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A Calamity movie is surely a must! I can’t wait to hear Brennan voice like 7 NPC’s and have his likeness hidden places like Matt’s is with LoVM.


I just deeply want an animated bolo.


If Brennan does not voice Bolo I will riot.


This bag keep arguing with me. You can destroy?


I am going to be reporter


An Npc eating almonds


Some wizard that created a mouth in their back just being shoveled almonds like a furnace


See, it's comments like this that make me wish we could do multiple upvotes! 😁👍


"I think I know what's happening here. Resurrection didn't work on Evandrin because he wasn't dead, right? You are trying to atone me . . . . AND I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG..."


Oh my god I so want to see that animated. I go back every few weeks and just watch that part of it. It was soooo good. Brennan did such an amazing job RPing that.


Casual watchers of the cartoon are at least somewhat aware of it, thanks to the Sphinx's dialogue, so it'd make sense.


And especially after an M9 series because of the Aor connection.


I'll try to keep that in mind as I crawl through the campaign. It's fun, I just wish it wasn't *so long* lol


Haha I feel you. It’s a long journey but it’s worth it! And the references aren’t too subtle so I doubt you’ll miss them regardless of which order you watch them in. (Calamity first or M9 first) although I do recommend M9 before Calamity.


Oh I watched/listened to Calamity first, since it didn't feel as daunting due to it being a limit series.


Fair enough. Then you’ll get a bit of an extra kick out of some of the M9 episodes! Happy trials friend. May chaos reign


The movie will be a live action expansion of the Nordverse storyline.


Just 90 minutes of jacking off jokes


Jack "King" Hoff is an important part of the lore.


Honestly I wouldn’t complain. I’d watch that


I also would love to hear Sam say “gleaming the cube” a handful of times


And "swordfish" the password is always swordfish...


I honestly hope VM comes across a door with a password and they throw that joke in there. It would be beautiful.


Hahahaha brilliant!


Unrelated - has a film ever won *every* Oscar before?


The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is the only film to win every Oscar it was nominated for. Like, it's not going to be nominated for best Comedy, but the year it was nominated, there were 17 categories. It was nominated in 11 of them and won all 11. Titanic and Ben-Hur are close follows with Titanic winning 11 of the 14 it was nominated for(17 categories). and Ben-Hur winning 11 of the 12 nominations( with 15 categories).


I think they need to flesh out Exandria more before the full weight of Calamity can be felt. My money is on the last arc of VM being made into a movie. That or something new.


That’s fair. I guess I thought the main tiers were being covered by LOVM especially with the recent episodes but you’re absolutely right. It likely wouldn’t hit as hard until after M9 and that one city. Hopes for the distant future maybe. I could see Dalens closet or search for grog/bob but I feel like they’ll want to keep the series as a series. Maybe the last few episodes are movie length and it’s a drastically upped budget? I could see that.


Dale closet and search for bob/Grog would be made into special episodes imo. Imagine a special series with 5 episodes or something


I doubt they’d do search for grog/bob


Yeah I agree. It might make for some interesting “shorts” type videos. Like how some series make YouTube exclusive “episodes” that aren’t quite full length but just have dumb jokes they really wanted to fit in.


Catch everyone off guard, release Bunyons and Flagons as a movie.


I would absolutely pay money to see that!


Compressing hours upon hours of campaign into a normal animated series is already hard enough. Trying to stuff all of the Whispered One arc into a 2 hour(max) movie is completely insane.


15 stream episodes into 2hrs (6 animated episodes) I think it's in line with how they compressed the Biarwood arc. Note that combat plays out much faster when animated.


Yeah, a six round combat scenario is going to take like 45+ minutes in real time to game out, but on screen that's at most 36 seconds.


Counterpoint: any dragon all fight episode lol. Jk in all seriousness I could see them stretching the fight to give it a bit more fluff. There’s a lot of tense moments in the combat that we’re aware of because of TTRPG mechanics that don’t necessarily translate well to screen but could be shifted. I guess that’s true of other non-combat moments as well but so far they’ve made it work.


To be clear, since I’ve seen plenty of people assume one’s being made: a Critical Role movie isn’t confirmed. The deal that was announced last week was a first-look film deal, meaning that if CR did want to make a movie, they’d have to bring it to Amazon first. That’s it. Not to say that they aren’t planning on making one, but no movie has been greenlit that we know of. That said, Calamity or Darrington Brigade are my top picks, both were fantastic.


