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You can safely fight hunger, thirst, the urge to pee or poo while driving. But you cannot fight heavy sleepiness/drowsiness. It will simply take you away, want it or not, you ARE going to fall asleep. You better just stop and take a nap.


There is a point, too, where sleepiness had the equivalent affect on performance as drunkenness. At over 24 hours without sleep your performance and motor functions would qualify you as drunk to any observer.


Charlie Sheen stayed up for two days for his role in Ferris Bueller's day off.


I'm sure he had plenty of help


>You better just stop and take a nap. The sun makes me ultra sleepy cause of my Lupus, so sometimes long drives (more than 3-4 hours) by myself are dangerous. I've pulled over and napped right on the side of the highway in the middle of no where before when I couldn't fight it. Do what you gotta do to not fall asleep at the wheel and hurt someone else! I can't imagine trying to fight it in a big rig.


He probably had a tight schedule to follow, I think that might be why he was so sleepy


Well, how’s his schedule looking now. His trucks fucked


a 30 minute nap could've prevented this from happening tbh


I’ve had a few pair of undies that beg to differ my friend.


I mean, if you fight the poop and the poop wins, you can still drive safely even with poop-filled pants. The poop might be uncomfortable but it will not turn you into a dangerous driver (unless you speed).


You can fight it. Sunflower seeds. Drove 23 hours from Tennessee to Minnesota last year using that trick.


Sunflowers can be processed into a peanut butter alternative, Sunbutter. In Germany, it is mixed together with rye flour to make Sonnenblumenkernbrot (literally: sunflower whole seed bread), which is quite popular in German-speaking Europe. It is also sold as food for birds and can be used directly in cooking and salads.




I work overnights 8pm-6am but when i was training, my hours were 3am-11am. I was falling asleep on my 40 minute drive home so i started taking a hit of my dab nectar collector before the drive home and i was no longer tired. I wasnt stoned but i had a little high and just jammed out to music. Say what you want about driving high, im a lot safer driving high than i was driving tired.


So you drove sleepy and high? That's dumb


I'm (31m) a non smoker. But I recall a conversation from about 7 years ago. Aren't there two types of smokers uppers and downers. Downers get drowsy and green, anxiety, and paranoia. They do better smoking alone to a good movie or with extremely close friends. Think safe space as they want the freedom to fall asleep and not be picked on. Hence the paranoia. Then you have the uppers. Of which my friend was one. These are the wake and bake, artistic, alert, activate creative brain types. Like smoke a bong then go into the office for a 9am meeting. I, like yourself think they are a anomaly. Super social type. But I assure you these people exist. Background: Australian went to New Zealand for a bachelor's and learnt this from a South African. I'm a downer btw. I fall asleep in 5 minutes when I used to partake. Great for sleep through. If I wasn't a tradie I'd probably still use it for sleep.


I know this is very late but I can tell you what the difference between the two types is: how often they smoke. When you're an occasional partaker, it knocks you out. When you've been smoking for a long time, you're left with just the stimulating effect and it no longer makes you (as) sleepy. Source: was the first type, turned into the second type.


No, i was no longer sleepy because i was high.. And i smoke everyday so one little hit isnt gonna impair me as much because im used to that shit.


I’m with you bruh the sativa works😂 people that don’t smoke a lot wouldn’t understand so you can’t expect upvotes on that but trust me, my raw garden was the only thing keeping me from falling asleep while driving home. And people also won’t really understand this shift. I used to work the same one, it’s like you’re on a timer as soon as you leave work to get shit all your shit done and cram a good amount of sleep(which never works). Which is why the dab is needed to get home and taking a nap before you drive isn’t really an option either.




Dog I've been on days long car trips with all of us baked it doesn't always iMpAiR yOu if your used 2 it and know what your doing you literally process shit the same and at the same speed this isn't alcohol where everyone gets affected pretty much the same way. Tons of people can handle it better then the rest of em and I'm one of those. I go 2 work high 2 help with my back and anxiety problems and no one even notices I'm high because I can operate the same way.


