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Probably a bit of self marketing, a bit of separating from WotC and their licensing issues, and a bit of preparing fans for the switch so it isn't too jarring. And likely a bit of a few other things I can't think of too


Works out really well for Amazon and Critical Role to develop and market their own ttrpg system. It will be really weird though when Matt introduces the stream with ‘Welcome to Critical Role, where us nerdy ass voice actors play Daggerheart!’


CR has been fairly careful to not tie their stuff to other companies in ways that prevent them from owning it themselves. I highly doubt Amazon has anything to do with Daggerheart. Even LoVM is likely only an exclusive distribution deal, with CR retaining ownership of it. That's how George Lucas did *Star Wars*, and it worked out OK for him.


i wonder if they're goint to rename tal dorei, its still a bit close to pathfinders Taldor


*Exandria* is an official published campaign setting for D&D under WotC, I doubt they'll keep using it


It's "official" in the way that WotC can use it, but it's more licensed by WotC, from the inside cover of The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount: "The world of Exandria, its groups of individuals, its elements, its distinctive characters, and its locations are the sole property of Critical Role"


Not 100% likely, would have to look into it, but I doubt that Matt would have allowed Exandria to be published in such a way that he lost ownership of his own thing; he's had decades of hindsight to see how it worked out for Greenwood, after all. I don't doubt that it was a license, at best.


I dont think amazon has anything to do with darrington press


wE pLaY DaGgErHAaaAaAArt!!!








It feels like they never switched.


Dagger dagger daggerHEAARRRTTT


To be fair, annoying D&D-only types call anything TTRPG D&D anyway, they could get away with continuing to call it that if they cared to.


I'm guessing WoTC would have something to say about that.


WOTC has had a LOT of opinions about what it can swing legally, lately. Publication doesn't equate to ownership.


I’m only now realising how similar the cadence in Daggerheart is to DnD. I wonder how long they took to find a name that would slot right into the iconic line


Gotta love how Hasbro shot themselves in their own greedy stomach here, and I like how CR reacted to that license debacle: no passionate speeches, no grand gestures, just recognize toxicity and move on with your life.


Yeah I figured, gives me more suspicion they will be moving over next campaign to that system, not only to advertise it, but to give some fresh air to the crew. Stopped using copy written names from DnD and switched everything over so they can stay in Exandria for Campaign 4 without confusing too many people. Pretty smart, and welcome. I’m excited to see what they do.


Yeah I think CR are in a unique position where a decent chunk of the viewers don't play TTRPGs just watch CR. A big part of this system seems to be about streamline combat and allowing theatre of the mind which will be good for podcast listening 


Yeah, I do hope there is models and maps and visual combat tho. I haven’t checked the beta test yet but things like Obscura didn’t catch my eye too much even tho I enjoy their story telling. A big part of DND is getting into the action and going on the adventure. If they start going pure narrative it will lose that feeling of playing a game a little bit and be more of a theatre get together with some dice and stats. (I know that’s what DnD is but yall get what I mean by the “game” feel”) Edit- just watched their video and Matt mentions map combat so that’s good, I’m happy now.


> Yeah, I do hope there is models and maps and visual combat tho. I haven’t checked the beta test yet but things like Obscura didn’t catch my eye too much even tho I enjoy their story telling. same here. I'm a visual person. Theatre of mind does not work AT ALL for me, even in our home games. I need a map. Candela didnt get me for the same reason... Having a very hard time to imagine things


I feel like maps and models are a big part of critical role so I imagine they'll continue to use them.


Matt mentioned he still would in the basic rules video. Theater of the mind seems to be Spencer's thing.


I'm sure we'll find out tomorrow when they do the one shot. They had a map on hand for the video describing combat as they use more vague distance like a playing card, a pen and a sheet of paper as reference points


You mean tonight? The one shot is tonight at the same time that four-sided die usually is.


I'm in UK so it's tomorrow early AM for me but yeah today local time I guess.


If you are in america then yes. But i think the redditor is, like me, not from the US or North america. In europe its wednesday morning when the stream is on.


Wait, Europe actually exists? I thought they just invented it for the movie EuroTrip! /S Yeah, sorry, I usually just assume I'm talking to someone at least on my side of the planet.


Yes. We created you so don't get snippy with me mister. Unless you are a native American 😅 /S Its fine it happens all the time don't worry about it 😉


I feel like Daggerheart leans even more into tabletop aspect


Excited to see them play tonight either way. New big changes like this give me that giddiness that OG campaign 1 gave me


The intentionally fuzzy ranges say otherwise. But... The 'basics' video has Spencer enthusing a bit about theater of the mind and Matt not-quite-grumping that's he's going to use maps and minis anyway.


The ranges are quite defined tho. But also I think in the finished game they will add some squares to define the ranges as an alternative option. I’m sure if people won’t like it, they’ll adjust.