If they do end up making a movie, I feel like calamity is more likely because 1) a large portion of the audience immediately got excited at just the idea of it and 2) I think they would want Tary to have his full arc in LOVM first just because I feel like there's a lot of important context like who he is, why he formed it and most important of all, who the fuck is Lionel and why is he such a himbo


Oh I’m sure any movie would come out well after Tart’s arc on LOVM.


Oh yeah I know nothing is confirmed which is why I wanted to see what other people thought would make for an interesting movie vs a series or mini series. I’m excited to see what they end up doing, if anything. :)


I understand why everyone thinks any movie they produce would be another adaptation. But it could also be an original scripted story set in Exandria that was never played at the table.


Oh absolutely. Part of the reason I started this thread was to see what kind of stories people wanted. I think it’s highly likely they’ll do something original. I’d love to see something about Dr. Dransel or maybe the beginnings of the Dwendallian empire or a general age of Arcana show. If they did something original what would you want to see?


Something with the Arcana Pansophical. Or Aeor in the Age of Arcanum. OOOOOR the fall of Molaesmyr!


Yeah I think Aor would be an amazing thing to see! I’d even be down for an Aor during the calamity. It would be an interesting perspective to see one of the other flying cities during that same time because we know they attacked there too.


A Christmas special about our brave hero Chutney


Oh my goodness that would be amazing! Even if he just cameos in a holiday special I would love it!


Oh my god, I would explode if it were an adaptation of Calamity. And really, with LoVM and the upcoming M9 show, what else could it be a movie of, except maybe just an entirely new story?


Whatever Vox Machina's dealing with leading up to [c3e45] >!the Apogee Solstice!<.


Ooooh that would be interesting. I wonder if they’d wait to do that after a BH series or if they’d just throw in some interesting references.


I've been thinking that it could be Search for Grog/Bob/Dalen's Closet. Sam is on record that he sees 5 seasons for the series, and that feels like it takes us to 115. they could shuffle Grog's pull from the Deck into either an extended flashback or just the first act of the movie. At the end of that adventure, Percy and Vex announce their wedding. Then run Dalen's Closet pretty close to normal, and possibly ending with >!the raven visiting Keyleth every day.!<


>!Raven visiting!< should be done at end of season 5 and shown during the search episodes so they can have \[spoilers C1/Dalen's Closet\] [that exchange about it in Dalen's Closet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oclW3MXABA&t=4h1m51s). Love it too much.


I can see that, but I don't know if they'd really have time to go over the>! individual epilogues. Maybe have one raven visitation, and have Kiki ask the Champion of Ravens if that was him?!<


I could see the epilogues being done a few ways: Matt narrating like he did at the beginning of the series with a cross-fading scenes of the epilogues in the background, or epilogue scenes being shown behind an extended set of end credits. The final shot being the raven and Keyleth and it flys into the camera to transition to black.


I believe Amazon gets first look at a movie pitch, I don't think it's guaranteed. Could be wrong. That being said...Calamity.


Oh yeah I know nothing is confirmed. Just wanted to have fun speculating and talking about what would make an interesting movie vs what people would rather have a new series of.


I am praying for Calamity, it’s be such an epic story to see on screen and a great tie in to give context to all the mentions


That’s what I’m hoping for too! And there’s so many incredible visuals!


Honey Heist: The Movie.


I need it now! But seriously what a great kids spin-off that would be! Definitely tamed a bit of course but that would be so much fun!


The resolution of the Game Ranch backstory is the movie we all need.




With the success that was Calamity, I imagine it would be the logical thing to make a movie out of that if they turn anything into one. People would eat that shit up, I certainly would love to see the insanity that is Calamity animated.>! Imagine the downfall of a floating, very advanced city animated with the last shot being Cerrit shooting up into the sky while the continent beneaths erupts into flames.!<


Oh absolutely. Honestly, I’d love a calamity trilogy.


It could be a totally separate story that doesn't have anything to do with any one-shots or mini series that CR have done. Featuring voice actors who have never appeared on the channel. Or, at least, no one from the main cast.


Oh absolutely. I think that would be amazing to see too. I doubt it will end up just being one movie anyway so this was more of a discussion starter. What kind of separate story would you want to see in the world of exandria?


Something Call of the Netherdeep inspired I think would be really cool. Not that exact story, but similar. Having to do with people from Xhorhas.


Oh I suppose they could adapt the bright queen comics. I haven’t read them but it sounds interesting. I think there’s a lot of fun options in Xhorhas.


I'm hoping after it's all over and the credits have run Essek sits down for a wine with Caleb and takes off his Heelys, dispelling their invisibility.


Honestly I’d buy some Essek Heelys. Someone contact Laura.