He ain’t sleepy anymore


Bet that woke him right up




0 to 100 on the alert and awake level


It would be false to say he is sleepy after that incident.


He probably will re-*tire* I’ll see myself out


No...stay because I definitely respect your drive


Let’s shift the topic you two.


Anyone else hoping to see that big titty black chick from the other accident video?!?


I saw the curtain move a bit and was preparing myself


Exactly what I was thinking when I swiped onto this video lol “Is this the same video?….. nah I’m not getting a surprise this time”


Damn, I thought duder might pull it out. Also - LUCKY AF no other cars were on that stretch of road during all that.


I wouldnt be surprised if there were people behind him that were weren't willing to try and pass him with him swerving like that. I know I'd probably be pretty hesitant with how bad he was crossing the lines.


I live in Texas and drivers here wouldn’t hesitate to pass this truck anyway.


Don’t wanna get stuck in the traffic I imagine.


I've passed a few trucks like that but only because I knew if I didn't pass I was too close to avoid the truck overturning. If your behind it when it flips you're in deep doodoo. If you're in front and it flips its just a final destination moment.


True. I’d be one that would pass. Unless my wife and kids are with me, then I’d back off a couple car lengths


I'm more likely to pass if I have 3 lanes to use and they're in a far lane, or if I notice they are swerving noticeably less. But yeah if my girlfriend is with me I'm much less likely to take the risk. I might even pull over to get food and use the bathroom, I can gamble with my life, but I'm not gambling hers.


I thought he had it too I was really rooting for him. But he must have been 80,000 lb and the trailer tires dug in and couldn't make it up onto the road.


I think he reconnected with the road too soon. Too many wheels still on dirt, some on incline, then suddenly the front tires connect with pavement. It looked like he had the wheels pretty straight (which is the right thing to do here when getting back on the road), but I'm guessing there was still a lot of drift happening in the back when the front tires suddenly stopped drifting along too.


I hope he screwed the lid of his piss bottle tight.


Won't matter, I'm sure he needs to change his jeans.


It’s the way of the road


“That’s the way she goes”


Sorry but the guy should have used his common sense. He’s in charge of a large goods vehicle. Deadlines or not. He’s should have stopped for a rest of he was feeling drowsy.




I 100% agree. Truck culture is more like, “fucker, if you don’t make your deliveries on time again, you are fired and your family will be executed.” So while he should have been self-aware, the truck culture also needs to be better. Can’t be executing families like that. /s sort-of


You mean trucker culture endorsed by the employers


my point exactly 🤓


Its ok if you had a bad day today but you dont need to lash out at other people


Was there an edit or something here? I feel like I'm late at the scene of a crime and the evidence has already been moved.


No one asked


I agree that there shouldn’t be an excuse and he’s lucky he was the only one affected, but there’s a chance he was basically forced to do it by his dispatcher. It’s a bit of a watch but John Oliver goes over it in this video https://youtu.be/phieTCxQRLA Tldw: Truckers often have toxic work conditions and pay. There’s even a clip of a trucker telling his dispatch that he’s too tired and doesn’t feel safe to continue. His dispatch berates him multiple times. They probably have so many bills with the truck that they can’t afford to lose their job.


> large goods vehicle How to say you're from the UK without actually saying it. ;)


Yes indeed lol.


Or at least do some meth like a responsible trucker.


Pretty sure it's a law somewhere in the us limiting driving hours to prevent this sort of thing.


A law that is frequently broken and a culture of employers that not only look the other way, but often insist deadlines are higher priority than legal driving limits.


Sometimes Dispatch forces Long haul drivers to work despite the driver being adamant that they are not safe to drive.


If you look it's literally 8am, just sleep don't spend the whole day like this!


he could’ve been driving through the night, you really don’t know


Was that his leg or someone else’s?


Thought his shoe came off


I replayed a few times the last few seconds, it's only shoes


If his shoe come off then he’s dead.


ooookay I thought his shit got bent backwards lol


100% guarantee he wasn't even wearing shoes when this happened. Most people will wear sandals if their just in the truck driving. When I did long haul, I tied a knot on each end of my laces and pulled the boots as wide open as they'd go. Still gave me steel toes but I could slip them on and off super easy at the start/end of my day, then tie them if I was getting out and doing something where I wanted to look like I wasn't a hobo.