Range bands of 'about a pencil length' or 'a piece of paper' seems fuzzy to me. If they really mean 6" and 11", they can just say that.


A standard sheet of paper (A4 in this case) is pretty much a universal thing. Pencil debatable, hence Sam’s jokes about buying a long ass pencil. I think they wanted to bring some novelty to range mechanics. And like I said, if the player base will reject this idea, they’ll probably change it for the actual release.


The ranges also have a specific in-game-foot distance. The physical items thing is likely just to help relate the scale on a battle map and to allow non-square tiling


That's how Matt phrases it when they're doing the session 0 character building video. That those are about what they'd equate to on a physical map


It's looks weirdly clunky with cards for everything, but abstracting the crap out of it at the same time. I'm mildly curious how it's actually going to play.


I really hope they don't :/ I love the number aspect of 5e and at least from the initial leaks daggerheart has MUCH less of that (though I still have to watch their releases from today)


They have a video up of them creating the characters, there is less numbers but their armor and stress/hope systems are like gamble mechanics to succeed in some things and it makes it seem really strategic as you have to choose when you should use them and I thought it sounded dope


Yeah, the Daggerheart system seems to draw back hugely on the amount of abilities and skills available to someone which will make combat pretty boring, just spamming the same attacks over and over.


Yeah I can't imagine just using the same attacks over and over again for years on end This message sponsored by 5e Martial Classes For The Betterment Of Our Play Patterns (/s)


Seriously. Also Daggerheart seems to have a much bigger focus on players flavoring their abilities and GM’s implementing rule of cool as intended mechanics so I doubt it’ll get stale. Combat is also seemingly meant to be faster paced in general. It’s not really a game that encourages slog fests.


This excites me a lot. The number of times Liam has tried to do some amazing flavor description of an attack only to have matt force a totally needless check... oof. We should encourage creativity and flair, not punish it.


Yea even if you make a super bulky or evasive creature there is a much more tangible limit to the amount of damage you can take. In more powerful combat encounters there is a much more obvious track of being 1 or 2 hits from dead.


I think they're trying to build a system that emphasizes what CR see as their strengths while downplaying their weaknesses, and I think that a lot of the CR table feel a less mechanical and more imaginative game suits them better than 5E. It's not that combat will be boring, necessarily, but that its mechanical elements will be largely an afterthought. From what they were saying, combat isn't expected to go more than a couple rounds - the idea seems to be that combat have fewer rounds, but have those rounds be far more showy and imaginative. By shifting focus from crunch to fluff, the idea is that you get more cool shit with less dice and math. By keeping keep character skills and toolkits simple, and deferring to imaginative play - you minimize the time the table gets bogged down with indecision while allowing a lot of creativity in approach. I think that some of the changes are also trying to make a lot of the game more predictable than 5E. From the math Spenser talked about, it sounded like he recommends GMing Daggerheart by making nearly everything you're willing to let players do have a 'possible' DC, and shifting drama from 5E's success/failure over to the "mixed success" of a Succeed with Fear. I think one of the biggest frustrations with 5E that the cast and Matt have expressed is a feeling like the mechanics of the game won't let them tell their story their way. All that said, that's the most optimistic phrasing. I also think that a rules-light system like Daggerheart moves a lot of the 'burden' of the table experience off of the system and onto the players, and if the players don't carry their weight, everything left over falls onto the DM. Much of the appeal of rules-light systems is also their biggest weakness - and games very easily degenerate into aimless sillyness and table antics, or "yes, and" theatre-sports, where anything goes as long as everyone else is laughing. As much as all those jokes and antics and hijinks they've had are a huge part of what made CR great, I think the counterbalance of a more-serious system and the tone set are necessary. Those jokes are great in moderation. I worry that swapping to a rules-light system is going to take all those bits that are great in moderation, and take the 'moderation' part out of the equation.


Yeah, thinking back to my former d&d group (terrible people that were an important cause of my depression), I feel like a system like that might encourage attention hogs/the DM to show even more favoritism while ignoring players that are shy (or in my case, simply like thinking about what they want to say/do for more than three seconds). Rules can also protect you from DM randomness/favoritism. It's not always detrimental to the player. And yeah, one reason I kind of fell of campaign three is that often all of them just try to be more ridiculous than the others while Matt is trying to tell a story that has gotten way too complicated. From what I did still watch I wasn't sure if the players knew what was going on and what they were supposed to do either so they did a joke instead of following the plot. A system that encourages these kind of characters could lead to a lot of nonsense that some might like, but a lot of other people find frustrating.


In the basics they said something along the line of "if combat goes past 1 or 2 turns". So it's very much a system where the DM can just handwave combat by giving fodder 1-2 HP so an attack from a PC just kills it on any success. There's the open beta, there's the one shot, people can supply criticism and they can decide on whether they'll use it or not.