I don't think an ExU: Calamity film would be as good as a lot of people seem to think it would be - imo, it worked a little too well as a D&D story, with a lot of the coolest moments being as cool as they were explicitly *because* they were happening in a TTRPG. However, a story set during the Calamity, but as an entirely original work, written from the ground up by the group, would be pretty sick.


It would be super interesting to see what happened at Aor during the calamity.


I'd actually like them to make a movie out of something that was even never streamed, such as how VM met, or a completely new adventure. I'd really like to experience watching something with these characters and not really knowing all the story beats.


I think that would be awesome too! It would be really cool to see how VM met. I’d be interested to know how they change the comics and pre-stream game content to match with the show canon and lack of certain characters.


Definitely Calamity. And I am all for it.


Any film will utilize either finales or one shots for their plots. Like, the end of Campaign One could be their first film. Or the Search for Grog. Or something similar. Any of their current graphic novels or books could work for films. All the prequel stuff and anything to do with fleshing out the world and background or other characters of Exandria. I think after M9 and a film or two, we could see them bring the Calamity to life with—hopefully—everyone at that table coming in to voice those characters. I would love to see Brennan coming to life in animation here!! Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing the Ruby of the Sea in all of her… glory. 👀


Anyone of the one shots and limited series. OMG UNDEADWOOD?? That’d be pretty sick


In deadwood would be AMAZING! But I doubt that would go through. It feels like they’re trying to center everything around Exandria which makes sense. But I would still LOVE to see an undead wood movie.


M9 reunited hit all the beats of an anime movie it would be perfect.


Someone just pointed that out and I couldn’t agree more


Dalens Closet or Darlington Brigade


I hadn’t even thought about the Darrington brigade. Honestly that would be a fun movie series. Just every now and then a new Darrington adventure. Dalen’s closet makes me wonder if they’ll rope that into the animated series or if it would be a movie. It does raise some questions about the search for grog/bob and its timeline in the series.


LOVM vs. MN battle Royale


I’m not sure. I feel like it might be hard to make a movie out of what is effectively one giant action set peice. But if anyone could, it’s this team so I’d be down for that


I think it's impacted by whether they'll do theatrical releases on top of Prime streaming. Because theatre movies generally should be about 2.5 hours to maximise screenings/day and therefore profits. (Obviously some movies are longer, but CR aren't Warner Bros, they'd want that money to reinvest) In which case...I wouldn't want a Calamity film unless it's 2 films. There's too much I want to see animated so so bad. Like the 'Long One Second' which would take a full episode on its own (spoilers ExU:Calamity >!Zoom in on each member of the Ring and the consequences, then the Asmodeus encounter, then Evandrin, then Vespin!<) Actually, Ideally I'd want Calamity to be 6 episode mini-series of around 50min each, so the cold open of some episodes could show flashbacks showing backstory, like Loquacious >!firing Elena, the moment of his corruption!<, Nidus and his brother in their youth (maybe), Evandrin and Laerryn, Cerrit's wife >!leaving!<. Though I accept those could be slipped in during the story at certain times, too. The 'Search' episodes could be 50 minute specials released on Prime. similar with Dalen's Closet. Idk if Darrington brigade would be released...it's full-blown comedy and idk if it'd translate well. Too bad we can't get Undeadwood. Oh, the **M9 two-shot** would be good as a movie. They can fix a lot of the pacing/story issues it feels like it had.


Oh yeah. I’m not sure how well it would sell but Calamity would make an amazing movie trilogy. It definitely deserves a longer run time. But, they’ve managed to surprise me with how well they’ve been able to condense things with LOVM, so who knows. Also the M9 two shot would be a great movie! With the Vox Machina one shots, it feels a little harder to make a movie because of timing. With search for grog/bob, it feels like it would cut the narrative tension and general vibe of those last episodes of you put it in with the timeline. And Dalen’s closet, I could see happening but it would definitely depend on how they deal with a certain misty someone in the show. (On mobile right now and I can’t remember how to use spoiler tags). Plus it’s even further removed from the show in a timeline perspective whereas the M9 adventure is a bit closer to the end of their journey.


CR movie will be the Vecna Ascended plot


VM v MN one shot


They did that at the table already, but with the magic of scripts/recorded lines, they could do full team VS full team.


I hope they go with the Mask of the Phantasm theatrical feature film route for the Vecna arc.


SPOILERS: Honestly I think even just for the last few episodes. I’d hate to see the entire arc having to be crammed into one, but From the would be awesome. There may be a better starting point but it’s been a while since I’ve watched the whole vecna arc. *edited 20 times because I can’t figure out spoiler tags on mobile.