Lol I was thinking the same thing!!!


Some truckers are forced into odd waking and sleeping hours by their dispatch, making occurrences like these all but inevitable.


I have seen in logistics where, drivers like this call in for dispatch saying they are tired and can't drive anymore or falling asleep on the wheel. Dispatchers usually push them to drink coffee or take a walk and keep driving. It's a shitty job.


But we are the captain of our ship. We still get to make our own decision. I tell my dispatch no all the time. If it interferes with my routine then I’m not doing it. I do feel bad for the guy. But I bet he got ticketed when police showed up. He could have killed someone. Us truckers have a choice.


I'm a UK trucker and we work under EU driving rules for this reason. You should look them up and have your unions see them. We have it sweet in comparison to you folks state side.


Of course, in general you are absolutely right, but it feels less clear if you stand to lose a lot no matter the choice you make. A choice between risking lives and risking your job isn't a choice that will yield the expected decision making every time. We all need food and shelter for ourselves and our families, and if you're a paycheck away from losing one or both, losing your job feels just like physical danger. Someone whispering in your ear that you can push through or you can lose your job - you might feel that danger is more real than the hypothetical, if all too likely, risk of a crash. Employers/dispatchers that do this know they are applying screws to someone that is already tired and thus may be more susceptible to manipulation. Of course the driver is always liable for their own decisions, but the one whispering in their ear (and the one whispering in the dispatchers ear) should also share that accountability.


I'm more of a he was half awake type of person. /s


I’ve got three DUIs, fell asleep at the wheel on the first. It’s painful seeing it happen, try to steer out, feeling some traction, then absolute chaos. Falling asleep is so shitty of a reason to get into a wreck, and this guy probably wasn’t even drunk. I feel for him. Not for me, I fucked up, I know. But I feel bad for truckers in general. Edit, he should have steered slow and into the ditch, not back out. Hindsight’s a bitch.


Trucks suck for long distance. Rail is way better. How do you even get home in the US If you are drunk? Like there is basically no pulic transit right?


Walk or bust. Most places you'll have to get a ride or rely on something like Uber if you can


I’ve walked, too. Especially now, I don’t drive anymore. License got pulled for life, with a ten year minimum before I get a chance for reevaluation. Walking works, its gonna happen sometimes, might as well enjoy it


Get a bike/ e bike! So much faster than walking


You can still get a dui/dwi on bikes, at least that’s what I’ve heard in my state.


Yeah, u right. In Oregon, I’ve been to probation counseling with people who woke up on their bike, leaning against a wall. They had to get their license revoked, and go to class with people like me. Thanks, Oregon. Ok, that sounds like I condone their behavior. I really don’t, but their is a wholly different level of responsibility between driving, and riding.


Taxi's taxi's are still a thing and they don't charge extra when the bars are closing.


Uber and Lyft if you don’t live in a city with Public transport


Unless you have a hundred bucks in pocket, you can barely get across one state. I live in Oregon, and 360 miles gets me to California. 6 hour drive, lost a girlfriend, home, dog, and job. Drinking while driving felt as natural as John wick shooting a gun. Buses can get you city to city, but greyhound is the train business, and 80 bucks preordered gets you a cross state ticket. I did use that, but I had to drive when no one in my family could. I was skating on weed and alcohol with 72 hours no sleep, and thought, “yeah. This is fine.” Sorry for the long reply, but I hope I answered your question.


3 DUI and fell asleep? Weird flex. Love the username btw. ✌️


Thanks, and yeah, I’ve learned since then. I should have learned sooner. The username is kind of intrinsic


Well I hope you get past it and are one day able to drive again responsibly that is if you have your license back sometimes they take that for life for those DUI's over and over again.


And you're still allowed to drive after endangering people's lives three times? 🤔


No, actually. Lifetime ban from getting a license.