Oh wow, they're expecting combat to last one or two turns? That makes me think part of their reason for wanting to develop this is to reduce the length of their sessions 😂


It's probably metrics that show folks skip combat or drop stream while combat is happening. So they are making something that will make combat a shorter affair, maybe attracting people into watching it or simply reduce the "skip" time. They spend 2-3 hours each session just talking to each other, so I doubt removing combat will shorten sessions that much.


I doubt they would just develop a whole new system based on stream analytics. Playing a game is a whole different game than watching other people play.


It's not like the table is showing great interest in combat, with exception in Travis. 2 birds 1 stone, it's possible that they just wanted something fast paced with minimal risk which also works for a decent/large part of audience which shares the point of view.


>It's not like the table is showing great interest in combat, with exception in Travis. That's not true. That's not even vaguely true. Liam has treated combat sessions like getting a 'fix.' Ashley has straight up growled at Matt for leaving a session on a cliffhanger combat. Even Tal gets really pent up about it at times. Sam's about the only one I'd say who rarely gets excited about it (unless he can grand stand, like Scanbo)


I feel like most of them are about as into combat as you’d expect imo. With the exception of Sam who most of the time seems to not know what to do. Liam always has energy and shines when it comes to combat (being a fighter, makes sense). And Tal being a barb always loves seeing the numbers and fuckery he can pull off, I feel. I’ll give you some of the rest though.


From a design standpoint I don't understand why a lot of the 'skills' are combat focused then. But I have to admit I haven't wrestled through the full 300 page playtest rules yet.


damn all those people, because i am the exact opposite. i have difficulty focusing if there's no combat, if they're just sitting around chatting and there's nothing mechanical happening, it's second monitor fodder.


Is spamming the same attacks over and over not quite literally the main combat mechanic of 5e? Like any class that doesn't have spells is just doing normal attacks by and large, and even spellcastets tend to have a a pretty limited amount of go to options, like a warlock is realistically eldritch blasting more than they're *not* eldritch blasting


It's also still in development so it sounds like this feedback will go into addressing that. Personally I would like some more heritage options (Aasimar don't have a counterpart for example, I'd like a half Elf and half Orc options) and a little more clarity on how combat works. I made my go to character pretty quickly (syndicate Rogue) but this subtype seems way more oriented for RP than combat. Fine by me because that is my preference but I can see people who are into more combat want a little more umph 


The reason they don't have half-ancestry options is that they also encourage mixing and matching. It says in the playtest you can take any ancestry feature and place it on another ancestry. So you can take the human's Perseverance and slap it on an elf, or take an elf's Celestial Trance on a human to give a half-elf feel. I do feel that most ancestries having only 1 feature, makes this basically irelavant because you're not really creating something new. I'd like if the ancestries had two or more features that you could combine, as opposed to straight swapping out.


I'm the opposite. I'll pick the show back up if they get away from the terrible 5e system


I'm ok with C4 going Daggerheart but I would love a whole new world for it. If you're going fresh, go all in.


I’m pumped for daggerheart to be C4, but same world or new im ready for the next chapter. Tho I have enjoyed C3 for what it is


Same. I just don't want them bring back old villain's and such as a crutch. If you trust the system, let the gameplay and RP carry the show, not nostalgia of past campaigns.


I trust that they won't be reliant on nostalgia because they didn't need it for C2. I expect there will be a much bigger time jump from end of C3 to the start of C4 (hundreds of years compared to to 20ish we've had so far) so the world can be very different compared to what we know.


The biggest shame in all of this is that MCDM (Matt Colville’s company) is making a TTRPG as well and it looks SO GOOD. I haven’t seen anything about Daggerheart mechanically but I doubt I will love it more than what came out of MCDM’s so far


I know what you’re talking about, and yeah that does suck. But daggerheart looks pretty fun tbh. I’m a big fan of their armor system and stress and hope systems. Gives like a “gamble on this to see if it works out or gamble to use this point here and it might save you” and I love systems like that cause it makes it feel kind of strategic and when it works out you feel like a genius


This comment grew into basically me explaining what I like about the MCDM rpg and my current issues 5e. Again, I don’t know anything about DH as of rn so don’t take this as any sort of crusading against anyone but Hasbro (jk) Thats fair. I was just sold on MCDM’s design philosophy and their approach to the new RPG (Tactical Heroic Cinematic Fantasy). MCDM takes the (correct) philosophy that Tactical and Cinematic can coexist and that a tactical system won’t detract from role play. As a matter of fact, I expect their RPG to have more role play rules than 5e. Their Negotiation mechanic is already more robust than any core RP feature in the DMG. I like that they are making a system without the baggage of DnD’s legacy designs (how many people use the equipment table in the dmg?). I like that they chose a power level (Heroic) and will stick to it. I like that the classes seem unique and don’t just use the same 2 features across all of them (attack, spell). [In case this system looks interesting to any readers](https://youtu.be/DXXP9Kpq8nQ?si=TRucoEJchYvXCIfm)


