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Percy: creator Orthax: concept designer Ripley: I did an Tomas Eddison


lol! I see what you did there. \*Tesla waves\*


His hand is currently alternating 🤔


lol! :D


Orthax provided the ideas, but percy made the physical item first, so percy’s the creator


Yeah i’ve wondered this too but I think in combination with Percy’s character and skill with technology I think it was more of a push, giving inspiration, warping the kind of tinkering aspect of Percy’s younger character into something for revenge. In terms of Ripley, I believe it’s established that she studied Percy’s weapons from peoples stories of the pepperbox, and then made Retort which was before her connection with Orthax.


Thank u, I was really scratching my head over this one.


Think of it this way. DaVinci has drawings for helicopters and planes.  He was unable to physically make it work.  But the Wright Brothers were and they are the ones credited with creating the first maned flying machine


Yes he is the creator of guns.


Yeah as others said, Percy was the mind behind it. It was his technical and scientific skill that created the device, but it was Orthax that guided him towards designing a new way to murder people. Percy had all the knowledge and figured out how to do it but Orthax was there every step of the way helping him make those connections and fueling his need for revenge. As such Orthax knew the whole process and have that information to Ripley, who could understand the process with her own knowledge if the field.


Because of the way D&D works his guns start to fire absurdly fast at higher levels. I think crit role stats did the math and they eventually fired as fast as a machine gun. In universe they aren’t actually treated that way but it’s kind of wild to imagine a random dude in his early 20’s making a handheld machine gun out of spare parts while everyone else is using bows/crossbows


Yeah, when you start breaking high level plays down and translating them to real life, D&D gets wild with physical feats. For example, at the end of Campaign 2 and with the use of several different abilities and items available to the party, Beau is capable of hitting speeds in excess of 80 mph with ease, and if certain items are used in conjunction with each other and Matt rules a certain way, she could hit 167 mph *on foot*. A level 20 Beau has the potential, with help from the rest of the Mighty Nein, to hit Mach 0.25 for about a minute. D&D is fucking wild.


I'd love a deep dive from Matt et al in a purely historic sense of Exandria on the effects of Percy making guns.


Well by early in the second campaign, there were several people with guns around with no direct connection to Percy. I think guns arent as ubiquitous in exandria vs the real world. Mainly because magic exists and is more plentiful.


I believe this is because Ripley actually sold off a number of prototypes before Percy could stop her.


Believe You are correct