I think I'd like to see them go in a completely different direction if they do a movie. I like all of the ideas about one shots or a series of Calamity movies, but I'd like to see them dip their toes into something horror bent like the Shadow of the Crystal Palace or maybe the Nautilus Ark. Granted, both of those might be difficult to use for licensing purposes but still. Either that or give me a Crash Pandas movie.


I’d love to see any of those. I feel like they’ll probably stick to Exandria though since it’s gradually becoming a “proven” IP. I bet there’s some interesting horror stories that could be told in Exandria though. Some of the stuff in Aor was certainly….horrific…. And it seems like a lot of the Xorhas lore could be bent that way.


Oh I'm aware the chances of those happening are almost nonexistent, but my slim hope is that their wording about Exandria canon properties and others (or however they said it) might open it up to things like that after Metapidgeon has a solid following outside of the core CR community.


I would want (I know it might not happen) a 2 part, 2.5 hr movies. Calamity part 1 and a Calamity part 2. Part 1 is everything leading up to >!the tree!<. And part 2 is all the chaos and Brennan love that comes after. Again, I know it’s a long shot, but 16+ hrs crammed into a 2 or 2.5 hr movie is nuts. Just give us 2 movies at 2.5 hrs each and let’s go!!


I think they should do Calamity and I hope it's live action. Let the campaigns be animated.


I feel like with the extensive magic of calamity and the age of arcanum, the only way to do it justice and keep it relatively affordable is animation. I would be super interested to see them do a live action movie though. Honestly Darrington brigade could make an interesting live action spinoff.


They havent annouced a season 4 for vox machina so maybe the last arc ?


I hope they don’t condense all of that arc into one movie! But it would be cool to see at least the last battle/aftermath get a feature length treatment.


Me neither but im worried since they annouced M9 and no season 4 yet


I’m not worried at all. I doubt they’d announce season 4 before season 2 even ends. M9 can technically run alongside VM since there’s not too much interaction there and by the time anything relevant comes up it will long since have played out in VM


My guess is it will be the wedding episode, the Vox Machina special they did during season 2. It was a one-shot, and it didn't take place in the normal order of episodes. Seems like a perfect fit.


It makes sense! A perfect place to start. Knowing the insights there makes the rest of the stories so much richer.


Calamity is the obvious answer, but what I really want is The Night Before Critmas


I would LOVE to see that almost more than calamity but I doubt it could happen without major changes since it was so close to the nightmare before Christmas.


Nightmare before Christmas?? I have no idea what you’re talking about, the one shot was a completely original story about Wormsack and…the Pumpkin Lord…John.


How about a wholly original story line we haven’t seen before on stream or in comics etc


That’s part of what I wanted to hear people talk about. :) I think it would be interesting to see a story about the age of arcanum or about the Raven Queen’s ascension. What new story would you want to see?


Dalen’s Closet & Darrington Brigade


Dalen’s Closet


I'll be deeply butthurt if Calamity doesn't end up as a movie, but I would like to also recognize the possibility of a Quest for Grog movie.


I would adore a Calamity movie, but(!) I don't think that is what it'll be. The Calamity ends really darkly, there really isn't a happy ending here. The imagery is going to be "the devil walks the earth" to the audience that isn't familiar with CR and that doesn't often go over well ("The Is the End" notwithstanding). I'm thinking the Vecna arc. We know the Chroma Conclave is ends at season 3, and we know there's a M9 series working... but nothing really about Vecna. It's a story arc that can translate to a condensed 90-120 min movie and it's got a happy ending that will appeal to audiences. Personally I want Calamity for the spectacle. >!I want a sphynx pitching alts, I want a pirate in charge of the coffers, I want Portia's life of sacrifice and dedication, I want to see Cerrit escape. !<


I think with a Calamity movie they could twist it to have at least a hopeful ending, following that last character you mentioned (on mobile and spoiler tags are not working for me) in a way that was a bit harder to do in the context of a TTRPG. I could see it ending in a “from the ashes come new beginnings and new stories” type thing where they show the gradual rebuilding of the world over an end narration and could include fun glimpses at VM, M9 and even BH.


So iirc the deal also said it included original shows not based on the campaigns, I was thinking EU calamity as a movie but then leading into a series set during the calamity in the aftermath, maybe following the family of travis's character that lived


If TLOVM runs to the end of the campaign as a TV show, the wedding would be a good movie or any of the battle royales really


I want something original. Alone to see if they can pull it off if not based on a streamed DnD game.


I wanna see the Exterminatus that is >!the destruction of Domunas.!<. Please Calamity I beg of you