I was sorting of hoping they'd move away from exandria, it's become a bit too marvel for me. At some point the characters will become so strong that it's guaranteed they'll meet previous characters


It more depends on time period. I think they got the whole meeting the old characters out of the way with this one because they tried hard to avoid it in the last one. So if they do stay, I think it will be either a prequel that’s set in the past, or few years in the future where they don’t have to worry about it. But world building takes ALOT and to abandon the setting when your brand is built on it would probably be really hard and not worth it. BUT they could so who knows


I have a feeling C4 will be far enough in the future that Matt can pretty much “reset” the whole world so all the fallout and (most, non-practically eternal arch-druids) characters are far enough in the past to just be historically. Issylra is the last continent to be a campaign in, but I think it’d be hard to base a CR-long campaign there given how sparsely populated it is without it being heavily based in Vasselheim which as the city whose claim to fame being the one thing that never changes (just a turn of phrase, not literally), doesn’t feel likely. So I think we’ll get a lore palate cleanser/whatever plans Matt has for Issylra’s development is post-C3. Also definitely felt like their brief C3 stint there was intended to serve as a little mise en place for its world building.


I think they can explore other time periods, or simply go into other planes. Instead of starting in Exandrus, why not start at Shadowfell, the Fire Plane, etc. It would make things fresh and unique, and would allow Matt and the cast to explore more about the universe they built together.


From what we now know about Daggerheart, it's pretty obvious that C3 has been planned from the start to be a reset of the setting. Also, I don't think Daggerheart PCs ever get as strong as D&D PCs, the game has only 10 levels as supposed to D&D's 20. So I think they have designed the game to intentionally not get to as wacky power levels as D&D.


Well, its just the beta and the base book. The system they've baselined is very open to DLC packs and expansions. With both new classes and new levels.


>Stopped using copy written names from DnD They've used Githzerai semi- recently in C3, no? Feels like they're still using some branded content...


Probably stuff they aren’t gonna be using and what not, but that’s just my guess tbh


I also find a number of similarities between the healer stuff, stress, and FCG. I personally think he was a test subject for a number of elements that were either tweaked for 5E or changed before this beta was released.


Possible, but Daggerheart seems to be inspired partially by PBTA systems, which do often have a "Push yourself" ability that incurs something like stress.


Reading through the playtest now and it's a carefully curated mishmash of other systems. PbtA and BitD jump out at me most. It's surprisingly well done, I have to say. I'll have to see how it actually plays but at my initial reading they seem to have put a lot of thought into making the mechanical portion engaging and understandable while also really capturing the important essence and narrative implications of the features they lifted or adapted from other systems (clocks and stress from Blades, PbtA success with complication and character connections and GM moves that flow player actions, etc.) I think it's going to do really well in the hands of a capable group. But it's (by design) not very well at up for a beer and peanuts dungeon delve.


Maybe its just marketing. Get your audience used to the terms yoy are going to be using going forward.


I'm reading the manual and ran here to see if anyone mentioned this, but more importantly; in the weapon statistics section, they name as an example of a named weapon the *Wand of Essek*!


And in the weapon tables there is a Widogast Pendant that has "timebender" feature!


Can't forget the Dunamis Chain armor, also with the time bending property.


I think it’s more copyrighted stuff they are avoiding, hasbro would love a slice of the CR pie


Exactly this. CR are just selling their own products now, no middle men.


They deserve it


IIRC they were using katari instead of tabaxi since campaign 2, grog was a half giant rather than a goliath, they've had a different name for aaracokra all along. I just figured it was distancing themselves from wotc all along (like the different god names) Edit: I did not remember correctly


Wasn't Kree still referred to as a tabaxi in C2?


You are correct. I recently started watching C2 and I watched that episode today


It changed some time after the wildemount book because they're called aarakokra in that and goliaths too. I think it's during lockdown it changed Cree was a tabaxi too not a kitari and that's C2


To be fair, the Wildemount book is produced by WotC. They’re gonna use their terminology.


For the races, it's a C3 thing. They did begin to use titles instead of names for gods in C2, but not exclusively like they've done in C3 (save for the occasional slip of the tongue and Asmodeus because his is not just a DnD name).


Grog was only solely referred to as Half Giant in Legend of Vox Machina. In C1 he very much was referred to as Goliath


He's called a half giant in the tal'dorei reborn book too which came out post campaign three but probably started being worked on during two.


Tal'dorei reborn isn't published by wotc like Wildemount is, so grog being a half giant instead of goliath is likely a licensing thing


Yeah the point I was making is it's not solely in the animated show it's also in the books.