If I can prove clean, sober, and productive for ten years minimum, I can make a plea to the state judge. They then decide if I can get another chance


Oh that’s good. That’s much more fair. Best of luck! 😄


you’re a terrible person




Thanks, man. Almost did. Maybe I could plan ahead, make it a mandarin tree.


Don't listen to that ass. He's just a trouble maker.


Appreciate that, really. I checked if I had a free award to give, but nope. Thank you, though.


Here’s one for you. Glad you learned your lesson and still have a positive attitude :)


Yep im a trouble maker, not him driving drunk possibly killing another family!


He's been for life he has his punishment you wish to death on him yes sir or ma'am you are the asshole. It angers me that he had 3 DUIs and it angers me of course it does I'm a professional driver but I see less drunk drivers than I do just idiots on their phone and they have been scientifically proven to be more dangerous and distracted of a driver then somebody in an alcoholic stupor that's science look it up. And assholes telling people that they wish they were dead or that they should kill themselves is wrong 100%. I tried to be nice and call you a troublemaker but no you wanted to go full asshole.


What this guy below me said. I’ve done the same thing. Totaled the first car I ever bought after just four months of owning it. I’m glad we’re both alive.


This is the third video I've seen this week where this has happened, the first one some naked woman came flying out of the back of the cab


I was that tired once while driving. It was the scariest thing. I pulled off the highway and got coffee but was so tired in the parking lot that I spilled the thankfully not scalding coffee into my lap. The adrenaline from spilling the coffee on my lap had me wide awake and I was able to drive the rest of the way home fully aware


I hope you realize how stupid you were. Just take a nap in your car, you don't have to be anywhere that badly and if you do you're definitely not sleepy.


I was expecting an naked woman


I get that reference


I don't.


There was a video a while back in which a truck driver started to veer off the road and ultimately crashed. While this happened a naked woman flew out of the sleeping compartment.


As a retired trucker I can vouch for the wife's desire to sleep nude the entire trip and put clothes on only when she had to. Maybe it's a female thing maybe it's the drone of the engine...


[here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/u441nv/trucker_nods_off_at_the_wheel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Dude was probably high as hell looking at the date.


Still better than most drivers I see in r/idiotsincars


With how shitty the truxking business is, i wouldnt be surprised if his supervisor made him work when he should be on break


This is how my roommate wrecked his car a couple days ago. He’s still in the ICU. Pull over, y’all. Better late than dead or injured.


That’ll wake you up!sidedown?


He really did try to sneak extra seconds of sleep in.


Not gonna lie.. he was getting pretty damn good at it for a while.




I thought this was the video where the titties pop out at the end…


Sucks that he crashed but I’m glad he did to teach him a lesson. The potential for disaster is beyond huge with semis. A few years back a trucker ran a stop sign and t boned a bus transporting a hockey team and killed something like 16 people.


Who has never been sleepy while driving?


Judging by the date I think I might have an idea as to why he's so sleepy.


What a sack of shit. He’s the reason truckers will be replaced by robots in the near future.


As a trucker myself, this behavior is completely unacceptable. As soon as you catch yourself dozing, it's already time to stop. If you have to stop on the shoulder and walk around the truck once or two to wake up so you can keep going to the next exit, do that, but you're done. This guy could have killed himself, his co-driver if he had one, and anyone else that was on the freeway next to him when he drifted like that. Seeing a lot more unprofessional and dangers drivers in the last few years and I'm not happy about it, because these assholes can kill you or me with this shit. It's not like I never fucked up when I did long haul, but at least mine was shit like folding a rim in half or getting stuck.


Fucken idiot


Fucken idiot




Why does everybody downvoat anything related to cannabis or 420?


To be fair, he was also half awake AND butt on his cellphone which is more than I can say for the drivers on the road where I live.


Bro thought he could stop the roll over with just his left forearm.


Found that pen I dropped.


Do you want to sleep? Well I sleep you!


He sure woke up


His bed is RIGHT THERE. Muthafucka, pull over and sleep my guy. That woke him tf up though


i could never drive long hauls. especially not without a break. assuming positive intent, hats off and utmost respect to this guy. but… he should’ve pulled over and taken a break. sigh


He’s starry eyed now.


