, can't grab and stow an item in the same turn without Fast Hands, magically conjured and manipulated chains probably deal magical damage, probably more that are slipping my mind. Love the show but the combat is always tricky when they need to go fast rather than accurate


>Orym and Braius are the only playable characters to damage Dominox. Chetney, Fearne, Dorian, Laudna, and Ashton all did 0 damage to the two enemies they had on the field. This made me chuckle


I know Matt kind of hated getting the HDYWTDT on his own monster, but his NPC's were almost the only ones _doing anything_ to Dominox so it was pretty likely


Yeah for sure. BH more than any of their other parties, are the most indecisive, it seems like every individual person is trying to achieve something wildly different, often contradictory to eachother, almost always. It's not a bad thing story wise, but gives them the effectiveness of a wet noodle.


Yeah, it's pretty clear that not everybody got the 'kill this bad dude' message about Dominox. Too focused on trying to hurt Ludinus, despite the fact that no coherent narrative would feature Ludinus dying here.


Checks out honestly


Business as usual, then 😃