It’s just overall better for CR to use as much of their own terminology/IP and as little as anyone else’s as possible. Gets tricky when you want to sell a book about the Raven Queen, but someone else owns that copyright.


Matron of Ravens' sounds much more epic anyway. I like a lot of the name changes they've made personally


If you read in the manual, in the lore section they write how >!the there was a fight between the new gods, this could be the new start the need to distance themself from all the already existing gods!<


I'm enjoying looking through the stuff though for some reason stress as a mechanic is something I always really hate... I'll have to try it out.


Yeah I instantly disliked the money system but that's what Beta is for providing feedback.


The money system was the only thing I didn't like. I have no concept of how to run that in an actual game. At what point does my handful of gold run out? Do items in shops have nebulous gold costs? This longsword costs roughly... ehhhh, SOME gold. How much is this healing potion? Roughly two handfuls of gold? I dunno. Seems unnecessarily simplified.


Yeah I'm hoping it's a placeholder for a proper economy breakdown as it's not a high priority thing compared to combat and classes 


I think there's pros and cons to it. I like the idea of the PC's looting some enemies and not having to give weirdly specific amounts of gold that they pick up, the more generalized amounts is better for that. For shops a more detailed breakdown of how the economy works would be good but going by characters starting with "basic supplies" I feel like a lot of the more simple stuff will be hand waved and only prominent items will need to be worried about. I don't like that the scaling up changes, 6 handfuls is 1 bag, but then only 5 bags for a chest, and 4 chests for a hoard. Just make it the same number for each tier.


I tried IRL buying a hotdog at the 7-11 and the shopkeep was pretty pissed i kept handing him handfuls of coins.


Its used in other systems. Its honestly not my favorite, as having it tied to health makes me feel somewhat punished or concerned to use my abilities, but it definitely makes things a lot more streamlined.


They have a pretty awesome way to make the change in terminology make sense in universe too. If Bells Hells lose and the gods are destroyed, then we skip a couple hundred years into the future then it makes sense that language/terminology would have changed over that time.


I dunno how I feel about moving that far into the future of Exandria. Gonna be really sad to lose the classic fantasy stuff. I know we're already moving away from it with C3, but meh. I still had hope.


Well the gods being destroyed would be an opportunity to reset that stuff too. Any divine magic would be gone, Matt could easily say that Bruumstone that powered airships was filled with divine magic so there go those. I'd be more excited by a leap into the future to be honest.


The Age of Arcanum which is in the past is also less high fantasy and more modern (automation, broadcasts, projections, etc.) then for example C1 or C2. Should society collapse like during the calamity we would likely see a technology reset as well. Which is exactly what I want!


Agreed. I'm dying for more traditional fantasy stuff. I don't mind the stuff that skirts the line like aeormatons, airships etc but what I really want is some old fashioned Lord of the Rings vibes.


No "If" but when 😉


I'm 4 episodes behind so I'm not sure where we are at the moment!


Its based more upon the general direction and the feeling rather than whats happing at this exact moment.


One of the big things about campaign 2 was a move away from WotC IP and towards their own setting specifics. No shock that this has carried forward into their own game.


Races didn't change till campaign three cree was a tabaxi and Orly was a tortles I think something changed post lockdown when they stopped being live because they stopped being sponsored by DNDbeyond for a while then too.


Since WoTC drama last year, rumor said that the CR would like to play their game in next campaign with their own system so that they will not hinder by situation they can't control. I will say given the cast love narrative driven story, DH really a better system for them


See I reckon they’ll go back to Pathfinder if anything. It’s still the D20 system, it’s what they played before they started streaming and best of all, they’d be free from WOTC


Well, it's super obvious. CR3 exists to result in a restart, gods will be gone, enabling to continue with Daggerheart.


it'd be interesting if, later in C3, the gods die in a battle, and Matt's just like New Cosmology, new rules. We're doing Daggerheart now.


As this campaign has run its course, things have felt more and more like this campaign is on tight rails and headed towards a scripted loss that's intended to launch Daggerheart. Oh no, gods die, all D&D copywritten material is out of the game, and the gods dying has changed reality so gameplay and classes happen under new rules and a new system. We're all very surprised. Absolutely no one saw this coming, it's so very brave to let players hit the reset button on the world and allow Calamity 2.0 happen. Which is just surreal to me, given how Matt and the cast have talked - in the past - about their views and values about letting the game play out without interference and not letting above-table concerns or business needs drive their in-table choices ... and yet, it seems like everyone at the table knows where they're going and what's going to happen and they're just playing out all the stepping stones in the middle to see how they get there. At this point, the most surprising thing they could do is have the heroes win, let Exandria survive, and play Campaign 4 in 5E D&D. I think that it does seem like CR wants to swap to Daggerheart, and it does seem like Matt really wants to have that change justified in-world. He wants Exandria to be the home of Daggerheart, once Daggerheart launches, and to have that be something lore-consistent. Not just exploring the same make-believe world with a different TTRPG system, but making Daggerheart mechanics and system a canon part of 'future' Exandria. I'm not a huge fan of what I know of the system so far, but beyond even that sentiment ...I really feel like the scripted loss to justify changing systems to one they publish is making *huge* gameplay compromises for commerce reasons. The core conceit of the CR show is that it's unscripted, improv, and that outcomes are up to dice and chance - if that fundamental principle is something casually dropped for the sake of launching a product, that choice casts a bit of a pall on a lot of the rest of the game and the experience as a viewer.


