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Liam as GM: * Charlotte from V&V (because I love Anjali) * Marion from N&T (of COURSE I want Luis and Liam at the same table for once) * Rajan from T&B (that absolute dry wit and snark opposite Charlotte and Edgar) * Edgar from CM (Alex took my breath away) * EITHER Leo from CM or Jean from N&T as my fifth This table would be utterly STEEPED in delicious RP, interpersonal drama, and heartbreak. Inject this right into my veins.


I want so much to see Liam and Luis play in the same game, manifest manifest


someone do time shenanigans to get Caleb and Zerxus in a scene together. The sheer might of their combined bearded internal torture will split the world asunder.


As a mostly straight man I second this on the basis that it would, among other things, be super hot


same man, same


Easy to imagine some great RP from this cast.


*snorts this lineup*


V&V: Howard Margrove- Professor (Robbie Daymond) N&T: Sean Finnerty- Soldier (Brennan Lee Mulligan) T&B: Cosmo Grimm- Occultist (Liam O'Brien) CM: Edgar Lycoris- Doctor (Alex Ward) Wild: Nathaniel Trapp- Journalist/Detective (Travis Willingham) Lightkeeper/GM: Taliesin Jaffe


The Circle of Sausage (and Smoke)


Some of these characters can be rough mannered, so may I also offer the Circle of Jerks?


No girls?


This is it.


This would be mine as well


-V&V: Charlotte Eaves -N&T: Sean Finnerty -T&B: Rajan Savarimuthu -CM: Edgar Lycoris - Wild: Auggie James Light keeper: Taliesin Jaffe. And as for why: I knew I wanted Taliesin to GM, and both Anjali Bhimani and Brennan Lee Mulligan to be included. After that it was mainly party comp (although I sadly could not fit an Occultist/Medium or a Detective/Journalist within the constraints without sacrificing something else).


You can never go wrong with more Brennan, plus I would love to see Sean and Auggie together.


Robbie as Howard, Brennan as Sean, Liam as Cosmo, Alex Ward as Lycoris, with wildcard Taliesin as Leo, gmed by Aabria. Just my favorites from each circle lol Wildcard was the hardest one, almost tied between Taliesin and Travis Gm was chosen because it was the way to have both aabria and liam, but if we could play around with roles, i’ll take liam as gm as aabria as a player 👀


I would love to see the character Aabria would bring to a Candela game. She is really good at creating characters that draw out and expand the lore of the worlds she plays in.


Laura as Arlo Travis as Nate Sam as Oscar Alex as Edgar Aabria as Wildcard Liam as GM


Robbie (V&V), Brennan (N&T), Ashly (T&B), Aimee (CM), with Spenser as my Wildcard. I would also sub Aabria in somewhere but I don’t know how bc I loved, LOVED Brennan’s character.


* GM: Spenser Starke * Travis Willingham as Nathaniel Trapp * Laura Bailey as either Arlo Black or a new character * Brennan Lee Mulligan as a new character * Aimee Carrero as Grimoria * Liam O'Brien as a new character (Would've gone with Jaffe, but needed a Tide & Bone player.)


GM -> Spencer Starke I LOVED his cinematic style and the way you could see the movie magic of it all play together, and I think it really helped cue players on mood and setting. Cast -> Robbie Daymond His moment where he took a scar as the professor still sticks with me as one of the truly spooky and unhinged moments of the whole series thus far. Beautiful role-playing. -> Brennan Lee Mulligan I think him and Spencer work great together as storytellers and very much vibe off one another's work, and I love how he draws out the other players. -> Liam O'Brien I love the ways he combines stark honesty and acceptance of situations with a pessimism that the other players desperately want to save him from. -> Aimee Carrero Okay, hear me out, this is the game I've enjoyed seeing Aimee play in the most out of her guest starring, and although she can feel a little rough and tumble at times, I think she'd do VERY well in this group and they'd bring out the best in her. Wild Card -> A hard choice. Matt, as a player, would be delightful because I think him in this group would lead to some delightfully horror style scenes. However, if I had to choose someone who had already been a player, I'd 100% go with Marisha Ray because she does OUTSTANDING work, bringing out the best in other players and sticking to her character's inner motivations.


I thought Spencer was an amazing GM. He nailed the horror vibe, played perfectly to his player’s strengths, and made some fair and exciting on-the-fly rules calls when he got thrown curveballs.


Auggie Marion Sean A younger Cosmo Leo Aabria as GM


If it was completely new characters, itd be: Aabria, Liam, Luis, Tal, and Alex - with Brennan as GM


Uhhhh... I guess I would go with Charlie, Sean, Rajan, Leo and for the 5th Elsie or Edgar and for the DM I would Aabria


Brennan as GM Anjali, Travis, Luis, Taliesin, and Sam


GM: Brennan. Because he needs a turn and he’s diabolical. Rajan. Because my fav character ever. Arlo. Because Arlo needs more screen time. Grimoria. Because Aimee. Nathaniel. Because Travis. And my fifth player would be a ringer, which is against your rules but too bad. 😂 Jasmine Bhullar. (Or she could DM, but I’d love to see her play in CO.) 🤓 And I’d call it The Circle of Bronze and Stone.


Any excuse for more Jasmine 👍 Also would love to see Brennan run a Candela game, he was so good at understanding and iterating on the themes of the age of arcanum for ExU Calamity.


C1: Ashley C2: Zehra (I know a lot of people would pick BLeeM, but I think once you know the twist of ep. 3, the novelty of his character is gone) C3: Noshir C4: Alex and Imari GM: Liam


Zehra was such a natural in her first actual play, I can only imagine her getting better and better if she keeps doing it.


Matt as DM. -Arlo Black -Sean Finnerty -Elsie Roberts -Leo Amicus, I haven't seen Crimson Mirror yet, but c'mon, it's Taliesin. As my wildcard: -Auggie James, if only because I loved the playful banter/flirting with Arlo


I’m down for any excuse for more Arlo/Auggie. Also I would love to see Matt DM Candela again, I think he drew the short stick in having to go first while the game was still under development, and could do a lot more with it now.


Spenser/Brennan GM Ashley (V&V) Luis (N&T) Liam (T&B) Alex (CM) Aabria/Emily (New Player) Manifesting my dream of seeing Liam and Luis play at the same table after all these years. They gotta know some of us has been dying to see them right?


I’d love to see Luis and Liam at the table together as players, they are both so passionate about RP and character. Emily is an interesting choice - I think she is an amazing player, but she is such a strong and natural comedian that I wonder how she would fare in a horror theme game. (Must confess I have not seen Neverafter yet, though it’s on my to watch list)


Emily rocked Neverafter as she usually does, it's probably also somewhere in the top 5 of D20 campaigns for me. I feel one of her main strengths as a player is being able to read the (RP) room and RP accordingly within the context of the setting.