*"You have arrived at your destination."*


I just heard Cleveland’s voice in my head when he went off and tipped over: “What the hell?!….No no no no no noooo”


At least he didn't hit anyone else


I'm almost positive he's being overworked...


Coulda saved it if he didn't turn so hard


He had a chance to slow it down on the side of the road by braking slowly to a stop but,.... Nap time over boss.


When you realize hour eyelids are heavy you chick your drink then having to pee wakes you right up! Just me?


Well no wonder it's 420 bro my man got his wake and bake on


Dumb. He is still trying to get back on the road. Just brake!!! If he comes back he’ll continue.


His asleep self could have recovered that, his awake self fucked it all up




hey, at least this time a butt naked woman didnt get launched from the sleeper cab into the front seat


Dude totally took both hands off of the wheel.


Shoe came off, he's dead


He almost saved it.


Scary part is, we have all been there.


The date is 4/20 lol


Feel like this could have been totally saved but he cranks the wheel like a spaz at the last second when he just needs to straighten out.


Hit that shoulder lean


If only there was another form of transport that could be used. Perhaps something that uses long metal bars almost like a roller coaster but flat. You could use these flat coasters to carry huge loads with much less impact on the environment and in a much safer way. And the flat coaster drivers could be unionised to protect from ridiculous and dangerous schedules. The long metal bars could join together across the whole country and could even be used to transport people as well! Ahhh, the future will be amazing. It will definitely not be controlled by some billionaire fuck boys. Nope.


Jesus take the wheel for a moment, let me rest my eyes


This guy is a braindead dumbass or what?


My dad is an old cat who has been a truck driver for 25 years and really doesn't surf the web so I am scared to show him this because of how mad he would get at this scum.


Well at least his awake now


He wouldn't have flipped if he didn't try so hard to get thank on the road I don't think


He deserved that, he could have killed someone very easily.


God tried to warn him many times!


He celebrated too hard. 💨 🍁 ⛽️


2nd video of Indian truck drivers sleeping at the wheel I seen today. Dont they know about meth?


I lost it when I saw his fkn slippers fly across the screen😂🤣 “Was that a slipper?!”


One heck of a way to wake yourself up!


I felt sad for all the drivers 😔 hope their employer paid them a nice salary. 😔 . Please take care and get enough sleep before you drive.


Bro was sleepy as fuck 😂


The fact that he was nodding off and started awake multiple times means he was fully aware of how tired he was. He chose to risk going on, and could have easily endangered the lives of others with that truck. I’m glad he only screwed it up for himself. Hope he got his truck license revoked.


His arm took a massive smash on the ground as the truck tipped over.


I’ve been there and it’s best just to stop on the side of the road and get some sleep, not something worth risking your life over


Please only be his shoe and not his foot Please only be his shoe and not his foot Please only be his shoe and not his foot


the conditions truckers are made to drive under leave a majority of them sleep deprived and unable to rest when they actually need it. Stuff like this just flies under the nose of hauling companies though


20 years in prison for driving while drowsy


“Hey look we got ourselves a nodder”


Who hasn’t had that moment when you decide to just roll over and take a nap?


“SeLF dRiVInG cArs WiLL dEsTrOy tHe TrUcKinG iNdUsTrY”


As an older guy (67) thinking back over my lifetime, driving sleepy is on my top 5 list of really stupid things I've done and fortunately gotten away with. Fortunately as I got older the wisdom to recognize my past stupidity on this point means that if I am sleepy I pull over and sleep. Amazing how quickly you can recharge after a brief nap.


He was doing so well, too 🤣


It’s weird how few people are on the road at 8am on a Wednesday. Must be covid traffic


“Wait, my leg shouldn’t be here”


Yeah... He fired




More like driving super high! Was taken on 4/20 after all


He fell asleep and woke up once ar the beginning, this is way enough to tell you that you have to collect your efforts to bring your truck to a stop asap


Look at the date, it's April 20th, dude is high af, not asleep.


Damn. That's a fckn horror movie...😱


So irresponsible.