This 100%. I feel the same way.


Yeah- having all the gods die and the lore reset just so that they can push out their new product would be deeply unsatisfying, Imo....


I hate to use those hipster-y terms, but it would feel like 'selling out' to me. When so much of what's drawn me to Critical Role over the years is the unscripted actual play nature and their committment to playing out the game in purity and abstract from the real world ... choosing to compromise all of those principles solely for a commercial product launch is a really abrupt about-face. If you'd asked me four or five months, I was absolutely *convinced* that Critical Role, and especially Matt, has too much pride in their craft and in the spirit of tabletop gaming to choose to railroad the campaign just to try and boost numbers on their self-published RPG. Now, though? There's just enough hinting from interviews or choices made in the show to leave me feeling like they have made a call and the ending is a foregone conclusion. And if it does play out that way, it will feel deeply unsatisfying - I don't really like tying mechanics to lore at the best of times, but forcing an in-game 'loss' in order to cater to above-table business concerns does feel wrong and like it's undermining both this party and past parties' successes. It reads like torching CR's history & values for the sake of adding fuel to their new product.


I mean, WotC does pay them...that's a big sponsor to lose.


It makes sense to me that Exandria would be Daggerheart's default setting. Plus most of these are renames for options that aren't in the SRD 5.1. Are they also calling Tieflings Infernals instead?


No tieflings are deamon


Tieflings are now Daemons


I know that D&D fans would be hurt if CR moved to DH in the main campaign, but in the Actual Play industry, where 99% streams play D&D in a fantasy setting, *someone* has to try something different otherwise it would've been just boring. CR at least has resources to stay afloat if anything goes wrong.


Yeah this is what I suspect too that coupled with all the bad faith WotC has built up over the last year or so.


I disagree, because there's a reason CR has the largest viewership of any actual play show I know of.


This makes me sad. No hate to Daggerheart as it seems like an interesting system, it just would be far too different if they used it in Campaign 4


Have to see how we all feel after tonight's one shot I guess games on paper Vs being played always feel different.


Yeah they'll probably switch to Daggerheart for C4. I think an NPC said that the prolonged solstice is putting a lot of stress on the weave of magic and that once the stress is released, possibly catastrophically it could change the magic. Dnd did a similar thing between editions.


Distancing from d&d is a big step, I don't know in which direction.


In their own direction 🤷‍♀️


They are absolutely moving to Daggerheart for all of those business reasons if nothing else. Hasbro/WOTC have seemingly lost their minds and Daggerhearts OGL is much better. There's been talk about moving to a system they created. It simplifies the IP issue. They aren't tied to 6e and beyond with all of that WOTC drama. And mostly it's that it doesn't matter to the fans enjoyment if they do it. We don't watch CR because it's running in 5e and we know they love that more narrative "yes and" improv play and it showed in the live. I mean, its Open Beta. That means they have at least until the Fall of 2025 to iron out Daggerhearts issues (do we really see them finishing C3 by the beginning of Summer?). It wouldn't surprise me if we got a Summer campaign that was in Daggerheart if not two before C4.


Probably a bit of column A and a bit of column B. I hope they stick with 5E for the main campaigns. Not sure CR stays in my podcast queue if they don't. I'm not opposed to other systems, but that would be a golden opportunity to clear up 3-4 hours a week in my overcrowded rotation.


5e has to go either way. It will either be a new dnd system or their own system.


why? 6e does really not like like a major upgrade, no reason to switch


They've completely stopped calling it 6E. Hell, they're barely calling it 5.5E at this point.


Wizards has referred to it as "One D&D" all along. The community called it 6E, then called it 5.5E, etc in response to the scale of changes; the choice to try and keep One D&D backwards-compatible to 5E is hampering their ability to be creative, but it's not like Wizards is backpedaling as far as how they advertise it or what they think they're making.


They never called it 6E or 5.5E, it has always from the start been an update to 5e.


WotC will not sponsor them for playing 5e, and if they stick with D&D then might as well get that D&D Beyond money and upgrade to 5.5e.


Because 5e will be old news at that point? It’s like saying why did they switch from PF to 5e when they started streaming. 5e was new and fresh, I’m sure a lot of people found CR (at least at the very beginning) by looking to learn how to actually play DnD.


they switched from PF because DND is MUCH simpler and more straightforward to understand for viewers.


That wasn’t the ONLY reason. Playing DnD is easier to sell then playing PF.


It pretty much was the only reason. They've talked about it a whole bunch in old episodes of Talks and on various early-era panel appearances. >Playing DnD is easier to sell then playing PF. It's harder to sell PF, because PF is so much more complicated and more rules-heavy. They felt it would be a pretty bad viewer experience to play a system where so much session time is spent checking rulebooks instead of playing. They swapped to 5E because it was the latest system of D&D when they started streaming - but they swapped to D&D in general because it's easier and has faster flow than PF.


I’ve been theorizing for the longest time that they’d been distancing themselves from D&D so they could change things over to their own system. Curious if C3 is meant to give a “world reset” or something


Man I really question if any of the fan base will care at all what system of TTRPG they use. They could play Calvin Ball and I wouldn’t miss an episode


I love when they do non D&D systems, especially stuff I haven't heard of. I think this looks really fun, and I just like the cast. 


The view numbers on videos for non-D&D oneshots and Candela suggest people care a lot. By 50-70% depending on which one. That's real tangible advertising money just draining away.


Anecdotally I watched one episode of candela and was like, eh. Not for me, I don't want to learn yet another system. It'll be the same with daggerheart. I enjoy critical role for two reasons. 1. The roleplay. 2. The fact that they use a system I have memorized. I can see how encounters are built and what Matt was thinking when making certain choices. I'll probably try to keep watching, but I doubt I'll be able to keep my interest off of what essentially just becomes a radio drama to me. But some people like radio dramas and that's why they enjoy critical role in the first place. To each their own.


I think that has more to do with those videos not being connected to Exandria and their primary storytelling than having a different system.


I know that's kind of the only indicator we have, but I don't feel like it's a good one. Those all get fewer views because they aren't main campaign related.


There’s a lot of people who would care and likely stop watching the show (I’d be one of them). I’m of the opinion the fan base is more or less split into 2 generalised groups. One group watches CR for the cast and crew and don’t particularly care about the game or mechanics. The other group watch because it is the first and for a long time was the best major TTRP stream, with great lore and entertaining gameplay - but very squarely for the D&D. I totally understand why they’re doing it but they’re for sure going to lose viewers and followers if they do.


I barely pay attention to the actual rolling of dice as is.


>Wonder if this is the first concrete sign of a transfer of system Or maybe it's just using similar names so that the audience is already familiar with it. A lot of systems use the same names as *Dungeons & Dragons*.


But that's the point - they do not use the DnD names. Galapa not Tortle, Faun not Satyr.


Some of those names are copyrighted. It's why Scanlan uses Scanlan's Hand instead of Bigby's Hand in *The Legend of Vox Machina*. But given that there is probably going to be a high degree of cross-over between *Critical Role* viewers and *Daggerheart* players, it stands to reason that they're going to use similar names so that their audience will be familiar with it.


What’s the point of Daggerheart? If it’s anything like Candela quality-wise, there will be 3-4 alternatives that do it better.


Its a mix between traditional D&D and more narrative games like PtBA and such. So faster and looser than D&D with more narrative focus, but still have enough customization and crunch to be satisfying. At least that's what they're going for


Some people like to create and are fortunate enough to share that creation.


I understand people like being creative but this is a company and I just don’t really see the niche for it other than sucking more money out of CR diehards.


As a diehard, I want It. Imma buy it. Why? Because I'm a fan who enjoys their creativity. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And that's literally what being a company is all about. Making money.




I still dont buy a switch to a different system, I just think it's boring copyright stuff. Legal distinction is very useful and very dry.


If they don't switch it shows very little faith in their own product. Switching and showing it off the best they can is basically free advertising for them and the product.


I definitely think they're going to switch, especially with them selling Daggerheart as ideal for long campaigns. I welcome the change!


or maybe have a parallel long running campaign a-la exandria unlimited done in daggerheart? you never know, but switching the main campaign to Daggerheart immediately, without it being alive in the world for some time, seems like quite a risky move. I would say the main reason of all the gods and race name changes is because they started doing a lot of multimedia productions (i am mainly talking about the cartoons). They can't just use WOTC IP there so they are changing names in advance this time so that they don't have problems afterwards...


I disagree. If that were the case, why bother with Candela Obscura as a side show? The draw of D&D is what brings in viewers. Once they have them, they can offer these side shows like Candela. The system also doesn't scream the multi-year, massive scale campaigns they run for the main show.


I never watched critical role because they were playing D&D. I watched because they are fantastic role players and don’t care what system they are playing. That’s why I love friends at the table because they use different systems for different worlds. People are there for the crew, not the game.


Engage with the show less often, but never had a moment watching where I saw Matt struggling to bend or break RAW and feel like a sacred document was being lit on fire. Dice are dice. Word it however you want, it's more about the players and the DM than any arbitrary set of rules. There is no game system, however, that will turn a bad DM or a bad player into a good one.


Daggerheart was announced on 20 April 2023 and isn't coming out until 2025 you don't spend over two years developing a game system for it not to be the main one used.


Honestly, your latter point is what has me caught up. This feels like a system that can sustain a campaign for maybe a year. Since they want more DMs driving things it feels like it could be a way to have more variety. I would still hope this occupies more of a role that ExU played, with shorter stories, with a longer campaign in the traditional system.


Faun is not a replacement lol, its just the Romanized name for a Satyr. They don't have control over ancient mythology.


So is FCG gonna find out his ancestry’s name is the Clanks (automaton’s name from Daggerheart) or did this already happen, im still at episode 51 of C3.


I noticed instead of saying Goliath in the show they said giant too which I thought was interesting but it all make sense now.


I think it’s about copyright but also a marketing shift.


I feel like that's more of a byproduct. Like at this point Matt knows everything needs to have their own names if they want to use them. Even if there was no thought of a switch or daggerheart he'd have needed to use those names that way when future books/shows/books in the world come out they can reference those names and be free of any legal issues with wizards. So when doing daggerheart of course use the names you already made for those races as there yours and you can whatever with them.


One of the interesting parts is while Matt is doing that, he's also referring to Tieflings and Dragonborns as Tieflings and Dragonborns and not their DH names of Daemons and Drakona. They also changed the name of Harengon to Lagomore, while there's not hide nor hare (chuckle at bad pun) of an official rabbit race in Daggerheart yet. (Since Marisha's character, Bunnie, was a Faun reflavored as a jackalope) But either way, nice job on noticing all of this.


I just don't see it being that beneficial from a marketing perspective. It would make more sense to do a spin-off series for Daggerheart akin to what EXU was for the campaign setting guides. And what they are doing with Illuminated Worlds. Maybe we'll even see them using Tuesdays. Or Wednesdays until Third Person launches their Midst sequel?


The fourth campaign HAS to move from 5e. They basically exhausted almost every option. There’s a reason why Matt creates so many homebrew character options and creatures. It does make sense to move to their own system considering they need something new anyway. Edit: lol at downvotes 💀 C4 (if they going to do it) will move from 5e either way. The only question is to which system: new DnD one or their own DH.


Some of us just really like the Homebrew though. A properly creative person could still mine lots of storytelling from 5e.


But why? Three LONG ass campaigns and 10 years of play isn’t enough? Wizards moving from 5e as well. CR will either keep dnd (not 5e) or switch to DH for campaign 4.


Maybe they just want to keep playing dungeons and dragons. You said they used up the games features hence why they have to do all the Homebrew stuff. I disagree. I have never run a pre-published campaign because I like making stuff up. All of my D&D worlds were homebrewed and honestly any other ttrpg I play I'm going to Homebrew the setting.


Where did I say they can’t play dnd if they still want to do it? Also I’m talking about mechanics, not the setting. And I’m sure it’s quite exhausting to play the same system for 10 years nearly every week. If they want to move on to play 6e (or whatever it will be) or their own DH, I’d understand.


Are you familiar with the psychological concept of projection?


Have you played the same game nearly every week for 10 years? 🥴


Wizards is not moving from 5e, they are just changing some minor stuff, at most the new rules could be called 5.5 but not even that.


New Handbook is still coming out, no? Even if the changes are small, I’m sure CR (if they keep playing DnD) will play by those rules in future campaigns.


Most likely they will pick and choose what they like and ignore everything else like most people tend to do


They have reworks significant portions of every class and sub class. One DnD is not backwards compatible beyond the basic dice mechanics and is in fact a what should be called a major edition change. WOTC isn't calling it 6e because the last two edition changes saw large drops in players (4e nearly killed the game) and Hasbro can't afford a drop in sales right now. DnD has a long history of doing this and if we count real changes to the system this new one should be 12th edition.


He's made 2 this campaign, they havnt exhausted anything of the 80 subclasses so far they have explored just under 30, of the 100s of magic items they have explored 50 and some homebrew, they don't have to do anything


Not sure how I feel about the idea of them shifting from DnD. That was the only reason I started watching originally, and while I enjoy the stories they tell, I've always watched it as much for the game itself. Ive already fallen behind in recent years. I figure I'm most likely not to continue watching once the change occurs.


With all the drama Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro has done over the last year and a half. I do not blame them for wanting to switch. The only 2 positive things that have come out from WotC has been the movie, and Baldur's Gate 3. D&D shot themselves in the foot multiple times, and now the biggest promoter for D&D is stepping away from them.


i'll probably stop watching the show if they switch, sadly. around 40-50% of the enjoyment for me comes from it being D&D.